恩典 Grace (盼望) (the dawn of hope) 因我神慈憐的心 如晨光出現 看哪!神愛世人 甚至將他的獨生愛子賜給我們! 慕主音樂 [37] 詞、曲:呂敏文、施弘文 (盼望) (the dawn of hope) 因我神慈憐的心 如晨光出現 The rising sun will come to us by His tender mercy 看哪!神愛世人 甚至將他的獨生愛子賜給我們! Behold, For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son 恩典 [1/5]
(耶穌)(Jesus) 我心藏著喜悅 為你躥山越嶺 我在門外叩門 等候你邀請 當你心門一開 我即雀躍歡欣 撥動心弦深藏的愛意 I come with joy, bounding over the hills 我在門外叩門 等候你邀請 I long for an invitation from your heart 當你心門一開 我即雀躍歡欣 O when your heart is wide open to me 撥動心弦深藏的愛意 My heart becomes so ravished 恩典 [2/5]
(人) (Believers) 你心向著罪人 是憐愛疼惜 深知我心多憂 就永住不離 最難忘是你眼淚滴滴烙我心 撫平創傷使我心尊貴 To sinners you’re full of tender mercy 深知我心多憂 就永住不離 When you see my distress, you come to abide in me 最難忘是你眼淚滴滴烙我心 You set a seal on my heart with your tears 撫平創傷使我心尊貴 To restore my heart and build it up 恩典 [3/5]
* 每早晨是新的 不再悲傷流淚 歡呼跳舞 在你慈愛的翅膀上 我要展翅高飛 突破一切地飛 乘著旋風 創造精彩在今天 每早晨是新的 不再悲傷流淚 Every morning is new No more sorrow, no more tears 歡呼跳舞 在你慈愛的翅膀上 As we dance and rejoice on your wings of goodness 我要展翅高飛 突破一切地飛 I will spread out my wings I will break through the skies 乘著旋風 創造精彩在今天 And live my life to the fullest in the Spirit’s whirlwind 恩典 [4/5]
我要展翅高飛 突破一切地飛 乘著旋風 創造精彩在今天 Tag I will spread out my wings I will break through the skies 乘著旋風 創造精彩在今天 And live my life to the fullest in the Spirit’s whirlwind Copyright 2007 Forerunner Mission Ministry 恩典 [5/5]