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1 中考读写

2 分享 分享分天下

3 rich: having a lot of money or property(财产),
分享 Since the National Economy is developing fast, our life is richer than before. 不要大写 rich: having a lot of money or property(财产), 因此生活不能用rich来形容,换成better较为合适。

4 rich having a lot of money or property 富有的;富裕的
one of the richest women in the world 世界上最富有的女人之一 Nobody gets rich from writing nowadays. 如今没有人能靠写作致富。

5 the richest countries/economies/nations
富庶的;富饶的 the richest countries/economies/nations 最富有的国家、经济体、民族

6 rich 非常有趣的;丰富多彩的 the region's rich history and culture 这个地区丰富多彩的历史和文化
She leads a rich and varied life. 她过着丰富多彩的生活。

7 只有在从句中缺少成分时,我们才用what。 现在the method of joy is smoking是完整的句子,
分享 Everyone wants to enjoy the pleasure of his life, but someone chooses what the method of joy is smoking. 能想到用宾语从句很好 只有在从句中缺少成分时,我们才用what。 现在the method of joy is smoking是完整的句子, 不需要用what。最好把这句句子简单化 someone chooses smoking as his special way to relax.

8 The manager said that he didn’t like my work.
分享 The manager said that he didn’t like my work. 经理说他不喜欢我的工作。 he didn’t like my work, 没有缺成份所以用what。 I don’t know what I should do. 我不知道我应当做什么。 do后面的宾语不见了,所以用what

9 non-restrictive attribute clause
分享 And in 2012, there were 80.5 million smokers, which made up 30 percent of the American population. 1. 有数据 有态度 有态度就有分数。 2. 有词组 make up non-restrictive attribute clause 3. 有语法 非限定性定语从句

10 due to 后面一般使用短语、名词、代词,不适用句子。
分享 They were determined to give up smoking due to I told them smoking is harmful. due to 后面一般使用短语、名词、代词,不适用句子。 可以考虑用以下两种方式: 1. due to my advice 2. 把due to改成because、since 如果是since的话,最好连时态一起改动。

11 data已经是一个复数名词,不要再用a,他的单数是datum,但一般很少用到。
分享 It is reported that more than millions of people throughout the world die of smoking each year. It’s a terrible data. data已经是一个复数名词,不要再用a,他的单数是datum,但一般很少用到。

12 data 数据 This data was collected from 69 countries. 这资料是从 69 个国家收集来的。
These data show that most cancers are detected as a result of clinical follow-up. 这些数据表明多数癌症是由临床随访查出的。

13 This means that they have been depend on cigarettes.
分享 This means that they have been depend on cigarettes. 时态结构用的不恰当。 have been depending

14 兴趣爱好类作文

15 高考状元的秘诀 只是一个参考,这不是我们来这里的原因…

16 For close to fifteen years, we’ve been a part of each other’s lives.
先来看一些好的句子 For close to fifteen years, we’ve been a part of each other’s lives. 在将近15年的岁月里,我们始终 是彼此生活中的一部分。

17 经历了艰辛/痛苦的几个月,我终于做了决定。
先来看一些好的句子 It took me several hard/agonizing months to finally come to the decision that… 经历了艰辛/痛苦的几个月,我终于做了决定。

18 beyond my wildest dreams
先来看一些好的句子 beyond my wildest dreams 做梦都没想到 作表语用

19 先来看一些好的句子 Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that… 做梦都没想到 完整句式
其实,这是倒装,就和No sooner…than一样

20 No sooner had I sat down than there was a loud knock on the door.
先来看一些好的句子 No sooner had I sat down than there was a loud knock on the door. 我刚坐下就有人大声敲门。

21 everyone who has travelled on my journey with me
先来看一些好的句子 everyone who has travelled on my journey with me 每一个与我风雨同舟的人

22 再来谈谈我们自己的爱好



25 2. My Way of Spending Leisure Time
常见的兴趣类作文题目 1. My Hobby 2. My Way of Spending Leisure Time 3. What I Want to Do 4. I’m a member of ______

26 李华想学_____,可是他妈妈反对他的兴趣认为作为中学生应该多花时间在读书上。而_____它会分散学习精力,于是两人吵了一架。
具体题目 李华想学_____,可是他妈妈反对他的兴趣认为作为中学生应该多花时间在读书上。而_____它会分散学习精力,于是两人吵了一架。 请你以李华的身份写一份信给妈妈,大约100字。 内容包括: 为吵架的事向妈妈道歉 陈列喜欢_____的理由 对于未来的一些计划以回报妈妈

27 Do you know how to persuade others
Do you know how to persuade others? Let's look at a letter from a 12-year-old student from Australia.


