Examining user acceptance of computer technology: an empirical study of student teachers 指導教授:陳明溥 博士 研 究 生:翁崇銘 Ma, Will Wai-kit &Andersson, Robert & Streith,


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Presentation transcript:

Examining user acceptance of computer technology: an empirical study of student teachers 指導教授:陳明溥 博士 研 究 生:翁崇銘 Ma, Will Wai-kit &Andersson, Robert & Streith, Karl-Oslar (2005) Examining user acceptance of computer technology: an empirical study of student teachers , Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, v21 n6 p387-395

研究背景 從1980年代中期,就算是政府已大量的提供經費,學校使用電腦科技的進程仍是緩慢的。 最近的調查顯示比起一般同年齡的大眾來說,教師使用電腦科技的廣泛度較不足,甚至調查亦指出教師對電腦科技有較多的質疑和保留態度。(Hylen 2003) The use of computer technology in schools has made slow progress since the mid-1980s even though governments have been generous in funding. However, a recent survey has found that in comparison with the general public of the same age, teachers did not use computer technology to the same extent (Hylen 2003). Furthermore, the survey also revealed that teachers had a more skeptical and reserved attitude towards computer technology.

研究目的 探討教師對電腦科技的接受。 鑑別使用電腦科技的主要決定因素。 提供學校經營者策畫電腦科技計劃進程實施的準則。 提供系統設計者滿足電腦科技使用者期待實施的準則。 1. to explore teachers’ acceptance of computer technology 2. to identify the key intention determinants of computer technology use. 3.to provide practical guidelines to school administration to devise steps towards computer technology implementation; 4.provide practical guidelines for system designers to satisfy expectations of individual computer technology users.

研究問題 教師察覺電腦科技是有用的,是否影響他使用電腦科技的意願? 教師察覺電腦科技是容易使用的,是否影響他使用電腦科技的意願? 教師對電腦科技的主觀規範,是否影響他使用電腦科技的意願?

文獻探討 Factors that affect computer technology’s use 電腦科技的使用第一影響就是有無足夠的電腦。在家裡和工作地點都能使用電腦科技影響個人使用這個科技。因此有極大的投資來建設電腦科技的公共建設以確保組織能獲得足夠的軟硬體資源,然而單一的建設不保證日常工作的實際使用。了解最終用戶使用電腦科技的關鍵動機變數是非常重要的。

文獻探討 Conti. Attitude 態度已經被發現是在早先的社會學科過程中的行為意圖的重要決定原素(e.g., Fishbein & Ajzen 1975; Ajzen 1988) 它亦是被認為預料電腦科技使用行為意圖的重要動機因素。(e.g., Taylor & Todd 1995). 然而還有更多的關鍵動機決定因素,在一篇新近的文獻裡,發現差不多有一半的研究,態度並非重要,並且在他們的研究模型裡沒包括態度。(e.g., Legris et al. 2003)。

文獻探討 Subjective norm主觀規範 Conti. Subjective norm主觀規範 主觀規範意指個人使用者察覺關於對他的行為,具有意義對象的意見或建議(e.g., Ajzen 1988). 個體察覺其他人行為需求的程度(Larsson & Lilja 2003) 主觀規範對預測個體意圖使用電腦科技有直接和間接的顯著影響 1.A subjective norm refers to an individual user’s perception about opinions or suggestions of the significant referents concerning his or her behavior (e.g., Ajzen 1988) 2. the subjective norm is the degree to which an individual perceives the demands of others on that individual’s behavior (Larsson & Lilja 2003). 3.Subjective norm has been empirically tested and has had a significant direct (e.g., Ajzen 1988; Mathieson 1991; Taylor & Todd 1995) or indirect effect (e.g., Venkatesh & Davis 2000) in predicting an individual’s intention to use computer technology.

