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English Pronunciation & Intonation for Communication

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1 English Pronunciation & Intonation for Communication
Wang Naihuan BTVU Chaoyang Branch

2 Unit 1基本概念:音节,重音,节奏 什么是音节:音节是说话时最小的语言片断, 通常是一个元音加上一个或几个辅音字母构成,但是单独一个元音也能成为一个音节。有时较响亮的辅音,如 [m] [l],在后面没有元音的情况下也能和它前面的辅音构成一个音节。 例如:[ə],[zed],[sit],各包含一个音节[′bju:tiful] 各包含两个音节。 单词根据所含音节数目可以分为单音节词、双音节词和多音节包含三个或更多的音节。Eg: ease/i:z/ easy/‘i:zi/ uneasy/Λn’i:zi/。有些较响亮的辅音/l/ /m/ /n/ /η /等,在后面没有元音的情况下,也能和前面的辅音构成一个音节,如bottle/'btl/等。

3 单词重音(unit 1) 单词重音:在双音节和多音节的词中,有一个音节读得特别重而强(其余音节相对地读得轻而弱),这种现象叫做单词重音。单词重音符号“′”表示, 加在重读音节的左上方, 例如: [′hspitl] [′kΛlə] 单音节词单独念时一律要重读, 但在单独注音时不必加重音符号,例如:[kΛp] [waif]

4 音节 &重音 What is a stressed syllable
重读音节:在双音节或多音节词中,其中一个音节读得比其他响亮,称为重读音节。Eg: better/'betə/ banana/bə'nanə/

5 单词重音 重读音节。在英语中, 双音节或多音节的词,每一个词都有一个读得特别响亮的音节, 叫做重读音节。重读音节在词典中有明确的标注。其他不读得特别响亮的音节叫做非重读音节。

6 节奏 What is rhythm 话语节奏:重读音节和非重读音节交替出现的现象。英语的节奏规律是以重音定时的,即重读音节彼此距离相等。
Eg: bread and milk (O o O) 和 some bread and some milk (o O o o O),两者的重读音节数相同,因此朗读两者的时间大致相等。

7 Phonetic 语音部分Unit 1 元音(vowels):发音时气流从肺部泄出,不受任何阻碍,在鼻腔和口腔中畅通无阻不带任何摩擦,这样发出的音叫元音。 英语元音有20个,其中12个单元音(pure vowels),8个双元音(diphthongs)。 单元音按发音时舌头前、中、后哪一部分抬得最高可分为前元音(front vowels) 、中元音(central vowels)和后元音(back vowels)。

8 Phonetic语音部分Unit (2,3) 元音:前元音 [i:] [i] [e] [æ]
辅音:爆破音 [p] [b] [t] [d] [k] [g] 朗读下列音标: [pi:] [bi:] [did] [pet] [ti:d] [gi:] [ki:] [pit] [ted] [ti:] [tæp] [pæd] [bed] [pen] [get]

9 根据音标准确读出下列英语单词 meet [mi:t] 遇见 bed [bed] 床 pen [pen]钢笔 men [men] 男人
ten [ten] 十 pet [pet] 宠物team [ti:m] 团队 me [mi:] 我 net [net] 网络 glad [glæd] 高兴的bee [bi:] 蜜蜂 debt [det] 债务 it [it ] 它 keep [ki:p] 保持 bad [bæd] 坏的 cat [kæt] 猫

10 Speaking Practice Page 9 /(D: David L= Li Ping)
Page 10 ( L=li Ping G=Gloria)

11 Greetings (Xiao Li and Mary work in the same office.)
Xiao Li: Good morning, Mary. Mary: Good morning, Xiao Li . How are you today? Xiao Li: Fine, thanks. And you? Mary: I am fine, too. I think it’s another busy day. Xiao Li: You are right. Shall we start our work? Mary: Ok. Let’s begin.

12 Making Introduction: 介绍
(Tom is introducing his friend Wang Lin to Xiao Zhang. ) Tom: Good afternoon, Xiao Zhang. Xiao Zhang: Good afternoon, Tom. Tom: Xiao Zhang, this is Wang Lin, my friend. He’s from Shanghai. Wang Lin, this is Xiao Zhang, my classmate. Wang Lin: How do you do? Xiao Zhang: How do you do? Wang Lin: It’s very nice to meet you. Xiao Zhang: Pleased to meet you, too.

13 Saying Goodbye:告别 (In the office)
A: I came to say goodbye. B: When are you leaving? A: I'm flying home on Sunday afternoon. B: Well, happy landing. Goodbye. See you later.

