新鮮如同清晨甘露 Fresh As The Dew Of The Morning Alice Hawthorne CCLI #


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Presentation transcript:

新鮮如同清晨甘露 Fresh As The Dew Of The Morning Alice Hawthorne CCLI #1133585

新鮮如同清晨甘露 帶來暢爽的甘美 基督藉祂溫情恩膏 柔聲細語的安慰 1. 新鮮如同清晨甘露 Fresh As The Dew Of The Morning 新鮮如同清晨甘露 Fresh as the dew of the morning 帶來暢爽的甘美 Bringing a sweet rest unheard 基督藉祂溫情恩膏 Christ, in the gentle anointing, 柔聲細語的安慰 Whispers His comforting word 1 of 9 CCLI # 1133585

站住,直到試煉過去 站住,直到風波平 站住,為著神的榮耀 站住,與主同得勝 新鮮如同清晨甘露 Fresh As The Dew Of The Morning 站住,直到試煉過去 Stand till the trial is over 站住,直到風波平 Stand till the tempest is gone 站住,為著神的榮耀 Stand for the glory of Jesus 站住,與主同得勝 Stand till the kingdom is won 2 of 9 CCLI # 1133585

In Thy presence rejoice 新鮮如同清晨甘露 Fresh As The Dew Of The Morning 盼望之主 Lord of all hope 祢的聲音何甜! O how sweet is Thy voice 在祢面前 Making my heart 我心因此暢歡! In Thy presence rejoice 3 of 9 CCLI # 1133585

如果在我苦煉之中 我靈我心皆衰弱 信心和那盼望之星 也都退落不閃爍 2. 新鮮如同清晨甘露 Fresh As The Dew Of The Morning 如果在我苦煉之中 If in the test of my trouble 我靈我心皆衰弱 Faint be my spirit and heart 信心和那盼望之星 Faith, with the star of hope glimmering 也都退落不閃爍 Shall all be taken apart 4 of 9 CCLI # 1133585

願祢信心和祢能力 盡其全力抓住我 使你所有榮耀豐富 我可無間的嘗著 新鮮如同清晨甘露 Fresh As The Dew Of The Morning 願祢信心和祢能力 May then Thy faith with Thy life-pow’r 盡其全力抓住我 Over me hold its full sway 使你所有榮耀豐富 That all Thy riches of glory 我可無間的嘗著 Now I may share and for aye 5 of 9 CCLI # 1133585

In Thy presence rejoice 新鮮如同清晨甘露 Fresh As The Dew Of The Morning 盼望之主 Lord of all hope 祢的聲音何甜! O how sweet is Thy voice 在祢面前 Making my heart 我心因此暢歡! In Thy presence rejoice 6 of 9 CCLI # 1133585

主像清晨放明日光 驅盡所有的黑暗 並且用祢醫治光線 使我黑暗變中天 3. 新鮮如同清晨甘露 Fresh As The Dew Of The Morning 主像清晨放明日光 Lord, as the morning sun dawning 驅盡所有的黑暗 Chase all my darkness away 並且用祢醫治光線 And with Thy kind wings of healing 使我黑暗變中天 Turn all my night into day 7 of 9 CCLI # 1133585

安慰之主,求祢就來 來到憂苦疲倦心 祢這有福榮耀盼望 哦,來與我永親近 新鮮如同清晨甘露 Fresh As The Dew Of The Morning 安慰之主,求祢就來 Come Thou, O come, Lord of Comfort 來到憂苦疲倦心 Come to my sad, weary heart 祢這有福榮耀盼望 Come, O Thou blest hope of glory 哦,來與我永親近 Never, O never depart 8 of 9 CCLI # 1133585

In Thy presence rejoice 新鮮如同清晨甘露 Fresh As The Dew Of The Morning 盼望之主 Lord of all hope 祢的聲音何甜! O how sweet is Thy voice 在祢面前 Making my heart 我心因此暢歡! In Thy presence rejoice 新鮮如同清晨甘露 Fresh As The Dew Of The Morning CCLI # 1133585 9 of 9 CCLI # 1133585