Unit 8 The Dragon Boat Festival. Part E&F


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 8 The Dragon Boat Festival. Part E&F 湘少版六年级英语下册 Unit 8 The Dragon Boat Festival. Part E&F 执教者:雷小华(Vivio) 呈送单位:临武县三完小

Contents Let’s sing a song Let’s look and say Let’s look and write Consolidation

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Task 1(任务一): A Dragon Boat Race in Hainan(海南) If you are Peter/Tim or Susan, tell your partners about the Dragon Boat Race.(假设自己是Peter,Tim 或者 Susan,向大家介绍观看龙舟赛的经历.) 1.This is a Dragon Boat Race in ___________. 2.This is me(_________). These are my friends ________ and ____________. 3.There are______ dragon boats in the river. 4. I find It’s very ______________. … Peter Tim Susan Hainan four interesting next back

Chairman Mao(毛主席)Shaoshan(韶山) 1.This is Chairman Mao’s birthplace in Shaoshan. 2.Chairman Mao is loved by the Chinese people. next back

A. make some sentences (说句子) 1.这是周怡的出生地临武。 2.这是邝珊珊的出生地临武。 Task 2(任务二) : A. make some sentences (说句子) 1.这是周怡的出生地临武。 2.这是邝珊珊的出生地临武。 3.这是我们的出生地临武。 4.习近平主席被中国人喜爱。 5.喜羊羊被孩子们喜爱。 6.罗艳芬老师被孩子们喜爱。 7.这是欧阳海的出生地桂阳,欧阳海被中国人喜爱。 B. Choose one and tell something about the famous people.(选名人,谈名人) next back

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Cai Lun(蔡伦)Guiyang (桂阳) This is Cai Lun’s birthplace in Guiyang. 2.Cai Lun is loved by the Chinese people. back next

Liu Shaoqi(刘少奇)Ningxiang 宁乡 1.This is Liu Shaoqi’s birthplace in Ningxiang. 2.Liu Shaoqi is loved by the Chinese people. next back

Qi Baishi(齐白石)Xiangtan(湘潭) 1.This is Qi Baishi ’s birthplace in Xiangtan. 2.Qi Baishi is loved by the Chinese people. next back

Lei Feng(雷锋)Wangcheng (望城) 1.This is Lei Feng’s birthplace in Wangcheng. 2.Lei Feng is loved by the Chinese people. next back

Liu Xuan(刘璇)Changsha(长沙) 1.This is Liu Xuan ’s birthplace in Xiangtan. 2.Liu Xuan is loved by the Chinese people. next back

Tian Han(田汉)Changsha(长沙) 1.This is Tian Han’s birthplace in Changsha. 2.Tian Han is loved by the Chinese people. next back

Song Zuying(宋祖英)Xiangxi(湘西) 1.This is Song Zuying ’s birthplace in Xiangtan. 2.Song Zuying is loved by the Chinese people. next back

He Jiong(何炅)Changsha(长沙) 1.This is He Jiong ’s birthplace in Xiangtan. 2.He Jiong is loved by the Chinese people. next back

看名人图片,在横线上写下名人的相关信息。 Task 3( 任务三): Open your book to page 42,write down something about the famous people. 看名人图片,在横线上写下名人的相关信息。 next back

Tell something about famous people around you.(谈谈身旁的名人,比如你的同学,你的老师。) Free talk (自由交谈): Tell something about famous people around you.(谈谈身旁的名人,比如你的同学,你的老师。) You can say like this:(可以像这样说:) He/She is …. This is …’s birthplace in …. … is good at …. … is loved by the Chinese people. … next back

relations or friends using the sentences Homework: Tell something about one of your relations or friends using the sentences Of Part F, and try to write down. next back

Thank you for listening! Goodbye! back