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大同大學應用外語系 台灣師範大學英語系所 李 櫻

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1 大同大學應用外語系 台灣師範大學英語系所 李 櫻
從聆聽故事到課外閱讀 大同大學應用外語系 台灣師範大學英語系所 李 櫻

2 從聆聽導引閱讀的學習個案: 98學測作文佳作範例

3 Student Sample: Paragraph I
It was a sunny morning. In a village on the outskirts of Sichuan, the sun was shining gloriously in the deep, blue sky, while the farmers were working very hard in the farm fields. In the nearby houses, women were chatting about their daily lives, with their children running around them, playing happily. The whole village formed a picture of peace and harmony. But then it happened all of a sudden. The whole ground began to tremor, making all the people in the village jump with fright. Trees started to fall down, crushing onto the ground. The houses collapsed under the great force of the earthquake, killing every person who didn’t manage to escape in time. Debris and fallen stones were everywhere, and beneath them were many injured people screaming and crying, asking for help. The earthquake had turned the once beautiful village into a flaming purgatory.

4 Student Sample: Paragraph II
The news of the outbreak of the earthquake in Sichuan spread throughout the world immediately. The hell-like scene was broadcast all around the world, making everyone who had seen it stunned and frightened. Search teams were distributed to the earthquake-struck areas immediately, trying to help the survivors and the injured. Meanwhile, phone calls were also pouring into organizations such as the Red Cross, asking to donate daily necessities to the quake-stuck areas. People around the world united as one, trying to provide the quake-struck villagers with care and support. With the plentiful help offered by them, the village in Sichuan is sure to come back to its original, peaceful state.

5 語言中的語調與節奏特色 每個語言都有其特有的韻律與節奏。 漢語系統的語言: 聲調: 國語的四聲 (表達字辭意義) 媽 麻 馬 罵
媽 麻 馬 罵 國語的節奏--輕聲與非輕聲 爸爸 媽媽 東西

6 英語語調的特色 以整個語句或語詞組為單位 表達語句整體的句法言談功能或說話者的態度 Are you a teacher? /
You’re a teacher.\ vs. You’re a teacher?/ Want some coffee?/ Red wine?/ White wine?/

7 國內學習者的語調學習問題: 漢語聲調和英語語調的混淆
例一: 字母的讀法 CNN ABC NBC BMW AIT AIDS 第一聲(高平調)? 第四聲(高降調)? 第二聲(上揚調)? 例二: 語句的讀法 I go to school every day. Are you going tomorrow?

8 英語語調的溝通功能 上揚語調(或高平調): 未完成、不確定 (如列舉、正反問句) 有所保留、委婉客氣(如接待人員的談話) 下降語調
已結束、確定(如直述句) 較正式、肯定

9 英語語調舉例 1. 字母或縮寫: (列舉、該單位尚未結束) ABC ABCD ABCDEFG CNN ABC BMW
Cf. CNN News Center/ ABC news report It’s a BMW./ I like my BMW very much. How do you spell the word book/pen/apple? B-o-o-k./P-e-n./ A-p-p-l-e.

10 英語語調舉例 2. 說話者對語句內容有疑問:正反問句 Do you like it? (You like it?)
Is he your friend? (He is your friend?) Some coffee? Red wine? White wine? What? Who did you see today?

11 英語語調舉例 3.說話者對語句內容相當確定:直述句 Yes, I like it very much.
No, he isn’t (my friend). Give me some coffee/red wine/white wine. 4. 說話者對語句內容大致確定,只須詢問某一特定訊息: wh-問句 What’s your name? /How are you? Who is he? / When are you leaving?

12 英語語調舉例 5. 說話者的態度 上揚語調: 驚訝、不確定、委婉、親切 下降語調: 確定、果斷 語調的社會意涵:

13 4. 英語的重音與節奏 節奏的特色: 輕 vs.重 急 vs.緩 揚 vs.降 英語重音和節奏息息相關: 重音節:語音較響亮 (音量)
音調較高亢 (音高) 速度較緩慢 (音長) * 母音較清晰

14 英語語句重音原則 實詞 vs. 虛詞 (重 vs.輕) Do you like it? Yes, I like it. Yes, I do.
Is he your friend? Yes, he is. No, he isn’t. Give me some coffee. I play tennis every weekend.

15 英語語句重音原則 對比重音 John likes it, not Mary. I went to school yesterday.

16 英語重音與節奏舉例 1. 單字重音: wind window tomorrow six seven eleven
go ago volunteer (高降調為重音和語調的結合現象) (隨著語用功能不同,揚或降可能改變,但輕重、快慢、母音清晰度則大致維持)

17 英語重音與節奏舉例 John came. The man came. The manager came.
英語具有重音節拍語的節奏,唯有重音音節才佔拍子,輕音音節又輕又短,幾乎不佔拍子。 John came. The man came. The manager came.

18 英語語調與節奏的結合 範例: Close your eyes and open your ears.
It’s time for a story. No, I’m not going to read it to you; you will listen to it on a CD, MP3, or cassette. Sound like a great idea? Well, in today’s world, anything is possible.

19 故事朗讀範例 The Wishing Well A mouse once found a wishing well.
“Now all of my wishes can come true!” she cried. She threw a penny into the well and made a wish. “OUCH!” said the wishing well.

20 The next day the mouse came back to the well
The next day the mouse came back to the well. She threw a penny into the well and made a wish. “OUCH!” said the well. The next day the mouse came back again. She threw a penny into the well. “I wish this well would not say ouch,” she said. “OUCH!” said the well. “That hurts.”

21 “What shall I do. ” cried the mouse
“What shall I do?” cried the mouse. “My wishes will never ever come true this way.” The mouse ran home. She took the pillow from her bed. “This may help,” said the mouse, and she ran back to the well.

