15-1 “我做得如何??” 現金流量表 第十五章 This chapter explains how to classify transactions as operating, investing, or financing activities, and it explains how to create.

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Presentation on theme: "15-1 “我做得如何??” 現金流量表 第十五章 This chapter explains how to classify transactions as operating, investing, or financing activities, and it explains how to create."— Presentation transcript:

1 15-1 “我做得如何??” 現金流量表 第十五章 This chapter explains how to classify transactions as operating, investing, or financing activities, and it explains how to create a statement of cash flows. The indirect method of determining the net cash provided by operating activities is illustrated within the chapter and the direct method is demonstrated in the appendix.

2 現金流量是否足夠支應目前正進行的營運活動?
15-2 現金流量表的目的 為何淨利與淨現金流量之間有差異 現金流量是否足夠支應目前正進行的營運活動? 我們有能力償還債務嗎? 公司將需要借錢來做必要之投資嗎? The statement of cash flows can be used to answer crucial questions such as: Are cash flows sufficient to support ongoing operations? Will the company be able to repay its debts? Will the company be able to pay its usual dividend? Why do net income and net cash flow differ? Will the company have to borrow money to make needed investments? 我們能否支付股利?

3 將資產負債表的非現金項目變動額區分為現金來源或用途
15-3 學習目標 1 將資產負債表的非現金項目變動額區分為現金來源或用途 Learning objective number 1 is to classify changes in noncash balance sheet accounts as sources or uses of cash.

4 現金 現金 現金流量表上的現金一詞廣義上代表 現金與約當現金 貨幣與銀行存款 國庫券 商業本票‘ 貨幣市場基金
15-4 現金 現金流量表上的現金一詞廣義上代表 現金與約當現金 貨幣與銀行存款 國庫券 In a statement of cash flows, cash is broadly defined to include both cash and cash equivalents. Cash equivalents consist of short-term, highly liquid investments, such as Treasury Bills, commercial paper, and money market funds. These short-term liquid assets are usually included in marketable securities on the balance sheet. 現金 商業本票‘ 貨幣市場基金

5 以資產負債表上非現金科目的變動額來編製現金流量表
15-5 以資產負債表上非現金科目的變動額來編製現金流量表 淨利 支付股東 的股利 非現金資產的 變動額 負債變動額 股本變動額 某一期間的 淨現金流量 The net cash flow for a period is a function of the following: Net income Changes in noncash assets Changes in liabilities Changes in capital stock accounts Dividends paid to stockholders

6 以資產負債表上非現金科目的變動額來編製現金流量表
15-6 以資產負債表上非現金科目的變動額來編製現金流量表 Changes in the accounts mentioned on the previous slide can be classified as either sources or uses of cash as shown on this slide. Net income is always a source of cash. Net loss is always a use of cash. Decreases in noncash asset accounts are always sources of cash and increases are uses of cash. Increases in liability accounts are always sources of cash and decreases are uses of cash. Contra-assets follow the rules for liabilities. Increases in capital stock accounts are always sources of cash and decreases are uses of cash. Dividends paid to stockholders are always uses of cash.

7 以資產負債表上非現金科目的變動額來編製現金流量表
15-7 以資產負債表上非現金科目的變動額來編製現金流量表 非現金資產科目餘額增加 意味著現金的用途 例如:向供應商賒購存貨 Increases in noncash asset accounts imply uses of cash. For example, if inventory is purchased on credit from a supplier, it is implied that cash was used to acquire the inventory. 此舉意味著公司使用現金以取得存貨。

8 以資產負債表上非現金科目的變動額來編製現金流量表
15-8 以資產負債表上非現金科目的變動額來編製現金流量表 負債科目餘額增加意味著現金來源 例如: 向供應商賒購 存貨 Increases in liability accounts imply sources of cash. For example, if inventory is purchased on credit from a supplier, it is implied that an increase in a payable has the effect of increasing cash available for other uses. 此舉意味著,應付帳款增加具有增加其他用途可用現金之效果。

9 以資產負債表上非現金科目的變動額來編製現金流量表
15-9 以資產負債表上非現金科目的變動額來編製現金流量表 非現金資產科目餘額減少意味著現金來源 例如: 當客戶償還帳款時,應收帳款會因而減少。 Decreases in noncash asset accounts imply sources of cash. For example, if accounts receivable decrease when customers pay their bill, the company’s cash balance increases accordingly. 客戶償還帳款後,公司現金會因而增加。

10 以資產負債表上非現金科目的變動額來編製現金流量表
15-10 以資產負債表上非現金科目的變動額來編製現金流量表 負債科目餘額減少意味著現金用途 例如: 公司付現償還應付票據 Decreases in liability accounts imply uses of cash. For example, if a company makes a payment on a note payable, the company’s cash balance decreases accordingly. 公司付款後,現金會減少。

11 15-11 現金流量表簡化範例 Assume that comparative balance sheet account balances for Ed’s Pizza Hut were as shown. The change in the cash balance is a decrease of $19,000.

