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Name: JJ.Lam Birthday:1981.03.27 Country: Singapore Ancestral home : Fu Jian Height:174cm Weight:60kg Blood type: O.

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Presentation on theme: "Name: JJ.Lam Birthday:1981.03.27 Country: Singapore Ancestral home : Fu Jian Height:174cm Weight:60kg Blood type: O."— Presentation transcript:

1 Name: JJ.Lam Birthday:1981.03.27 Country: Singapore Ancestral home : Fu Jian Height:174cm Weight:60kg Blood type: O

2 2003,he released his first album >( 乐行 者)。 At that time,he is just 22. There are lots of R&B style and innervational ( 动感的) songs in this album. And his representative work is : 1.I’m the one ( 就是我) 2.Wing ( 翅膀) 3.Freeze (冻结) 4.Someday( 会有那么一天 )

3 Everybody knows,JJ is famous mostly because the song “river south”.It is a Chinese style song. 2004,he released his second album >. Represent works: 1.River south( 江南 ) 2.Perfect match( 豆浆油条 ) 3.Mermaid ( 美人鱼 )

4 2005,he released his third album >.Actually,”NO.89757” is the name of a robot. This album tell a sad but beautiful love story. Because the computer’s virus infections,the robot NO.89757 lose his heart to his hostess. But it is impossible for him to be his boyfriend, so the hostess decided to send the robot to 1000 years later,where he can be a real man. Represent works: 1.NO.89757( 编号.89757) 2.A thousand years later( 一千年以后 ) 3.The mummy( 木乃伊 )

5 T 2006,he released his forth album >( 曹操 ).In his opinion,Cao cao is a person full of brave,intelligence,and attractive, although he is also archness ( 狡 猾 ). >was the first time he wrote Rock music. Represent works: 1.Cao cao( 曹操 ) 2.Deathless body ( 不死之身 ) 3.Original (原来)

6 2007,he released his fifth album >( 西界 ). He expressed “Between love and hate, black and white, kind and evil, there is a special zone named ” westside ” can bring you to see the unknown yourself. Represent works: 1.westside( 西界) 2.The killer ( 杀手 ) 3.Love in the air( 发现爱 )

7 2008,The famous song “Dimples”( 小酒窝 ) was came from his sixth album >.In this album,he wanted to convey the idea that The choice is yours( 由你选 择 ).Because the gesture of 6 looks like a ox horn, he hope us can be a person who never give up. Represent works: 1.Dimples( 小酒窝 ) 2.High fashion( 不潮不用花钱 ) 3.I still miss her( 我还想她 )

8 When we meet others next time, never forget say a word”GO!GO!” No matter how many 100 days,you must never give up hope…… This is what he teachting me in seventh album >. Represent works: 1.Hundred days( 第几个 100 天 ) 2.Back to back( 背对背拥抱 ) 3.GO ( 加油 )

9 JJ is gift in many ways. He is good at singing, dancing, imitate, and B-box. (Show videos)

10 But what attractive me is that his kindness. Especially his behaviors in the Wenchuan’s Earthquake.

11 汶川地震后,俊杰两天一夜不睡觉,写出了 一首《爱与希望》, 只希望他的作品能给地 震中的人们力量 …… 他甚至放弃一堆大型赈灾演出,自掏腰包到 一个小电视台录节目,只为能给小朋友们带 去一丝欢乐 ……

12 Everything seems well,but one thing happened 100 days ago. And everything changed….

13 This is the blood of JJ….

14 俊杰因为胃酸倒流 侵蚀了喉咙 在 100 多天 里 他发不出一丝声音 …… 作为一个歌手,嗓子或许就是一切 …… 那时候,他甚至悲观的想自杀 …… 可是最后,他发现,他的人生不是他一个 人的,他有太多的亲人,和爱他的歌迷, 大家都在等着他 ……

15 所以 …… 说一声加油,一切更美好, 所 有的悲伤请往边靠 ~ 他对自己说 …… Still moving under gunfire, where the weak lies, when no one is beside. I will fight, till the end times,till my knees cry. I’ll get up,get up….

16 I love him, not simply because of his gift in many ways, without these abilities, I still love him. Because he is always strong, brave, kind, lovely, and he can give me infinite love,hope, power, and courage……

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