英會報告 民謠(folk song)&鄉村音樂(country music)

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1 英會報告 民謠(folk song)&鄉村音樂(country music)
組別:”FOUR” in love(第六組) 組員:企一乙湯敏昌(6號)謝明珊 (24號)許棣涵(44號)黃南冠(48號)

2 民謠介紹 各國民謠介紹 各國著名民謠欣賞(中英文歌詞)
民謠----Folk Music 民謠介紹 各國民謠介紹 各國著名民謠欣賞(中英文歌詞)

3 民謠介紹(introduce) Defination~ 1) 具有民族性或當地之特色 2) 已流傳一段時間 3) 旋律簡明,容易吟唱
1)      具有民族性或當地之特色 2)      已流傳一段時間 3)      旋律簡明,容易吟唱 4)      常由當地傳統樂器演奏

4 各國民謠介紹 蘇格蘭 談到蘇格蘭民謠,首先就會讓人想到風笛(Bagpipe),動人且磅礡的笛聲,扣人心弦。
   所有蘇格蘭民謠幾乎可以用風笛演奏,最有名的曲子就是奇異恩典(Amazing Grace)及蘇格蘭勇士(Scotland The Brave),風笛常被使用於電影的配樂,最有名的就是梅爾吉勃遜之「英雄本色」(Braveheart),片中的風笛配樂完美的將劇情的張力表現得淋漓盡致。    有些歌曲演奏時,有時候會加入鼓(Drum),所以我們常看到一些蘇格蘭民謠CD的標題會標示Bagpipe and Drum。    蘇格蘭民謠包括優美的古老慶典歌曲、情歌以外,就有名的就是吉格與連索(Jig and Reel)曲調的曲子,而蘇格蘭就是連索歌曲的故鄉。 有名的蘇格蘭民謠: 奇異的恩典 Amazing Grace 驪歌 Auld Lang Syne music 安妮 蘿莉 Annie Laurie

5 奇異恩典 Amazing Grace Amazing grace! How sweet the sound
  That saved a wretch like me.   I once was lost but now am found,   Was blind but now I see. 2. 'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear,  And grace my fears relieved,  How precious did that grace appear,  The hour I first believed. 3. Through many dangers, toils and snares  I have already come.  'Tis grace hath brought me safe thus far  And grace will lead me home. 4. The Lord has promised good to me,  His Word my hope secures;  He will my shield and portion be  As long as life endures. 5. Yea, when this heart and flesh shall fail,  And mortal life shall cease,  I shall possess within the vail,  A life of joy and peace. 6. The world shall soon dissolve like snow,  The sun refuse to shine;  But God, who called me here below,  Shall be forever mine.

6 安妮羅莉Annie Laurie Maxwelton's braes are bonnie,
Where early fa's the dew, And it's there that Annie Laurie Gave me her promise true. Gave me her promise true, Which ne'er forgot will be, And for bonnie Annie Laurie I'd lay me doon and dee. Her brow is like the snawdrift, Her throat is like the swan, Her face it is the fairest, That 'er the sun shone on. And dark blue is her e'e, Like dew on the gowan lying, Is the fa' o' her fairy feet, And like winds in summer sighing, Her voice is low and sweet. Her voice is low and sweet, And she's a' the world to me, 優美的麥斯威爾頓山坡 晨間的露珠霑露其中 那是安妮蘿莉居住的地方 她誓言真情相待 永生不忘 安妮蘿莉我對她的愛 至死不渝 她清秀的臉龐有如百雪般明亮 她的歌聲如天鵝般清脆 她明亮的臉頰 如陽光般燦爛 以及她憂鬱的雙眸 攀附在小雛菊上的露珠兒 輕輕自枝幹上滑落 如夏日微風低吟 她的聲音溫柔甜美 她是我的全部

7 愛爾蘭 愛爾蘭民謠可細分為四種---- 第一種為古老的詠唱歌曲(Air),最具盛名的代表歌曲就是夏日最後玫瑰與丹尼男孩
第二、三種為吉格與連索(Jig and Reel),吉格音樂是電影最喜歡使用當為配樂的音樂,如「鐵達尼號」與「紐約黑幫」,愛爾蘭國舞「吉格舞」更是「大河之舞」的起源,並且是現代「踢踏舞」根源。連索音樂的源頭為蘇格蘭,在愛爾蘭亦相當風行。 第四種為聞名全世界的「塞爾特情歌」(Celtic Song)。 知名愛爾蘭民謠: 1. 丹尼男孩(秋夜吟) Danny Boy / Londonderry Air 2. 依然在我心深處 Believe Me, If All Those Endearing Young Charms

8 丹尼男孩Danny Boy Danny Boy Oh Danny boy, the pipes, the pipes are calling
From glen to glen, and down the mountain side The summer's gone, and all the flowers are dying 'Tis you, 'tis you must go and I must bide. But come ye back when summer's in the meadow Or when the valley's hushed and white with snow 'Tis I'll be here in sunshine or in shadow Oh Danny boy, oh Danny boy, I love you so. And if you come, when all the flowers are dying And I am dead, as dead I well may be You'll come and find the place where I am lying And kneel and say an "Ave" there for me. And I shall hear, tho' soft you tread above me And all my dreams will warm and sweeter be If you'll not fail to tell me that you love me I'll simply sleep in peace until you come to me.