14 Phonetic语音部分 Unit (4,5) 元音:中元音 [ə] [ə:] [Λ]
元音:中元音 [ə] [ə:] [Λ] 辅音:摩擦音 [f] [s] [θ] [∫ ] [h] [v] [z] [ð] [з] [r] 朗读下列音标: [fif] [kΛp] [glΛns] [tə:n] [betə] [veri] [wik] [ðæt] [fi] [mevə] [sit] [pə:s] [zed] [bΛz]

15 根据音标准确读出下列英语单词 first [f ə:st] 第一 cut [kΛt]切 vision [vi з ən]视力 shut [∫Λt]关 decision [disi зən] 决定 dish[dif] 盘 tough [tΛf]坚硬的 have [h æv] 有

16 Phonetic语音部分(unit6) 后元音 : [a:] [ ] [ :] [u] [u:]
发音时,其唇型是由近乎全合到近乎全开;其舌位依次降低。 辅音:破擦音 [t ∫] [dз] [tr] [dr] [ts] [dz] [fa:st] [ha:t] [lk] [∫t] [n: t] [r: t] [huk] [fut] [t∫u:z] [bæt∫] [dзst] [dзu:n] [tri:] [dri:m] [bi:ts] [ri:dz]

17 根据音标准确读出下列英语单词 car [ka:] 小轿车 party [pa:ti] 聚会 shop [∫p] 商店 coffee [kfi] 咖啡cheap [t∫i:p] 便宜的 watch [w t ∫] 手表 jeep [dVi:p] 吉普车 train [trein] 火车

18 Unit 6 Back Vowels 后元音 Listening & speaking exercises
Speaking: work in pairs 两人小组练习 Imitation, discrimination, sounds for information

19 Unit 6 Listening & speaking – stress patterns for communication 这部分课前自己完成,注意重音模式 IV. Listening for information and imitation课前自己先做准备 V. Pronunciation in communication Students work in pairs, using the dialogues they have heard in Listening for information and imitation as models. 模仿所听的对话两人小组练习交际功能

20 Phonetics 语音unit 7 元音:双元音 [ei:] [ai] [i] [əu] [au] 辅音:鼻辅音 [m] [n] [η]
朗读下列音标: [pei] [mai] [niz] [həum] [faud] [taun] [bəut] [mei] [nəuz] [maus] [həud] [nais] [siη] [θiηk]

21 Unit 7 元音:双元音 Introduction 介绍
双元音:在发音过程中发音器官的位置或形状有所变化,从一个音滑向另一个音。比如/ei/. 双元音有8个,分为集中双元音和合口双元音。 集中双元音:/iə/ /eə/ /uə/ 合口双元音:/ei/ /ai/ /i/ /əu/ /au/

22 Listening & speaking exercises
Speaking: work in pairs 两人小组练习 Imitation, discrimination, sounds for information III. Listening & speaking – stress patterns for communication 这部分课前自己完成,注意重音模式 IV. Listening for information and imitation课前自己先做准备 V. Pronunciation in communication Students work in pairs, using the dialogues they have heard in Listening for information and imitation as models. 模仿所听的对话两人小组练习交际功能

23 Phonetics 语音 辅音:舌边音 [l] 半元音:[w] [j] [lu ə] [ti ə] [pεə]
[ðεə] [puə] [kjuə] [leit] [laif] [milk] [wil] [wnt] [jes]

24 读音规则:开音节和闭音节: 字母a,e,i在重读音节中的读法 开音节:a. 以读音的元音字母结尾的词
b 以辅音字母(r除外)+不发音的e结尾的词 闭音节:以一个或几个辅音字母(r除外)结尾, 而中间只要一个元音字母的音节 字母a ,e,i 在重读音节中的读法: 在重读开音节中的读法: a [ei] face save late fate pale e [i:] she these i [ai] bike nine by 在重读闭音节中的读法: a [æ] man fat sat hand e [e] set bed desk when tell i [i] city did pity

25 读音规则: o在重读音节中的读法 在开音节中 [əu] : go, no, ago, joke, home, smoke
在闭音节中 [] : on, dog, boss, stop, shop,often

26 读音规则 u 在重读开音节中发/(j)u:/ 如:music, during , true等。 u在重读闭音节中发/Λ/.
如: hunt, subject, bus等。

27 失去爆破 英语中常常会把某些音省略。其中一个最重要的省略现象就是失去爆破。失去爆破总结起来相当复杂,但在实际运用中要简单得多。简单说失去爆破就是当一个爆破辅音后面直接跟着另外一个辅音时,这个爆破辅音就会失去爆破或不完全爆破,以节省气力。 也就是说,如果一个爆破辅音后面跟了一个元音,那么这个辅音就会跟这个元音拼读,但如果后面跟了个辅音,则失去爆破。阅读下列单词,比较失去爆破和不失去爆破的区别: blackboard, post-card, September, doctor, stop talking, hard times, waste time, that policeman, good boy, good job

