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2 Transferring Calls 转电话
Hotel Department 转接电话到部门 Working Time G:Please connect to Chinese Restaurant 请帮我转到中餐厅。 ISA: Yes sir/madam. I’ll put you through right away, thank you for calling. 好的,立即为您转接,感谢来电。

3 G:I want to book rooms . 我要订房。 ISA: Yes sir/madam. I’ll put you through to reservation department ,thank you for calling. 好的,立即为您转接预定部,感谢来电。 G:I want to talk to front desk. 帮我转前台。 ISA: Would you like to book room or make inquires? 请问您是要查询还是订房?

4 G:Please transfer my call to sales department?
请转销售部。 ISA:Is it regarding room sales or catering/banquet sales? 请问您要找客房销售还是宴会销售? G:Please connect me to 6201. 请帮我转接6201分机。 ISA: Yes sir/ madam. I’ll put you to through right away. thank you for calling. 好的,立即为您转接,感谢来电。

5 若报错分机 G:Please connect me to 6406. 请帮我转接6406分机。 ISA:I am sorry. it is a wrong number. My I know who you`d like to speak to/with? 很抱歉,没有这个分机号。请问您要找哪一位? G:I want to talk to (Director HM or GM)? 我要找总监,酒店经理,总经理。 ISA: May I transfer your call to his secretary first? 我可以先帮您转接他秘书吗?

6 If Guest refuses.ISA will make screen call.
Sir/ madam. may I have your name and company name ,please? XX先生/小姐,请问怎么称呼您,是哪个公司的? Putting a guest on hold Please hold on/Wait a moment Please ,sir/ madam. I will try to reach/contact XX先生/小姐,请您稍等。我帮您联系一下

7 Good morning/afternoon/evening, Mr. / Ms XX
Good morning/afternoon/evening, Mr./ Ms XX. this is instant service center, XX speaking. I am sorry to disturb you. There is a call form Mr./Ms XX of XX company : would you like to answer? 早上/中午/晚上好,晚上服务中心的XX,很抱歉打扰您。有一位XX(哪里)的XX(谁)先生/ 小姐/女士打来电话,请问您是否接听?

8 背景:不愿意接听时 May I Know how to respond to Mr./Mrs XX? 请问我怎么回复客人? Thanks for you waiting, Sir/ Madam ,X X now is in meeting, could you please call bake or leave a message? 不好意思让你久等XX正在开会,请问您是稍后打来还是我帮您留言呢? 愿意接听,三方通话 Transferring calls The line is free: go ahead please, thank you. 电话接通,请讲,谢谢。

9 OFF DUTY 非工作时间 Booking A Table.订餐 Guest: Please connect me to Chinese Restaurant. ISA:I am sorry Sir/Madam, it is closed now. The operation time of our Chinese Restaurant is from to ,is it regarding reservation or information inquiries ? I can assist you right now. 很抱歉/不好意思/对不起,酒店中餐厅的营业时间是从 点到 点,现在已经停止营业了,请问您是要订位还是查询么?

10 May I know how many people for you order, Sir/Madam?
请问几位用餐 May I have your arrival time? 大概几点到? Do you have any special requests? Smoking/Non-smoking area. Private Room or Lobby area. 有没有特殊要求,例如吸烟与否,包房还是大厅? Could you please leave me your name and contact number? 可以知道您的名字和联系方式吗?

11 May I repeat the booking?
XX我重复一下您的预定。  Our Chinese Restaurant will confirm the booking with you tomorrow morning around .Is there anything else I can do for you? XX,中餐厅员工会在明天早上 点左右会打电话给您确认您的预定的,请问还有其他需要帮忙的吗? Thank you for calling. 感谢来电。  Make Record on logbook for tomorrow morning shift 在交班本上给第二天早班留言

12 Contact Department.联系其他部门
G:Please transfer my call to sales department? 转销售部 ISA:I am sorry, Sir/Madam, Sales department is off duty now. Their working time is from 9:oo to 18:oo.Who would you like to speak to/with? I will advise him/her to call you back tomorrow. 很抱歉/不好意思/对不起,销售部已经下班了,他的工作时间是从9:00am到6::0pm,请问您要找哪一位,我会转告他/她明天上班以后给您回电/和您联系。

13 ISA: Could you please leave me your name and telephone number?

14 Guest Room转接电话到客人房间 只报房号 G:Please put though to room1212. 转1212房。 ISA: May I have the guest`s full name. 可以知道客人的全名吗? ISA: Please wait a moment , I’ll check it for you .请稍等,帮您查询一下。 Check it in Opera ,if there is no DND or CONF .如果没有做DND或者是CONF

15 Correct报对全名 ISA: Yes, I’ll put you through, Thank you for calling. 好的,立即为您转接,感谢来电 Can not tell 不能报出名字 ISA:I am sorry , we need to check guest`s full name before transferring the call. Could you please check it again and call back later? 很抱歉/不好意思/对不起,我们需要核对清楚客人全名,才能转接房间,请您查证一下再拨可以吗?

