Orientation for Second-Year Students Reading & Writing Brenda Huang(黃襦慧) Director of Applied Foreign Languages Department applan@ylhc.tw
Outline ★Who is Brenda? ★What is “Reading & Writing”? ★What do you need?
Nice to meet you again and Who is Brenda? Nice to meet you again and anything else you want to know about Brenda….
What are we going to do with “Reading & Writing”? ★Teamwork is everything. 1. 2A/2B=5groups=7-8 persons, each group. 2. It is “1+1>2” when teamwork is there!
What are we going to do with “Reading & Writing”? ★IRead(愛閱讀):6篇 1. The Coconut Seller 2. Not above the Law 3. 語言教室圖書:1本(請見科網站-科圖書) 4. 圖書館英文圖書:2本 5. 自選:1本 6. 學習單#2、學習單#3
What are we going to do with “Reading & Writing”? ★IWiLL全國英語閱讀線上挑戰賽(教育部獎狀!) 1. The Coconut Seller:平常成績X1 2. Not above the Law :平常成績X1 3. 平常成績= 註冊(10%) + 測驗(5次內達80分,30%) + 英文評論100字(50%) + 3人回覆(10%) = 100%
What are we going to do with “Reading & Writing”? ★103年度第2期外語群科中心英文心得 1. The Coconut Seller:平常成績X1 2. Not above the Law :平常成績X1 3. 擇一報名,一班優勝3名,佳作2名 4. 群科中心學習單
What are we going to do with “Reading & Writing”? ★英語簡報:介紹讀本 1. 整學期,6次 2. 每次6-7人 3. 必作PPT,10張投影片(不含title page和 thank you page) 4. PPT必包含:作者、摘要、心得、多媒體
What are we going to do with “Reading & Writing”? ★員家首創:講演英文繪本 1. 9月份:採購 2. 整學期:導讀、自讀、小組、分享 3. 10月8日:英文繪本講演技巧研習 4. 英文繪本:10種x10本=100本!
The Very Hungry Caterpillar (11月5日高二組英文朗讀比賽指定文章)
(2) There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly
(3) Where’s Spot?
(4) We’re Going on a Bear Hunt
(5) Handa’s Surprise
(6) Five Little Monkeys Sitting in a Tree
(7) Pete the Cat — I Like My White Shoes
(8) Shark in the Park
(9) Hooray for Fish
(10) Seals on the Bus
What are we going to do with “Reading & Writing”? ★課本:Inside Reading 1. 10單元 2. 一整年,上下學期,每次期中(末)考2單元共4篇文章 3. 10種領域 4. 10種閱讀技巧 5. Graphic Organizer(圖像式架構圖)
What do you need? ★教科書:Inside Reading ★英文繪本 ★英文讀本:自備、語言教室、圖書館 ★No pain, no gain.
讓我們一起創造 辛苦又美好的高二回憶!