9 依然在我心深處 Believe me, if all those endearing young charms 眼看你的嫵媚花容兮已萎枯
Which I gaze on so fondly today    眼看仙侶無法將你讓 Were to change by tomorrow and fleet in my arms 我這誠信真摯雙眼依然凝住 Like fairy gifts fading away    要向你作無言傾訴 Thou wouldst still be adored as this moment thou art 我的深情縈繞在這心頭如許 Let thy loveliness fade as it will   縈繞心頭似春藤長綠 And around the dear ruin each wish of my heart 這莫是香斷紅消減盡歡愉 Would entwine itself verdantly still    矢當初折盟永不辜負 It is not while beauty and youth are thine own   當你的青春美麗漸漸消除 And thy cheeks unprofaned by a tear   當你雙額被清淚沾濡 That the fervor and faith of a soul can be known 我的熱情依然在我心靈深處 To which time will but make thee more dear   還增添了對你愛慕 No, the heart that has truly loved never forgets    誠信真摯的愛從來不輕吐露 But as truly loves on to the close   只是隱在心深處常駐 As the sunflower turns to her God when he sets    有如葵花向日一片癡情何與 The same look which she turned when he rose    任今朝明朝日晞日暮

10 美國 美國民謠基本上受英格蘭、蘇格蘭及愛爾蘭等,歐洲移民國家的民謠影響頗大,詞曲簡單,旋律優美,容易吟唱,大部分作曲於 年間。此外,傳奇作曲家史蒂芬.佛斯特所作的曲子,與上述歌曲的旋律略有不同,大部分至今仍深受人們喜歡。 知名的美國民謠: 1.  山腰上的家 Home on the Range   2. 送別 Dreaming of Home and Mother 

11 山腰上的家 Home On The Range 曲子介紹: 歌詞內容: 蔚藍色的天, 翡翠般的青山 山間中的流水聲潺潺
  本曲由移民至新大陸阿肯色州之海格利(Dr. Brewster Higley)及唐凱利(Dan Kelly)於1873年所作,因旋律優美,歌詞內容反映早期移民者之情境,於1947年被定為阿肯色州之州歌,亦被稱為牛仔之國歌 Oh, Give me a home, where the buffalo roam, Where the deer and the antelope play, Where seldom is heard a discouraging word, And the skies are not cloudy all day. Home, home on the range. Where the deer and the antelope play How often at night when the heavens are bright, With the light from the glittering stars, Have I stood there amazed and asked as I gazed, If their glory exceeds that of ours. 歌詞內容: 蔚藍色的天, 翡翠般的青山 山間中的流水聲潺潺 回憶起兒時,在這美麗家園 常常獨自徜徉百花間 啊, 我的家園,我那山腰上的家園,當我歡欣或悲傷及厭煩

12 以色列  其中民謠歌曲大部分皆與宗教有關,敘述著積極奮鬥、努力向上、祈求平安、樂天知命的內涵,旋律時而輕快奮起,時而溫柔婉約,曲調簡單不複雜,配合簡易的舞步,即有振奮人心的效果,演奏的樂器亦相當簡單,包括笛子、鼓、拍手、甚至只有清唱,卻皆能表現其獨特的風格,近代演奏的樂器有時加入如電子琴類的樂器,雖傳統韻味較淡,但風格未失。

13 「讓我們歡樂吧」 Let us be gay or Let us be cheerful
Play Balalaika here´s a farmer who is thinking over the whole night long. Which girl he should take for marriage who would not make him ashamed. Chorus: Tumbala, tumbala, tumbalalaika, Tumbala, tumbala, tumbalalaika tumbalalaika, play Balalaika, tumbalalaika - let us be merry. Girl, I want to ask you, what can grow without rain, what can burn and never stop? What can long for love, and weep without tears? You foolish farmer, why do you ask me for? A stone can grow without rain, love can burn and never end. A heart can long for love and cry without tears. 聽我說個男孩的故事, 他整夜不休,苦思良策, 只為追求一位佳侶, 一位美麗、狡黠、聰慧的女孩。 讓我們歡樂、歡樂、歡樂吧! 告訴我,美人兒,妳是否知道, 什麼東西不需要雨水的滋潤便可以成長? 什麼東西會整年綻放且不凋謝? 什麼東西表達強烈的渴求,哭泣卻不會流淚? 喔!傻男孩,你現在當然知道了, 石頭不需要雨水滋潤,便會成長。 真愛會整年綻放且不凋謝。 真心表達強烈渴求,哭泣卻不會流淚。 讓我們歡樂、歡樂、歡樂吧

14 加勒比海  加勒比海位於中美洲的西邊,墨西哥灣的南邊,主要國家有古巴、牙買加、多明尼加、波多黎各等將近二十個國家,艷陽高照,處處有美麗的沙灘與棕櫚樹,是熱帶渡假天堂,音樂熱情輕快,獨樹一格,大部分是恰恰、曼波與倫巴的節奏,鋼鼓(Steel Drum)是當地獨特的演奏樂器。 知名的加勒比海民謠: 1.   Guandanamera 關達拉美娜