16 Wrong name 报错名字 ISA:I am sorry , the room is not under this name , Could you please check it again and call back later? 很抱歉/不好意思/对不起,登记的不是这个名字,请您查证一下再拨可以吗?

17 If caller strongly insist the guest is staying in this room , we should confirm with caller some other registration information , like company name , residence , check in date , party member etc , And then make a screen call to guest room from 9:30pm-9:00am. 当房号和客人名字不吻合,来电者强烈要求转接到房间,我们要先和来电者确认清楚预定信息,例如公司名,籍贯,入住日期,一起过来的成员情况等。在帮其做过滤电话到房间。在晚9点30之后早9之前,不做过滤电话,必须报对名字才能转接

18 只报客人名字 Guest : Please connect me to Mr Li Jun’s room .转李俊的房间 Check it in Opera , if there is no DND or CONF .通过查询确认清楚客人没有做免打扰服务或者是保密服务 Registered:客人在店 ISA: Yes , I’ put you through , Thank you for calling. 好的,立即为您转接,感谢来电。

19 No Booking没有预定 ISA: Sorry , Mr Li Jun is not registered in our hotel. Could you please tell me any other names that the guest might have used? 不好意思,没有李俊登记入住的信息。可以告诉我其他可能登记的名字吗? Arrival Guest 有预定未入住 Guest: please connect me to Mr Li Jun’s room. 转李俊的房间 ISA:I am sorry , Mr Li hasn’t checked in yet, would you like to leave a message or call back later? 不好意思,李俊先生还没有登记入住,请问您是要留言还是稍后再拨?

20 C/O Guest已退房 Guest : Please connect me to Mr Li Jun’s room. 转李俊的房间 ISA:I am sorry , Sir/Madam .Mr Li has already checked out. Maybe you can try to reach him by mobile phone. 不好意思,李俊先生已经退房了,您可以拨打客人手机和客人联系。

21 DND Guest“请勿打扰”客人 Guest : I want to speak with room 1212 Mr Li 我想要和1212房的李先生通话 ISA:I am sorry sir /madam . Mr Li is not available to answer the call now .He`d like you to leave a ,massage/call back in/after 对不起,先生/女士。李先生现在无法接听电话,他可能出去了,您可以留言/回拨

22 Confidential Guest 保密客人
Guest : Please transfer my call to your guest Ms. Wang Lin 请转接我的电话到王林先生 ISA:I am sorry sir/ madam . This guest is not registered in our hotel. 先生/女士,对不起,这位客人早我们酒店还未登记

23 HSKP Clean/Make up room Room make up ISA : Yes/ Certainly , Mr./Mrs./Miss XXX.I will inform HSKP to make up/clean your room right now/ immediately . your room No . is____. 好的,XXX先生/女士/小姐。我会马上通知客房部同事去打扫你的房间,您的房间号是____。 ISA: Is there anything else I can do for you? 请问还有其他需要吗? ISA:Thank for calling. Mr./Mrs./Miss XXX . Have a great/nice/lovely day! 感谢您的来电,XXX先生/女士/小姐。祝您愉快!

24 Room amenities request:
Guest room’s amenity order ISA: Yes/ Certainly , Mr./Mrs./Miss XXX.I will inform HSKP staff to deliver ___to your room in 10 mins , Your room No. Is___. 好的,XXX先生/女士/小姐。我会马上通知客房部同事,他们会在10分钟之内给您送到。您的房号是___。 ISA:Is there anything else I can do for you? 请问还有其他需要吗? ISA: Thank for calling. Mr./Mrs./Miss XXX . Have a great/nice/lovely evening ! 感谢您的来电,XXX先生/女士/小姐。祝您愉快!

25 Turn down service ISA: Certainly, Mr./Mrs./Miss XXX. I will inform HSKP staff to arrange turn down service for you. Your room No. Is___. 好的,XXX先生/女士/小姐。您的房号是___。我会马上通知客房部同事帮您安排夜床服务。 ISA:Is there anything else I can do for you? 请问还有其他需要吗? ISA:Thank for calling. Mr./Mrs./Miss XXX . Have a great/nice/lovely evening ! 感谢您的来电,XXX先生/女士/小姐。祝您愉快!

