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得阅读者得天下 By Lotus Chen. dream 莲花 generalist Bilingual teacher Sea turtle North Lotus Chen.

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Presentation on theme: "得阅读者得天下 By Lotus Chen. dream 莲花 generalist Bilingual teacher Sea turtle North Lotus Chen."— Presentation transcript:

1 得阅读者得天下 By Lotus Chen

2 dream 莲花 generalist Bilingual teacher Sea turtle North Lotus Chen

3 病症一 表象: 吃过一大堆药(做了 N 篇练习), 阅读还是不稳定,有时全对,有 时会错。 病因: 如果以应试型练习为主,只是机 械化的做题,会导致兴趣丧失, 自然没法成为阅读达人。 阅读专家之望闻问切

4 治疗方法: 4 合 1 阅读鸡尾酒 精 读 应试技巧 (非应试) 泛读技巧 读后处理读后处理

5 阅读专家之望闻问切 病症二: 表象: 阅读效果不好,读不下去,读什 么都像浮云,似乎明白,又似乎 完全不知道它在说什么。会走神, 放空,打瞌睡,读完即忘。 病因: ???

6 病因深度分析 1 )缺乏背景知识 2 )缺乏合适的方法 -- 你平时的阅 读习惯是怎样的 -- 为什么而读? 怎样处理生词?你会指读,回读 吗?读后的处理?

7 治标且治本的治疗方法 task-oriented reading 1. 看起来很复杂,用起来很有效. 2.task 的形式很多样,在课程中 会一一展开讲。 3. 用好 task ,就能理清思路,排 除阅读时的 “ 模糊 ” 感, “ 疲劳 ” 感, “ 枯燥 ” 感,真正的成为阅读达人!

8 必杀技之一 Underline and circle underline-- 每句的关键词 时间、原因,地点,人物,方式 … circle -- 专有名词和关联词 比例: 一般较为简单的文章,不超过 1/3 较为高级的文章,不超过 1/2

9 先从中文阅读开始 现在的一个可能的解决方案是小额借贷。这一个 特殊的银行业务体系,它借钱给 “ 穷人中最穷的 人。 ” 这一想法发起于孟加拉国,有一个叫尤努 斯的人成立了格拉明银行。这家银行为想经商的 人提供少量贷款。而这些人是永远不可能从 “ 一 般的 ” 银行获得贷款的。为了从格拉明银行得到 贷款,人们仍需要诚信和能力,但是不再需要抵 押物。但有一个不同的条件:借款人必须加入一 个 “ 借贷小组 ” ,这个小组定期碰头,遵循银行的 一系列规则,互相之间给出建议和支持小组成员 确保每人都会偿还贷款。他们都想保持好的信誉, 继续和银行打交道。

10 回答问题时间 这篇文章是在介绍一种什么样的 银行业务 ? 这种银行业务借钱给什么人 ? 这种业务起始于那个国家 ? 是谁 第一个建立了什么银行 ? 从这种银行借钱需要什么样的条 件 ? (3 个 )

11 中文的难度阅读可以使用下划线和圈圈 现在的一个可能的解决方案是小额借贷。这一个 特殊的银行业务体系,它借钱给 “ 穷人中最穷的 人。 ” 这一想法发起于孟加拉国,有一个叫尤努 斯的人成立了格拉明银行。这家银行为想经商的 人提供少量贷款。而这些人是永远不可能从 “ 一 般的 ” 银行获得贷款的。为了从格拉明银行得到 贷款,人们仍需要诚信和能力,但是不再需要抵 押物。但有一个不同的条件:借款人必须加入一 个 “ 借贷小组 ” ,这个小组定期碰头,遵循银行的 一系列规则,互相之间给出建议和支持小组成员 确保每人都会偿还贷款。他们都想保持好的信誉, 继续和银行打交道。

12 小试牛刀 This lady is giving her love and energy to the development of a small Chinese village at the age of 90. In the early 20th century, Eunice's parents came to Shandong Province in eastern China and they gave birth to her there. Then, they thought of China as their second hometown.

13 Questions Who is Eunice? When and where was she born?

14 Underline and Circle This lady is giving her love and engegy to the development of a small Chinese village at the age of 90. In the early 20th century, Eunice's parents came to Shandong Province in eastern China and they gave birth to her there. Then, they thought of China as their second hometown.

15 read more When she grew up, she saw the poverty, illness and war in China. So when she left China at the age of 13, she decided to come back to help the poor in her birthplace. After her husband‘s death, the old woman sold everything she had in the US and moved to China in 1999. She lived in Liumiao Village so that she could help the local villagers.

16 Questions When did she leave China? What happened to her when she moved to China? Why did she move back to China the second time?

17 sample When she grew up, Eunice saw the poverty, illness and war in China. So when she left China at the age of 13, she decided to come back to help the poor in her birthplace. After her husband‘s death, the old women sold everything she had in the US and moved to China in 1999. She lived in Liumiao Village so that she coule help the local villagers.

