Food and Taste.

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Presentation on theme: "Food and Taste."— Presentation transcript:

1 Food and Taste

2 Vocabulary 就餐:(jìu cān) formal, v. dining. 菜单:(cài dān) n. menu.
特色菜:(tè sè cài) n. specials. 面/面条:(miàn tiáo) n. noodles. 米饭:(mǐ fàn) n. rice. 炒菜:(chǎo cài) n. fried vegetables. 粥:(zhōu) n. porridge. 汤:(tāng) n. soup.

3 饺子:(jiǎo zi) n. dumplings.
饼/馍:(bǐng/mó) n. dough, bun. 包子:(bāo zi) n. steamed stuffed bun. 馄饨:(hún tún) n. wonton. 牛肉: (níu ròu) n. beef. 羊肉: (yáng ròu) n. mutton, lamb. 猪肉: (zhū ròu) n. pork. 鸡肉: (jī ròu) n. chicken. 鸡蛋:(jī dàn) n. egg. 鱼: (yǘ) n. fish. 虾: (xiā) n. shrimp.

4 烤:(kǎo) v. roast. 炒: (chǎo) v. fry. 炒米饭(fried rice), 炒面(fried noodles). 炖: (dùn) v. stew. 炖牛肉(beef stew). 煮: (zhǔ) v. boil. 煮饺子(to boil the dumplings) 蒸: (zhēng) v. steam. 蒸包子(to steam the stuffed buns) 炸:(zhá) v. fry. 炸薯条(zhá shǔ tiá, French fries) 煎: (jiān) v. fry. 煎饺(jiān jiǎo, fried dumplings)

5 土豆:(tǔ dòu) n. potato. 西红柿:(xī hóng shì) n. tomato. 胡萝卜:(hú ló bo) n. carrot. 洋葱:(yáng cōng) n. onion. 白菜:(bái cài) n. cabbage/Chinese cabbage. 花椰菜:(huā yē cài) n. broccoli. 芹菜:(qín cài) n. celery. 菠菜:(bō cài) n. spinach.

6 油:(yóu) n. oil. 盐:(yán) n. salt. 糖:(tang) n. sugar. 醋:(cù) n. vinegar. 酱油:(jiàng yóu) n. soysauce. 辣椒:(là jiāo) n. chili/chili peper. 生姜:(shēng jiāng) n. ginger. 大蒜:(dà suàn) n. garlic. 葱:(cōng) n. spring onion. 酒:(jiǔ) n. wine, liquor. 红酒(red wine), 白酒(white wine), 鸡尾酒(cocktail). 果汁:(guǒ zhī) n. juice. 苹果汁(apple juice), 橙汁(orange juice). 软饮料: (ruǎn yǐn liào) n. soft drink. 可乐 (coke). 牛奶:(niú nǎi) n. milk. 奶茶:(nǎi chá) n. milk tea. 酸奶:(suān nǎi) n. yogurt.

7 苹果:(píng guǒ) n. apple. 梨:(lí) n. pear. 橘子/橙子:(jú zi/chéng zi) n. orange, tangerine. 桃子:(táo zi) n. peach. 西瓜:(xī guā) n. watermelon. 菠萝:(bō luó) n. pineapple. 芒果:(máng guǒ) n. mango. 葡萄:(pú táo) n. grapes. 草莓:(cǎo méi) n. strawberry. 香蕉:(xiāng jiāo) n. banana.

8 辣:(là) adj. spicy, hot. 咸:(xián) adj. salty. 酸:(suān) adj. sour. 甜:(tián) adj. sweat. 甜点(tián diǎn, dessert) 苦:(kǔ) adj. bitter. 臭:(chòu) adj. stinky. 臭豆腐 (stinky tofu) 烫:(tàng) adj. overly hot. 热:(rè) adj. warm, hot. 热水 (warm water) 温:(wēn) adj. between cold and warm. 凉:(liáng) adj. cold. 冰:(bīng) n. ice; adj. icy. 冰激 凌(bīng jī líng, ice-cream)

9 筷子:(kuài zi) n. chopsticks. 一双筷子 (a pair of chopsticks)
勺子:(sháo zi) n. spoon. 一把勺子. 叉子:(chā zi) n. fork. 碗:(wǎn) n. bowl. 盘子:(pán zi) n. plate, tray, dish. 碟子:(dié zi) n. saucer, small plate. 杯子:(bēi zi) n. cup, glass, mug. 锅:(guō) n. pot. 餐厅:(cān tīng) n. restaurant. 服务员:(fú wù yuán) n. waiter/waiterss. 点菜:(diǎn cài) v. order. 买单/结账:(mǎi dān/ jié zhàng) v. pay the bill. 打包:(dǎ bāo) v. pack the left-over. 外卖:(wài mài) n. take-away.

10 Dialogue Tom(T) and Jerry(W) are going to have dinner in a Chinese restaurant named 西安名吃(Xi’an míng chī, famous food of Xi’an) on Russell Street. After they sit by the table, a waitress(W) hands a menu to them. W: 你们好!欢迎来到西安名吃就餐。这是我们的菜单。 T:你好!这是我第一次到这里吃饭,请问你们有什么特色菜吗? W: 我们的特色菜是凉皮(liáng pí),肉夹馍(ròu jiā mó),羊肉汤(yáng ròu tāng)和油泼面(yóu pō miàn)。 J:这些菜都很辣吗? W:油泼面和凉皮会很辣,但肉夹馍和羊肉汤没有辣椒。 T:你喜欢吃辣的食物吗? J:不,我不喜欢吃辛辣的食物。但我很喜欢吃羊肉和牛肉。 W:那我向你推荐肉夹馍和羊肉汤,这两种食物都不放辣椒,并且都是由牛肉或羊肉烹制(pēng zhì, v. cook)的。 J:看起来不错!那我就要一份肉夹馍吧。 T:我喜欢吃辣的食物,就给我一份油泼面吧。 W: 好的,请稍等。

11 After the waitress served the food for Tom and Jerry, they started to try their food while talked to each other about the taste of the food. T:你的肉夹馍好吃吗? J:很好吃!这是一种将腊汁(là zhī, n. a kind of sauce for beef or lamb stew)炖牛肉夹在烤饼中的食物, 饼酥脆(sū cuì, adj. crispy)而牛肉鲜美多汁(xiān měi duō zhī, adj. tasty and juicy) 。你的油泼面怎么样? T: 味道好极了。面条上的辣椒面、盐和花椒粉上浇了滚烫(gǔn tàng, adj. boiling hot)的油,加上青菜和醋,酸、辣和咸三种味道就混合在了一起。 W:请问两位觉得肉夹馍和油泼面味道怎么样? T: 我很喜欢吃油泼面,谢谢! J: 肉夹馍也十分美味,谢谢!

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