26 Laundry service: Regular Service & Express Service Laundry Dry Cleaning Ironing/expressing Sewing Starched Shirts Folded Shirts On Hanger Lost And Found Compensation Room Amenity Selling Price

27 Others: Open window Bug mosquito noisy condom playing cards/poker Extra bed baby cot baby Adapter Extension Board/cord plug/sock transformer

28 Xxx先生/小姐/女士很抱歉让您久等了,价格是__RMB
Buy room’s amenity ISA: Certainly , Mr./Mrs./ Miss XXX . May l check the price of___ for you ? One moment please. (After a few seconds) 好的,,我帮您查看一下价格可以吗? I am sorry to keeping you waiting . The price of __ is__ RMB(If guest want to buy) Xxx先生/小姐/女士很抱歉让您久等了,价格是__RMB ISA: Mr./Mrs./ Miss XXX.I will arrange it for you right now . Would you like to pay cash or charge to your room? ,我会帮您安排的,你是付现金还是刷卡呢?

29 ISA:Your room is __Housekeeping staff will delivery it to you as soon as possible.
您的房号__客房服务员会尽快送到您的房间的。 ISA : Thank you for calling. Mr./Mrs./Miss XXX . Have a great/nice/lovely evening! 感谢您的来电XXX先生/女士/小姐。祝您愉快!

30 Baby sitter ISA: Certainly , Mr./Mrs./Miss XXX , we do provide Baby sitter in hotel . The terms & conditions are: XXX先生/女士/小姐.酒店提供婴儿看护服务的。具体情况如下: ISA: Certainly , Mr./Mrs./Miss XXX . It is confirmed that you need a Baby Sitter for __children from __ to __ . The total Service charge is __ RMB . your room NO .is __ I will inform HSKP staff to arrange it for you and deliver the Agreement for Temporary Care of Children to you for signature XXX先生/女士/小姐。现在跟您确认一下,你需要从__到_,有__个小孩。一共__RMB,您的房号是__。我会通知客房部为你安排的,并且我们还需要您签一份婴儿看护协议。

31 ISA:Is there anything else I can do for you?
请问还有其他需要吗? ISA : Thank you calling. Mr./Mrs./ Miss XXX__ Have a great/nice/lovely evening! 感谢您的来电XXX先生/女士/小姐。祝您愉快!

32 Baby Cot & Extra Bed Certainly , Mr./Mrs./Miss XXX.I will inform HSKP staff it deliver a baby cot/extra bed(confirm the price with guest first) to you room in 20minutes.Your room number is__ XXX先生/女士/小姐。我会通知客房服务员在20分钟内帮你安排好婴儿床/加床(需要先和客人确认加床的价格)您的房号是__

33 ISA:Is there anything else I can do for you?
请问还有其他需要吗? ISA : Thank you calling. Mr./Mrs./Miss XXX__ Have a great/nice/lovely evening! 感谢您的来电XXX先生/女士/小姐。祝您愉快!

34 在客人设置“请勿打扰”的情况下洗衣房的员工是不能送回洗衣的。他们会给客人留下洗衣卡片,客人发现卡片之后会打电话到服务中心要求送回洗衣
Return Laundry Guest set up “DND” service , so Laundry on time .Laundry department will leave a “DND” Laundry card for the guest . Once guest finds it , he/she will call Instant Service Center to get his/her Laundry back 在客人设置“请勿打扰”的情况下洗衣房的员工是不能送回洗衣的。他们会给客人留下洗衣卡片,客人发现卡片之后会打电话到服务中心要求送回洗衣

35 Certainly , Mr. /Mrs. /Miss XXX
Certainly , Mr./Mrs./Miss XXX.I will confirm with our laundry department and ask them to deliver your laundry back right now . your room number is__ XXX先生/女士/小姐。我会和洗衣同事确认之后让他们给你送回洗衣。您的房号是__

36 ISA:Is there anything else I can do for you?
请问还有其他需要吗? ISA : Thank you calling. Mr./Mrs./Miss XXX__ Have a great/nice/lovely evening! 感谢您的来电XXX先生/女士/小姐。祝您愉快!

