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Unit 11 A boy and a girl 牛津小学英语 3A 武进区鸣凰中心小学 蒋丽峰.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 11 A boy and a girl 牛津小学英语 3A 武进区鸣凰中心小学 蒋丽峰."— Presentation transcript:


2 Unit 11 A boy and a girl 牛津小学英语 3A 武进区鸣凰中心小学 蒋丽峰


4 Quick response My…is/are long/short/big/small.

5 My apples are small.

6 My hair is long.

7 My eyes are small.

8 My hair is short.

9 My eyes are big.

10 My name is --- I’m a Chinese --- I’m from --- I’m ---( 年龄 ) I’m not --- (高、矮) I’m --- (胖、瘦) My hair is ---( 长、短 ) My eyes are --- (大、小) 快来介绍一下你自己吧!

11 Say a chant I’m a girl. I’m short. I’m thin. My hair is long. My eyes are small. I’m a boy. I’m tall. I’m fat. My hair is short. My eyes are big. We are happy boys and girls.

12 My name is Nancy Black. I’m an English girl. I’m from London. I’m nine. I’m not tall. My hair is long.

13 London 伦敦 (英国的首都) from ( 来自 ) Big Ben London Bridge

14 My name is Liu Tao. I’m a Chinese boy. I’m from Shanghai. I’m ten. I’m thin. My eyes are small.

15 WANTED 招聘 我校 “ 鸣小之声 ” 广播电台招 聘英语小记者 5 名,有意参加面 试者请准备好英语自我介绍。

16 学做小老师:教爸爸妈 妈用英语介绍自己。

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