22 The mouse threw the pillow into the well
The mouse threw the pillow into the well. Then she threw a penny into the well and made a wish. “Ah. That feels much better!” said the well. “Good!” said the mouse. “Now I can start wishing.”

23 After that day the mouse made many wishes by the well
After that day the mouse made many wishes by the well. And every one of them came true.

24 從聆聽到閱讀 為什麼要讓孩子聽英語故事? ﹝一﹞激發學習動機: 故事中活潑有趣的內容激發孩子的興趣,可達到真正有意義的學習
製作嚴謹的有聲圖書,以豐富的語音表情、真實的音響效果、負節奏感的語言、契合情境的配合,吸引孩子的注意,激發學習動機。 有意義、有目標的學習,成效最佳.

25 為什麼要孩子聽英語故事? ﹝二﹞提供絕佳語言接觸 (1) 完整自然的口語語料
(1)       完整自然的口語語料 在台灣並非英語國家的語言環境中,視聽教材所呈現的英語故事,提供了真實自然而完整的口說英語,正可彌補生活環境中英語接觸不足的缺憾

26 (2) 清晰完整的語音訊息: 對初學時期的語音系統之建構,有極大的幫助 包括子音、母音、音節結構、節奏、語調等

27 (3) 在完整情境上下文中提供豐富詞彙 兒童英語故事中的關鍵詞彙反覆出現,有利於孩子自然熟悉,無須強記死背。

28 (4) 句法結構的基本概念: 故事情節需要常有一些語句反覆出現,有利於句型的熟悉 語音訊息中的停頓和抑揚頓挫,有利詞組(constituency)概念的熟悉和掌握

29 (5) 言談篇章語用概念: 故事提供完整篇章結構,各個情節的轉折所使用的連貫語詞、內容的層次安排,以及故事整體理解所需的邏輯推理概念,均有助於英語言談語用能力的培養。

30 為什麼要讓孩子聽英語故事? ﹝三﹞從語音訊息的引導到書面文篇章的理解

31 三、如何引導孩子聆聽英語故事 ﹝一﹞故事的選取 (1) 「投其所好」:內容有趣重於語言困難度考量
(1) 「投其所好」:內容有趣重於語言困難度考量 (2)  故事情節安排自然呈現出詞彙和句子反覆出現 (3) 敘述者發音清楚、語音表情豐富生動活潑、節奏語調分明

32 如何引導孩子聆聽英語故事 ﹝二﹞ 故事的呈現和解說 (1) 和孩子一起聆聽 (2) 提出問題引導孩子猜想情節大意:
從語氣和語調測人物的喜怒哀樂、故事情節 掌握簡短的狀聲詞或常用語句,猜測其上下文意 從較為整體、全面(global)的內容著手,漸次引導到較為局部、細節的問題 配合圖片,猜測故事主人翁

33 請孩子表演出故事中某一個特別的動作、表情、反應
可以配合中文解說幫助理解 可以適時提供選項引導推理猜測的方向

34 請孩子表演出故事中某一個特別的動作、表情、反應
可以配合中文解說幫助理解 可以適時提供選項引導推理猜測的方向

35 如何引導孩子聆聽英語故事 ﹝三﹞ 語言層面的整理和回饋 (1) 詞彙學習僅以故事中出現頻率最高的關鍵詞為原則
(1)  詞彙學習僅以故事中出現頻率最高的關鍵詞為原則 切勿要求孩子熟習所有詞彙,或製作過多字卡要孩子背誦 拼字則以發音讓孩子猜測拼法,勿過度重視複雜拼法的正確度 (2) 語句可由最常出現的短句在故事情境中練習

36 如何引導孩子聆聽英語故事 ﹝三﹞ 語言層面的整理和回饋 (1) 詞彙學習僅以故事中出現頻率最高的關鍵詞為原則
(1)    詞彙學習僅以故事中出現頻率最高的關鍵詞為原則 切勿要求孩子熟習所有詞彙,或製作過多字卡要孩子背誦 拼字則以發音讓孩子猜測拼法,勿過度重視複雜拼法的正確度 (2)    語句可由最常出現的短句在故事情境中練習

37 從故事聆聽到書面閱讀 (1) 配合錄音翻閱書籍 (2) 依照情節分頁,讓學生畫圖 (3) 連續圖畫分次逐漸完成,整理為自 製故事書
(1)   配合錄音翻閱書籍 (2)   依照情節分頁,讓學生畫圖 (3) 連續圖畫分次逐漸完成,整理為自 製故事書 (4)   故事書展示 (5)   分組表演故事內容

38 從聆聽到閱讀的優點: (1) 語音訊息提供情意面的線索,可幫助理解 (2) 對詞組結構、斷句位置提供引導
(1)   語音訊息提供情意面的線索,可幫助理解 (2)   對詞組結構、斷句位置提供引導 (3)   語音的進行速度可提升閱讀的速度 (4)  幫助學生養成top-down方式的閱讀習慣, 而非bottom-up的逐字、逐句閱讀習慣 (5)  養成利用語用篇章訊息幫助解讀整大意, 掌握重要訊息的能力


40 結 語 朗讀練習可以提升學習語言的興趣。 正確的朗讀除了提供語音練習之外,也提供句法訓練。 聆聽、朗讀的練習可以作為課外閱讀的預備練習。
結 語 朗讀練習可以提升學習語言的興趣。 正確的朗讀除了提供語音練習之外,也提供句法訓練。 聆聽、朗讀的練習可以作為課外閱讀的預備練習。 朗讀練習不但應注重個別語音的正確,也應注意重音、節奏、語調的掌握,才能達到表情達意的溝通目的。 也應

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