37 Guest : Could you please send somebody to pick up/collect my laundry?
Pick up laundry Guest : Could you please send somebody to pick up/collect my laundry? 请帮忙收一下洗衣? ISC : Do you need regular service or express service . Mr/Ms? 请问你是需要普通洗还是加急洗? Guest: Regular service please 普通洗(before12:00pm)

38 ISA: Certainly , Mr. /Mrs. /Miss XXX
ISA: Certainly , Mr./Mrs./Miss XXX . your laundry will be returned this afternoon before 6:00pm.please kindly fill in the laundry list and put it into the laundry bag with your laundry together .l will inform laundry staff to pick it up within 15 mins. your room number is__ 好的XXX先生/小姐/女士。您的洗衣会在今天下午6点钱给您送回。麻烦您填好洗衣单,和您要洗的衣服一起放在洗衣袋里,我会通知洗衣房同时在15分钟之内去收。您的房号是__

39 ISA:Is there anything else I can do for you?
请问还有其他需要吗? ISA : Thank you calling. Mr./Mrs./Miss XXX__ Have a great/nice/lovely evening! 感谢您的来电XXX先生/女士/小姐。祝您愉快!

40 Guest : Could you please send somebody to pick up/collect my laundry?
After 12:00pm Guest : Could you please send somebody to pick up/collect my laundry? 请帮忙收一下洗衣? ISC : Do you need regular service or express service , Mr/Ms? 请问你是需要普通洗还是加急洗? Guest : Regular service please 普通洗

41 Certainly . Mr./Mrs./MissXXX you will get your laundry back usually about 12:00pm tomorrow .please kindly fill in the laundry list and put it into the laundry bag with your laundry together .l will inform laundry staff to pick it up within 15 mins . your room number is__ 好的XXX先生/小姐/女士。您的洗衣会在第二天的中午12点送回。麻烦您填好洗衣单,和您要洗的衣服一起放在洗衣袋里,我会通知洗衣房同时在15分钟之内去收。您的房号是__

42 ISA:Is there anything else I can do for you?
请问还有其他需要吗? ISA : Thank you calling. Mr./Mrs./Miss XXX__ Have a great/nice/lovely evening! 感谢您的来电XXX先生/女士/小姐。祝您愉快!

43 express service ISC : Do you need regular service or express service , Mr/Ms? 请问你是需要普通洗还是加急洗? 加急洗衣 Certainly , Mr./Mrs./Miss XXX . you will get your laundry back 3 hours and plus 50%surcharge. please kindly fill in the laundry list and put it into the laundry bag with your laundry together .l will inform laundry staff to pick it up within 15 mins . your room number is__ 好的XXX先生/小姐/女士。您的洗衣会在第二天的中午12点送回。麻烦您填好洗衣单,和您要洗的衣服一起放在洗衣袋里,我会通知洗衣房同时在15分钟之内去收。您的房号是__

44 ISA:Is there anything else I can do for you?
请问还有其他需要吗? ISA : Thank you calling. Mr./Mrs./Miss XXX__ Have a great/nice/lovely evening! 感谢您的来电XXX先生/女士/小姐。祝您愉快!

45 Express Ironings Certainly . Mr./Mrs./Miss XXX . you will be plus 50% surcharge and your laundry will be return within 1 hour . please kindly fill in the laundry list and put it into the laundry bag with your laundry together .l will inform laundry staff to pick it up within 15 mins . your room number is__ 好的XXX先生/小姐/女士。您的洗衣会在第二天的中午12点送回。麻烦您填好洗衣单,和您要洗的衣服一起放在洗衣袋里,我会通知洗衣房同时在15分钟之内去收。您的房号是__

46 ISA:Is there anything else I can do for you?
请问还有其他需要吗? ISA : Thank you calling. Mr./Mrs./Miss XXX__ Have a great/nice/lovely evening! 感谢您的来电XXX先生/女士/小姐。祝您愉快!

47 Sewing & mending ISA : Yes, Mr./Mrs./Miss XXX . Our laundry department provides the sewing &mending service during the time 7:00a.m to 7:00p.m Could you please tell me What’s wrong with your clothes? 是的,xxx先生/女士/小姐。洗衣房在早上7:00到晚上7:00之间是提供缝补服务的。您可以告诉我您的衣物有什么问题吗?

48 ISA:Mr./Mrs./Miss_.I will inform our Laundry staff to pick up your clothes/pants right now . Your room number is_. xxx先生/女士/小姐,我会通知洗衣房同事现在去您的房间收您的衣服/裤子,您的房号是_。

49 ISA: Is there anything else I can do for you?
请问还有其它需要吗? ISA: There you for calling Mr./Mrs./Miss_.Have a great /nice/lovely day! 感谢您的来电,xxx先生/女士/小姐。祝您愉快!

