第二章 微生物的形态和构造(一) 原核微生物


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第二章 微生物的形态和构造(一) 原核微生物 第二章 微生物的形态和构造(一) 原核微生物 第一节 细菌 第二节 放线菌 第三节 支原体、衣原体和立克次氏体 第四节 蓝细菌

原核细胞和真核细胞的区别 分布在细胞质中,沉降系数为70S 分布在内质网膜上,沉降系数为80S 原核细胞 真核细胞 细胞核 有明显核区,无核膜、核仁 有核膜,核仁 细胞器 无线粒体,能量代谢和许多物质代谢在质膜上进行 有线粒体,能量代谢和许多合成代谢在线粒体中进行 核糖体 分布在细胞质中,沉降系数为70S 分布在内质网膜上,沉降系数为80S 原核细胞 真核细胞

第一节 细菌—Bacteria 定义:细菌是一类细胞细而短(细胞直径约0.5um,长度约0.5~5um)、结构简单、细胞壁坚韧、以二等分裂方式繁殖和水生性较强的原核微生物。 生存环境:温暖潮湿、富含有机物的地方,都有大量细菌活动。有特殊的臭味或酸败味,发粘、发滑。 应用:工业上生产各种氨基酸、核苷酸、酶制剂、乙醇、丙酮、丁醇、有机酸、抗生素等;农业上用作杀虫菌剂、细菌肥料的生产和在沼气发酵、饲料青贮等方面的应用;医药上如各种菌苗、类毒素、代血浆和许多医用酶类的生产等;以及细菌在环保和国防上的应用等,都是利用有益细菌活动的例子。 危害:人、动物、植物的传染病、食物和工农业产品腐烂变质。 定义:细菌是一类细胞细而短(细胞直径约0.5um,长度约0.5~5um)、结构简单、细胞壁坚韧、以二等分裂方式繁殖和水生性较强的原核微生物。 生存环境:温暖潮湿、富含有机物的地方,都有大量细菌活动。有特殊的臭味或酸败味,发粘、发滑。 应用:工业上生产各种氨基酸、核苷酸、酶制剂、乙醇、丙酮、丁醇、有机酸、抗生素等;农业上用作杀虫菌剂、细菌肥料的生产和在沼气发酵、饲料青贮等方面的应用;医药上如各种菌苗、类毒素、代血浆和许多医用酶类的生产等;以及细菌在环保和国防上的应用等,都是利用有益细菌活动的例子。 危害:人、动物、植物的传染病、食物和工农业产品腐烂变质。

一、细菌细胞的形态与排列状态 ⊕ ★ Bacterial cell shapes The most common bacterial shapes are RODS, COCCI, and SPIRAL. However, within each of these groups are hundreds of unique variations. Rods may be long, short, thick, thin, have rounded or pointed ends, thicker at one end than the other etc. Cocci may be large, small, or oval shaped to various degrees. Spiral shaped bacteria may be fat, thin, loose spirals or very tight spirals. The GROUP ASSOCIATIONS of microbes, both in liquid on solid medium, are also defining. Bacteria may exists mainly as single cells or as common grouping such as chains, uneven clusters, pairs, tetrads, octads and other packets. They may exist as masses embedded within a capsule. There are square bacteria, star-shaped bacteria, stalked bacteria, budding bacteria that grow in net-like arrangements and many other morphologies. When observing bacteria one should describe as many of these characteristics as possible. Consider how you would describe a BLIND DATE to a friend. 数量:杆菌最为常见,球菌其次,螺旋菌较少。 ⊕