18 必杀技之二 : = ? <> () 定义符号 -- 如果有难词或生词出现,一 般在上下文中会有一个句子或单词对 这个生词进行解释或暗示,可以用 = 符号来标注,如果这个词没有解决, 并且是关键词,注上? 分层符号 -- 较为明显的层次或有分层标 志词出现时,可以用 ,或是 1 ) 2 ) 3 )数字标注,直接在文中做好记录。 举例符号 — 如果看到某段文字是有关举 例说明的就用, 这样可以省掉阅读 时间。 从句符号 — 定语从句要用()标注。

19 小试牛刀 The word weather means “the atmospheric conditions at a specific place and time." The weather can vary from day to day. In contrast to weather, climate is "the general or average atmospheric conditions of a region". In different areas of the globe, the climate generally stays the same from year to year.

20 questions What does weather mean? How different is weather from climate?

21 sample The word weather means "the atmospheric conditions at a specific place and time." The weather can vary from day to day. In contrast to weather, climate is "the general or average atmospheric conditions of a region". In different areas of the globe, the climate generally stays the same from year to year.

22 read more Weather has a powerful impact on the physical world. It also affects people‘s personalities. How do you know about the effects of weather on people? We know from biometeorologists. These are scientists who study weather and its influence on human health and emotions. “Atmospheric conditions at a time or place” is a definition of the word weather.

23 questions What effects can the weather put on people?

24 必杀技之二 : = ? <> () 定义符号 -- 如果有难词或生词出现,一 般在上下文中会有一个句子或单词对 这个生词进行解释或暗示,可以用 = 符号来标注,如果这个词没有解决, 并且是关键词,注上? 分层符号 -- 较为明显的层次或有分层标 志词出现时,可以用 ,或是 1 ) 2 ) 3 )数字标注,直接在文中做好记录。 举例符号 — 如果看到某段文字是有关举 例说明的就用, 这样可以省掉阅读 时间。 从句符号 — 定语从句要用()标注。

25 sample Weather has a powerful impact on the physicla world. It also affects people‘s personalities. How do you know about the effects of weather on people? We know from biometeorologists=scientists ( who study weather and its influence on human health and emotions ). “Atmospheric conditions at a time or place" = weather.

26 再试牛刀 Why do high school graduates go to college and universities far from their homes? Undergraduates are university students who have not yet received a first degree. Often, undergraduates want the experience of life in new cultures. Maybe they want to learn another culture. Many students also want to get degrees in business,engineering or technology. Some international students save money by studying in developing nations.

27 Questions and Answers What are undergraduates? Why do undergraduates want to go abroad for studying? (3 points)

28 sample Why do high school graduates go to college and universities far from their homes? Undergraduates =university students ( who have not yet received a first degree ).Often, undergraduates want the experience of life in new cultures. Maybe they want to learn another culture. Many students also want to get degrees in business, engineering or technology. Some international students save money by studying in developing nations.

29 必杀技之三: Outlining, Mind-mapping 神马 是 outline ? 例子一:美国老妇在山东故事提纲: early 20th century-->parents to Shandong-->gave birth to Eunice-->saw poverty, illness and war-->______-->_______- ->______ -->_________-->..

30 来看看答案喽! 例子一:美国老妇在山东故事提 纲: early 20th century-->parents to Shandong-->gave birth to Brock- ->saw poverty, illness and war-- >left China at 13-->husband died-->sold everything and came back to China -->settle down in a village-->..

31 outlining 例子 2 为什么到海外留学? who______________ ______________ why______________ ______________

32 再来看看答案吧! 为什么要出国留学? Who High school graduates Undergraduates Why Learn a new culture Get a degree Save money

33 又试牛刀 All over the world, winds come down from high mountain areas. The winds fall faster, and the air becomes warmer and warmer. According to biometerologists in Russia, powerful winds from the mountains increase the number of strokes. Also, sometimes strong southern winds blow north over Italy. During these times, Italians have more heart attacks. People everywhere have bad headaches during times of forceful winds. And Japanese weather scientists say there is an increase in the number of asthma attacks (哮喘).

34 outline Topic_____________ place health effects __________ __________

35 Outline Place Health Russia stroke Italy heart attack Strong winds headache Japan asthma attacks

36 阅读专家之望闻问切 症状三 表象: 读到简单熟悉的主题情绪高涨 读到艰难陌生的主题情绪低落 病因: 知识面不够广,背景知识不够

37 治疗方法 1 :了解 了解 考试常考主题,按主题复习, 分主题整理复习词汇: 生活故事;校园故事;文化习俗; 健康;网络;科技;自然地理;环 保;名人传记;新闻热点;

38 治疗方法 2 :阅读 阅读 各种报刊文章,不限语 言和主题,大量的信息来源,有 利于背景知识的扩充、知识层面 的提高。推荐英语报刊: China Daily 手机报

39 中考阅读答题方式 先读题还是先读文章? 各有千秋 各尽所能

40 从今天开始,迈出 “ 得天下 ” 的第一步 1 teacher 10 books peers 9 topics 100 passages 148

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