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大学英语(B) 命题思路与教学指导.

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1 大学英语(B) 命题思路与教学指导

2 命题思路 1. 大学英语(B)考试大纲 2. 机考试卷结构与题型 教学指导 1. 教学内容 2. 分项指导要点 3. 机考试卷分析 提纲

3 大学英语(B)考试大纲

4 大学英语(B)考试大纲 考试对象 教育部批准的现代远程教育试点高校网络教育学院和中央广播电视大学“人才培养模式改革和开放教育试点”项目中自2004年3月1日(含3月1日)以后入学的本科层次学历教育的学生,应参加网络教育部分公共基础课全国统一考试。 “大学英语(B)”考试大纲适用于除英语类和艺术类专业以外的其他专业高中起点与专科起点本科学生。

5 考试目标 大学英语(B)考试大纲 本考试旨在考查现代远程教育所有专业(除英语类和艺术类专业)的学生掌握英语基础知识的水平及应用能力。

6 考试内容与要求 大学英语(B)考试大纲 【语法】 考生应掌握基本的英语语法知识,并能在听、说、 读、写、译中较正确地加以运用。
【语法】 考生应掌握基本的英语语法知识,并能在听、说、 读、写、译中较正确地加以运用。 【词汇】 考生应认知3000个单词,并熟练掌握其中的1800 个单词及其基本的搭配。 【交际能力】 考生应掌握日常生活常见情景中的基本交际 用语。

7 考试内容与要求 大学英语(B)考试大纲 考生应能
【阅读】 考生应能读懂与日常生活和社会生活相关的不 同类型的文字材料,阅读速度为每分钟50个单词。 考生应能 理解主旨要义 理解文中具体信息 根据上下文推测生词词义 进行有关的判断、推理和引申, 理解作者的意图、观点或态度

8 考试内容与要求 大学英语(B)考试大纲 【翻译】考生应能在15分钟内将3个难度适中的英文句子翻译成中文。考生应能:
对英语原文有准确的理解;做到译文通顺、达意。 【写作】 考生应能在30分钟内写出长度不少于80词的常见应用文及一般的叙述文、说明文和议论文。 用较正确的语法、词汇、拼写、标点进行表达; 基本做到内容切题,结构严谨,条理清楚; 根据不同的写作目的进行有针对性的写作。

9 机考试卷结构与题型 部分 项目 内容 题型 考点 题量 分数 总分 I 交际 用语 简短对话 多项 选择 日常情景交际能力 5题 3 15
时间(分钟) I 交际 用语 简短对话 多项 选择 日常情景交际能力 5题 3 15 5 II 阅读 理解 2篇短文,包括应用文、描述文、说明文、议论文 理解主旨要义、具体信息,根据上下文推测词义 10题 30 20 III A词汇 结构 B完型 5个单句 1篇短文,10个空和4个选项 完型 词汇与语法 词汇、句法和篇章 1 25 IV 英译汉 3个句子 翻译 翻译能力 3题 V 写作 作文 命题 写作能力 1题 总计 34 100 90

10 教学内容 1. P. 139 — P. 230 大学英语(B)模拟试题 Test 1 –Test 6 2. P. 299 — P. 308


12 教学指导 — 交际英语 序号 最常用的交际用语 1 询问信息 6 感谢与应答 2 请求 7 问候 3 打电话 8 邀请(接受,拒绝) 4
祝愿与祝贺,希望与愿望 9 问路 5 抱歉 10 告别

13 教学指导 — 交际英语 序号 最常用的交际用语 11 提供帮助 16 建议 12 购物 17 预订 13 同意与反对 18 表扬与鼓励 14
责备和抱怨 19 安慰 15 介绍 20 赴宴就餐

14 机考试卷分析 USE OF ENGLISH 1. Hello. May I speak to Peter? - _______
A. Sorry, the number is free. B. Yes, speaking. C. Hello. Who're you, please? D. Hello. Thank you for calling. I USE OF ENGLISH Making a phone call 2. - Well done and _______ - Thank you very much! A. congratulations to you. B. you are welcome. C. that's right. D. not at all.

15 教学指导 — 阅读理解 项目 内 容 取材 故事、人物、科普、社会、文化 文体 记叙文、描述文、说明文、应用文、议论文 题 型
内 容 取材 故事、人物、科普、社会、文化 文体 记叙文、描述文、说明文、应用文、议论文 1. 要旨题 观点态度题 3. 词汇题 因果关系题 5. 细节题 指代题 7. 推理题 单句意群释义题 9. 例证题 正误判断题 11. 上下文题 建议结论题

16 机考试卷分析 Reading Comprehension
II In the last 500 years, nothing about people – not their clothes, ideas, or languages – has changed as much as what they eat. The original chocolates drink was made from the seeds of the cocoa tree by South American Indians. The Spanish introduced it to the rest of the world during the 1500’s. and although it was very expensive, it quickly became fashionable. In London, shops where chocolate drinds were served became important meeting places. Some still exist today. According to the passage, which of the following has changed the most in the last 500 years? food B. clothing C. ideas D. languages

17 机考试卷分析 Reading Comprehension
II Reading Comprehension II In the last 500 years, nothing about people – not their clothes, ideas, or languages – has changed as much as what they eat. The original chocolates drink was made from the seeds of the cocoa tree by South American Indians. The Spanish introduced it to the rest of the world during the 1500’s. and although it was very expensive, it quickly became fashionable. In London, shops where chocolate drinds were served became important meeting places. Some still exist today. 2. In the last sentence of the first paragraph “some” refers to _____. A. some cocoa trees B. some chocolate drinks C. some shops D. some South American Indians

