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必修 2 Unit5 复习课 主讲教师: 陈昊. Preview  1. 使役性动词  2.match, fit, suit  3.dream  4.form  5.base  6. 常修饰形容词、副词比较级的词  7.break up, break down  8. come up.

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Presentation on theme: "必修 2 Unit5 复习课 主讲教师: 陈昊. Preview  1. 使役性动词  2.match, fit, suit  3.dream  4.form  5.base  6. 常修饰形容词、副词比较级的词  7.break up, break down  8. come up."— Presentation transcript:

1 必修 2 Unit5 复习课 主讲教师: 陈昊

2 Preview  1. 使役性动词  2.match, fit, suit  3.dream  4.form  5.base  6. 常修饰形容词、副词比较级的词  7.break up, break down  8. come up with, come up  9. waste

3 一. 使役性动词 1.He made me repeat it. 改成被动语态: I was made to repeat it. 2.Because of my poor English, I am afraid I can’t make myself _______________. (understand) understood 轻松归纳: make/let/have sb. do sth. get/ cause sb. to do sth.

4  2. Match  Vt. 与 … 相匹配 ( go with); 在 … 方面与 … 相匹 敌,势均力敌。  n. 匹敌者,相称的人. a match for sb. 某人的对 手  match… in…. 翻译: 1. 她的服装和年龄不相配。 ___________________________________ 2. We must find carpets that’ll match the curtains. ___________________________________ 3. No one can match him in knowledge of classical music. ____________________________________  Her clothes don’t match her age.  我们必须找到可以和这些窗帘搭配的地毯  在古典音乐的知识方面没人能和他相匹敌

5  词义辨析:  1. match 表示品质,设计等方面匹配,强调 与 … 相配。  2. fit 表示大小、尺寸合适、合身。  3. suit 强调颜色、样式、口味、品味适合某人。  填空: The dress ____ you well, its colour also ____ you, and the colour _________ the dress. fitssuits matches

6 3. dream vt. 做梦,梦见,想象,假想。 n. 梦,梦想 dream of/ about +n. /pron./doing /that 从句 表示 梦想 …, 梦见 … 例: ⑴ I dreamed that I was flying like a bird in the sky. ⑵ I dreamed/had a strange dream last night. ⑶ 他实现了当演员的梦想。 _____________________________________ ⑷ His dream came true. He realized his dream of becoming an actor.

7 4. attach  Vt. Vi. 认为有,附上,参加,伴随 Do you attach any importance to what he said? 短语: attach importance/value/significance to.. 认为 … 有重要性 / 价值 / 意义  We should ___ primary importance to job training.  A. concentrate B. devote  C. attach D. emphasize C

8 5. Form v. 形成,构成,养成 n. 形式,表格 翻译: One should form good habits when young. __________________________________ Please fill this form in ink. __________________________________ 一个人年轻时就该养成良好的习惯. 请用墨水填写这张表. 6. 注意某些名词复数形式: Passers-by , lookers-on, fathers-in-law, grown-ups, go-betweens, filmgoers, Englishmen, men doctors,women teachers.

9 7. base 用法 ⑴ sb. bases A on B ⑵ A is based on B 1. _______ on his book, the film enjoyed great success. A. Base B. To base C. Basing D. Based 2. We need more actual facts ______ to base our arguments. A. on them B. on which C. to them D. to which D B

10 8. 修饰形容词、副词比较级的 副词 Even,much,any,still,far,by far, a lot, a little, a bit, a great deal, rather, slightly 等。 翻译: He is slightly taller than his brother. 改错: That book is much interesting than this one. more

11 9. Break up 例: I heard he had just broken up with his girlfriend. A sentence can be broken up into several words. When does your school break up ? Break up 常见汉语意思有: 分解,分开;粉碎解体;驱散;放假;停止, 关系的中止结束( break up with sb ).

12 联想 Break down 机器出故障,人的精神崩溃,分解 (化学变化),会议的失败破裂。 Break through 突破 Break out 战争、火灾、疫情等突然爆发 Break in 插话,破门而入 Break off 中断,中途休息一下

13 单选题: 1. Shall we _____ our discussion and have some tea or coffee, please ? A. break off B. break down C. break into D. break out A

14 10. Go wrong 走错路, 出毛病 误 入岐途, ( 机器等 ) 发生故障 猜一猜: go mad, go hungry, go bad, go blind go red with embarrassment _______________ go blue with cold _______________ go green with envy _______________ 难堪得脸红 脸冻得发紫 因妒忌而脸色发青

15 11. Come up with 例: I come up with an idea. A plan comes up. 被提出 (主语是物) 想出,提出,赶上(主语是人) Come up Come up with

16 拓展 想一想: “ 想出一个想法 ” 的表达方式? 1. I came up with an idea. 2.I hit upon/on an idea. 3.It occurred to me that 从句 4.An idea struck/hit me. 5. An idea rushed through my mind.

17 12. waste Waste n. 浪费,垃圾; vi. 浪费,消耗; adj. 荒废的,无用的 常用句式: It is a waste of … doing sth/to do sth. 做某事是浪费 … 补充: waste … in doing sth./on sth. 在做某事 / 某物上浪费 ….

18 Summing up 1. 使役性动词 2.match, fit, suit 3.dream 4.form 5.base 6. 常修饰形容词、副词比较级的词 7.break up, break down 8. come up with, come up 9. waste

19 练一练

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