50 Bathroom Amenities List Closet/Cabinet Amenities List 卫生间 拖鞋 肥皂 雨伞 浴巾
衣架 浴缸 洗衣单 毛巾 洗衣袋 牙刷 衣柜/衣橱 牙膏 擦鞋 漱口水 slippers Restroom umbrella Soap bath towel hanger bathtub laundry list face towel laundry bag cabinet/wardrobe tooth brush tooth paste shoe shine mouth wash shoe polish

51 comb iron/iron board bathrobe body lotion safe box mirror hair shampoo
梳子 熨斗/熨衣板 润肤露 浴袍 镜子 保险箱 洗发水 鞋拔 护发素 沐浴露 浴帽 水龙头 comb iron/iron board bathrobe body lotion safe box mirror hair shampoo shoe horn hair conditioner shower gel tap shower cap

52 basin shower curtain paper roll toilet paper tissue razor/shaving kit
脸盆 淋浴门帘 卫生纸 卷纸 面巾纸 剃须刀 剃须膏 针线包 吹风机 地巾 浴盐 防滑垫 地秤 马桶 basin shower curtain paper roll toilet paper tissue razor/shaving kit razor cream sewing kit hair dryer bath mat bath salt unti-slip bath mat weight scale closestool

53 Electrical sockets/plug shopping bag
Bedroom Amenities List 便签本 地毯 橡皮擦 天花板 carpet note/pad ceiling eraser 信封 行李架 插座 购物袋 台灯 冰桶 灯罩 冰夹 网线 烟灰缸 电池 垃圾桶 手电筒 迷你吧 envelop luggage Electrical sockets/plug shopping bag lamp ice bucket lamp shade ice tong cable ashtray waste bin battery torch mini-bar

54 bed skirting refrigerator match kettle pillow nail-clipper
床裙 冰箱 烧水壶 火柴 枕头 指甲钳 枕套 指甲锉 床单 剪刀 床罩/床单 矿泉水 被子 茶包 bed skirting refrigerator match kettle pillow nail-clipper pillow case/cover nail file bed sheet scissor mineral water bed spread tea bag bed quilt

55 床单、枕头及被套 咖啡包 羽绒被 咖啡伴侣 羽绒被套 婴儿床 毯子 联通门 床褥 杯子 遥控器 coffee bag bed linen coffee mate duvet duvet cover baby cot connecting door blanket cup bed pad remote controller

56 变压器 开瓶器 转换插座 印章 拖线板 邮编 胶水 温度计 创口贴 外币兑换 护理包 券 bottle opener transformer
Useful Words 变压器 开瓶器 转换插座 印章 拖线板 邮编 胶水 温度计 创口贴 外币兑换 护理包 bottle opener transformer Adapter seal zip/postal code extension board thermometer water glue currency exchange band aid coupon/voucher amenity bag

57 cotton ball switch stamp sanitary bag lighter projector ambulance
棉球邦 开关 卫生巾 邮票 打火机 投影仪 救护车 多方通话设备 阿司匹林 手提电脑 白纸板 塑封 cotton ball switch stamp sanitary bag lighter projector ambulance speaker phone laptop aspirin flip chart paper lamination

58 翻译 荧光笔 包裹 标签 translation magic marker parcel/package lable

59 胶片冲印 卡纸 名片制作 缩小 装订 放大 白板 装订机 裁纸机 订书机 砰纸机 原件和复印件 传真机 复印机 打印机 透明胶带 夹板机
激光笔 paper jam film development reduce card printing binding enlarge binding machine white board stapler parer cutter original and copies paper shredder fax machine copy machine printer scotch tape flip chart laser pen

60 DND Service: G: I do not want to answer any call , I am in meeting.
ISA: Yes, may I know till what time? ISA: 好的,请问要到几点钟为止呢? G: 5:00pm. G:到下午五点钟。 ISA: Staff is not allowed to knock at the door, is that right? ISA: 房间也不允许敲门对吗? G: Yes/是的。 ISA: 如果有电话找您的话,我们是帮您留言吗? G: 不用了,请他稍后拨 ISA: 好的,小姐,您的房号是1111,从现在开始到下午五点做免打扰服务,不转接房间电话,不允许敲门。对吗? G:是的

61 ISA: 请问还有什么可以帮忙的? G:没有了 ISA: 感谢来电,祝您愉快。 Confidential: 小姐,不要让别人知道我住你们酒店/别人打电话来问,就说我不住你们酒店。 好的,小姐/先生,请问酒店员工的电话可以帮您转接房间吗? 不需要 如有您的邮件需要接收吗? 好的,您的房号是1111,需要酒店对您的入住保密,到退房为止不接听任何电话,不接收邮件,对吗? 好的,谢谢您。请问还有什么可以帮忙的? ISA: 感谢来电,祝您愉快

62 Concierge Pick up luggage ISA: Certainly./Mr./Mrs./Miss May I know how many pieces do you have? XXX先生/女士/小姐,请问您有几件行李? ISA: (Yes) Mr./Mrs./Miss XXX , our bellman will go to your room in 10 mins . Your room number is_. 好的,XXX先生/女士/小姐,您的房号是_。我们的礼宾员在10分钟之内到您的房间。

63 ISA: Is there anything else I can do for you?
请问还有其他需要吗? ISA: Thank you for calling Mr./Mrs./Miss_.Have a great/nice/lovely day! 感谢您的来电,XXX女士/小姐。祝您愉快!

