到各山嶺 去傳揚 越過山崗 到各地方 到各山嶺去傳揚 說基督已降生 Go, tell it on the moun-tain,


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O Come, All Ye Faithful (Verse 1) 齊來,信主聖徒
Presentation transcript:

到各山嶺 去傳揚 越過山崗 到各地方 到各山嶺去傳揚 說基督已降生 Go, tell it on the moun-tain, 到各山嶺去傳揚 Go, Tell It on the Mountains 到各山嶺 去傳揚 Go, tell it on the moun-tain, 越過山崗 到各地方 O-ver the hills and ev-ery-where; 到各山嶺去傳揚 說基督已降生 Go, tell it on the moun-tain That Jesus Christ is born! 1-1. 1/7 教會聖詩#137

有牧羊人在野地 夜間看守群羊 忽然自天上照耀 極聖潔的亮光 1-2. 有牧羊人在野地 夜間看守群羊 While shep-herds kept their watch-ing O’er si-lent flocks by night 忽然自天上照耀 極聖潔的亮光 Be-hold through-out the heav-ens There shone a ho-ly light. 2/7

到各山嶺 去傳揚 越過山崗 到各地方 到各山嶺去傳揚 說基督已降生 Go, tell it on the moun-tain, 2 到各山嶺 去傳揚 Go, tell it on the moun-tain, 越過山崗 到各地方 O-ver the hills and ev-ery-where; 到各山嶺去傳揚 說基督已降生 Go, tell it on the moun-tain That Jesus Christ is born! 2-1. 3/7

牧羊人心裡戰兢 但聞天使歌聲 歡呼讚美聲嘹亮 救主今夜降生 The shep-herds feared and trem-bled 2-2. 牧羊人心裡戰兢 但聞天使歌聲 The shep-herds feared and trem-bled When lo! A-bove the earth, 歡呼讚美聲嘹亮 救主今夜降生 Rang out the an-gels cho-rus That hailed the Sav-ior’s birth. 4/7

到各山嶺 去傳揚 越過山崗 到各地方 到各山嶺去傳揚 說基督已降生 Go, tell it on the moun-tain, 3 到各山嶺 去傳揚 Go, tell it on the moun-tain, 越過山崗 到各地方 O-ver the hills and ev-ery-where; 到各山嶺去傳揚 說基督已降生 Go, tell it on the moun-tain That Jesus Christ is born! 3-1. 5/7

卑微低賤的馬棚 救主基督降生 帶來救恩好福音 主將生人蒙恩 3-2. 卑微低賤的馬棚 救主基督降生 Down in a low-ly manger The hum-ble Christ was born 帶來救恩好福音 主將生人蒙恩 And brought us God’s sal-va-tion That bless-èd Christ-mas morn. 6/7

*到各山嶺 去傳揚 越過山崗 到各地方 到各山嶺去傳揚 說基督已降生 Go, tell it on the moun-tain, O-ver the hills and ev-ery-where; 到各山嶺去傳揚 說基督已降生 Go, tell it on the moun-tain That Jesus Christ is born! 3-3. 7/7