18 语法类 词汇类 结 构 序号 分类名称 1 非谓语 2 状语从句 3 时态 4 定语从句 5 倒装句 6 主谓一致 7 名词性从句 8 强调句 9 语态 10 虚拟 词 汇 序号 分类名称 1 verb 2 noun 3 prep. 4 adj. 5 adv. 6 conj. 7 pron. 8 quantifier 9 modal verb

19 机考试卷分析 Voc & Structure III 16. Singing these songs, I could not help _____ the good old days. thinking over B. thinking out C. thinking of D. thinking up 17. This train is going _____ the tunnel quickly. A. Down B. through C. along D. in 18. Peter worked so fast with the maths problems _____ a lot of mistakes. As to make B. that made C. to make D. that he made

20 机考试卷分析 Voc & Structure III 19. _____ this is an event of world historic significance is quite evident. What B. That C. Because D. Since 20. – In our English study reading is more improtant than speaking, I think. -- I don’t agree with you. Speaking is _____ reading. A. as important as B. so important as C. the most important D. the same as

21 教学指导 — 完型填空 项目 内 容 取材 故事、人物、科普、社会、文化 文体 记叙文、描述文、 说明文、应用文、议论文

22 教学指导 — 完型填空 出题思路 词义与词形的辨析。选项与选项之间构成同义词、反义词、形近词的关系。有时出题者也借助选项,考察考生对某些单词词义的精确理解。 逻辑关系。所填空格的句子,与上下文构成指代、列举、因果、比较、对比、让步、补充、递进等逻辑关系。 结构识别。是指英文中表祯句子结构的固定词组,如not only…but…,as well, some…the others…, still others…等。介词与动词的搭配和用法。

23 教学指导 — 完型填空 出题思路 固定搭配。是指动词与名词之间的搭配。如:同样是“利用…”,却有不同的搭配take advantage of sth./make use of sth. 动词的用法。应从动词的时态、语态(被动语态和主动语态)以及非谓语动词(不定式、动名词、现在分词、过去分词)的角度考虑。 介词的用法。介词的用法中多考察介词与名词、介词与形容词以及介词与动词的搭配和用法。

24 机考试卷分析 Cloze IV The Internet began more than thirty years ago, and its _21_ was to increase communication among universities, the government and some _22_ American businesses by linking their computers together. The Internet makes it easy for them to send large _23_ of information quickly. 21. A. result B. goal C. finding D. experiment 22. A. major B. minor C. mentioned D. stated 23. A. amount B. number C. size D. part

25 机考试卷分析 Cloze IV As time passed, more people began using the Internet. In 1981, the internet linked 213 computers. Only nine years later, it _24_ more than 350,000 computers. Today experts say there are about 300 million computers connecte to the internet. 24. A. increased B. raised C. limited D. linked

26 机考试卷分析 Cloze IV The Internet has changed the way people work. They can travel from place to place _25_ getting in touch _26_ their office all the time via the Internet. A _27_ report in the America magazine, Newsweek, said more than 89 milion Americans now use the Internet at work. Cmopanies around the world now use the Intenet. One can hardly imagine how business could be done _28_ the Internet. 25. A. as B.when C. while D. however 26. A. to B. on C. into D. with 27. A. decent B. recent C. absent D. present 28. A. with B. without C. through D. on

27 机考试卷分析 Cloze IV The Internet is becoming more _29_ than any one had thought possible. And its importance is _30_ to increase more in the future. 29. A.creative B. crazy C. important D. smart 30. A. proved B. improved C. expected D. regarded

28 教学指导 — 英泽汉 出题思路 词义的选择和引申 名词性从句 (主语从句、宾语从句、 表语从句和同位语从句) 定语从句 状语从句 被动结构

29 机考试卷分析 V Translation 31. There is something urgent for you to do right now. 标准答案:有件急事要立即去做。 考生答案:现在有一些事情需要你去做。 题分:5 考生得分:5 32. Trees need water to grow. 标准答案:树木有水才能生长。 考生答案:树需要水才能生长。 题分:5 考生得分:5

30 机考试卷分析 Translation V These two students from our school have been admitted to Beijing University. 标准答案:我们学校这两个学生已经被北京大学录 取了。 考生答案:这两个学生来我们学校前在北京大学。 题分:5 考生得分:3

31 教学指导 — 写作 命题形式 提纲,段首句,书信,图表 文体 叙述描写、介绍说明、评论阐述、分析原因、比较对比、比较优劣、举例列举、解决问题
题目分类 介绍+评论、原因+解决、比较+评论

32 机考试卷分析 Writing Instructions: 建议你在30分钟内,根据下面所给的题目,用英语写出一篇不少于80词的短文。
VI Instructions: 建议你在30分钟内,根据下面所给的题目,用英语写出一篇不少于80词的短文。 Self-study Water Pollution Ways to Keep Fit My Study Plan 试题与难度:等级 2 难度 1

33 教学指导核心 1. P. 139 — P. 230 大学英语(B)模拟试题 Test 1 –Test 6

34 教学指导核心 温馨提示: 每个同学务必完成考题的所有内容,特别是翻译和作文。知道一个词就翻译一个词,知道一句话就写一句话,绝对不允许留空白。

35 谢谢!

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