12 現金流量表簡化範例 額外資料: 該年度淨損 $27,000. 該年度折舊費用為 $6,000.
15-12 現金流量表簡化範例 額外資料: 該年度淨損 $27,000. 該年度折舊費用為 $6,000. 該公司在該年度以$32,000出售原始成本$32,000 的土地. 該公司在該年度支付股利$3,000. 該公司發行$50,000普通股以償還應付票據(票據受款人Joe Doe) Assume the additional information as shown.

13 Ed’s Pizza Hut 的現金來源彙總如下:
15-13 現金流量表簡化範例 Ed’s Pizza Hut 的現金來源彙總如下: A summary of the sources of cash is as shown. The total sources of cash is $66,000.

14 Ed’s Pizza Hut 的現金用途彙總如下: Ed’s Pizza Hut 的淨現金流量是負的 $19,000:
15-14 現金流量表簡化範例 Ed’s Pizza Hut 的現金用途彙總如下: A summary of the uses of cash and the net cash flow is as shown. The total uses of cash are $85,000. The net cash flow is negative $19,000. This amount agrees with the change in cash shown earlier when we looked at comparative balance sheet account balances. Ed’s Pizza Hut 的淨現金流量是負的 $19,000: 現金來源 $66,000 減去現金用途 $85,000。

15 此簡化法並未遵循外部報告所要求的格式,此表的編製目的只是為了說明現金流量表。
15-15 簡化的現金流量表 此簡化法並未遵循外部報告所要求的格式,此表的編製目的只是為了說明現金流量表。 This simplified approach does not follow the format required for external reporting purposes. It is for illustrative purposes only.

16 將交易區分為營業活動、投資活動與融資活動。
15-16 學習目標 2 將交易區分為營業活動、投資活動與融資活動。 Learning objective number 2 is to classify transactions as operating, investing, or financing activities.

17 直接影響淨利之資產負債表非流動科目的變動
15-17 架構完整的現金流量表 : 營業活動 營業活動指涉及淨利 計算的那些活動 直接影響淨利之資產負債表非流動科目的變動 影響流動資產的交易 Operating activities are those activities that enter into the determination of net income. Generally speaking, this includes: All transactions affecting current assets. All transactions affecting current liabilities (except for issuing and repaying a note payable). All changes in noncurrent balance sheet accounts that directly affect net income, such as the Accumulated Depreciation and Amortization accounts. 影響流動負債的交易

18 投資活動指涉及非流動資產的取得或處分的相關交易
15-18 架構完整的現金流量表 : 投資活動 投資活動指涉及非流動資產的取得或處分的相關交易 融資給另一個體以及融資款項的收回 取得或出售廠房設備 Investing activities relate to transactions involving the acquiring or disposing of noncurrent assets. These transactions include: Acquiring or selling property, plant and equipment. Acquiring or selling securities (such as bonds and stocks of other companies) held for long-term investment. Lending money to another entity and subsequently collecting on the loan. 取得或出售證券

19 向債權人借款、償還借款或和公司所有權人從事交易 ,涉及上述活動的交易屬融資活動。
15-19 架構完整的現金流量表 : 融資活動 向債權人借款、償還借款或和公司所有權人從事交易 ,涉及上述活動的交易屬融資活動。 支付股利( 注意:債務利息歸為營業活動) 發行股票與購買國庫券 Financing activities relate to transactions involving borrowing from creditors or repaying creditors and engaging in transactions with the company’s owners. For example: Issuing stock and purchasing treasury stock. Issuing long-term debt and repayment of debt. Payment of dividends (note that interest on debt is classified as an operating activity). 發行長期債券與債款的償還

20 15-20 架構完整的現金流量表 : 概論 Cash flows are divided into three categories – operating, investing, and financing activities.

