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Just before going to sleep, I listened to my messages

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1 Just before going to sleep, I listened to my messages
Just before going to sleep, I listened to my messages. There was one from Alex: ‘Hi, Andy. I need to talk to you. Call as soon as you get this message. Don’t worry about the time. ‘ And one from my mom: ‘Hi, my love. Can you call me when you hear this? We hope you’re having a wonderful time. Talk later.’I called my parents’ number. Dad answered. 當安迪正要睡覺時,安迪有一個來自亞歷克斯的訊息:「嗨,安迪。我有話跟你說。當你看到這訊息時立刻打給我。別緊張。」 還有一封訊息是安迪的媽傳的:「嗨~寶貝,當你看到這的時候打給我好嗎?我們希望你有一個美好的時光!待會說!」

2 ‘Hey, it’s me. Is everything OK?’ ‘Andy, Lily’s had a car accident.’
‘What? Is she going to be all right?’ ‘We don’t know. She’s in a coma.’ ‘Oh, God!’ I started to cry. ‘I have to come home. She doesn’t have anyone except me. But the big Runway party is the night after tomorrow. I can’t miss it. Miranda will fire me. I need to think.’ 安迪先撥電話給安迪爸媽,是安迪爸接的。安迪開口:「嘿,是我。怎麼了?」「安迪,莉莉車禍了!」安迪爸說。 「什麼?她還好嗎?」「不知道。她還在昏迷。」 「天啊!」安迪克制不了他情緒,淚流了下來。「我要回家。她不能沒有我。但後天晚上是我們的公司服裝秀,我不能錯過。米蘭達會開除我的……我要想一下。」

3 ‘Andy, get some sleep. We’ll talk tomorrow.’
Then I called Alex. He told me the details. Lily drove through a red light and a taxi hit her And, yes, she was drunk. ‘When are you coming home?’ he asked. I didn’t answer. 「安迪,先睡覺吧!我們明天再說。」 安迪跟他爸講完電話後安迪打給亞歷克斯。他告訴安迪,莉莉因為酒駕還闖紅燈,而被一輛計程車撞了。 「你什麼時候回家?」亞歷克斯問安迪。但安迪沒有回答。

4 ’You are coming home, aren’t you
’You are coming home, aren’t you? Your best friend lying in a hospital bed.’ ‘What are you saying, Alex? Is this my fault? Is this because I’m in Paris? What exactly are you saying? l cried. ‘I didn’t say any of that. You said it. Andy, I know it’s late over there. Call me when you’ve booked your flight. I’ll come and meet you. I know you’ll do the right thing. ’亞歷克斯接著說:「你會回家吧?你最好的朋友正躺在醫院的病床上耶!」 安迪哭著說:「你這樣說是我的錯的意思嗎?你到底在說什麼?」 「我完全沒這樣的意思,是你自己這樣想的!安迪,我知道已經太遲了,我希望當你訂好機票時再打給我!我也會立刻去和你碰面的!我相信你會做對的選擇」

5 That night I tried to sleep
That night I tried to sleep. If go home today, my whole year at Runway is for nothing. Lily is in a coma, and she won’t know if it in there or not. Will one day make a diference? 那天晚上安迪輾轉難眠,他心想:如果我今天回家,那我整年的辛苦都白費了!但莉莉還在醫院昏迷,他不會知道我到底有沒有回去。會不會改變了某些事?

6 She started to give me orders.
The next morning, I sat in the car with Miranda. We were on our way to the Christian Dior show. I planned to fly home after the Runway party. Alex and my parents were with Lily. This was my life, my future. I couldn’t leave now. She started to give me orders. ‘Call the girls’ school - they are flying to Paris tonight - they’re missing classes on Monday. And change my dinner tonight to eight-thirty . 隔天早上,安迪坐在米蘭達的車上。正在前往Christian Dior show的路上。 他計劃在這場秀結束後立刻飛回家。亞歷克斯和安迪的父母在陪著莉莉。這就是安迪的人生,未來,安迪現在無法離開。 她開始要求安迪完成她給的指令。 打給女孩的學校,他們今晚正要飛去巴黎,他們錯過星期一的課,然後更換我的晚餐到8:30。

