陳情表之外 with 三仁 三樂 歐陽宜璋製於 2006.8.17 2019/10/23
Why learning 陳情表? 運用得體的方式、婉曲的表達, 達到學習的效果 現代陳情表 一.人倫:生-養-教的傳承 二.怯情:突兀中隱藏的心聲 三.含糊曖昧的原因: (一)以雙關技巧豐富文意 (二)婉曲表達言外之意 2019/10/23
婉曲、雙關與含混 婉曲:由也,可使為政也, 不知其仁也。 雙關:扁與民進黨一起十八趴! 含混:想念你,唉! 2019/10/23
陳黎〈腹語課〉 惡勿物務誤悟鎢塢騖蓩噁岉蘁齀痦逜埡芴 軏杌婺鶩堊沕迕遻鋈矹粅阢靰焐卼煟扤屼 (我是溫柔的……) 屼扤煟卼焐靰阢粅矹鋈遻迕沕堊鶩婺杌軏 芴埡逜痦齀蘁岉噁蓩騖塢鎢悟誤務物勿惡 (我是溫柔的……) 惡餓俄鄂厄遏鍔扼鱷蘁餩嶭蝁搹圔軶豟豟 顎呃愕噩軛阨鶚堊諤蚅砨砐櫮鑩岋堮枙齶 萼咢啞崿搤詻閼頞堨堨頞閼詻搤崿啞咢萼 齶枙堮岋鑩櫮砐砨蚅諤堊鶚阨軛噩愕呃顎 豟軶圔搹蝁嶭餩蘁鱷扼鍔遏厄鄂俄餓( 而且善良……) 2019/10/23
A Dear John Letter Dear John, oh, how I hate to write! Dear John, I must let you know tonight that my love for you has died away like grass upon the lawn. And tonight I wed another, dear John. I was overseas in battle when the postman came to me. He handed me a letter and I was just as happy as I could be, *cause the fighting was all over and the battles had all been won. But then I opened up that letter and it started: Dear John. Won’t you please send back my picture? My husband wants it now. When I tell you who I*m wedding, you won*t care, do you anyhow? And it hurts me so to tell you that my love for you is gone. But tonight I wed your brother, dear John. http://ting.24en.com/song/7/2006-04-18/4264.html 2019/10/23
CUPID’s Dear John Letter By the time you read this, I'll be . I'm sorry for doing this but, . I know this might comes as a bit of a to you - especially because . But I'm sorry ?I just need . I think you're , but I don't think we're right for each other. First of all, we're not compatible. You're a , and I'm . You like , you eat , and enjoy , and I don't like of these things. Your favorite movie is , and your favorite band is . Do you even know what my favorite movie or band is? I once asked you what color my eyes are and you said . Anyway, I want to date . But you know what? I still want to be . We can totally . We had some good times, or so . But please, don't like last time. That means no this time! And look - I won't even make an issue out of the you owe me, or the fact that you . So take care of yourself - and . , PS. ! * Send this letter via e-mail. E-mail this to: My E-mail address: CUPID'S Dear John Letter Generator @ chickenhead.com 2019/10/23
2006 仲夏,簡訊傳情版 1.有獎徵答(頒給 古坑咖啡餅) 2.兩分鐘的滋味 (1) 呈現一次簡訊傳情(影音版)的內容 (說明) (2) 對象不限 (3) 借用陳情表的婉曲技巧 (4) 分組表演兩分鐘,留下歷史見證 2019/10/23