原作:爸爸王 背景音樂: Tennessee Waltz 改編:捕頭 95.12
I was dancing with my darling 延年益壽十則
一句箴言 to the Tennessee Waltz
When an old friend I happened to see 天下沒有偷懶可得的健康 When an old friend I happened to see
I introduced her to my loved one 二句話 I introduced her to my loved one
And while they were dancing 對於以往不愉快的事及逆境 不發牢騷,不念舊惡 And while they were dancing
My friend stole my sweetheart from me 對於未來的日子沒有奢望 但求平安幸福
三養 I remember the night
保養,營養,修養 and the Tennessee Waltz
四忘 Now I know just how much I have lost
忘記年齡,忘記錢財 忘記子孫,忘記煩惱 Yes, I lost my little darling
五福 the night they were playing
有健康身體謂之福, 有興趣讀書謂之福, 有知己好友謂之福, 有人惦念你謂之福, 做自己喜歡做的事謂之福。 The beautiful Tennessee Waltz
一喜退而不休,二喜兒女獨立, 三喜無欲則剛,四喜問心無愧, 五喜好友甚多,六喜心情不老。
知足常樂,閒中作樂, 自得其樂,及時行樂, 助人為樂,行善是樂, 平安最樂。
嘴巴甜一點,腦筋活一點, 脾氣小一點,度量大一點, 心放寬一點,做事多一點, 說話輕一點,微笑多一點。
九常 I was dancing with my darling
齒常叩,津常咽,鼻常揉, 眼常動,面常搓,足常磨, 腹常旋,肢常伸,肛常提。 to the Tennessee Waltz
健康十則 When an old friend I happened to see
少肉多菜 I introduced her to my loved one
少鹽多醋 And while they were dancing
少糖多果 My friend stole my sweetheart from me
少食多嚼 I remember the night
少衣多浴 and the Tennessee Waltz
少言多做 Now I know just how much I have lost
少欲多施,少憂多眠 Yes, I lost my little darling
少車多行 the night they were playing
少氣多笑 The beautiful Tennessee Waltz