29 正文结束之后空行右下角写:Yours/Yours love/Best regards/Sincerely/Best wishes
书信格式 开头顶行写: Dear ***, 每段之间要空行 正文结束之后空行右下角写:Yours/Yours love/Best regards/Sincerely/Best wishes 注意这里的排序是从亲密向陌生人过渡的哦~ 然后换一行在同样位置签名就可以啦~

30 请尝试写一个好的开头 为吵架的事向妈妈道歉

31 I make a mistake and I want to say sorry.
13分版 I make a mistake and I want to say sorry. 分析:语法有错误,且没有说清道歉的理由。

32 16分版 I’m sorry for what I did last night. I shouldn’t have talked back to you. 有从句,有虚拟,内容基本说清了。

33 分析:用现在进行时表示歉意,一句话把内容都说清了。
20分版 I am feeling deeply sorry for last night’s argument with you about whether to play the guitar in my spare time. 分析:用现在进行时表示歉意,一句话把内容都说清了。

34 中段的写法

35 make my body strong-strengthen my body
Play Football make my body strong-strengthen my body learn how to work like a team acquire a team-work spirit get a sense of achievement


37 A gives sb. joy/bring joy to sb.
Reading gives me so much joy that I can’t live without it. A makes my life colorful and meaningful

38 A can improve my interpersonal skills
九阴真经 A can enrich my life A can improve my interpersonal skills A enlarge my social circles A strengthen my body and mind A can help me acquire confidence

39 cultivate my interests
九阴真经 acquire a new skill cultivate my interests broaden my horizon enrich my life

40 All work and no play make Jack a dull boy.
倚天剑 All work and no play make Jack a dull boy. 光工作不玩会让聪明的孩子也变笨的。

41 走一个呗! 请用50词左右描述自己喜欢某种爱好的原因。 至少写2个原因

42 13分版本:分析没有内容,结构简单,还有语法错误。
I really like to play the guitar because I like it very much and it make me happy. 13分版本:分析没有内容,结构简单,还有语法错误。

43 15分版本: 内容比较充分,结构清晰,用词不是非常出彩,可得基本分。
I really like to play guitar because of the following reasons. First, I love music. …Second, it relaxes me…. Finally, it’s not as hard to learn as the piano… 15分版本: 内容比较充分,结构清晰,用词不是非常出彩,可得基本分。

44 满分版本: 从句结构好,内容充分有真情实感。
20分版 One of the reasons why I want to learn the guitar is that music gives me so much joy that I could feel happier while playing. 满分版本: 从句结构好,内容充分有真情实感。

45 末了

46 合理分配练琴时间 (spare reasonable time for the guitar)
对于未来的一些计划以回报妈妈 用功读书 (study hard) 合理分配练琴时间 (spare reasonable time for the guitar)

47 (help mum release the pressure)
对于未来的一些计划以回报妈妈 课余弹曲子帮助妈妈放松 (help mum release the pressure) Keep the balance between my hobby and my academic life.

48 I will study hard and please let me learn it.
13分版 I will study hard and please let me learn it. 分析:用will感觉决心不强,内容过于简单, 说服力不强。

49 分析:使用从句,动名词做主语来引出主题,
16分版 I promise that practicing the guitar won’t affect my academic work. On the contrary/Instead, I’ll make a better use of time and be more efficient. So, let me learn it. 分析:使用从句,动名词做主语来引出主题, 内容充分,结尾升华,好。

50 分析:使用比较更加突出自己想学吉他的心志,更有说服力。
20分版 I swear to God that practicing the piano won’t affect my study life, which on the contrary, is just like putting a red cherry on the cake. Mum, you can see how much I love guitar. So, please, please, let me learn it!! 分析:使用比较更加突出自己想学吉他的心志,更有说服力。

51 走一个呗!

52 2011 的原题


54 满分作文赏析 When I was only a little girl, I took up reading as my hobby. Now I’m a member of a reading club. I’m very glad about it. All of the members share our own books with each other. Even if we read the books from morning till night, we never get tired of reading. We enjoy ourselves all the time. In my opinion, reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body. To be such a member makes my life more and more colorful.

55 李华的那篇文章请于两周内发送给梁晨,谢谢。
作业 李华的那篇文章请于两周内发送给梁晨,谢谢。 背诵Word List 5th 爱乐奇 Day 8

56 Bye Bye !

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