64 Deliver Newspaper Guest: Could you give me a piece of newspaper /Do you offer newspaper? 可以给我送一份报纸吗? ISA: Yes. May I know do you need Chinese newspaper or English newspaper? 请问您需要中文报还是英文报? ISA: Certainly. Mr./Mrs./Miss XXX. I will inform our Concierge staff to deliver it to your room in 10 mins. Your room number is _.Is there anything else I can do for you? 好的,XXX先生/女士/小姐。我会通知我们的礼宾员在10分钟之内将报纸送到您的房间。您的房号是_。

65 ISA: Is there anything else I can do for you?
请问还有其他需要吗? ISA: Thank you for calling Mr./Mrs./Miss XXX. Have a great/nice/lovely day! 感谢您的来电,XXX先生/女士/小姐。祝您愉快! (If it is late evening when the guest requires newspaper, ISA should confirm with Concierge first if there is still newspaper left then reply to the guest.) e.g.

66 ISA: Mr./Mrs./Miss XXX. May I confirm with our Concierge staff first then call you back?
ISA: Thank you! 谢谢您!

67 ISA: Good evening, Mr. /Mrs. /Miss XXX
ISA: Good evening, Mr./Mrs./Miss XXX. This is XXX from Instant Service Center. I am sorry to disturb/bother you. I just checked with our Concierge . They will deliver the newspaper to you in 10 mins. 早上/下午/晚上好,我是服务中心的XXX。很抱歉打扰到您。我已经和我们的礼宾部确认过,他们会在10分钟内送报纸到您的房间

68 ISA:Is there anything else I can do for you ?
请问还有其他需要吗? ISA: Thank you Mr/Mrs/Missxxx. Have a evening! 谢谢,先生/女士/小姐。晚安

69 Is there is no newspaper left
报纸已经送完 ISA;Good evening , Mr /Mrs /Miss xxx, this is xxx from Instant service center .l am sorry to disturb /bother you .I just checked with our Concierge ,there is no newspaper left .I felt very sorry .How about we send it you tomorrow morning? 早上/下午/晚上好,我是服务中心的xxx。很抱歉打扰到您。我已经和礼宾部确认过,很抱歉,今早的报纸已经送完了,我们明早给你送过来,您看好吗? ISA;Thank you Mr ./Mrs/Missxxx.Have a nice evening!

70 好的,xxx先生/小姐,请问您什么时候出发?
Cab order ISA;Certainly .Mr/Mrs/ Missxxx.May I know what time would you like to set out/off ? 好的,xxx先生/小姐,请问您什么时候出发? ISA:yes ,Mr/Mrs/Missxxx,I will arrange it for you 我会帮您安排的xxx先生/女士/小姐。 Is there anything else I can do for you ? 请问还有其他需要吗? Thank you for calling .Have a great /nice/lovely day. 感谢你的来电,祝您愉快!

71 Rental service(wheelchair , bicycle , charger etc)
ISA: Certainly .Mr/Mrs/Missxxx.the rental deposit of wheelchair/bicycle/charger is -----RMB. May I know what type of your mobile phone is (for the charger) 好的,xxx先生/女士/小姐。轮椅/自行车/充电器的租借押金是__RMB 您可以告诉您的手机型号吗?(充电器租借) ISA:Mr/Mrs/Missxxx. I will inform our concierge staff to deliver charger/ wheelchair/to your room right now . Xxx先生/女士/小姐,我会通知我们的礼宾部同事将充电器/轮椅送到您的房间。

72 Is there anything else I can do for you ?
请问还有其他需要吗? Thank you for calling .Have a great /nice/lovely day. 感谢你的来电,祝您愉快!

73 Transportation lnquiry
Guest :I want book a car /could you arrangement /limos/limousine service for me ? 请帮我安排一辆车? ISA : May I know when will you use it and how many people together ? 请问什么时候用车,是几位一起呢?(recommend the proper car type to guest according to number of people ?根据客人要求推荐合适的车辆) ISA:Mr /Mrs/Missxxx.The car type we provide is __May I know the destination? 可以的,xxx先生/女士/小姐。我们提供的车型有___。你可以告诉我您的目的是哪里?

