《今日东莞》英文网由东莞市人民政府新闻办公 室主办,以全面立体地向世界展示东莞、推介东莞 ,对外介绍东莞的历史、经济、文化、旅游及投资 环境,并为在莞境内外人士提供最新、最快、最全 面的咨询服务信息为主要宗旨。

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Presentation on theme: "《今日东莞》英文网由东莞市人民政府新闻办公 室主办,以全面立体地向世界展示东莞、推介东莞 ,对外介绍东莞的历史、经济、文化、旅游及投资 环境,并为在莞境内外人士提供最新、最快、最全 面的咨询服务信息为主要宗旨。"— Presentation transcript:


2 《今日东莞》英文网由东莞市人民政府新闻办公 室主办,以全面立体地向世界展示东莞、推介东莞 ,对外介绍东莞的历史、经济、文化、旅游及投资 环境,并为在莞境内外人士提供最新、最快、最全 面的咨询服务信息为主要宗旨。

3 Organized by the Information Office of Dongguan Municipal Government, “dgtoday.com.cn” comprehensively showcases Dongguan’s history, economy, culture, tourism and investment environment to the world. It aims to provide the latest and most comprehensive information for people home and abroad. Brief Introduction

4 网站采用非对称的三分栏设计,信 息内容和功能布局清晰。网页以浅蓝 为主色调,网站采用先进的 CDN 内 容分发技术作为技术支撑,并以英文 、中文简体和繁体同步发布,满足了 境内外人士获取信息的需要。 网站英文版首页截图 网站中文版首页截图

5 With an asymmetric three-column design in every page, the website features a clear layout for the information and its functions. Predominantly colored in shades of light blue, it is designed to operate on Content Delivery Network (CDN), an advanced support system, and in three versions, English, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese, all of which are simultaneously released, taking into account the needs of speakers of different languages. A captured picture of the Homepage ( English Version) Design Features A captured picture of the Homepage ( Chinese Version)

6 《今日东莞》英文网,立足本土,汇聚东莞最新时政动态和全面的生活资讯,主要内 容有新闻动态,东莞概况,本地人文,城市指南,镇街风采,旅游景点,采访路线等 10 个板块。

7 With its own characteristics – dgtoday.com will provide up-to-date world news, local news, city lifestyle information, facts and figures about Dongguan and its people, maps, guides and an overview of current and coming events in Dongguan and around China – for example, an extensive coverage of the Beijing Olympics! Columns Overview

8 “ 城市指南 ” 是《今日东莞》英文网的大板块,提供在 莞出行、游览、会展、参观、购物等方面详尽、全面 的信息,内容包括:展会、演出、活动、文化艺术设 施、酒店、餐饮美食、购物指南、旅游景点等。

9 City Guide, its largest section, provides detailed and comprehensive information of everyday needs for visitors, including exhibitions, shows, entertainment, cultural facilities, hotels, food and drink, shopping, sightseeing, cultural relics and more! City Guide

10 “ 经济发展 ” 板块将向您展现东莞作为一座享誉国内外的现代 制造业名城,其改革开放 30 年来的经济发展脉络和丰硕成果 , “ 服装之都 ” 、 “ 会展之都 ” 、 “ 家具之都 ” 的魅力。

11 As a manufacturing city enjoying a good reputation at home and abroad, the success and achievements of Dongguan’ s economic development unfold in the section named “Economic Development” under links such as the Fashion City, the Exhibition City and the Furniture City. Economic Development

12 “ 本地人文 ” 板块通过蚝岗遗址、可园和虎门炮台等古文化 印记,全面展示出作为中国近代史开篇之地的莞邑大地上 的千年文明以及这片热土上的淳朴民风。

13 Through the ancient cultural imprints represented by Haogang Site, Keyuan Garden and the former site of the Humen Emplacement, the section of The Locals comprehensively reveals Dongguan as a city with thousands of years of civilization and as the birth place of Chinese Modern History. The Locals

14 “ 采访路线 ” 板块整合东莞人文、旅游、服务等特色信息,推出魅力新城线、历史文化线、特色产 业集群线和综合采访路线,将为来莞采访的境内外记者提供有效信息和便捷服务。

15 Featured information such as culture, sightseeing and advisory services are carefully integrated in the section named “Interview Itinerary of Dongguan”, so that journalists from home or abroad can access useful information and find convenient services for their interviews in Dongguan during the Beijing Olympic Games. This section consists of “New Charming City Line”, “Historical and Cultural Line”, “Feature Industries Cluster Line” and “Comprehensive Line”. Interview Itinerary of Dongguan

16 “ 镇街风采 ” 板块为您全面展示东莞 32 个镇街不一样的精彩和独特魅力。

17 The section “Towns and Districts” gives a clear picture of the unique charm and brilliance of the 28 towns and 4 districts of Dongguan. Towns and Districts

18 “ 问题和回答 ” 板块是读者和编辑沟通的平台,网友可以就旅游、酒店、餐饮、住房等方 面向编辑提问,编辑以最快的速度回复问题并予以解决。此外,网友还可以就如何改善网 站建设及提高服务质量提出建言。

19 The “Q&A” section provides a platform for visitors to interact with the editors. Visitors to the site can ask questions regarding daily life, sightseeing, catering, housing and so on. Replies from the editors will be made in a timely manner and any suggestions for improving the site will be encouraged. Questions and Answers

20 “ 给你一个精彩而生动的东莞 ” ,是《今日东莞》英文网永恒的追求。

21 "To Present the Charming and Vibrant Dongguan to You" will always be the quest for www.dgtoday.com.cn!

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