15 墨西哥  墨西哥的音樂在美洲大陸獨樹一格,同曾為西班牙的殖民地,歌曲內容充滿豪放開朗,有別於東邊加勒比海地區歌曲的熱情,南美洲安地列斯山脈地區民謠的奔放,所以獨特,可能與該地區曾是瑪雅文化的發源地有關吧!演奏樂器主要以吉他為主,常伴隨著獨特的墨西哥舞蹈,男舞者及演唱者,帶寬邊尖頂的墨西哥帽,豪邁自在,女舞者著鮮豔的百摺蓬蓬裙,熱情艷麗。演唱者幾乎全是男性,歌聲優美,旋律輕快,很值得欣賞。 墨西哥帽子舞  Jarabe Tapartio 這是眾多旋律優美的墨西哥民謠中,最具代表性的歌曲。此曲旋律相當特殊,是由好幾段不同的曲調組成,但卻不相互衝突,反而因變化多端而迷人。

16 義大利  位於古羅馬帝國的首善之區,義大利的民謠與其文化同樣淵遠留長,最著名的民謠有拿波里民謠以及南方西西里島的塔朗泰拉舞曲(Terantella)。義大利亦是觀光客喜歡造訪國家,有許多美麗的城市,如處處古蹟的羅馬、威尼斯、米蘭、佛羅倫斯、比薩以及在輕輕薄霧中的拿波里與艷陽高照的托斯卡尼,這些地區皆有其特有的民謠,威尼斯水上貢都拉上的船夫就是這些民謠的最佳傳唱者。

17 俄羅斯  俄羅斯民謠之豐富,很難讓人將昔日的極權國家與冰雪覆地的國度聯想在一起,或許是天氣寒冷,所以俄羅斯有獨特的傳統舞蹈,舞步之困難為其他世界各國的傳統舞蹈無法比擬。傳統樂器為三角琴(Balalaika),琴聲優美與曼陀鈴各有千秋,俄羅斯民謠以三角琴彈奏時,蕩氣迴腸,溫柔婉約,令人陶醉。電影「齊瓦哥醫生」中三角琴演奏的配樂,即為上乘之作。

18 關達拉美娜  Guantanamera  舉世聞名的古巴民謠,也是古巴人民最喜歡唱的歌。加勒比海成為渡假者的天堂,不只其陽光沙灘迷人,當地輕快優美的音樂魅力亦為原因之一,而古巴的音樂扮演著最重要的角色,而關達拉美娜絕對是其中的主角。

19 鄉村音樂簡介----country music
What kind of a kind of music is country music on earth to come from the wild wonderful melody in the mountain forest township? Happy and general like blue tuning in fact, blue tuning happy origin a African melody, migrated to from Africa to the music type attitudes derived out after U.S.A. by the black person, can be regarded as the Afro-American's folk rhyme, but happy in the village says it is a white man's folk rhyme, it is actually Irish , Scottish nation that come from the archipelago of Great Britain that happy in the village , they migrated to U.S.A. in 18 , the 19th century, because the economic ability of Irish , Scotsman was unable to let them enter the New England District developed earlier again, so they settle down and support the family by engaging in farming in the southwest of U.S.A. or the mountain area of the south more finally, and they will bring into U.S.A. in the hometown folk rhyme sung, the mountain area folk rhyme sung by resident in the wild countryside of this group of townships That kind of mountain area folk rhymes from Irish , Scotsman rely mainly on singing the story of narrating, the lyrics regard hometown , fails in love , roams about , the religious belief as the subject matter mainly, sing and usually rely mainly on solo, join and vocal accompaniment too sometimes, the accompaniment musical instrument relies mainly on violin, class turtledove's musical instrument, guitar, but too happy to rely mainly on singing in the early village developed later, play the musical instruments , such as violin ,etc. mostly.

20 Wide Open Spaces Who Doesn't Know What I'm Talking About Repeat Chorus
Who's Never Left Home, Who's Never Struck Out To Find A Dream And A Life Of Their Own A Place In The Clouds, A Foundation Of Stone Many Precede And Many Will Follow A Young Girl's Dream No Longer Hollow It Takes The Shape Of A Place Out West But What It Holds For Her, She Hasn't Yet Guessed Chorus: She Needs Wide Open Spaces Room To Make Her Big Mistakes She Needs New Faces She Knows The Highest Stakes She Travelled This Road As A Child Wide Eyed And Grinning, She Never Tired But Now She Won't Be Coming Back With The Rest If These Are Life's Lessons, She'll Take This Test Repeat Chorus She Knows The Highest Stakes As Her Folks Drive Away, Her Dad Yells, "Check The Oil!" Mom Stares Out The Window And Says, "I'm Leaving My Girl" She Says, It Didn't Seem Like That Long Ago When She Stood There And Let Her Own Folks Know She Needed Wide Open Spaces Room To Make Her Big Mistakes She Needs New Faces

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