Let’s Tell the Story of What She Has Done 我們要述說這女人的作為


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Presentation transcript:

Let’s Tell the Story of What She Has Done 我們要述說這女人的作為 Mark 14:3-9 ( 馬可 14:3-9 ) August 8, 2010 ( 主後2010年8月8日 )

Easy To Overlook the Story ( 這故事容易被忽視了 ) Read Mark 14:3-9. The gospel is being preached everywhere and every day. Yet, do you hear the story being told that frequently? If not, why not? At any rate, we’ll tell the story today. Read Matt 26:6-13 and John 12:1-8. 請唸 馬可14:3-9. 福音現今每天在各地傳揚. 但是,我們在每時每地,有聽到述說這女人的作為嗎? 若是沒有的話,為什麼沒有? 無論如何,我們今天要述說這女人的作為. 請唸 馬太26:6-13 和 約翰12:1-8.

Two Examples of Alabaster Jars ( 兩個 “玉瓶“ 的形狀 )

A Composite Picture ( 一個綜合的畫面 ) 地點 伯大利長大痳瘋的西門家. 時間 主耶穌釘十架的前兩天. 人物 耶穌,馬利亞,馬大,拉撒路,猶大和其他人. 詳情 馬利亞用貴重的香膏澆灌在耶穌身上. 猶大和其他的人,對如此的“浪費”,表示不滿. 耶穌為馬利亞的善行辯護. Where Simon the Leper’s home in Bethany. When Two days before crucifixion. Who Jesus, Mary, Martha, Lazarus, Judas and others. What Mary anointed Jesus with expensive perfume. Judas & others reacted indignantly at the “waste”. Jesus defended Mary’s act.

Why Is the Story So Important? ( 這故事的重要性何在? ) 耶穌將馬利亞的善行,與他自己的死連結在一起. 馬利亞所作的事,是為主的埋葬作準備. 這件事是耶穌受難故事的一部份. 馬利亞的善行是 出於對主的愛和熱誠. 極大的犧牲. 一個奢華的作為. 耶穌在十字架上的救贖,也是如此. Jesus sets the story in the context of His own death. By preparing for His burial, Mary’s deed is part of the story of the Passion of the Christ. Mary’s deed was: Out of her love and devotion for the Lord. A a tremendous sacrifice. An extravagant act. So was Jesus’ deed on the Cross.

Let’s Be Extravagant for Him 讓我們為主作奢華的事 It’s time that we do what we can for the Lord. Examples of what we can: Go on a mission trip. Join or start a small group fellowship and serve people there. Support a mission organization. Start praying for and get ready to involve personally in planting a new church. 我們當開始盡力為主作我們能作的事. 我們能作的事的例子: 參加一次短宣的事工. 參予或開創一個小組團契. 在小組裏服事弟兄姊妹. 支持一個宣教機構. 開始為植堂代禱,也準備參予植堂的事工.

Conclusion ( 結論 ) By pouring perfume on Jesus, Mary has demonstrated her: Love and devotion for the Lord. Willingness to sacrifice for Him. Willingness to go beyond expectation and be extravagant in her act for Him. Have you ever done anything extravagant for Jesus? 馬利亞用香膏澆在耶穌身上,顯示出她: 對耶穌的愛和熱誠. 願為耶穌犧牲的意願. 願意超越常理地為耶穌作奢華的事. 你曾否為耶穌作過奢華的事?