长沙世纪金源大饭店介绍 Introduction of Empark Grand Hotel Changsha.

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1 长沙世纪金源大饭店介绍 Introduction of Empark Grand Hotel Changsha

2 酒店外观 Hotel Exterior

3 长沙世纪金源大饭店,是世纪金源集团融合旗下各家饭店之设计 精华而倾力打造的第十一家豪华五星级标准大饭店,集 “ 办公、商住 、旅游、会议、休闲健身、娱乐美食 ” 于一体。饭店位于长沙市开福 区,地处湘江与浏阳河交汇处,总建筑面积 7.6 万平米,地面 39 层, 地下一层,饭店车场拥有近 400 车位。建成开业后,其独具的江景客 房,将为宾客提供极富滨水人文气息的现代商务体验,成为 “ 楚汉名 城 ” 首屈一指的现代风格建筑。 Empark Grand Hotel Changsha, which is the eleventh luxury business Five-star hotel under the management of Empark Grand Hotels&Resorts, Overlooking the Xiangjiang River. Combines features of conference, business, vacation and entertainment together. Occupying ground space of 76,000 square meters , 39 floors overground,1floor underground, parking 400 cars. It is located in Jinyang Development District, which is the center of politics, culture, habitation of Guiyang, connected main city by Jinyang Road and Beijing West Road, neighboured business office buildings, shopping mall in Century City.It is 10 minites by car from hotel to the downtown,so transportation to here is very convenient. 酒店总体介绍 Hotel Over View

4 酒店大堂 Lobby

5 酒店客房 Guest Rooms 高级双床房 Superior Twin Room

6 酒店客房 Guest Rooms 江景大床房 River View King Room

7 酒店客房 Guest Rooms 套房客厅 Living Room 客房洗手间 Washing Room

8 客房介绍 Guest Room Introduction 饭店共拥有各类客房 539 间(套),豪华客房面积近 50 平方米,位居长沙之 最。所有客房内均配备液晶电视,同时提供国际、国内长途直拨电话、迷你酒吧 、卫星电视、卫生间、独立热带雨林式喷淋、全景下沉式浴缸、房间保险箱、宽 带上网等配套服务。温馨家居式装修风格,完善的设施将为您提供舒适、体贴、 快捷的服务,使您商务活动、避暑休闲的首选之地。 The hotel offers 539 guest rooms, the space of the deluxe single guest room reaches 50 square meters, which shows our hotel is the most spacious hotel in Changsha. All the rooms are pretty comfortable and equipped with high-tech facilities to provide the most luxurious enjoyment.In order to facilitate all your activities, our hotel provides IDD&DDD, mini bar, Satellite Television Transmissions, separate bathroom, Safety box, broadband Internet service and the complete service in the guest room.With the perfect equipments, our hotel is providing the most comfortable, care and convenient services, so it is your best choice for business vacation place.

9 客房房型及数量 Room Category and Quantity 房型 Room Type 房间数量 No. of Rooms 双床 Twin 大床 King 高级客房 Superior Room 15280 高级江景客房 Superior River View Room 6947 行政客房 Executive Room 1028 行政江景客房 Executive River View Room 116 高级套房 Superior Suite 267 高级江景套房 Superior River View Suite -47 行政套间 Executive Suite -10 行政江景套间 Executive River View Suite -9 总统套房 Presidential Suite 1

10 大宴会厅 Grand Ball Room ( 无柱式, 1800 平方米,层高 10 米 )


12 首长接见厅 VIP Conference Room

13 酒店会议设施介绍 Hotel Meeting Facility Introduction 饭店拥有高 10 米,面积近 1800 平方米的无柱独立式千人宴会厅及各种不同规模 的会议厅 11 间,可承接各种国际会议、社交宴会、主题晚宴及婚宴等。同时,饭 店配备有高级影音系统、无线同声传译等系统。更为优雅的国际会议厅、首长接 见厅和休息厅等附属设施一应俱全,会场提供 100 兆宽带网络系统,保证了 100 兆 高速网速,实现了高效、便利、快捷的网络传输要求. 让您的商务活动倍感轻松。 The pillar free banquet hall is 10-meter high and is over 1,800 square meters, which can accommodate up to 1,000 people for class room style conference.The 11 large, middle and small-sized meeting and conference rooms can offer settings for various international conference, social activities, and theme banquet and wedding feast. The conference room can offer superior video and audio equipments and simultaneous interpretation system. With 100 trillion broadband internet speed you can predominate the information of the world business and trade pulse at no distance to the world. With the more graceful leaders' foyer, presence chamber and all other accessorial facilities, your business activities will be completed in a free and easy environment

