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B. 城市概况 Introduction of City 武汉市是湖北省的省会,市区人口约 335 万,市内 100 多处湖泊星罗棋布,长江与汉水将她分成了武昌、汉口和 汉阳三镇,因而又有 “ 武汉三镇 ” 之说。 这里还是千年荆楚文化的发源地,具有浓郁的楚文化 特色,是我国的历史文化名城之一。主要的名胜古迹有东.

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Presentation on theme: "B. 城市概况 Introduction of City 武汉市是湖北省的省会,市区人口约 335 万,市内 100 多处湖泊星罗棋布,长江与汉水将她分成了武昌、汉口和 汉阳三镇,因而又有 “ 武汉三镇 ” 之说。 这里还是千年荆楚文化的发源地,具有浓郁的楚文化 特色,是我国的历史文化名城之一。主要的名胜古迹有东."— Presentation transcript:

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2 城市概况 Introduction of City 武汉市是湖北省的省会,市区人口约 335 万,市内 100 多处湖泊星罗棋布,长江与汉水将她分成了武昌、汉口和 汉阳三镇,因而又有 “ 武汉三镇 ” 之说。 这里还是千年荆楚文化的发源地,具有浓郁的楚文化 特色,是我国的历史文化名城之一。主要的名胜古迹有东 Wuhan is the capital of Hubei province with a population of 3.35 million. With over 100 lakes, Wuhan has been divided into Wuchang, Hankou and Hanyang. Wuhan is origin of Chu culture and known as a famous historic and cultural city in China. Its main scenic spots consist of East Lake, Guiyuan Temple, Ancient Instrument Terrace, Hubei provincial Museum and Yellow Crane Tower, etc. Moreover Wuhan is the hub of communications in China. 湖、归元寺、古琴台、湖北省博物馆、黄鹤楼等。另外武汉还是中国铁路的枢纽。

3 长江经济带 Introduction of City 长江经济带,东起上海、西至云南,涉及上海、重庆、江苏、湖北、浙江、四川、云南、贵州、湖南、江西、 安徽 9 个省 2 个直辖市。长江经济带中上海为龙头, 武汉为龙腰, 重庆为龙尾。 在中国区域经济发展大格局中,武汉拥有天时、地利、人和等各方面的优势。武汉可以依托长江经济带、长江 中游城市群、武汉城市圈两型社会建设综合配套改革试验区、东湖国家自主创新示范区的先行先试,包括在打 造中部崛起战略支点这样一个大的格局中发展,完全可以脱颖而出。 In the pattern of regional economic development of China's major, Wuhan, with, geographical and human conditions and so on various aspects of advantages. Can rely on the Yangtze river economic belt, Wuhan urban agglomeration in the middle reach of Yangtze river, Wuhan urban circle two type social construction of comprehensive reform pilot area, east lake national independent innovation demonstration area of first try first, including the rise of central China strategy fulcrum of such a large pattern of development, can stand out from the crowd. The Yangtze river economic belt, east Shanghai, west to Yunnan, Shanghai, Chongqing, Jiangsu, Hubei, Zhejiang, Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou, Hunan, Jiangxi, Anhui, nine provinces and two municipalities directly under the central government. Shanghai in the Yangtze river economic belt as group leader, Wuhan as the dragon waist, Chongqing is beaten.

4 武汉华美达光谷大酒店位于地铁二号线终点站“光谷广场”站口,地处高等学府与高科技产业密集的东 湖高新技术开发区核心商圈——光谷广场,毗邻东湖风景区。沿武汉中环线去武汉天河国际机场45分 钟车程,距离武汉火车站仅15分钟车程。 The hotel is located in the exit E of Optics Valley Square station of metro line 2 and the commercial center of Optics Valley, and adjoins East Lake. It is only 45 minutes drive to Tianhe International Airport if driving along Wuhan Middle Ring and 15 minutes drive away from Wuhan Railway Station. 酒店位置概况 Location

5 武汉华美达光谷大酒店拥有288间客房及19间公寓,设施齐备,豪 华典雅,宽敞舒适、各具风格。 288 rooms are elegantly designed to meet the needs of business travelers, including 19 departments. 舒适入住 Accommodation

