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“It all started with a mouse !”Walt Disney said. It is true that a mouse create the Kingdom of the Disney! Walt Disney is a legend, his name is a symbol.

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3 “It all started with a mouse !”Walt Disney said. It is true that a mouse create the Kingdom of the Disney! Walt Disney is a legend, his name is a symbol of a dream, he created the cartoon character Mickey Mouse, has also produced the first cartoon films, he created a Disney theme park, established a modern multi-media company , His creativity has changed the world.

4 沃尔特 迪斯尼是一个传奇, 他的名字就是一种梦想的象 征,他创造了卡通人物的米 老鼠,制作了电影史上第一 部完整的动画影片,他创建 了迪斯尼主题公园,组建了 现代化多媒体公司,他 的创意改变了世界的面貌。

5 It is said that Walt Disney was originally thought of having to build a theme park. Because in the general amusement park adults had to await boringly, while the children was playing. Disney was so dissatisfied that he thought to build an theme park adults as well as children can enjoy, and all the guests can gain the VIP-style treatment from the dream amusement park. July 17, 1955 when the first opening of Disneyland, Walt Disney's dream kingdom came into the real world.

6 据说,华特迪斯尼 ( Walt Disney )最初想到 要建造一座主题公园,是 因为他对于只有小孩子在 玩乐、大人只可在旁边呆 等的游乐园感到十分不满, 于是他便想到要建一座不 论大人小孩都可尽兴而返, 所有客人都可受到贵宾式 对待的梦幻游园地。 在 1955 年 7 月 17 日当位 于加州洛杉矶的首个迪斯 尼乐园正式开幕,华特迪 斯尼心中的梦幻王国变成 真实世界。

7 Disney Theme Park Adventureland (冒险乐园) Clitter Country (动物王国)Clitter Country (动物王国) Fantasyland (梦幻乐园)Fantasyland (梦幻乐园)

8 Adventureland 冒险乐园 Jungle Cruise 热带密林之旅 Swiss Family Treehouse 爬上传说中因遇难而在树上搭建 房屋的瑞士人之家,可以一览游乐园全景 New Orleans Square 新奥尔良广场 Pirates Of the Canbbean 加勒比海海盗 Having a travel by the corsair,How wonderful! Disneyland Railroad

9 Clitter Country (动物王国) Splash Mountain 飞溅山峦 Mark Twain Steamboat 马克 吐温的蒸汽船 Salling Ship Columbia 乘坐仿制的帆船,模拟哥伦比 亚的环球航行。只在特定节日或夏季才开放 Rafts to Tom Sawyer lsland 乘竹筏去陪汤姆 索亚到岛上探险 The theme was created by “the voice of south”. Be careful! Water droplets may wet your cloth Be careful! Water droplets may wet your cloth

10 梦幻乐园 Fantasyland Snow Whites Scary Adventures 白雪公主历险记 Pinocchios Dadng Journey 去和匹诺曹一家一起旅行, 路上要经受种种 “ 诱惑 ” 的考验。 Storybook Land Canal Boats 游访童话中的小人国。 Meet Mickey 拜访米老鼠米奇,并与米 奇合影 GoofyS BounceHouse 在古菲家您会有奇特的体 验 Fantasyland Autopia 由孩子们自己驾驶,在 " 高 速公路 " 上驰骋。

11 Outside the United States, Disneyland plans to extend to other countries overseas, in 1983, Disney and Japan set up Tokyo Disneyland, Disney's magic charm, crossed the cultural In 1992 in Paris, France, the Disneyland set up, Disneyland forces began to expand into Europe September 12 2005 Disney landed on Hong Kong.

12 Disney’s cartoon Walter Elias Disney , American animator, showman, and film producer famous for his creation of the cartoon characters Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck, he produced the first animated film with sound, Steamboat Willie (1928), and the first full-length animated movie, Snow White (1938). 沃尔特 · 伊利斯 · 迪士尼美国动画片制作家、演 出主持人和电影制片人 。他以创作卡通人物 米老鼠和唐老鸭闻名。他制作了世界第一部 有声动画片《蒸汽船威利》和第一部动画长 片《白雪公主》 (1938 年 ) 。 Disney’s cartoon

13 Snow white and the seven dwarfs is the origin of animation movies. To the video history and Disney itself,the movie had extraordinary significance and the special value ; to the globle,the impact of children and even adults is tremendous and far- reaching. It has gone far beyond the scope of literary and artistic works. 《白雪公主和七个 小矮人》不但是电 影史上第一部长动 画电影,对影史和 迪士尼本身都具有 非凡意义和特殊价 值,对全球少年儿 童乃至成年人的影 响更是巨大而深远, 它已经远远超出了 文艺作品的范畴

14 It’s a miracle that all the cartoon characters are famous all over the world.Not only the children but also alduts are attracted by the lovely characters.

15 Beauty and the Beast Dumbo 小飞象 Pinocchio 匹诺曹 Mulan 木兰

16 Alice in Wonderland 艾丽斯漫游仙 境 小熊维 尼历险 记

17 Today's Disney has engaged in far more than a movie animation industry, including Disney watches, Disney Jewelry, Disney girls loaded, the Disney bags, household items, Disney toys, Disney electronic products. Because a lot of people watched Disney's animated film in the early age, Disney’s products are supported by lots of consumers, and achieved great commercial value.

18 当今的迪士尼已经远远不止于 从事动画电影这一个行业了,迪士 尼手表、迪士尼饰品、迪士尼少女 装、迪士尼箱包、迪士尼家居用品、 迪士尼毛绒玩具、迪士尼电子产品 等多个产业。由于许多人都是从小 看着迪士尼的动画片长大了,所以 迪士尼产品受到了广大消费者的欢 迎,取得了丰硕的商业价值。

19 What is Disney’s brand core ? Innovation – 创新 Disney has always insisted on innovating Quality - 高品质 Disney tries his best to reach the high quality in order to approach excellence Community - 共享 For the home, Disney has been creating a positive and inclusive attitude. The creation of the Disney entertainment can be shared by generations of people.

20 Storytelling - 故事 Each Disney Products will tell a story, the endless story always brought joy and people Optimism - 乐观 Disney entertainment experience is always publicity hope, eager and optimistic determination to people. Decency - 尊重 Disney’s fun denpend on our own experience, not laugh at others

21 DisneyLand pictures












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