Unit 4 Using Language Reading & Writing


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 4 Using Language Reading & Writing

Task-Reading 1.What kind of letter is it? 2.who invited the student ? why? 3.What was the park built for? 4.When will the student speak to the park visitor? invitation Office of the city government. Because the student won the high school speaking competition about new Tangshan It was built to honor those died in the earthquake and those helped the survivors. On July 28 at 11:00 a.m.

Words & Expressions · be pleased to do=be glad/happy to do 愿意/高兴/乐于做... 我很高兴来参加你的派对 I am pleased to take part in your party. · speaking competition 演讲比赛

He was taken to the judge. v.断定、判断、判决 A blind man cannot judge colors. 他被带到了法官那儿。 He was taken to the judge.  v.断定、判断、判决 盲人不能判断颜色。 A blind man cannot judge colors.

Judge by… 根据…来判断 Judge from … 从…来看 不要以貌取人。 Don’t judge a man by his appearance. 从他的话来判断,他是很高兴被邀请的。 Judging from what he said, he was please to be invited.

be proud of sb 以..而感自豪  I am proud of you. He is proud of his father. honour  n./v.荣誉、尊敬、敬意、纪念 in honour of 为了纪念 honour sb (for sth) 我们应该尊敬父母。 We should honour our parents. 这纪念碑为是纪念在战争中死去的战士而立的。 The monument was built in honour of the dead in the war.

Invite sb to do sth 邀请某人做某事 Congratulations 祝贺 Open a new park 开放一个新公园 As you know 如你所知 Invite sb to do sth 邀请某人做某事 I will invite my friends to my birthday party. On that special day在那特殊的日子

01 Discussion Supposed you are going to write a letter of invitation, what should you write in your passage?

Structure Place Time Dear ______, Main Body 01 Structure Place Time Dear ______, Greetings, Main Body Ending sentence Sincerely, Signature

Introduction Of Letter 01 Introduction Of Letter Letter is a kind of practical writing , which includes congratulatory letter, application letter, invitation, recommendation etc.

01 Format Of Letter 信头(Letterhead)包括发信人的地址和发信日期。很多人不太注意保留信封,在信内的打上发信人地址就方便收信人回信。如果使用已经印好信头的信纸,就只要打上发信日期。信头位于信的最上方,原则上首先按从小到大的顺序(正好与中文书信相反),门牌号码和街名或单位名占一行(太长可占两行),城镇名和邮政编码占一行,国名占一行。然后是发信日期,它是信头的最后一行,可以写成日月年(英式)也可写成月日年(美式),如:May8,1996或8May,1996. 必然说明的是,月份要写英文名称,否则有可能产生歧义,如5/8/1996,美国人会理解为1996年5 月8 日,而英国人则理解为1996年8 月5 日。

01 Format Of Letter 称呼(Salutation)应与亲近程度相吻合。最为正式的也是最不亲近的称呼为Dear Sir(英国用)或Dear Gentleman (美国用),一般用于给政府机关、官员的公函中,或用于首次往来的商业书信中。比较熟识的人由应称他的姓,最随便也是最亲近的称呼是直呼其名,一般用于亲朋好友,但应注意,称姓时只称姓,不要又称名,而称名时 不要加Dr或Mr. 如某人全名为William.另外,如果对方为女性却不知应称Mrs.还是Miss时可称Ms. 。称呼后面的标点英国人习惯用逗号,而美国人习惯用冒号(亲朋好友之间可用逗号)。

01 Format Of Letter 正文(Main Body)是信的主体,和中文书信的要求一样,正文的内容要主题突出、层次清楚、语言简洁、表达准确。

01 Format Of Letter 结束语(Complimentary Close)是习惯的客套用语,它必须和前面的称呼遥相呼应。如果前面称Dear Sir,则应选择下列结束语:Very sincerely yours ,Very respectfully yours,Very truly yours ,Sincerely yours 或Yours sincerely,Respe-ctfully yours 或Yours respectfully Faithfully yours 或 Yours faith-fully.如果前面称姓,则应选择下列是结束语:Sincerely yours 或Yours sincerely ,Truly yours 或Yours truly ,Yours ever. 如果前面称名,则表示写信人与收信人的关系亲近友好,应选择下列结束语:Sincerely Yours,Love,All my love.

01 Format Of Letter 签名和发信人姓名(Signaturd and Name Addresser)。 签名因为是亲笔手写,可能不好辩认,因此必须还要打印出来。签名只需签姓名,不需加Mr. 或Mrs.,以及学位头衔等,但打印姓名时,因为中文名没有性别之分,所以中文拼音名前就加Mr.或Mrs.,Miss.,Ms.,以便收信人辨认,英文名男性不必加Mr.,但女性要加Mrs.,Miss.,Ms. ,打印名后面可加学位头衔等。

May 5, 2012 Dear Mike,  This Saturday is my birthday and my parents will hold a simple celebrating party for me. I am glad to invite you to come to the party. Blair, Emma and Roan will also be invited. I am sure we will have a good time. We will have dinner at 18:30 so that you are wished to come at 18:15. My mother is a good cook and you will enjoy the dishes. After the dinner, we will play some small games and then eat the cake. My parents and I sincerely expect you to come and hope to see you then. Yours,    Daniel 01

Yours affectionately, Kelly Dear Petty, I hope you didn't make any plan for this weekend. You know I am moving into the new house, and I sincerely invite you to come to my new house. I will hold a celebration party on Saturday night. The scenery here is so fantastic that I am sure you will like it. On Saturday, you can walk around my house after you get here. The party will begin at 7:00 p.m. You can live in my house that night. On Sunday, we can go fishing or play table tennis. So please do some preparation for them. You can drive here and you will see a board “Kelly's Home” near the road. It only takes you one hour to get here. I hope there will be nothing stopping you to come. Yours affectionately, Kelly 01

Main part 1. the reason/purpose for the party 01 Main part 1. the reason/purpose for the party 2. the content / time / location of the party 3. matters need attention 4. expect him/her to receive your invitation and show your gratitude

Useful expressions 1、I am writing to invite you to… 我写信是为了邀请您…… 01 Useful expressions 1、I am writing to invite you to… 我写信是为了邀请您…… 2、I think it would be a great idea if you could participate in… 如果您参加……那就太好了。 3、I wonder if you can come… 我想知道您是否能来……

4 Would you like to join us in…? 您想不想来参加我们的……? 01 4 Would you like to join us in…? 您想不想来参加我们的……? 5、My family and I would feel much honored if you could come. 如果您能来,我们全家将不胜荣幸。 6、I really hope you can make it. 我真心希望您能来。 7、We would be looking forward to your coming. 我们期待着您的到来。

Linda这周六在家里举办了一个生日派对,写信给Anna希望她能来参加 01 Linda这周六在家里举办了一个生日派对,写信给Anna希望她能来参加 作文要求: 收信人:Linda 活动:生日聚会 时间:this Saturday, 7:00 p.m. 地点:my home 聚会内容:吃晚饭,唱歌,跳舞,吃蛋糕,合照,做游戏或者看影片 注意事项:提前十分钟到;可以留宿在我家;(真诚地希望你能来并享受一个愉快的夜晚) 写信人:Anna 字数:120左右

How is everything going recently? 01 Dear Linda, How is everything going recently? Yours sincerely, Anna