6 房间配备宽大明亮的浴室、独立淋浴房、独立衣帽间、熨斗 和熨衣板、双层隔音玻璃及新风换气窗。临窗俯瞰,光谷全 貌尽收眼底,更可远眺湖光山色、碧波万倾。酒店在所有客 房及大部分营业区域实施免费无线网络接入,带给商旅客人 更便利的入住体验! Each room features spacious bathroom, separate shower cubicle, large closet, iron and iron board, double sound- proof windows and fresh ventilation. The guest can also take in all the spectacular sights of Optics Valley in the guest room. The free wireless internet access all over the hotel makes a convenience stay for business guest and traveler. 舒适入住 Accommodation

7 配备专用会议室,装修精美雅致,宾客在此免费享用果汁、软饮、咖 啡、茶及小食,免费无线宽带上网,免费阅览国内外杂志或报纸,提 供打印、复印、传真、翻译等商务服务。 With exquisite and elegant decoration, guests can enjoy juice, soft drinks, coffee, tea and desserts, enjoy wireless internet access, and read domestic and foreign magazines and newspapers, all for free. Business services such as copy, fax, PC rent and translation and so on are available. 行政楼层 Executive Club 舒适入住 Accommodation

8 光谷之窗旋转餐厅荟萃环球美食,都市化氛围活跃。提供丰盛的 国际式自助餐,并拥有2间开放式厨房。顾客仿佛置身集市,可 以一边享用美食,一边观看厨师现场烹饪的高超技艺,体会中国、 日本、印度、东南亚、中东、欧洲和北美等地的各种美味佳肴。 A mingle of culinary cultures, Revolving Restaurant features 2 open-kitchens and a lively cosmopolitan atmosphere. The walk-through design evokes a public market, while gourmet showcases and spectacular live cooking stations present delectable cuisines. Expect a wide variety of dishes from China, Japan, India, Southeast Asia, Middle East as well as Europe and North America. 光谷之窗旋转餐厅 Revolving Restaurant 餐饮服务 Food & Beverage

9 置身于经典欧陆风情轻松惬意的环境,享受中西合璧丰 盛的自助早餐及全日零点服务。专业的大厨在开放式厨 房为您现场施艺,带来各具特色的环球美食。 It’s absolutely a fashion and comfortable place to enjoy a feast of international buffet breakfast and a la carte. The abundant choice of the healthy food menu, fragrant coffee and open kitchen makes it become the perfect venue for dining. 广场咖啡西餐厅 Plaza Café 餐饮服务 Food & Beverage

10 装修富丽堂皇,结合欧式古典风格与中国传统元素,是 品味精致粤菜和本地特色美食的最佳场所。菜单挑逗味 蕾,餐厅供应的美酒与菜式一样丰富。十二间贵宾包房 各具特色,其中,藏玉阁贵宾厅高雅奢华,即使是最为 高端的晚宴,亦会为您精彩呈献。 From the time-honored classic Cantonese cuisine to seasonal delicacies,Yumantang, with 12 VIP rooms offers diners exceptional food in an elegant and exquisite atmosphere. With an equally sumptuous wine list to match, there is a bottle available for every special occasion. Cangyuge, the most luxurious VIP room, is a perfect place for you to cater the most significant guests. 玉满堂 Yumantang 餐饮服务 Food & Beverage

11 风格雅致的如意轩拥有一支厨艺精湛的烹饪队伍,菜谱中强 调天然风味,注重食材的新鲜度,尽显地方特色。为宾客提 供高品质的就餐体验。 Our professional team combines the ancient and modern cuisine following the developing trends. The dishes contain the highest quality ingredients and combine the local features, trying to advocate green healthy diet culture. 如意轩中餐厅 Ruyixuan Chinese Restaurant 餐饮服务 Food & Beverage

12 和风东渐,悦目而清淡的日式美食,为崇尚养生的您提供另种时尚选择。设有现场制作铁板烧档、寿司 档及两间私人餐室,让您尽情领略日本美食的文化! Experience fine Japanese dining and the tradition of exquisite Japanese cuisine. The Restaurant features Teppanyaki, Sushi bar and two private rooms. 樱田日本料理 Sakurada Japanese Restaurant 餐饮服务 Food & Beverage

13 大堂酒廊 Lobby Lounge 大堂酒廊装修别致,融入国际化现代时尚风格,是一个时尚 优雅的休闲好去处。提供自制点心、小食、鸡尾酒、下午茶 及多种特制现磨咖啡,晚间有现场乐队演奏,是您与商务伙 伴或好友相聚,享受午后小憩,或娱乐休闲的首选之地。 Combining the best of elegant design, live music, cocktail, selection of wines, daily fresh cakes and breads, fresh coffee and afternoon tea, Lobby Lounge is a contemporary fashion venue for a business talk, a daytime gathering, happy hour drinks or late night entertaining. 餐饮服务 Food & Beverage

