The Past Participle as the adverbial


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Presentation transcript:

The Past Participle as the adverbial 过去分词做状语 高二备课组 2015.9.28

First, let’s have a competition!

请写出这些单词的过去式和过去分词。 原形 过去式 过去分词 see give chose beat accompany bear

Seen from the top, it looks like a bird’s nest. Guess! It is a building. Seen from the top, it looks like a bird’s nest. National Stadium/Bird’s Nest What is the name of the building?

Guess! Which program is it? It is the Voice of China. It is a TV program, which is a surprisingly popular singing talent show broadcast on Zhejiang SatelliteTV since July 13, 2012 . Chosen to act as one of the four judges on it, Na ying is much more famous than ever before. Which program is it?

Guess! He is a character of a cartoon film made in China. He said, “Beaten by the sheep, again I went to the village where the sheep lived.” 灰太狼 Mr. Wolf Who is he?

Michelle Obama Guess! She visited China in March 2014, accompanied by her two daughters. She is the first lady of the most powerful country in the world. Michelle Obama Who is she?

Seen from the top, the National Stadium looks like a bird nest. Chosen to act as one of the four judges on it, Na ying is more famous than ever before. Beaten by the sheep, again Mr. Wolf went to the village where the sheep lived. She visited China in March 2014, accompanied by many officials.

the functions of v-ed form as adverbials. 过去分词(past participles) 或过去分词短语(past participial phrases) 作状语是英语中常见的语言现象,可表示时间、原因、条件、让步、方式或伴随情况等。

Seen from the top of the hill, our school looks beautiful. 作时间状语 =时间状语从句 Seen from the top of the hill, our school looks beautiful. (= When it is seen from the top of the hill, our school looks beautiful. )

(=Because she was attracted by the beauty of nature…) 作原因状语 =as,since,because 引导的原因状语从句,多放在句首 Attracted by the beauty of nature, the girl decided to spend another two days on the farm. (=Because she was attracted by the beauty of nature…)

Given another chance, he will do better. 作条件状语 =if,unless 引导的条件状语从句 Given another chance, he will do better. (= If he is given another chance, he will do better. )

Even if invited, I will not take part in the party. 作让步状语 =though, although,even if 引导的让步状语从句 Even if invited, I will not take part in the party. (= Even if I am invited, I ……

She visited China in March 2014, accompanied by many officials. 作伴随、方式状语 过去分词可用并列句代替 She visited China in March 2014, accompanied by many officials. (= She visited China in March 2014, and was accompanied by many officials. )

同步练一练:用过去分词改写下列句子。 When it is heated, ice can be changed into water. Because he was shocked by the noise, the baby cried. If he was brought up by his parents, he would be better educated. Although he was cheated by his girl friend, he still loves her. The old man  walked in the park and was supported by his wife.

T F T F Seen from the tower, our city looks more beautiful. 判断对错 Seen from the tower, our city looks more beautiful. Seen from the top of the tower, we can get a wonderful view of our city. Taking two tablets, he felt better. Taking from library, the book is very interesting. T Seeing F T Taken F

过去分词与句子主语构成____________, 而现在分词与句子主语构成____________。 被动 动宾关系 主动 主谓关系

A.Find B.Finding C.To find D.Found 小试牛刀 the course very difficult, she decided to move to a lower lever. (2013 北京卷) A.Find B.Finding C.To find D.Found

More time given, we should have done it much better. 如果分词的逻辑主语与所修饰的句子的主语不一致,就要有自己的逻辑主语,这种结构称为独立主格结构(the absolute construction)。 如: More time given, we should have done it much better. Given more time, we should have done it much better. =If more time was given… =If we were given more time…

. Their homework , the children went out to play football 小试牛刀 . Their homework , the children went out to play football A. finishing B. finished C. to finish D. finish

若分词的动作先于主句谓语动词的动作发生则 可使用having been+过去分词做状语 (2009 ·四川)________many times, he finally understood it . A. Told B. Telling C. Having told D. Having been told

Conclusions 1 、表示时间,原 因,伴随,条件,让步等。 2、表示被动 3、过去分词作状语,其动作或与谓语动词同时发生 或发生在谓语动词之前。 (注意动词是否有先后关系,有先后用having been+pp.)

难点 1. 过去分词作状语与主语的关系 2. 过去分词作状语与现在分词 作状语的区别

受母亲影响而热爱读书,尤其是Shakespeare; 失败多次后发明电灯泡。 作文巧用过去分词 人物:Thomas Edison, 物理学家,发明家 出生:1847年2月,美国西部 主要经历: 幼年时因患猩红热而造成耳聋; 受母亲影响而热爱读书,尤其是Shakespeare; 失败多次后发明电灯泡。

作文中巧用过去分词 1. 出生于1847年2月美国西部地区,Thomas Edison是一名著名的物理学家以及发明家。 _________________________________________ 2. 因为幼年患上猩红热,Edison 成为了聋子。(attack, scarlatina) ________________________________________ 3.受到母亲的影响,他对读书十分感兴趣,尤其是Shakespeare的作品。(influence, especially) 4.尽管失败使他气馁,他仍然没有放弃,一直到发明电灯泡。 (discourage; not until)

Homework Review the grammar. Do more exercises about the past participle as the adverbial

Thank you! Work hard and you will be the best!