Bacterial shape examined microscopically The Figure below shows four of the common and characteristic shapes of bacteria: cocci (spherical), rods, vibrio (comma shaped) and spiral. Cocci. The organism shown (top left) is Micrococcus luteus, which forms tetrads due to regular alternation of the plane of cell division. Micrococcus species are commonly associated with the skin. Staphylococcus species also are common on the skin, and S. aureus causes boils or, occasionally, more serious infections. Streptococcus species also are common but typically form chains of cells because they divide in a single plane. Streptococcus mutans commonly grows on tooth enamel and contributes to tooth decay (dental caries). Rods. The organism shown (top right) is Bacillus cereus, a common inhabitant of soil but also found on many food products. All Bacillus species produce endospores, seen in various stages of development in the photograph; eventually they are released when the cells lyse. B. cereus causes a relatively mild food poisoning, especially on reheated fried rice in take-away food outlets. The spores can resist destruction during cooking and can then germinate if the cooked food is not refrigerated. Two toxins are formed: one is heat-stable, is produced during sporulation and causing vomiting; the other is heat-labile, is produced during exponential growth and causes diarrhoea. Vibrio. The organism shown (bottom left) is Vibrio alginolyticus, an agar-degrading species found in marine environments. The organisms in the photograph are clustered together in an extracellular polysaccharide (slime) that they synthesized, and many of them are dividing so they are seen in pairs. The best-known species of Vibrio is V. cholerae which causes cholera, a severe diarrhoeal disease resulting from a toxin produced by bacterial growth in the gut. Spiral. The organism shown (bottom right) is a species of Rhodospirillum, one of the purple non-sulphur bacteria (see Winogradsky column). Typically, these bacteria grow in shallow anaerobic organic-rich pools, obtaining energy from light reactions but using organic substances such as acetate for cellular synthesis. [Organisms of this type are termed photoheterotrophs]. However, they can also photosyntheize in anaerobic conditions, obtaining energy from light and fixing carbon dioxide into cellular materials. Rhodospirillum swims in a corkscrew manner, by means of its polar flagella. Other spiral-shaped bacteria include the spirochaetes, such as Treponema pallidum which causes syphilis. However spirochaetes have a different type of motility from that of the common spiral bacteria.

Bacterial shape

球菌(coccus)及其排列状态 单球菌、双球菌、链球菌、四联球菌、八叠球菌、葡萄球菌等。 菌体呈球形或近似球形,以典型的二分裂殖方式繁殖,分裂后产生的新细胞常保持一定的空间排列方式.根据细胞分裂的方向及分裂后的各子细胞的空间排列状态不同,可将球菌分为以下几种: 单球菌、双球菌、链球菌、四联球菌、八叠球菌、葡萄球菌等。 Spherical is called coccus. 常见菌种:Micrococcus ureae(尿素小球菌)、Diplococcus pneumoniae(肺炎双球菌)、Streptococcus lactis(乳链球菌)、S.faecalis(粪链球菌)、S.hemolyticus(溶血链球菌)、Micrococcus tetragenus(四联小球菌)、Sacina lutea(藤黄八叠球菌)、Staphylococcus aureus(金黄色葡萄球菌)等。

单球菌: 细胞分裂沿一个平面进行,新个体分散而单独存在. 如尿素微球菌(Micrococcus ureae)

双球菌: 细胞沿一个平面分裂,新个体成对排列. 如肺炎双球菌 (Diplococcus pneumoniae) Division along the same plane forms chains; 2 cocci together - Diplococcus .  4 - 20 in chains - Streptococcus.

链球菌: 细胞沿一个平面进行分裂,新个体不但可保持成对的样子,并可连成链状. 如: 乳链球菌 (Streptococcus lactis) 无乳链球菌(Streptococcus agalactiae) 溶血链球菌 ( Streptococcus hemolyticus) 链的长短往往具种的 特性。 ◆Spherical is called coccus. ◆Division along the same plane forms chains; 2 cocci together - Diplococcus .  ◆4 - 20 in chains - Streptococcus.

四联球菌: 细胞分裂是沿两个相垂直的平面进行,分裂后每四个细胞特征性地连在一起,呈田字形. 如四联微球菌 (Micrococcus tetragenus) Division along 2 different planes - Tetrads

八叠球菌: 细胞按三个互相垂直的平面进行分裂后,每八个球菌特征性地连在一起成立方体形. 如藤黄八叠球菌 (Sarcina ureae) Division along 3 planes regularly - Sarcinae

葡萄球菌: 细胞无定向分裂,多个新个体形成一个不规则的群体,犹如一串葡萄。 如: 金黄色葡萄球菌(Staphylococcus aureus) 白色葡萄球菌(Staphylcoccus albus) ◆Division along 3 planes regularly - Sarcinae ◆ Division along 3 planes irregularly - Staphylococci

杆菌(bacillus)及其排列状态 梭状芽孢杆菌 长杆菌 短杆菌 杆菌是细菌中种类最多的类型,因菌种不同,菌体细胞的长短、粗细等都有所差异。 杆菌的形态:短杆状、长杆状、棒杆状、梭状杆状、月亮状、竹节状等;按杆菌细胞繁殖后的排列方式则有链状、栅状、“八”字状等。 一般情况下,同一种杆菌的宽度比较稳定,但它的长度经常随培养时间、培养条件的不同而有较大的变化。 Rod shape is called Bacillus. ◆ Two bacilli together - Diplobacilli ◆Chains of bacilli are called Streptobacilli ◆ Palisades - Rods side by side or in X, V or Y figures 梭状芽孢杆菌 长杆菌 短杆菌

Scanning electron m icrographs illustrating external features of the rod-shaped bacterium E. coli.