文獻探討 Perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use Conti. Perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use 察覺有用和察覺容易使用,是預測使用者意圖使用電腦科技的兩個其他決定因素(e.g., Davies 1989). 直接影響:察覺有用 間接影響:察覺容易使用(e.g., Legris et al. 2003). 1.Perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use were two other fundamental determinants in predicting an individual user’s intention to use computer technology (e.g., Davies 1989). 2.A recent review found that these two variables received considerable attention in a great number of prior computer technology acceptance/adoption studies and were significant in both direct (perceived usefulness) and indirect (perceived ease of use) effects on intention to computer technology use

文獻探討 Other factors 電腦科技的使用經驗 察覺可勝任電腦科技的能力 忠誠和察覺組織的文化 Conti. It was also found that computer technology experience, perceived computer technology competence, loyalty and perceived culture of organizations had a direct effect on teachers’ intention to computer technology use (e.g., Jedeskog 1998; Ferndahl 2002).

Motivations 擴展TAM (technology acceptance model)以提供預測和解釋電腦科技的接受和採納度。 A review of the literature on computer technology use studies suggested that emergent factors might not be significant over time (e.g., attitude) and emergent factors might not be consistent in result significance (e.g., subjective norm). There was also doubt that the previous theoretical model (e.g., TAM) could be applied in the educational context. However, TAM could be expanded (e.g., subjective norm) to provide a richer model to predict and to explain computer technology acceptance/adoption.

Model and hypotheses development Fig.1 Theoretical model framework.

Theoretical model framework H2a:教師察覺電腦科技是容易使用的,能直接影響他察覺電腦科技是有用的。 H2b:教師察覺電腦科技是容易使用的,能直接影響他使用電腦科技的意願。 H3a:教師對電腦科技的主觀規範,能直接影響他察覺電腦科技是有用的。 H3b:教師對電腦科技的主觀規範,能直接影響他使用電腦科技的意願。 H1: A teacher’s perceived usefulness of computer technology would directly influence his or her intention to use computer technology. H2a: A teacher’s perceived ease of use of computer technology would directly influence his or her perceived usefulness of computer technology. H2b: A teacher’s perceived ease of use of computer technology would directly influence his or her intention to use computer technology. H3a: A teacher’s subjective norm to computer technology use would directly influence his or her perceived usefulness of computer technology. H3b: A teacher’s subjective norm to computer technology use would directly influence his or her intention to computer technology use.

Methodology 研究對象:瑞典當地大學畢業,第一年教育實習的84位實習教師。 33.5%男性,66.5%女性 年齡分佈:19~30(34%),31~40(40%),41以上(26%) 主修:學前教育(33%),自然及數學(21%),教育(28%),其他(18%)。 家中有電腦96.6% , 有網路 86.2% 使用電腦時數/週:0~2h(10%),3-5h(21%),6-10h(31%),over 10h(38%) In order to test the model, we gathered data from 84 student teachers who were first year students at a teacher’s education programme at a local university in Sweden. We selected student teachers because (1) the majority of the graduates would be practicing teachers (2) the education programme had provided training in computer technology and the student teachers would be able to utilize computer technology when they became practicing teachers and (3) student teachers studied full time but they practiced teaching 2 days per week during the year in normal schools. Therefore, student teachers would be a good proxy to practicing teachers and would be a good measurement of future teachers’ opinion. Among the 84 respondents, 33.5% were male while 66.5% were female. The ages ranged from 19 to 30 (34%), from 31 to 40 (40%) and over 41(26%). Some of them started education much later than the younger ones. In Sweden, one can start education at anytime. The respondents were of four different majors, including (1) early ages: student teachers who specialized in nursery school and the comprehensive schools early ages (33%), (2) natural science and mathema tics: student teachers who specialized in mathematics and natural science in comprehensive school (21%), (3) general education: student teachers who had other major subject areas (18%) and (4) education: student teachers who studied pedagogy as their specialism (28%). Almost everyone had access to a computer at home (96.6%) and 86.2% had Internet connection. They reported weekly computer usage as 0-2 h (10%), 3-5h (21%), 6-l0h (31%) and over 10h (38%).