74 ISA : One moment please ,I will check the price for you
请您稍等,我帮您查一下它的价格。 ISA : Mr /Mrs/Miss xxx,I am sorry to have kept you waiting ,the price of xxx to xxx is __RMB . 很抱歉让您久等了xxx先生/女士/小姐.xxx车到xxx车的价格是__价格 ISA:Mr/Mrs./Miss xxx,I will check the availability then call you back in 3 mins .Thank you . Xxx先生/女士/小姐.我需要确认当天是否能提供,3分钟内可以回电给您看可以吗?谢谢。

75 Out of hotel service ISA : Certainly/Yes.Mr /Mrs/Missxxx.We can arrange it for you. The outgoing service charge is ___RMB . Meanwhile you need afford the taxi fee the round trip . 好的,xxx先生/女士/小姐。我们可以为您安排。外出服务费是xxxRMB 以及来回的打车费是需要由您承担的。 ISA :I will arrange for you ,Is there anything else I can do for you Mr/Mrs/Miss xxx. 我会帮您安排的。请问还有其他需要吗xxx先生/女士/小姐? ISA : Thank you for calling .Have a great /nice/lonely day. 感谢你的来电。祝您愉快!

76 Buy pharmaceutical ISA : Certainly/Yes.Mr /Mrs/Missxxx.We can arrange it for you. The outgoing service charge is __RMB. Meanwhile you need afford the taxi fee the round trip . 好的,xxx先生/女士/小姐。我们可以为您安排。外出服务费是xxxRMB 以及来回的打车费是需要由您承担的。 Guest:yes/no problem 可以的.没问题。

77 ISC: Please wait a minute
ISC: Please wait a minute . I will inform bellboy go to your room immediately. Please fill in the drug purchasing list. 请您稍等,我会马上通知礼宾部的同事去您的房间,请您填写一下药品购买单。 Guest:no problem 没问题 ISA : Is there anything else I can do for you Mr/Mrs/Miss xxx. 我会帮您安排的。请问还有其他需要吗xxx先生/女士/小姐? ISA : Thank you for calling .Have a great /nice/lonely day. 感谢你的来电。祝您愉快!

78 City information ISC should provide the basic information to the guest such as Address , Opening Time ,Basic Feature ,Contact Number .For the further detail if can not be not be offered instantly ,ISA should check and call back ISC招呼都提供基本的信息客人如地址、开放时间、基本特色,联系电话。未来的细节如果不能不能立即提供,ISA应该检查和回电话

79 Wait more than 1minutes ISA : Excuse me Mr /Mrs/Missxxx. Could you please give me a few minutes to check ? I will call you back soon . XXX先生/女士/小姐/,请问给我几分钟查询一下,我会尽快给您回电话的.

80 Engineering Room facility fix ISA:I am sorry for the inconvenience caused to Mr/Mrs /MissXXX.i will inform our English staff to our Engineering staff to our room to check right now /immediately , your room number is __ 很抱歉给您造成的不便。Xxx先生/女士/小姐.我会通知工程师尽快到您的房间为你检查。您的房号是__。 ISA :Is there anything else I can do for you ? 请问还有其他需要吗? ISA:Thank you for calling .Have a great /nice/lovely day. 感谢你的来电,祝您愉快!

81 Borrow Tools ISA: ISA;Certainly .Mr/Mrs/ MissXXX.I will inform engineer to deliver the tool to your room very soon .your room number is __ 我会恨快的通知工程师带上工具刀你的房间,您的房间号是__ ISA :Is there anything else I can do for you ? 请问还有其他需要吗? ISA:Thank you for calling .Have a great /nice/lovely day. 感谢你的来电,祝您愉快!