杆菌(bacillus)及其排列状态—2 按杆菌细胞的排列方式则有链状、栅状、“八”字状以及有鞘衣的丝状等。 ◆Rod shape is called Bacillus. ◆ Two bacilli together - Diplobacilli ◆Chains of bacilli are called Streptobacilli ◆ Palisades - Rods side by side or in X, V or Y figures 按杆菌细胞的排列方式则有链状、栅状、“八”字状以及有鞘衣的丝状等。

杆菌端部特征 Rod-Shaped Bacterium, hemorrhagic E. coli, strain 0157:H7 常见菌种:Escherichia coli(大肠杆菌)、Bacillus subtilis(枯草芽孢杆菌)、Corynebacterium pekinensis(北京棒杆菌)等。 (causes anthrax), Bacillus anthracis Bacillus megabacterium Legionella pneumophila (causes Legionnaires Disease)

螺旋菌(spirilla) 螺旋状的细菌称为螺旋菌。 根据其弯曲情况分为: 弧菌(vibrio):螺旋不满一圈,菌体呈弧形或逗号形 例:霍乱弧菌、逗号弧菌 螺旋菌(spirillum):螺旋满2—6环,螺旋状 例:干酪螺菌 螺旋体(spirochaeta):旋转周数在6环以上,菌体柔软。 例:梅毒密螺旋体 螺旋不满一圈称为弧菌(vibrio),满2~6环称为螺旋菌(spirllum),旋转周数在6环以上的称为螺旋体(spirochaeta)。 弧菌(vibrio):弧菌螺旋不满一环。如Vibrio comma(逗号弧菌,即霍乱弧菌V.cholerae)。 螺菌(spirillum):螺菌为2~6环,细胞小而硬。如Spirillum minus(减少螺菌)、S.desulfericans(脱硫螺菌)。 螺菌容易与螺旋体混淆,要注意区别,螺旋体不是细菌,它是属于螺旋体目的原核微生物,菌体细长柔软,没有细胞壁和鞭毛,而螺菌细胞具有细胞壁和鞭毛。 ◆ Spiral shape that is rigid is called Spirillium.  If the organism is flexible and undulating, it is called Spirochete. Vibrio cholerae

▼影响细菌形态的 因素 培养时间、 培养温度、 培养基成分、 浓度、 pH值 一般处于幼龄阶段和生长条件适宜时,细菌形态正常、整齐,表现出特定的形态。 在较老的培养物中,或不正常的条件下,细胞常出现不正常形态,尤其是杆菌,有的细胞膨大,有的出现梨形,有的产生分枝,有时菌体显著伸长以至呈丝状等异常形态。若将它们转移到新鲜培养基中或适宜的培养条件下又可恢复原来的形态。

▼细菌的异常形态 畸形: 理化刺激 结核杆菌的正常形态 结核杆菌的异常形态

▼细菌特殊形态 柄细菌、肾形菌、臂微菌、网格硫细菌、贝日阿托氏菌(丝状)、具有子实体的粘细菌等是特殊形态的细菌。

⊕ 二、细菌的大小 (1)长度单位:微米(μm) (2)表示: 球菌:直径 杆菌: 宽×长 螺菌: 宽、长、螺距 (2)表示: 球菌:直径 杆菌: 宽×长 螺菌: 宽、长、螺距 通常球菌直径:0.2 — 1.5 μm, 杆菌:长1— 5 μm, 宽0.5— 1 μm。 例如:E.coli:平均长度:2 μm ; 宽度0.5μm 1500个大肠杆菌头尾相接等于3mm; 109个大肠杆菌重1 mg. 由于菌种不同,细菌的大小存在很大的差异;对于同一个菌种,细胞的大小也常随着菌龄变化。另外,对于同一个菌种染色前后其细胞大小都有所不同。所以,有关细菌大小的记载,常是平均值或代表性数值。 ⊕

细菌大小举例 乳链球菌 金黄色葡萄球菌 大肠杆菌 枯草芽孢杆菌 霍乱弧菌 0.5 ~1 0.8 ~1 0.5 × (1 ~3) 菌名 直径或宽×长/ ( μm × μm ) 乳链球菌 金黄色葡萄球菌 大肠杆菌 枯草芽孢杆菌 霍乱弧菌 0.5 ~1 0.8 ~1 0.5 × (1 ~3) (0.8 ~1.2) ×( 1.2~3) (0.2 ~ 0.6) ×(1 ~ 3)