21 架構完整的現金流量表 : 概論 營業活動 投資活動 融資活動 非現金投資與融資活動 期初現金餘額與期末現金餘額間的調節
15-21 架構完整的現金流量表 : 概論 營業活動 投資活動 期初現金餘額與期末現金餘額間的調節 融資活動 In addition to the three primary classifications on the statement of cash flows, there are two other requirements: (1) the reconciliation of the beginning cash balance with the ending cash balance, and (2) reporting noncash investing and financing activities. Noncash investing and financing transactions occur when noncurrent balance sheet items are exchanged. For example, a company might issue common stock in exchange for property. These types of transactions are not reported on the statement of cash flows. However, such direct exchanges are disclosed in a separate schedule that accompanies the statement. 非現金投資與融資活動

22 15-22 營業活動 The general format for the operating activities section of the statement is as shown. It includes those activities that enter into the determination of net income. 涉及淨利計算的所有活動都納入

23 現金來源加至淨利;現金用途則是由淨利扣除
15-23 營業活動 現金來源加至淨利;現金用途則是由淨利扣除 As shown in this table, sources of cash are added to net income and uses of cash are deducted from net income.

24 營業活動 Decreases in current noncash assets would be added to net income.
15-24 營業活動 Decreases in current noncash assets would be added to net income. Increases in current liabilities would be added to net income.

25 15-25 營業活動 Increases in current noncash assets would be subtracted from net income. Decreases in current liabilities would be subtracted from net income.

26 因為折舊和攤銷是非現金資產減少項目,所以加回淨利。
15-26 營業活動 Depreciation charges are treated the same as current liabilities, thus, they are added to net income. Remember that depreciation charges are non-cash transactions. Since depreciation was subtracted to arrive at net income on the income statement, we need to add it back to cancel it out. 因為折舊和攤銷是非現金資產減少項目,所以加回淨利。

27 15-27 營業活動 Gains are subtracted from net income and losses are added to net income. 利得由淨利扣除 損失加回淨利

28 涉及非流動資產之取得或處分的交易屬投資活動
15-28 投資活動 The general format for this section of the statement is as shown. It includes those transactions that involve the acquisition or disposal of noncurrent assets. 涉及非流動資產之取得或處分的交易屬投資活動

29 公司與債權人或公司與股東之間的收還款相關交易事項屬融資活動
15-29 融資活動 The general format for this section of the statement is as shown. It includes those transactions that involve the receipts from or payments to creditors and owners. 公司與債權人或公司與股東之間的收還款相關交易事項屬融資活動

30 對於投資與融資活動,現金流量表上的項目應以毛額呈現,不要以淨額呈現。
15-30 其他課題:毛額或淨額? 例子: 假設 Macy’s 在某年度裡購買 5,000 萬美元的固定資產,並且出售另一項 3,000 萬美元的固定資產。 該公司必須分別報導各項交易的毛額,而非以淨額2,000 萬美元來報導。 對於投資與融資活動,現金流量表上的項目應以毛額呈現,不要以淨額呈現。 For both financing and investing activities, items on the statement of cash flows should be presented in gross amounts rather than in net amounts. For example, if Macy’s Department Stores purchases $50,000,000 in property during the year and sells other property for $30,000,000, instead of showing the net change of $20,000,000, the company must report the gross amounts of both transactions. The gross method of reporting does not extend to operating activities, where debits and credits to an account are netted against each other.

31 由應計淨利開始編表,然後逐項轉換成現金基礎
15-31 其他課題:直接法或間接法? 營業活動的報導有兩種格式 直接法 間接法 將每一項營業活動的現金效果呈現出來 由應計淨利開始編表,然後逐項轉換成現金基礎 The net cash provided by operating activities can be computed by either the direct or indirect methods. No matter which format is used, the same amount of net cash flows operating activities is generated. The direct method reconstructs the income statement on a cash basis from top to bottom. For example, cash collected from customers is used instead of revenue, and payments to suppliers is used instead of cost of sales. The indirect method (also known as the reconciliation method) constructs the operating activities section of the statement of cash flows by starting with net income and adjusting it to a cash basis. Items that do not affect cash flows are removed from net income, thereby showing the reasons why net income differs from net cash provided by operating activities.  The FASB encourages the use of the direct method. However, if the direct method is used it must be accompanied by a supplementary reconciliation of net income with operating cash flows. In other words, the indirect method must also be shown. If a company decides to use the indirect method for determining net cash flows from operating activities, there is no requirement that it also report the results using the direct method. Not surprisingly, only about one percent of companies use the direct method to construct the statement of cash flows for external reports. 不論使用哪一種格式,都會得到一樣的營業活動淨現金流量。

32 利用間接法編製現金流量表,以計算營業活動所提供的淨現金流量。
15-32 學習目標 3 利用間接法編製現金流量表,以計算營業活動所提供的淨現金流量。 Learning objective number 3 is to prepare a statement of cash flows using the indirect method to determine the net cash provided by operating activities.

