古宏海 hunghaiku@gmail.com Schedule of Human Anatomy and Physiology (Sep 2019– Jan 2020) Week Date Topic Chapter 1 108-09-9 Organization and General Plan of the Body 1 2 09-16 The Tissues and Membranes 4 3 09-23 The Integument 5 4 09-30 The Skeletal System 6 5 10-07 The Muscular System 7 6 10-14 The Nervous System 8 7 10-21 1st Midterm Examination 8 10-28 The Senses, Eye and Ear 9 9 11-04 The Endocrine System 10 10 11-11 The Cardiovascular System 12, 13 11 11-18 The Blood and Lymphatic System 11, 14 12 11-25 2nd Midterm Examination 13 12-02 The Urinary System and the Body Fluid 18, 19 14 12-09 The Respiratory System 15 15 12-16 The Digestive System and Metabolism (I) 16, 17 16 12-23 The Digestive System and Metabolism (II) 16, 17 17 12-30 The Reproductive System 20 18 109-01-06 Final Examination Textbook: Valerie C. Scanlon and Tina Sanders. Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology. F. A. Davis Company, 7th Edition, 2015. Reference: (王霈) 1. 古宏海、邱美妙總校閱。解剖學, 高立圖書有限公司, 2013。 2. Gerard J. Tortora and Bryan Derrickson. Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology. John Wiley & Sons, 8th Edition, 2010. Course grading: Assignments, quiz and attendance: 30% Examination: 70% (1st midterm + 2nd midterm + final) 古宏海 hunghaiku@gmail.com
relief of evil/pressure Anatomy 解剖學 Physiology 生理學 Pathophysiology 病生理學 探討 Structure (size,形,色) Function Functional disorder 舉例 RBC血紅素Fe Fe 攜帶 O2 缺 Fe 造成 anemia (貧血) Prehistoric era Heart & survival Physiology Physio=nature -logy=study of Anatomy Ana=up, back tome=to cut Trepanation 環鑽術 relief of evil/pressure
人體解剖學 大體解剖學 (Gross Anatomy) 顯微解剖學 (Microscopic Anatomy) 體表解剖學 (surface anatomy):研究外部形態和表面特徵 局部解剖學 (regional anatomy):研究特定部位的構造 系統解剖學 (systemic anatomy):研究各器官系統的構造 顯微解剖學 (Microscopic Anatomy) 細胞學 (cytology):研究細胞(生命最簡單位)的內部構造 組織學 (histology):探討成群特化細胞及其產物的結構關係
Ch1 Organization and General Plan of the Body 1. Levels of organization (結構層次) chemicals-cell-tissue-organ-organ system -body (the rest of “us”) 2. Metabolism & homeostasis (代謝與恆定) 3. Terminology & general plan of the body (名詞與概念) parts, areas, cavities, membranes, planes
Levels of Organization Inorganic: 1或2元素, 無 C(CO/CO2例外) Organic: 醣, 脂, 蛋白質, 核酸 - O>C,H,N,Ca,P 細胞 組織 組成: 構造和功能相似的細胞 有4種: 上皮, 結締, 肌肉, 神經 A city of cells: >200種, 共約1012 cells Life process(代謝): 生長, 修復, 感應, 生殖 器官 組織 “合作” e.g., 1 bone… (11-system) 1.各系統 Interdependent 2.血輸送 O2/營養/廢物 3.協調、穩定(=恆定=健康)
人體各器官系統 (11)
Metabolism 代謝 ----- (生理功能) -metabol (Gr.) = change (巨觀、微觀、分子觀) -體內所有化學反應、物理過程的總集合 -有variations (within normal range) -生命特徵: 代謝、生長、修護、反應、生殖 -metabolic rate: 身體產生能、熱的速率(../時間) Good Health (=Homeostasis 恆定) 1. Homeostasis between environment & behavior In normal or stable metabolism (ranges) Is equilibrium (dynamic) Constant change (with variations) 2. Mainly controlled by nervous & endocrine systems 3. Affected by: air, food, thought
Control of Homeostasis --靠 Feedback (回饋) Systems 1. Parts: Receptor, control center, effector 2. 類型: Negative or positive system Negative Feedback System 1. Most homeostatic control mechanisms are negative feedback systems 2. Negative means “opposite” (not “bad”) 3. These systems reverse (逆轉) a change in the controlled variable, bring it back to “normal” 4. e.g. blood pressure (BP), heart rate, hormone, 體溫-流汗…(代謝)
Negative Feedback System
Positive Feedback System Few (rare) homeostatic control mechanisms are of this type These systems strengthen a change and require external “brake” (outside force) Examples - Bacteria infection causes fever - Systems that control blood clotting - Hormonal control of ovulation - Contractions of uterus cause even more contractions at child birth
解剖學姿勢 雙手下垂於體側,掌心朝前站立。 仰躺 (supine) 臉朝上躺 俯臥 (prone) 臉朝下趴
解剖學的方位 Superficial Deep
(方位) (向頭部) 成對
Body cavities and membranes 顱腔 背 側 脊髓腔 胸腔 腹 側 腹腔 骨盆腔
The Thoracic Cavity
Good health- Homeostasis is the basis
Planes & Sections 切面 cross/horizontal 額狀 frontal 橫/水平 (分成上下) /冠狀coronal (分成前後) 橫/水平 (分成上下) cross/horizontal 矢狀Arrow (分成左右邊) 斜切 oblique
Medical imaging techniques Computed Tomography (切片攝影) tumor Magnetic resonance image --protons spin & line-up radio wave pulsed protons return, signal --for soft tissue (H2O) Positron emission tomography (PET) -- 18FDG (sugar) injected positron & rays emitted --detect metabolism (活動、供血) --檢癌準確性90% --eclipsed by functional MRI (量O2) --color (表活性 Red>Y>G>Blue)
f MRI - 似 PET, video呈現Anat &Phys - 橘色: (視覺+空間分析) A: driving (Post. View) f MRI - 似 PET, video呈現Anat &Phys - 橘色: (視覺+空間分析) A: driving B: + talking (driving專注力) - appl. Brain check (血流,活動)
Father of physiology Hippocrates Andreas Vesalius Haller (18th)-神經,肌(可激) Bernald (19th)-胰 Hippocrates (460-377 B.C.) Father of medicine Andreas Vesalius (1514-1564) Father of anatomy Woodcut, U Padua (1493)
Human Anat & Physiol vs. Dept HP&HE 國立台灣師範大學 健康促進與衛生教育學系於民國四十八年正式設立, 是國內唯一培養衛生教育專業人才的場所。 我們注重對人的關懷、對生命的尊重, 強調提高健康品質與預防疾病, 讓教育、輔導能優於治療及復健。 Human Anat & Physiol vs. Dept HP&HE 認知,期望…