讓讚美飛揚 (Let Praise Arise) 在這美麗的時候 我們相聚在一起 神的愛擁抱著我們 神的靈充滿這地


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Presentation transcript:

讓讚美飛揚 (Let Praise Arise) 在這美麗的時候 我們相聚在一起 神的愛擁抱著我們 神的靈充滿這地 In this wonderful moment We gather together With God’s love embracing us With His spirit filling us.

當稱謝進入他的門 當讚美進入他的院 擊鼓跳舞揚聲歡呼 凡有氣息的都要讚美他 Enter His door with thanksgiving Enter His courts with praises Dancing, singing with drums out loud, Let e-v’ry-thing praise the Lord.

讓讚美從四處響起 讓音符在空中飛舞 讓我們的心向神敞開 Let praises rise from e-v’ry-where Let music dance in the air And let our hearts open wide to our Lord.

讓讚美從四處響起 讓音符在空中飛舞 讓我們的心向神敞開 Let praises rise from e-v’ry-where Let music dance in the air And let our hearts open wide to our Lord.