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甲状腺功能减退症 中山大学附属第二医院内分泌科 张少玲.

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1 甲状腺功能减退症 中山大学附属第二医院内分泌科 张少玲

2 甲状腺功能减退症 TH的合成、分泌或生物效应不足 分三型:呆小症 幼年性甲减 成年性甲减 发病率:新生儿:1/4000
成年女性:2%(北美) 成年男性: % (北美)

3 病因与发病机制 病因复杂 三大类:甲状腺性(原发性,>90%) 垂体下丘脑性(继发性) TSH或TH不敏感综合征

4 原发性甲减 分获得性和先天性,以获得性为多 病因: 炎症 放疗 甲状腺被破坏 手术 碘的摄入过少或过多 药物或食物抑制摄碘
放疗 甲状腺被破坏 手术 碘的摄入过少或过多 药物或食物抑制摄碘 先天性:TH合成酶的遗传缺陷 影响TH的合成

5 甲减的常见病因 自身免疫性甲状腺疾病(慢性淋巴细胞性甲状腺炎、GD) 放疗、手术、ATD药物 亚急性甲状腺炎

6 临床表现(成年型) 一般表现(低代谢症状群):畏寒、少汗、乏力、少言懒动、低体温、食欲减退、体重增加、手掌姜黄色、皮肤干燥、浮肿、增厚、粗糙、冰凉,声音低沉,体毛稀少无光泽 粘液性水肿面容:表情淡漠呆滞 面色咣白、浮肿 唇厚、舌大 眉毛稀少

7 精神神经系统: 反应迟钝、嗜睡、记忆力下降、智力低下;抑郁多虑、多疑 严重——精神分裂症、痴呆、木僵、昏睡、惊厥、共济失调 肌肉关节系统: 乏力、肌强直、痉挛,肌萎缩,握拳松开迟缓,腱反射弛缓期延长 关节痛、关节积液

8 心血管系统: 心输出量下降,心动过缓、心音低沉,心包积液、并发冠心病、胆固醇升高,P-R间期延长、低电压 消化系统: 厌食、腹胀、便秘,麻痹性肠梗阻,缺铁性贫血或恶性贫血 内分泌系统: 性欲下降、月经失调、不育、溢乳

9 实验室检查 有关甲状腺的检查: TH (T4先于T3),rT3  摄碘率低平 TSH——原发性甲减的最早表现,并是判断治疗效果的指标
TRH兴奋试验——区分原发和继发性甲减 甲状腺自身抗体——自身免疫性甲状腺疾病

10 其它一般检查: 贫血:多种原因 血糖:N- 或 胆固醇、甘油三酯:

11 排除:贫血、特发性水肿、肾病、冠心病、低T4T3综合征
诊断 诊断步骤: 是否甲减?——甲减的病变部位——病因 临床表现 体征(面容) TH  排除诊断 TSH TRH兴奋试验 垂体内分泌功能 垂体影象学 病史、体检 自身抗体 甲状腺细胞学 排除:贫血、特发性水肿、肾病、冠心病、低T4T3综合征

12 FT4、TSH FT4 TSH FT4 - TSH - FT4 TSH - 继发甲减 甲功正常 原发甲减 TRH兴奋试验 无或低
垂体性甲减 下丘脑性甲减

13 治疗 TH替代治疗: L-T4:小剂量开始,缓慢增加,替代用量个体化,永久性甲减须终身替代 疗效判断指标:TSH 对症治疗: 病因治疗:

14 小结 临床表现缺乏特异性 起病隐袭,发展缓慢 临床诊断不难 治疗效果好 早期诊断率低,误诊率高 引起足够重视

15 粘液性水肿昏迷 诱因:应激(重病、感染、手术、寒冷)、TH替代治疗中断、使用麻醉镇静药 表现:
神经系统症状突出——嗜睡、昏迷、肌张力低、深反射迟缓或消失 低代谢症状群——T  、R  、HR  、BP 病死率高20%,误诊率高 久病的老年病人、冬季、

16 粘液水肿性昏迷的治疗 立即补充TH 尽可能静脉用药 L-T4 首剂100-200g iv,50 g/d iv
或片剂20-30 g q6h L-T3 首剂40-120g iv,5-15 g/d iv or 25 g ivq12h 氢化可的松 mg/d iv drip,清醒后减量 确实保证呼吸功能的维持:供氧、辅助通气 对症支持疗法:监护、保温、维持水电解质平衡、抗生素、治疗合并症、护理 补充高渗液和葡萄糖、L-T g iv首剂,以后每天100 g iv

17 hypothyroidism Many structural or functional abnormalities can impair the production of thyroid hormones and cause the clinical state termed hypothyroidism. Incidence: adult female in North America:2% adult male: %

18 Hypothyroidism ----Etiology
Hypothyroidism with compensatory thyroid enlargement due to transient or progressive impairment of hormone biosynthesis (goitrous hypothyroidism) Permanent loss or atrophy of thyroid tissue (atrophic hypothyroidism) Transient hypothyroidism Consumptive hypothyroidism Central hypothyroidism----insufficient stimulation of a normal gland, hypothalamic or pituitary disease or defects in the thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) molecule itself Resistance to thyroid hormone


20 B. Clinical manifestations
a. Hypometabolism syndrome and generalized manifestations b. Nervous system c. Cardiovascular system d. Digestive system e. Others

21 Clinical manifestations -skin and generalized manifestations
Skin: Coarse,cold, dry and pale, easy bruising hair is dry and brittle, lacks luster enlargement of the tongue and thickening of the pharyngeal and laryngeal mucous membranes Myxedema:Myxedematous tissue is characteristically boggy and nonpitting and is apparent around the eyes, on the dorsa of the hands and feet, and in the supraclavicular fossae

22 Clinical manifestations Cardiovascular System
The cardiac output ↓ Peripheral vascular resistance↑ pulse pressure ↓ heart sounds↓----Effusion in the pericardial sac Dilated myocardium ECG----sinus bradycardia, prolongation of the PR interval, low amplitude of the P wave and QRS complex, alterations of the ST segment, and flattened or inverted T waves. serum enzyme changes----creatine kinase, aspartate aminotransferase, and lactate dehydrogenase ↑

23 Manifestations- Alimentary System
appetite is usually reduced constipation Ascites Overt pernicious anemia Malabsorption is occasionally overt.

24 Nervous system intellectual functions↓:speech, initiative, slow-wittedness and memory Body movements are slow and clumsy, and cerebellar ataxia lethargy and somnolence ,dementia in elderly patients tendon reflexes are slow Psychiatric disorders: depressive type and may induce agitation Headaches are frequent. Cerebral hypoxia---- confusional attacks and syncope, stupor or coma. Esp. when exposure to severe cold, infection, trauma, hypoventilation with carbon dioxide retention, and depressant drugs.

25 Clinical manifestations
early symptoms are variable and nonspecific. the onset of hypothyroidism is usually so insidious coarse skin, periorbital puffiness,cold skin, and delayed ankle reflex relaxation phase

26 C. Diagnosis a. Clinical manifestations b. Laboratory examinations c. Differentiate the causes of hypothyroidism *Diagnosis steps in hypothyroidism D. Treatment Identification of a correctable underlying cause Replacement therapy

27 Before and after treatment
Many faces of Hypothyroidism, Before and after treatment ------

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