7 My mobile phone rang. I tried to turn it off. ’Answer it,’ she said.
‘Hello? ‘Hi, Andy, it’s Dad. The doctors say it’s looking good. Lily will probably wake up today. Isn’t that great? When are you coming home?’ ‘That’s great. Miranda’s having her party tomorrow night and she needs my help. Now isn’t a great time to talk I’ll call you back.’ 安迪的手機響了。安迪試者要把她關了。「接吧」她說。「你好」 「嗨,安迪,是我爸爸。醫生說,情況看起來不錯,莉莉也許今天就會醒過來。很好對吧?你什麼時候回家?」 「太好了,但米蘭達將會在明天晚上舉辦她得派對,需要我的幫忙,現在不方便講電話,我晚點打給你」

8 ‘Who was that?’ Miranda asked. ‘Oh, that was my father.’
‘Is there a problem about tomorrow night?’ ‘Er, my best friend had a car accident. She’s in hospital. a coma. But I’m not going back. I understand how important the party is. You need me and I plan to stay’ Miranda said nothing. Then she smiled. 「那是誰」米蘭達問道, 「那是我爸爸」 「明天有甚麼問題要解決嗎」 「我的好朋友車禍且昏迷了,但我不打算回去,我知道這個派對多重要,妳需要我,且我打算留在這」 米蘭達笑而不說話

9 ‘Ahn-dre-ah, I’m very pleased. It’s the right thing to do
‘Ahn-dre-ah, I’m very pleased. It’s the right thing to do. I wasn’t sure about you. You know nothing about fashion, and you don’t seem to care. Your attitude has not been good. But after this, I will be very happy to help you.’ She looked at me. ‘You are like me when I was your age.’ 「我非常開心,這是個正確的事情,但我不確定你是不是對時尚不了解,而且你似乎不在意它,你的態度不正確,但我非常開心去幫你」 米蘭達看著安迪並說「你就像年經的我」

10 This was my first Paris show. I stood at the back. I felt sick
This was my first Paris show. I stood at the back. I felt sick. My head was bad from the champagne and the worry. Miranda phoned me every few minutes from the front. ‘Get my husband on the phone.”Find me a Hershey bar.” T want copies of all this month’s Runway stories in my hotel room after this show.’ 這是安迪第一場巴黎時尚展,站在後面的他因為喝了點香檳且一直顧慮著莉莉,站在前面的米蘭達每隔幾分鐘接續打給安迪交代他許多事:「打給我老公、幫我找Hershey bar、幫我複印一份這個月Runway的傳聞放在我的旅館房間裡。」

11 I followed her orders and then I went outside for a moment.
My mobile phone rang. ‘Where are you? You are my assistant. Do not disappear outside. I went back in. My phone rang again. Where are you? 安迪聽完米蘭達的交代的事後並離開Runway展場去完成這些命令,花了好一段時間!突然間,安迪的手機響了,是米蘭達打的。「你在哪?你是我助理,你不能離開展場啊! 」 安迪只好立刻回到展場中,這時候又接到米蘭達的電話問他在哪裡。

12 I went back in. My phone rang again. Where are you?
’I’m standing at the back, Miranda. Can you see me?’ She looked round. ‘Don’t move, Ahn-dre-ah! Wait there.’ She pushed through the people and stood in front of me. Ahn-dre-ah, we have a very serious problem. You have a serious problem. The girls’ passports have run out.’ 安迪告訴米蘭達他正站在展場後面,米蘭達四處環顧後卻還是看不見安迪。 「你不要動,就待在那裡!」米蘭達一說完,安迪就看見她從人群中竄出並出現在他面前,而神情凝重地說:「我們這下糟糕了!女孩們的護照都過期了!這非常嚴重!」

13 ‘Oh, really?’ I didn’t know what to say.
‘Oh, really?’ she copied. People were looking at us.‘Is that all you have to say? Oh, really?’ ‘Of course not, Miranda. Is there something I can do?’ ‘Is there something I can do?’ she copied again. This time in a voice like a child’s. I wanted to hit her. You need to get new passports before my girls fly this evening. My own daughters are not missing my party. Do you understand? 安迪聽了米蘭達的話之後愣住了,只回了一句「真的嗎?」米蘭達高分貝地重複了一次安迪的話,這時眾人的眼光都投向他們的身上,米蘭達不在意且接著說她的話:「你只有這句話嗎?就一句真的嗎?」安迪回過神趕緊解釋說:「當然不!我能做些什麼來彌補嗎?」但米蘭達不解情意,她繼續用她尖銳且高分貝的聲音重複安迪的話,這時安迪真的很想給米蘭達一拳!但他不能這樣做。米蘭達接著說:「你能不能在傍晚前弄到新的護照讓女孩們能夠順利上飛機?我唯一的女兒不能錯過我的時尚展阿!你懂我的意思嗎?」