33 架構完整的現金流量表 : 例子 讓我們回顧 Ed’s Pizza Hut. 的比較資產負債表科目餘額
15-33 架構完整的現金流量表 : 例子 讓我們回顧 Ed’s Pizza Hut. 的比較資產負債表科目餘額 Let’s revisit the comparative balance sheet account balances for Ed’s Pizza Hut as shown.

34 架構完整的現金流量表 : 例子 複習一下先前給的額外資料:
15-34 架構完整的現金流量表 : 例子 複習一下先前給的額外資料: 額外資料: 該年度淨損 $27,000. 該年度折舊費用為 $6,000. 該公司在該年度以$32,000出售原始成本$32,000 的土地. 該公司在該年度支付股利$3,000. 該公司發行$50,000普通股以償還應付票據 (票據受款人Joe Doe) Let’s also refresh our memory regarding the following additional information as shown.

35 將出現在比較資產負債表上的每一個科目列出,但現金、約當現金與保留盈餘除外。
15-35 編製現金流量表:步驟一 將出現在比較資產負債表上的每一個科目列出,但現金、約當現金與保留盈餘除外。 There are eight steps to preparing the statement of cash flows. The first step is to copy on to a worksheet the title of each account appearing on the comparative balance sheets except for cash and cash equivalents and retained earnings. Contra asset accounts should be listed with the liabilities.

36 計算每一科目期初餘額與期末餘額之間的變動額
15-36 編製現金流量表:步驟二 計算每一科目期初餘額與期末餘額之間的變動額 The second step is to compute the change from the beginning balance to the ending balance in each balance sheet account. Break down the change in retained earnings into net income and dividends.

37 將工作表上每一變動項目標為現金用途或來源
15-37 編製現金流量表:步驟三 將工作表上每一變動項目標為現金用途或來源 The third step is to code each entry on the worksheet as a source or use of cash. The noncash assets are coded as shown. The liabilities and depreciation are coded as shown. The capital stock account is coded as shown. The net income/loss and dividends are coded as shown. Recall that the transaction involving the Notes Payable and Common Stock was noncash.  記不記得,這項涉及應付票據與普通股之交易為非現金交易 {

38 將現金來源標為正影響數,而現金用途則標為負影響數
15-38 編製現金流量表:步驟四 將現金來源標為正影響數,而現金用途則標為負影響數 The fourth step is to code sources of cash as positive numbers and uses of cash as negative numbers as shown.

39 做必要的任何調整,包括針對利得與損失所做的調整,這些調整的淨影響數應該等於0
15-39 編製現金流量表:步驟五 做必要的任何調整,包括針對利得與損失所做的調整,這些調整的淨影響數應該等於0 The fifth step is to make any necessary adjustments – including adjustments for gains and losses. The net effect of these adjustments should equal zero. Ed’s Pizza Hut’s only adjustment was for the noncash transaction relating to the exchange of a Notes Payable and Common Stock. 我們必須針對非現金交易加  以調整,涉及應付票據與普通股之交易為非現金交易 {

40 將每一項調整後的影響數歸類為營業、投資或融資活動
15-40 編製現金流量表:步驟六 將每一項調整後的影響數歸類為營業、投資或融資活動 The sixth step is to classify each entry on the worksheet as an operating, investing, or financing activity as shown.

41 利用工作底稿資料編製現金流量表,先完成營業活動部分,接著是投資活動,最後為融資活動
15-41 編製現金流量表:步驟七 利用工作底稿資料編製現金流量表,先完成營業活動部分,接著是投資活動,最後為融資活動 The seventh step is to copy the data from the worksheet into the statement of cash flows section by section. The net cash flow from operations, investing and financing activities would appear as shown. Remember that the depreciation expense is added back to net income to cancel out the reduction in net income caused by including this noncash expense in the income statement.

42 編製現金流量表:步驟八 在報表底部呈現現金的調節狀況
15-42 編製現金流量表:步驟八 在報表底部呈現現金的調節狀況 The eighth step is to prepare a cash reconciliation at the bottom of the statement as shown. The complete statement of cash flows would appear as shown.

43 此外,在現金流量表上或在補充附表內,必須揭露發行$50,000 普通股以償還票據之部分,此為非現金融資活動。
15-43 舉例說明間接法 此外,在現金流量表上或在補充附表內,必須揭露發行$50,000 普通股以償還票據之部分,此為非現金融資活動。 As a supplement to this statement, Ed’s Pizza Hut would also disclose the issuance of $50,000 of stock to a creditor as a noncash financing activity. This amount was adjusted out of the worksheet in step 5.

