Chinese Immanuel Church Lord’s Day Message March 3, 2013 Ming Huang


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Presentation transcript:

Chinese Immanuel Church Lord’s Day Message March 3, 2013 Ming Huang

3,悔改(metanoeo)意即「翻轉(過去不好的)心思」 4、滅亡(apollumi)意即毀壞、失喪,代表靈魂沈淪 回轉跟隨主 路加13:1一9;14:25一35   一、人不悔改都會滅亡   路13:1-5      1,不只加利利的受害者       2,不只樓倒被壓死的人        3,悔改(metanoeo)意即「翻轉(過去不好的)心思」       4、滅亡(apollumi)意即毀壞、失喪,代表靈魂沈淪 Repent & Follow Christ Luke 13:1-9; 14:25-35   Unrepentance Leads to Destruction (Luke 13:1-5) Not just Galileans Not just in Siloam Repent (metanoeo) means "a 180 degree complete change of mind" Perish (apollumi) means "ruin, destroy" here referring to spiritual death

二、真悔改應有好見證。 路13:6-9 1、葡萄園代表神的家 2、果子代表基督徒的好行為 3、不結果子=白佔地土       1、葡萄園代表神的家       2、果子代表基督徒的好行為       3、不結果子=白佔地土       4、人應把握最後機會結果子(改變) Repentance Leads to Fruit (Luke 13:6-9) The vineyard represents God's household Fruit represents the good deeds of believers Not bearing fruit = using up ground Take advantage of "one last year" to bear fruit (change)

三、跟隨主的條件 路14:25一35 A.愛主勝於家人 B.肯揹十字架(受羞辱、痛苦) 2、審慎評估 v,28- 33 才不會鬧笑話 Repentance Leads to Following Christ (Luke 14:25-35) Give up everything in order to gain everything (vv.25-27) Love the Lord more than family  Carry your cross (suffering and shame) Count the cost or be ridiculed (vv.28-33) Enough funds to build a tower Enough men to win a war 三、跟隨主的條件  路14:25一35       1、全然付出  V,25-27  但有百倍祝福         A.愛主勝於家人         B.肯揹十字架(受羞辱、痛苦)       2、審慎評估  v,28- 33  才不會鬧笑話         A,蓋樓先計花費         B,打仗酌量勝算

三、跟隨主的條件 路14:25一35 3、有效服事 v,34 - 35 主才能得榮耀 A,重生命品質:鹽不能失味 維持新鮮生命,才能有效事奉 三、跟隨主的條件  路14:25一35       3、有效服事  v,34 - 35  主才能得榮耀         A,重生命品質:鹽不能失味              維持新鮮生命,才能有效事奉         B,重生活態度:耳要能聆聽              謙卑聽主聲音,才知該做什麼 Repentance Leads to Following Christ (Luke 14:25-35) Effective ministry glorifies Christ (vv.34-35) Pay attention to your life's substance; only the salty can be effective Pay attention to your life's attitude; only those who hear know how to live