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Greenhouse Village 溫室村 Plant factory 植物工廠

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1 Greenhouse Village 溫室村 Plant factory 植物工廠
溫室之未來式 Greenhouse Village 溫室村 Plant factory 植物工廠

2 溫室與村落的整合 未來式但荷蘭已在進行中

3 Greenhouse Village Winter heat from aquifer, loaded by the greenhouse in summer, 100 house per hectare greenhouse in Dutch climate All plant, kitchen, toilet waste goes to an anaerobic digester Digester produces biogas = CO2+CH4 CHP engine makes electricity, heat & electric power from this biogas, enough for greenhouse and houses Condensate from fine wire heat exchangers is enough for drinking water for the houses Waste water from houses is converted to irrigation for greenhouse, no extra fertilizer necessary.

4 Complete Greenhouse Village installations







11 都會區潔淨短期葉菜類量產植物工廠之特色 全環控 自動化 節能 高效 零病蟲害 無農藥 低硝酸鹽 口感佳

12 透過已知的環境參數設定值的調控,栽培不再是靠天吃飯,農業生產可以像工廠一般。
植物工廠的特色 透過已知的環境參數設定值的調控,栽培不再是靠天吃飯,農業生產可以像工廠一般。 產量、產期都可以預測,都可以調整。

13 Cornell University, CEA center
浮板栽培模式 三階段栽培 育苗期 (11 天) 高密度:96 plants/board,育苗室 生長期 (10 天) 中密度: 60 plants/board,溫室 成熟期 (14 天) 低密度: 20 plants/board,溫室 第 35 天收穫 Cornell University, CEA center






19 日總光量(DLI, Daily Light Integral)
umol/m2/s HR:MN DLI, mol/m2 100 16:40 6 200 12 300 15:45 17

20 DLI (Daily Light Integral) in mol/m2/day
DM = exp (a t – t²) (a = (DLI) Tipburn occur Tipburn-free DLI (Daily Light Integral) in mol/m2/day

21 CO2 施肥濃度與日總光量DLI影響產能 The usefulness of carbon dioxide enrichment of the greenhouse air for increased lettuce growth was reported by Both. (1998) 21

22 量產7 g 乾重的萵苣 所需的等效環控條件 umol/m2/s Hr:mn mol/m2 ppm 光量 每日給光時間 每日累計光量DLI
CO2濃度 umol/m2/s Hr:mn mol/m2 ppm 200 16:40 12 1300 300 15:45 17 345

23 Final shoot DM vs. Total PAR
DM= (Accumulated light) 673

24 量產7 g 乾重的萵苣 所需的等效環控條件 累計總光量 每日累計光量DLI 所需栽培天數 mol/m2 Days 673 17 39.6

25 鮮重FM, 乾重DM and 葉面積LA LA = 22.77 + 27.57(FM) – 0.04880 (FM)
DM = 0.045(FM)

26 產能可預測 CO2 = 345 ppm DLI = 17 mol/m2/day, 播種後 35 天
累計總光量 17 x 35 天 = 595 mol/m2. 地上部乾重 6.75 g 鮮重為每株 150 g

27 CO2 施肥的效益1: 增加產量 DLI為17 mol/m2 CO2 調到 1200 ppm 相同栽培天數 ( 35 天)
結球萵苣每株為200 g

28 CO2 施肥的效益2: 縮短產期 目標同樣是生產 150 g 的結球萵苣 DLI同樣是 17 mol/m2
CO2濃度提高到 1200 ppm 可提早七天收穫

29 First step of our research
A software was developed to study the Cornell system. KPI were identified. Equations were included in the model. Production scheduling is possible.

30 Second step of our research
A multilayer hydroponic leaf lettuce production in a closed system plant factory using artificial light was proposed. Based on Cornell’s research, a multilayer hydroponic lettuce production in a closed system plant factory was proposed in this study. From greenhouse to plant factory, lettuce was grown from single layer to multiple layers. In the multilayer system, the floor area can be saved if compare with single layer greenhouse having same productivity. The costs on land and construction can be saved to pay for the lighting, benching, control and transferring system of plants and nutrient of the multilayer system. Artificial light such as tubular florescent lamps or light-emitting diodes (LED) can be used. The indoor environment can be totally controlled and the disease problem can be minimized thus leading to a pesticide free environment and produces which has better market price. Single layer multilayer

31 頂樓搭配太陽能或風能發電的設備示意圖

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