14 无论您是偏爱甜食,还是想犒劳一下自己,请光临酒店 一楼美食店。美食店提供当日新鲜烘焙的蛋糕、饼干、 西点等,并提供外带服务,定会让您满意而归。 Satisfy your sweet tooth at Gourmet, the hotel’s home- made pastry and dessert house. With take-away options, the Gourmet corner offers an abundant selection of fresh daily cakes, cookies and pastries. 美食店 Gourmet Corner 餐饮服务 Food & Beverage

15 酒店拥有宴会面积1580平方米 , 配备专用宴会厨房,流程合理、配备电子显示屏,同声传译系统, 功能齐全、设备先进。 The hotel has an area of 1,580 square meters for holding meetings or banquets. The ballroom is equipped with a special kitchen with rational operation flow, the electronic sign, and an advanced multi-functional simultaneous interpretation system. 宴会及会议 Banquet & Events

16 700平方米无柱式大宴会厅,空高6米,宽敞气派,可以根据会议形式一隔为二。 420平米的无柱式宴 会厅适合各类中型宴会会议;六间多功能厅可灵活组合,满足各类会议之需。专业会议统筹人员提供 的细致服务,令每场会务尽善尽美。 With an area of 700 square meters and an elevation of 6 meters, the spacious and grand pillar-free ballroom can be divided into two small halls in accordance with the requirements of meetings. The west lake ballroom with 420 ㎡ and 6 function rooms of various size can cater for all kinds of events. Professional meeting & events team ensures that every events is tailored to meet your needs. 宴会及会议 Banquet & Events

17 武汉华美达光谷大酒店独有挑高无柱式大宴会厅,三个灵活组合的主婚宴会场,完美打造 20 桌至 100 桌的 婚宴。启用高科技 3D 技术现场体验婚宴效果,并有超值幸福礼包相赠,一站式服务新理念,为您打造专属 DIY 私人婚礼派对。 Welcome you to hold your perfect wedding in Ramada Plaza Optics Valley Hotel. The elegant ballroom 完美婚宴 Perfect Wedding can accommodate 20 to 100 tables of wedding banquet. Booking ramada wedding, enjoy our luxury package. Our thoughtful wedding consultants will display a brand-new one-stop-wedding service platform which enables you to design a unique private wedding party.

18 由健身房及室内恒温游泳池组成,健身房拥有美国进口的健身设备, 一应俱全。室内恒温游泳池,使用面积470平方米,自然采光,池边 平台有充足的躺椅,消毒池及池水自动循环过滤系统。 Health Club consists fitness room equipped with fitness equipment imported from the US, and a 470-square- meter indoor constant temperature swimming pool. Adopting natural lighting, the swimming pool is equipped with sufficient deckchairs on the platform around the pool; the disinfection tank; the automatic water circulation and filter system. 健身中心 Health Club 健身及娱乐 Recreation

19 重金打造的娱乐王国,尊贵典雅的KTV包房,经香港知名设 计师精心设计,配备最先进的灯光音响设备。奢华的高端定 位和周到的个性化服务,将带您感受最具震撼力的视觉与听 觉双重冲击。 Equipped with the most deluxe facilities, the Golden Garden Night Club, with KTV private rooms, is the most sophisticated and chic fashion nightspot in town. 金色乐园夜总会 Golden Paradise Night Club 健身及娱乐 Recreation

20 设男、女宾室,内设干蒸房、湿蒸房、男宾冲浪池、淋浴间等。在尽情享受桑拿后,舒适宽敞的休闲厅 内小憩、品茶、欣赏独立音乐播放器、观看卫星电视节目等,舒缓疲劳,放松身心。 Equipped with independent man’s and woman’s rooms containing the sauna room, steam room, man’s surfing pool, shower room, etc. where customer can enjoy the relaxation brought by sauna and a spacious lounge where customers can take a rest, taste tea, listen to music with independent music player, watch satellite television programs to relieve fatigue and relax both the mind and body. 金色乐园憩SPA中心 Golden Paradise Sauna Center 健身及娱乐 Recreation


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