14 I knew that I could not do this. Why am I standing here
I knew that I could not do this. Why am I standing here? Why am I listening to this? I took out my phone and pushed some numbers. ‘Ahn-dre-ah! What are you doing? My daughters need passports right now. Is this a good time to call your friends?’ 在米蘭達的斥責下安迪心中漸漸浮現了許多想法「我一定做不到吧!」「為什麼我還在這裡?」「為什麼我要聽這些斥責?」他拿起手機開始撥號。米蘭達看了安迪的舉動更生氣的說「喔天啊!你到底在做什麼?我女兒立刻就要拿到新的護照!你還在這個時候打給你朋友?」

15 在米蘭達持續謾罵下安迪的電話終於通了,接電話的似乎是他的媽媽。他開始對著電話說:「嗨媽!我待會搭下一班飛機回家。」
My mother answered. ‘Mom, hi. I’m getting the next flight to New York. I’m coming home.’ ‘Ahn-dre-ah,’ said Miranda quietly, ‘if you leave like this, you know what happens. I will fire-‘ ‘Get lost, Miranda,’ I said with a smile. Then I added. loudly, ‘So sorry, Miranda. I don’t think I can come to your party tomorrow. You understand, don’t you? That’s all.’ And before Miranda could say anything, I walked out with my head high.I was going home and it felt so good.  在米蘭達持續謾罵下安迪的電話終於通了,接電話的似乎是他的媽媽。他開始對著電話說:「嗨媽!我待會搭下一班飛機回家。」 「喔天啊!」米蘭達又說:「如果你走了,你應該知道會發生什麼事吧!我會開除……」安迪不等米蘭達說完直接打斷她的,他再也受不了了!「滾!米蘭達!」他笑著大喊:「我很抱歉,我明天不會去你的時尚展了!這一切你懂嗎?」

16 Emily? She fired me before left Paris.
And where are we all now? Emily? She fired me before left Paris. Christian? He called to hear all the details. He enjoyed every one. He asked me out again, but I said not right now. Lily? She came out of her coma just before I arrived home. She stayed a couple of months with me at my parents’ place. And she’s stopped drinking. 你想知道現在的情況嗎?我簡單的說好了! 愛蜜麗?在我離開巴黎後便開除了我。 克里斯汀?他打聽到了所有消息,不斷叫我出去但我回絕了他。 莉莉?在我回家前她剛醒來,她跟我一起住在我家好幾個月,而且有一個好消息!就是他戒酒了!

17 Alex. He’s not so happy. He wanted the Andy he fell in love with
Alex? He’s not so happy. He wanted the Andy he fell in love with. But she wasn’t there any more. We’ve decided to give it time… Me? Well, I started to write. I sent a story to Seventeen, a magazine for teenagers. They loved it. I know it isn’t The New Yorker. 而亞莉克斯似乎不怎麼開心,他還是喜歡安迪,但她已經不再愛他了,所以只能讓時間沖淡一切。 至於安迪嗎?開始寫作,並將他的作品投稿至一個叫seventeen青少年的雜誌,而且出乎意料的受歡迎。雖然這不是The New Yorker, 

18 Oh, and Miranda has a new assistant. Poor girl!
But I have to start somewhere. And what am I living on? I sold all my designer clothes to a second-hand shop on Madison Avenue. I walked out of there with enough money to live on for a year. Oh, and Miranda has a new assistant. Poor girl! 但是她必須在這開啟她的新事業!至於生活嗎?她到Madison Avenue的二手服飾店賣掉她所有先前設計的衣服,用她這些賺得的錢在Madison Avenue住了一年。 啊!對了!米蘭達有一個新的助理囉,真是可憐的女孩呀!

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