Method 這個調查包含24個項目,其中察覺有用(PU)7項,察覺容易使用(PEOU)7項,主觀規範(SN)6項,電腦科技的行為意向(ITU)4項,每個項目從1-非常不同意到7-非常同意。 最後的資料分析,有5個項目被移除。 A survey instrument was introduced to all the first year student teachers enrolled in a computer course at the middle of the semester. Eighty four (78.5%) completed questionnaires were collected. The instrument was composed of 24 statements on perceived usefulness (PU) (seven items), perceived ease of use (PEOU) (seven items), subjective norm (SN) (six items) and behavioural intention to computer technology (ITU) (four items), asking respondents to identify their opinion of each statement on a seven-point Likert scale, ranging from 1 - strongly disagree to 7 - strongly agree. In a further analysis validity check, five items were cross-loaded and were removed. The resulting construct items are listed in Appendix I.

Data analysis Descriptive statistics and validity of instrument The means, standard deviations, Cronbach’ s values and factor loadings are summarized and listed in Appendix II. The means were all over 4, ranging from 4.31 to 5.44, except for the subjective norm in which three out of the five items were below 4, ranging from 3.46 to 3.63. The validity of the instrument was examined in terms of internal consistency (i.e. reliability) and convergent and discriminant validity (Straub 1989). Internal consistency was examined using Cronbach’s o values. All the constructs exhibited o values greater than 0.85, significantly higher than the threshold value of 0.8 (Nunnaly & Bernstein 1994). This shows that all the constructs exhibited a high internal consistency with their corresponding measurement indicators. Convergent and discriminant validities were examined by construct items’ factor loadings. By using principal component analysis of Varimax with Kaiser normalization rotation, the factor loadings of each item and their corresponding components were found. The four constructs exhibited both convergent validity (high factor loadings among items of the same component) and discriminant validity (low factor loadings across components). The total variance explained by the four components was 75.14%.

Data analysis Model testing results

Discussion 教師察覺有用及察覺容易使用是使用電腦科技的兩個關鍵原因。 教師察覺有用對電腦科技的使用有直接的顯著效果。 教師察覺容易使用有間接的顯著效果。 教師的主觀規範則沒有直接或接間的顯著效果。 The research objectives of this study were (1) to explore teachers’ acceptance of computer technology and (2) to identify the key intention determinants of computer technology use. It was found that teachers’ perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use were two key intention determinants of their computer technology use. Teachers’ perceived usefulness had a direct significant effect on their intention towards computer technology use. Teachers’ perceived ease of use had an indirect significant effect on their intention to computer technology use, fully mediated by perceived usefulness. However, teachers’ subjective norm did not have any direct or indirect significant effect on their intention towards computer technology use.

Limitations and future research 實習教師雖然會成為教師,並且每周都有兩天的學校實習經驗,但仍與實際從事工作的教師不儘相同。 建議利用實際教學的教師進行研究,並與此研究的結果作比較。 有些學校會讓教師完全自行決定教材及教法,有些則不行,亦會影響結果。 There were several limitations in this study that should be taken into consideration before the findings can be generalized. Firstly, student teachers were the subjects in this study. Although the majority of these student teachers would eventually be teachers and they also had 2 days per week practice experience in schools, their opinion would not be the same as practicing teachers. Yet, they serve as a good proxy and can help us project and understand the opinion of future teachers. However, the findings might not apply fully to practicing teachers. Future research could be designed to collect data from practicing teachers and compare the results. Furthermore, the opinion of these student teachers may have been affected by the operation of the schools where they did their practice teaching. There were some schools that allowed teachers full autonomy to decide their own teaching and their use of instructional instruments, while other schools were more prescriptive in school operations. Mandatory versus voluntary settings for computer technology use would probably provide different views of our understanding of the phenomenon. As a prior review pointed out (e.g., Legris et al. 2003), technology implementation depends also on the organizational context. It would also be more fruitful for future research to consider collecting data from different school settings to compare the differences of empirical findings.

Conclusion 這個研究想要探討教師的電腦科技接受和採納,並發現察覺有用和察覺容易使用,是影響教師使用電腦科技的兩個重要決定因素。並且更深層的分析發現這兩個因素已存在很久,但沒被有效的處理。 This study attempted to explore teachers’ computer technology acceptance/adoption and found that perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use were two determinants to teachers’ computer technology use. In spite of the fact that these two determinants seem obvious, an in-depth analysis found that problems related to these two key factors have existed for a long time without effectively being tackled. The findings, the discussions and the implications of this study were definitely important to the study and implementation of computer technology in an educational context.