44 現金流量表的解讀 小心地研究營業活動部份的現金流量
15-44 現金流量表的解讀 小心地研究營業活動部份的現金流量 Ed’s Pizza Hut 的營業活動產生負現金流量 $48,000,這通常被視為是基本面產生問題之訊號。 最終還是得有正的現金流量,以避免利用清算資產或借入款項的方式來支應日常活動所需。 Ed’s Pizza Hut generated a net cash flow from operations of negative $48,000. This suggests that the company may not be generating sufficient cash flows on a continuing basis to sustain the business without liquidating assets or borrowing money.

45 15-45 計算營業活動淨現金流量 - 直接法 附錄 15A Appendix 15A: The Direct Method of Determining the Net Cash Provided by Operating Activities

46 利用直接法計算營業活動所產生的淨現金流量 (附錄 15A)
15-46 學習目標 4 利用直接法計算營業活動所產生的淨現金流量 (附錄 15A) Learning objective number 4 is to use the direct method to determine the net cash provided by operating activities.

47 採直接法計算營業活動淨現金流量時,將損益表由上至下以現金基礎重新編製後即可得答案。 直接法下的營業活動淨現金流量與間接法所計算的金額一致。
15-47 計算營業活動所產生的淨現金流量 採直接法計算營業活動淨現金流量時,將損益表由上至下以現金基礎重新編製後即可得答案。 The direct method computes net cash provided by operating activities by reconstructing the income statement on a cash basis from top to bottom. The amount of net cash provided by operating activities under the direct method will always agree with the amount computed using the indirect method. 直接法下的營業活動淨現金流量與間接法所計算的金額一致。

48 對於影響收入之科目所做的調整,直接法與間接法都做相同的處理。 對於影響費用之科目所做的調整,直接法與間接法的處理方式不同。
15-48 資料處理時的相同與相異處 對於影響收入之科目所做的調整,直接法與間接法都做相同的處理。 對於影響費用之科目所做的調整,直接法與間接法的處理方式不同。 The adjustments for accounts that affect revenue are the same in the direct and indirect methods. In either case, increases in the accounts are deducted and decreases in the accounts are added. The adjustments for accounts that affect expenses are handled in opposite ways for the direct and indirect methods. Under the indirect method, the adjustments are made to net income, whereas under the direct method the adjustments are made to the expense accounts themselves. For example, in the indirect method, an increase in prepaid expenses is deducted from net income. However, in the direct method an increase in prepaid expenses is added to operating expenses.

49 在直接法下,無需針對資產處分利得與損失做調整。
15-49 直接法:利得與損失 在直接法下,無需針對資產處分利得與損失做調整。 Under the direct method, no adjustments for gains and losses on the sale of assets are needed. These gains and losses are ignored since they are not part of sales, cost of goods sold, operating expenses, or income taxes.

50 直接法: 例子 讓我們回顧Ed’s Pizza Hut. 的比較資產負債表科目餘額
15-50 直接法: 例子 讓我們回顧Ed’s Pizza Hut. 的比較資產負債表科目餘額 Let’s revisit the comparative balance sheet account balances for Ed’s Pizza Hut as shown.

51 此為 Ed’s Pizza Hut 所編的損益表
15-51 直接法: 例子 Let’s also assume that Ed’s Pizza Hut prepared the income statement as shown. 此為 Ed’s Pizza Hut 所編的損益表

52 直接法: 例子 步驟 1: 將銷貨收入調整至 由客戶處收取的現金
15-52 直接法: 例子 步驟 1: 將銷貨收入調整至 由客戶處收取的現金 The first step is to translate sales revenue of $1,000,000 into cash collections from customers of $1,017,000. This is accomplished as shown.

53 直接法: 例子 步驟 2: 將銷貨成本調整至 進貨付現金額
15-53 直接法: 例子 步驟 2: 將銷貨成本調整至 進貨付現金額 The second step is to translate cost of goods sold of $750,000 into cash disbursements for purchases of $789,000. This is accomplished as shown.

54 不需要針對所得稅做調整,因為 Ed’s Pizza Hut 虧損 $27,000。
15-54 直接法: 例子 步驟 3: 將營業費用調整為營業費用 付現金額 The third step is to translate operating expenses of $277,000 into cash paid for operating expenses of $276,000. There is no adjustment for income taxes because Ed’s Pizza Hut has a net loss of $27,000. 不需要針對所得稅做調整,因為 Ed’s Pizza Hut 虧損 $27,000。

55 注意,營業活動淨現金流量與間接法所計算的結果相同。
15-55 直接法: 例子 注意,營業活動淨現金流量與間接法所計算的結果相同。 The net cash provided by operating activities is negative $48,000. Notice that this agrees with the net cash provided by operating activities that was computed using the indirect method.

56 15-56 第十五章結束 End of chapter 15.

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