Jesus, keep me near the cross. There a precious fountain,


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Presentation transcript:

Jesus, keep me near the cross. There a precious fountain, 求主使我靠十架,在彼有生命水; Jesus, keep me near the cross. There a precious fountain, 寶血由十架流下,白白賜人洗罪. Free to all, a healing stream, Flows from Calvary’s mountain.

Till my raptured soul shall find S198 十字架 Refrain 十字架,十字架,永是我的榮耀, In he cross, in the cross Be my glory ever 我眾罪都洗清潔,唯靠耶穌寶血. Till my raptured soul shall find Rest beyond the river

At the cross I stood one day. Love and mercy found me 祂賜我聖靈亮光,照亮我的心田. 我來到主十架前,蒙救主的愛憐; At the cross I stood one day. Love and mercy found me 祂賜我聖靈亮光,照亮我的心田. There the bright and morning star Shed its beams around me.

Till my raptured soul shall find S198 十字架 Refrain 十字架,十字架,永是我的榮耀, In he cross, in the cross Be my glory ever 我眾罪都洗清潔,唯靠耶穌寶血. Till my raptured soul shall find Rest beyond the river

Near the cross! O Lamb of God, Bring its scenes before me; 求主使我依十架,思念昔日情景; Near the cross! O Lamb of God, Bring its scenes before me; 常在十架蔭庇下,緊緊跟主前行. Help me walk from day to day With its shadow over me.

Till my raptured soul shall find S198 十字架 Refrain 十字架,十字架,永是我的榮耀, In he cross, in the cross Be my glory ever 我眾罪都洗清潔,唯靠耶穌寶血. Till my raptured soul shall find Rest beyond the river

Near the cross I will watch and wait Hoping, trusting ever, 儆醒等候十架前,盼望信心加增; Near the cross I will watch and wait Hoping, trusting ever, 直到走完世路程,天家永享安穩. Till I reach the golden strand Just beyond the river

Till my raptured soul shall find S198 十字架 Refrain 十字架,十字架,永是我的榮耀, In he cross, in the cross Be my glory ever 我眾罪都洗清潔,唯靠耶穌寶血. Till my raptured soul shall find Rest beyond the river