The Heavenly Kingdom People’s View of Wealth Management


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Presentation transcript:

The Heavenly Kingdom People’s View of Wealth Management 天國子民的理財觀 The Heavenly Kingdom People’s View of Wealth Management

1. 管家的身分 As a Steward (馬太福音 Matthew 6:24, 路加 Luke 16:13,1) - 一個人,一個僕人,一個管家 A man, a servant, a steward (manager) - 管理主人的產業 Managing the Master’s property - 要忠心 Be faithful

2. 作事聰明 Deal shrewdly (路加福音 Luke 16:8-9) - 藉不義的錢財結交朋友 make friends by unrighteous mammon - 接到永存的帳幕裡去 that you may be received into an everlasting home

3. 今世的事/永存帳幕的事 Things of this world/things of the everlasting home - 最小的事/大事 what is least/much (路加福音 Luke 16:10) - 不義的錢財/真實的 unrighteous mammon/the true (11) - 別人的東西/自己的 what is another man’s/ what is your own (12)

4. 眼睛要瞭亮 Your eye is good (single) (馬太 Matthew 6:22) - 只能事奉一位主 you can serve only one master (24) - 單一仰望耶和華我們的神 our eyes look to the LORD our God only (詩篇 Psalms123:2) - 全身就光明 your whole body will be full of light (馬太 Matthew 6:22-23)

5. 富有的愚人的譬喻 The parable of the rich fool (路加福音 Luke 12:16-21) - 為自己積攢財寶在地上 lay up for yourselves treasures on earth - 在神面前卻不富足 but you are not rich toward God (21)

- 要積攢財寶在天上 lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven (馬太 Matthew 6:20;6:4; 19:21; 行傳 Acts 11:29; 腓立比 Phil. 4:16) - 財寶在哪裡,心也在哪裡 where your treasure is, there your heart will be also (馬太 Matthew 6:21)