82 Maintain Room facilities
Bathtub: leaking , overflowing , blocked Basin: blocked Shower: too cold or too hot/only hot water/only cool water Air-conditioner: too cold/too hot Closestool : leaking blocked Ceiling: water leaking TV: no voice/signal/not clear/can not turn on Light: bulb is broken/switch is out of order

83 Pipe: leaking Tap: not working/can not turn off Switch: out of control Rainforce /shower head/ Teleshower OTHERS : help guest open suit case ; lend tools to guest

84 Wake Up Call ISA : Certainly Mr/ Mrs/Missxxx.what time would you like /May I Have your wake up call time ? 好的,xxx先生/女士/小姐,请问您需要几点钟的叫醒? Guest:7:00’oclock tomorrow morning . 我需要7点的叫醒服务。 ISA: Yes ,Mr/Mrs/Missxxx. Would you like the reminding call ? 好的,xxx先生/女士/小姐。另外您需要第二次叫醒吗? Guest : yes.please 7:10. 7:10

85 ISA : I’ll arrange it for you Mr / Mrsxxx
ISA : I’ll arrange it for you Mr / Mrsxxx. Your room number is xxx and your first wake up time is 7:00 am and the reminding call is 7:10 tomorrow morning 我会帮您安排的xxx先生你女士小姐。您可的叫醒时间是明天早上7:00,第二次叫醒是7:10.您的房号是xxx。 Guest : yes . it’s correct . 是的。 ISA :Is there anything else I can do for you ? 请问还有其他需要吗? ISA : Have a nice evening /Good night. 晚安。

86 Front Desk/club intercontinental
Billing Issue Invoice payment Valid Certification Extending stay/Early Departure Late check Out Room Move Foreigh Currency Exchange Cancellation Or Completing of Authorization

87 Business Center Copy & PRUNTING Guest: I need copy /printing service 小姐,我需要复印 ISC: Yes Sir/Madam . Do you need color /printing or regular /black white 好的,先生/女士/小姐,请问您需要彩色复印还是黑白复印/打印呢? ISC : The price of the regular/color printing is __ 好的,彩色/黑白复印/打印的价格是__

88 (please check in Opera if guest request to charge /post room)
How would you like to settle the bill /pay ,by cash or charge to room ? 好的,请问您是付现金还是计入房账呢? (please check in Opera if guest request to charge /post room) (如果客人要求入账房,请查询Opera是否有挂账权限) No Posting 不能挂账 I am sorry. Sir/madam, could you please settle it now . The printing fee can not be charged to your room , because_____ 不好意思,____先生/小姐,您方便现结吗?您的房间不能挂账,原因是____

89 OUTGOING FAX Guest:May I send fax here? 可以发传真吗? ISC:Yes . Sir/Madam . The price is 10RMB per page. May I have the fax number? 可以的,发传真价格是10元每页. 可以知道您的传真号码吗? ISC:Sir/ Madam . The fax is sent out . Here is your original copy. Do you need an envelope?/Would you like me to put them into an envelop? 小姐/先生,传真已经发出去了,这边是您的传真原件,请问您需要信封吗?

90 SCAN Guest: Could you please scan some documents for me? 我需要扫描一些文件 ISC:Yes. The price is 15RMB per page. 可以的,价格是15元每页。 Guest: No problem./OK. 可以的。 ISC: May I know which king of document format should be save as? 请问扫描以后用哪种文件格式保存呢?

91 Courier G:I want to post some items?/I want to send some package/parcels? 小姐,我需要邮寄一些东西? ISC:Yes , Madam/Sir , we only accept cash for the post service. 没有问题,但是快递费用是只能付现的。 (Sorry , the postage will be paid to the express company directly in cash when the courier comes to collect the package , so it can not be charged to room. But we can post the 15% service charge to room) (不好意思,我们是代理邮寄服务,邮费我们会以现金的方式交给收取物品的快递公司员工,所以邮递费用是不能挂账的。服务费可以挂账。)

92 May I have the destination?
好的,小姐/先生,请问您是要寄到哪里呢(确保在快递邮寄的范围之内,并根据地点提供快递公司) ISC:We can contact these express companies _____, may I know which one do you prefer? 我们酒店提供的快递公司有____,请问您要选择哪个快递公司呢? ISC:The item will be charge ____ per kilo. ____快递公司的收费标准是____ Weight the items with pack(make sure the items is allowed to deliver) 帮助客人称重(包装的重量也在计费之内并确保客人的物品是允许邮寄的。)

93 Prohibited to deliver 如果是不能邮寄的: I am sorry. These items are prohibited to deliver according to express company’s policy. 不好意思,根据快递公司的制度,这些东西是不允许邮寄的。 It weights ____ and the postage is ____. The total charge is____. 物品的重量是____,邮费是___,总的费用是___。 Please fill in the list 麻烦您填写一下邮寄单。(协助客人填写,确保正确和完整)

94 Madam/Sir , I suggest you declare the value of the items on the list to make sure it is safe on the way. 小姐/先生,建议您对邮寄的物品进行保价,以确保物品在邮寄过程中更安全。 The courier will come to collect you package at ____, and the estimated arrived date is ____days later. 快递公司会在___收取您的包裹,预计会在___天后到达



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