14 会议室规模及容纳人数 Meeting Room Size and Capacity 会场名称 / 位置 Meeting Room Name/Location 使用面积 (平米) Area Size 长 / 宽 / 高 (米) Length/Hi gh/Width (M) 摆台类型 Different style Capacity 剧院型 / 最 大容纳人 数 课桌型 / 最 大容纳人 数 回字型 / 最 大容纳人 数 宴会型 / 最 大容纳人 数 大宴会厅 /1F 180052/33/10150010008001000 大宴会厅 1 、 2/1F 130036/33/101000700360550 大宴会厅 3/1F 50033/16/10 300250200280 国际会议厅 /3F 35021/18/4.5260140 160 首长接见厅 /3F 21018/12/4.5 180120100150

15 昆明厅 /3F 10010/9/4.5 //// 贵阳厅 /3F 12014/9/4.510060 福州厅 1/3F 7010/7/4.5 5030 20 福州厅 2/3F 7010/7/4.5 5030 20 福州厅 1 、 2/3F 14014/10/4.512060 80 合肥厅 /3F 12014/9/4.5 90605060 南京厅 /3F 13014/9/4.5 90605060 长沙厅 /3F 17018/9/4.5 14080 100 重庆厅 /3F 10012/9/4.5 8050 北京厅 /3F 16016/8/4.5 //// 中餐大厅 /2F 51023/20/4.5 480210200250 会议室规模及容纳人数 Meeting Room Size and Capacity

16 餐饮设施 Food & Beverage 金世纪中餐厅 Golden Century Chinese Restaurant 尽显豪华的中餐大厅, 19 间贵宾包 房,环境优雅,私密性与开放性完美融 合。特聘香港粤菜名厨主理,色、香、 味、美俱全的南北佳肴亦令您大快朵颐 。 大厅餐位数 : 250 位 包房餐位数 : 198 位 营业面积: 510 ㎡ The super luxurious Chinese restaurant provides19VIP rooms with clean environment and impressive decoration bearing, which is fit for not only open dinner but also private talks. It also supplies Chinese famous and classic dishes with the south and north delicious Chinese food in color,smell, taste and appearance, and you can appreciate the great Chinese food culture. Dinning Hall Capacity:250pax Area: 510 ㎡ Private Room Capacity:198pax

17 金源自助餐厅 Golden Resources Cafeteria 供应中、西、日相结合,以海鲜为主的自助餐。餐厅布局风格独特,颇具异国情调及 神秘浪漫之感。是理想的商务休闲用餐场所。 餐 位 数: 220 位 营业面积: 720 ㎡ The Golden Resources Cafeteria services Breakfast Lunch and Dinner. Variety selection of Sea Food. Where you can enjoying the traditional western buffet as well as some Asian cuisine. Capacity: 220pax Area:720 ㎡

18 富士山日本料理 FUJI Japanese Restaurant 位于饭店三层的全城唯 一正宗日本料理,让您真正 感受日本美食。拥有五间日 式风格的包间 ( 北海道、神 户、名古屋、大阪、东京 ) 服务项目:日本料理散点 餐 位 数: 72 位 营业面积 : 230 ㎡ Located on the third floor the FUJI Japanese Restaurant is the best Japanese restanrant where you can enjoy real Japanese food. There are five private rooms named Capacity: 72pax Area:230 ㎡

19 康体娱乐 Receration Facilities

20 室内游泳池 Indoor Swimming Pool 国际标准游泳池 International standardized Swimming Pool

21 康体娱乐设施介绍 Receration Facilities Introduction 无论商务会议、观光旅游还是避暑休闲,你都可以享受到饭店 的综合娱乐设施,豪华 KTV 俱乐部、国际标准游泳池、桑拿中心、 健身房、舒适的按摩房、棋牌室、美容中心、网吧,让您尽享世纪 金源大饭店的尊贵休闲娱乐。 The international standardized Swimming Pool 、 Sauna 、 Fully equipped fitness Center 、 Deluxe Chess Room 、 Beauty Salon which will make your stay enjoyable.

22 酒店周边景点介绍 Surrounding Scenic Spots 橘子洲头 The Orange Continent

23 岳麓书院 The Yue Foothill Academy

24 爱晚亭 Aiwan Pavilion

25 毛主席故居 Former Residence of Chairman Mao

26 张家界风景 Zhangjiajie Scenery



29 长沙世纪金源大饭店欢迎您 Welcome to Empark Grand Hotel Changsha

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