28 失去爆破 爆破音(/p/, /b/, /t/, /d/, /k/, /g/) 后面直接跟另外一个爆破音,破擦音/t∫/, / dз/,或鼻辅音/m/, /n/时爆破音则会失去爆破,即做出要爆破的动作,形成闭塞但不爆破出来。例如:act two, good picture, a short night。 如果爆破音(/p/, /b/, /t/, /d/, /k/, /g/) 后面直接跟的是摩擦音/f/, /v/, /s/, /z/, /W/, /T/, /F/, /V/时这个爆破音会有很轻微的爆破,即不完全爆破。例如:breakfast, advice, exciting, help this man, lift the veil。 在一些常见单词中,在非重读章节上的一些音常常会被省略。例如:history, interesting, handkerchief, castle。 在标准的美国英语中,/h/前如果有别的辅音,/h/也常常被省略。例如:yoghurt, tell her, like him。

29 连读 辅音+元音 come out look at take it off beat it drop in put on bend over keep on an orange one of us half an hour read it stand up put it on not at all first of all a cup of tea take it easy back in a minute in an hour pick it up an hour and a half let him in A group of people put on their coats and went out.

30 /r/ +元音 far away after all for ever a pair of our own there is for example After all, this is our own home. 元音+元音 go on how old go away try again I love you and all How are you? No end Say it again. I am who else We are see it try it see off any other we agree May I? two o’clock in the afternoon

31 连读练习 Take a look at it. I’ll be back in half an hour
连读练习 Take a look at it. I’ll be back in half an hour. Will it take a lot of time to go to town on foot? There is a pair of shoes. She was away from her own country for a long time. Shall we meet at ten o’clock tomorrow morning? Each of us had a sandwich and a cup of tea. Is it very cloudy outside? Those who are quick can go early. Do I have to do every exercise? Many of us will go out tonight. Everybody can see that he is blue in the face.

32 单词重音 双音节词 a)一般在第一个音节重读: 'letter 'sorry 'England 'movement 'exercise b)有 a-, be-, de-, re-, res-, in-, im-, en-, em-, es-, ex-, con-, com-, dis-, mis-, pre-, per-, pro-, trans- 等前缀的词,第二个音节是重音: a'bout be'lieve ad'dress de'cide con'demn res'pect com'pare in'form dis'cuss im'press mis'take en'force pre'pare em'ploy per'mit es'cape pro'duce ex'claim trans'late re'port

33 c)有 de-, in-, re-, con-, pre- 等前缀的重音与词义和词类有关, 一般名词的重音在第一个音节上,其它的词性在第二个音节上: 'record-- re'cord 'insult-- in'sult 'conduct-- con'duct 'present-- pre'sent 'desert-- de'sert 'import-- im'port 'produce-- pro'duce 'object-- ob'ject d)有些复合词和带有前缀 re-, ex-, un-, pre-, post-, -teen等的词,有两个重音: 'out'side 're'tell 'well-'known 'un'real 'four'teen 'Chi'nese 'pre-'war 'post-'war

34 单词重音 多音节词 a)一般倒数第三个音节是重音: 5difficult 5communist 5family e5conomy 5exercise 5interesting oppor5tunity de5mocracy possi5bility b)有一些双音节词,加了前缀和后缀成了多音节,但这些词按原来词根的重音读音: 5carefully in5definite comfortable con5ductor ac5cording dis5turbance 5complicated es5tablishment

35 c)词尾有-eous, -grahpy, -ial, -ian, -ic, -ics, -ience, ient, -ify, -ion, -ious, -ity, -ive 后缀的词,重音在这些后缀的前一个音节上: 5courteous cal5ligraphy edi5torial his5torian mathe5matics ex5perience suf5ficient i5dentify trans5lation re5ligious curi5osity pro5tective mathema5tician d)词尾有 -ain, -ee, -eer, -ese, -ette 后缀的词,重音在该后缀上,而且有一个次重音: enter5tain employ5ee mountai5neer Japa5nese ciga5rette

36 复合词的重音 复合名词的重音一般在第一个音节上 5blackboard anybody handbag bookstore 5hot dog classroom pickpocket lifestyle 5website sleeping car com5puter games middle school sitting room 复合动词的重音一般在第二个音节 9ill5treat over5do 有些复合词有双重音 5kind5hearted three-5legged after5noon 少数复合词的重音在第二个音节上 what5ever your5self through5out

37 有些复合词的重音位置对词义的变化有影响 5darkroom 暗房 dark 5room 黑暗的房间 greenhouse 温室 green 5house 绿色的房屋 5bluebottle 矢车菊 blue 5bottle 兰色的瓶子 blackboard 黑板 black 5board 黑色的木板 5English book 英语教材 English 5book 英文书 (printed in English)

38 重音的转移 5after5noon this after5noon afternoon 5tea 5four5teen He’s four5teen fourteen 5years 5Chi5nese We’re Chi5nese the 5Chinese 5people 5un5known quite un5known an 5unknown 5fact 5in5side come in5side an 5inside 5seat

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