Roman Holiday (罗马假日) The movie told a romantic story between an European princess and an American reporter in Rome. With the movie‘s huge success ,Audrey.


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Presentation transcript:

Roman Holiday (罗马假日) The movie told a romantic story between an European princess and an American reporter in Rome. With the movie‘s huge success ,Audrey Hepburn won the most important award in her life-----Academy Award for Best Actress .

The princess grew up by the strict European royal education and deeply affected by European culture. After all,she lived in modern industrial civilization,her inner desire for freedom of life. The mention of the two people which is the collision of two cultures.

Breakfast at Tiffany‘s (蒂梵尼早餐 ) Struggling writer Paul Varjak moves into a New York apartment building and becomes intrigued by his pretty, quirky neighbor Holly Golightly. Holly's lifestyle confuses and fascinates Paul; in public she flits through parties with a sexy, sophisticated air, but when they're alone she changes into a sweetly vulnerable bundle of neuroses.

The movie suggests people’s anxiety and worried during the second world war. The author satirized those who close to upper society by fair means or foul. It’s an introspection for the social system and dark side.

Always(直到永远) Robin and Marian (罗宾汉与玛丽安) Bloodline (血线) Love Among Thieves (窃贼之爱)

Life and career

奥黛丽·赫本晚年投身慈善事业,是联合国儿童基金会亲善大使的代表人物。作为慈善大使,她不时举办一些音乐会和募捐慰问活动,造访贫穷地区儿童,足迹遍及亚非拉许多国家。1992年被授予美国“总统自由勋章”,1993年获奥斯卡人道主义奖 。1999年,她被美国电影协会选为百年来最伟大的女演员第3名。

金球奖 GG   1990 获奖 最佳女演员 (Best Actress in a Leading Role)   1968 提名 最佳女演员(剧情类) (Best Motion Picture Actress - Drama) Wait Until Dark (1967) 盲女惊魂记、Two for the Road (1967) 丽人行   1965 提名 最佳女演员(音乐类) (Best Motion Picture Actress - Musical/Comedy) My Fair Lady (1964) 窈窕淑女   1955 获奖 最受欢迎女演员 (World Film Favorite - Female)   1954 获奖 最佳女演员(剧情类) (Best Motion Picture Actress - Drama) Roman Holiday (1953) 罗马假日 奥斯卡奖 Oscar   1968 提名 最佳女演员 (Best Actress in a Leading Role) Wait Until Dark (1967) 盲女惊魂记   1962 提名 最佳女演员 (Best Actress in a Leading Role) Breakfast at Tiffany‘s (1961) 珠光宝气   1960 提名 最佳女演员 (Best Actress in a Leading Role) The Nun’s Story (1959) 修女传   1955 提名 最佳女演员 (Best Actress in a Leading Role) Sabrina (1954) 龙凤配   1954 获奖 最佳女演员 (Best Actress in a Leading Role) Roman Holiday (1953) 罗马假日

 英国学院奖 BAFTA   1965 获奖 最佳英国女演员 (Best British Actress) Charade (1963) 谜中迷   1960 获奖 最佳英国女演员 (Best British Actress) The Nun's Story (1959) 修女传   1957 提名 最佳英国女演员 (Best British Actress) War and Peace (1956) 战争与和平   1955 提名 最佳英国女演员 (Best British Actress) Sabrina (1954) 龙凤配   1954 获奖 最佳英国女演员 (Best British Actress) Roman Holiday (1953) 罗马假日 纽约影评人协会奖 NYFCC   1959 获奖 最佳女演员 (Best Actress) The Nun‘s Story (1959) 修女传   1953 获奖 最佳女演员 (Best Actress) Roman Holiday (1953) 罗马假日 托尼奖 好莱乌终身成就奖(1992年) 人道主义奖(1993年)