伊甸 Eden 當光明衝破黑暗 在人心未敗壞以前 只有你也只有我 我心是如此純真 因我單單只需認識你 我們同奔逐在樹蔭下


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Presentation transcript:

伊甸 Eden 當光明衝破黑暗 在人心未敗壞以前 只有你也只有我 我心是如此純真 因我單單只需認識你 我們同奔逐在樹蔭下 When the first light brightened the dark, before the breaking of the human heart 只有你也只有我 There was You and there was me                      我心是如此純真 因我單單只需認識你 Innocence was all I knew, 'cuz all I had to know was You 我們同奔逐在樹蔭下 We were running underneath the trees

我渴望與你面對面 只想永永遠遠 被你擁在懷裡 我渴望能回到從前 我渴望回到伊甸 I wanna see You face to face When being in Your arms is the permanent state 我渴望能回到從前 I want it like it was back then 我渴望回到伊甸 I wanna be in Eden

坦然無懼不再羞恥 甘美的靈雨 恢復我童心 我渴望能回到從前 我渴望回到伊甸 To be naked and unashamed In a sweet down pour of innocent rain 我渴望能回到從前 I want it like it was back then 我渴望回到伊甸 I wanna be in Eden 3

還記得你曾呼喚我 我就與你相會在花園 你的愛奇妙燦爛 還記得當星辰初設 你向我吹生之氣 我整個人 就活過來 I remember how You'd call my name, and I would meet you at the garden gate 你的愛奇妙燦爛 How the glory of Your love would shine 還記得當星辰初設 I still remember when the stars were young 你向我吹生之氣 You breathed life into my lungs 我整個人 就活過來 Oh, I've never felt so alive

在那裡我眼能看見你榮耀 我手伸出就觸摸到天堂 喔我神 我想和你在一起 Where my eyes can see the colors of glory 我手伸出就觸摸到天堂 My hands can reach the heaven before me 喔我神 我想和你在一起 Oh, my God, I wanna be there with You

在那裡我們將自由地奔放 你愛也將永遠地得勝 喔我神 我想和你在一起 Where our hearts will beat with joy together 你愛也將永遠地得勝 And love will reign forever and ever 喔我神 我想和你在一起 Oh, my God, I wanna be there with You 6