How great is our God (Verse 1) 我神真偉大


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Presentation transcript:

How great is our God (Verse 1) 我神真偉大 The splendor of a King, clothed in majesty 尊貴榮耀君王 在全地之上 Let all the earth rejoice, all the earth rejoice 願萬民都喜樂 全地都喜樂 He wraps himself in Light, and darkness tries to hide 主祢滿有榮光 黑暗都躲藏 And trembles at His voice, trembles at His voice 萬民高聲唱 齊來高聲唱 1/5

How great is our God (Chorus) 我神真偉大 Sing with me, how great is our God 歌頌祢聖名真偉大 And all will see how great, how great is our God 全地都要看見我神真偉大 2/5

How great is our God (Verse 2) 我神真偉大 Age to age He stands, and time is in His hands 昔在永在君王 從今直到永遠 Beginning and the end, beginning and the end 祢從不曾改變 永存在天地間 The Godhead Three in One, Father, Spirit, Son 祢是三一真神 父子與聖靈 The Lion and the Lamb, the Lion and the Lamb 真神的羔羊 全能神羔羊 3/5

How great is our God (Chorus) 我神真偉大 Sing with me, how great is our God 歌頌祢聖名真偉大 And all will see how great, how great is our God 全地都要看見我神真偉大 4/5

How great is our God (Bridge) 我神真偉大 You’re the Name above all names 祢至聖尊名  You are worthy of our praise 配受大讚美 And my heart will sing 全心歌頌 How great is our God 我神真偉大 5/5