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Travel Overseas ——” 生存英语 ” 趣谈 主讲:李嘉益. 医食 住行 Travel Overseas.

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Presentation on theme: "Travel Overseas ——” 生存英语 ” 趣谈 主讲:李嘉益. 医食 住行 Travel Overseas."— Presentation transcript:

1 Travel Overseas ——” 生存英语 ” 趣谈 主讲:李嘉益

2 医食 住行 Travel Overseas

3 住 宿住 宿 预订酒店 Booking Room 入住酒店 Checking in 退房结账 Checking out Travel Overseas

4 住 宿住 宿 预订酒店 Booking Room 电话预订酒店 May I speak to someone in the Reservations? 可以把我接到预订部吗? Could you please connect me to the Reservations? 可以让预订部的人接电话吗? I’d like to make a reservation. 我想要预定。 对方回应 Reservations speaking, how can I help you? 这里是预订部,有什么可以帮您? Travel Overseas

5 住 宿住 宿 预订酒店 Booking Room 询问空房的日期和房间类型 Do you have a double room available from Oct. 3 rd to 5 th ? 你们有从 10 月 3 日到 5 日空余的双人间吗? Useful Expressions I would like to book a double room from Oct 3 rd to 5 th. 我想订一间 10 月 3 日到 5 日的双人间。 单人间 single room 豪华间 deluxe room 商务间 executive room 套间 suite Tips smoking non-smoking 对方回应 Yes, we still have availability. 是的我们还有空房。 Travel Overseas

6 住 宿住 宿 预订酒店 Booking Room 询问优惠价格 Do you have any special rate available? 你们有优惠价格吗? What’s the best rate you can offer? 你们能给我的最优价是多少呢? Is breakfast included? 包含早餐吗? 对方回应 The current promotional rate is $120 per night, including breakfast. 目前的促销价是 120 美元一晚,包含早餐。 Travel Overseas

7 住 宿住 宿 预订酒店 Booking Room 完成预订 I’ll take it. 就订这个。 Book it for me. Let’s book it. Travel Overseas

8 住 宿住 宿 入住酒店 Checking in 说明自己已有预订 我有预订。 I have a reservation. I have a room reserved. There is a room booked in my name. 对方回应 My I have your name, please? 可以告诉我您的名字吗? Travel Overseas

9 住 宿住 宿 入住酒店 Checking in 对房间位置提出要求 Could you please put me on the second floor? 我可以要二楼的房间吗? Tips 英国 ground floor 一楼 first floor 二楼 美国 first floor 一楼 second floor 二楼 对方回应 No problem, do you want to pay by credit card or by cash? 没问题,您想用信用卡支付还是付现金? Travel Overseas

10 住 宿住 宿 入住酒店 Checking in 询问早餐时间 What time is breakfast? 早餐是几点? What time do you serve breakfast? When is breakfast served? Tips 对方回应 Breakfast is between 7:00 and 10:00. 早餐在上午 7 点到 10 点供应。 Travel Overseas

11 退房结账 Checking out 提出退房要求 住 宿住 宿 I’d like to check out, please. 我要退房,谢谢。 I need to check out, please. Could you check me out, please? I’m checking out today? 对方回应 Your room number, please. 告诉我您的房间号码,谢谢。 Travel Overseas

12 住 宿住 宿 退房结账 Checking out 反馈入住期间体验 对方询问 How was your stay? 一切都还满意吗? 应对 很棒,谢谢。 It was great, thank you! Useful Expressions very nice wonderful impressive remarkable Travel Overseas

13 用餐 吃正餐 Having Dinner 餐厅结账 Paying the Bill Travel Overseas

14 用餐 吃正餐 Having Dinner 请服务员推荐菜品 对方询问 Would you like to order? 可以点餐了吗? 应对 是的,它们看起来都不错,你有什么好推荐吗? Yes, they all look appealing. Do you have any recommendation? Useful Expressions appealing tempting What would you recommend? What’s your suggestion? specialty Travel Overseas

15 用餐 吃正餐 Having Dinner 点牛排 我想要一份顶级肋排。 I’d like an order of prime rib. Travel Overseas

16 用餐 吃正餐 Having Dinner 对方询问 How would you like your steak cooked? How would you like your steak done? How would you like it? 应对 七分熟,谢谢。 Medium well, please. 点牛排 Travel Overseas

17 用餐 吃正餐 Having Dinner 点配菜 您想要什么配菜? What accompaniments would you like? 对方询问 What would you like on the side? Useful Expressions 应对 土豆泥,谢谢? Mashed potatoes, please. Travel Overseas

18 用餐 餐厅结账 Paying the Bill 请服务员拿账单 服务员,买单。 Excuse me. Can I have the bill, please? Excuse me. Could you bring the bill, please? Excuse me. 注意 抱歉。 / 打扰一下。 Tips bill [ 英 ] 账单 check [ 美 ] 账单 Travel Overseas

19 用餐 餐厅结账 Paying the Bill AA 制或请客 对方询问 Would you like to split the bill? Would you like to separate the bill? No, together, my treat today. 你们要分开结账吗。 应对 不,一起,今天我请客。 Would you like to pay separately? It’s all on me today. 质疑账单 对不起,这一项是什么? Excuse me. What is this item. Travel Overseas

20 出行 乘坐公交 Taking Bus Travel Overseas

21 出行 乘坐公交 Taking Bus 询问路线 Travel Overseas 请问这车去唐人街吗? Hello! Will you go to Chinatown? Does this bus go to Chinatown? Is this the right bus to Chinatown? Is this bus bound for Chinatown? 对方回应 Yes, hop on. 是的,上车吧。 Tips hop-on hop-off bus

22 出行 乘坐公交 Taking Bus 询问票价 Travel Overseas 车票多少钱? What’s the fare, please? How much is the fare, please? Chinglish How much is the ticket, please?

23 出行 乘坐公交 Taking Bus 到站告知 Travel Overseas 到唐人街时,您能告诉我吗? Would you please let me know when we are arriving at Chinatown? Could you let me know when I need to get off? Tips 国外许多城市的公交车不报站。如果对路 线不熟悉,可以请司机提醒自己到站下车。 严格禁止在司机驾车时与司机交谈。 下车时习惯性地向司机表示感谢。

24 就医 问诊 Consulting Travel Overseas

25 出行 问诊 Consulting 对方询问 Travel Overseas What’s the problem? 你哪里不舒服? 应对 What seems to be the problem? 我头疼,嗓子疼,还流鼻涕。 I got a headache, a sore throat, and a runny nose? Useful Expressions 头晕 dizzy 恶心 nausea 呕吐 vomit 发烧 fever 扭伤 sprain 瘀伤 bruise 肿胀 swollen

26 出行 问诊 Consulting 询问病情和医嘱 Travel Overseas 我的病严重吗? Anything serious, doctor? Can you tell me what’s wrong with me, doctor? What do you think, doctor? 我需要吃药吗? Do I need to take some medicine? Is there anything I can take? Tips 口译服务 预约看病

27 Travel Overseas 新一代富媒体、多语种的外语学习产品 FiF 外语学习资源库(原 iLearning 外语学习资源库升级版) 循序提升听说读写译各项能力, 满足外语学习者多种需求 主题全面 海量资源 时效性强 持续更新

28 Thank you! Travel Overseas

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