植物功能性 食品的分类 汇报人:李丹 学号: 去除PPT模板上的--无忧PPT整理发布的文字

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1 植物功能性 食品的分类 汇报人:李丹 学号:2014874002 去除PPT模板上的--无忧PPT整理发布的文字
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2 植物功能性食品的定义 植物功能性食品是一类以植物或其植物生物活性物质为主体物质成分的功能性食品。
Phytochemicals are a large group of plant-derived primary or secondary metabolites compounds hypothesized to be responsible for much of the disease protection conferred from diets high in fruits, vegetables, beans, cereals and plant-based beverages such as tea and wine [1,2]. 植物功能食品的功能特性主要来源于其具有生物活性的植物化学物质,植物化学物质是一大群植物主要或次要代谢产物化合物,该部分物质富含于水果、蔬菜、豆类、谷物、植物性饮料,如茶和酒等[1,2]。 [1] Sethiya , N. K., Trivedi, A., & Mishra, S.(2014). The total antioxidant content and radical scavenging investigation on 17 phytochemical from dietary plant sources used globally as functional food[J]. Biomedicine & Preventive Nutrition, 4, 439–444. [2] Arts, I. C., Hollman, P. C.(2005). Polyphenols and disease risk in epidemiologic studies[J]. Am J Clin Nutr, 81, 317S–25S.

3 植物功能食品中常见的功能因子 The level of the antioxidant activity by all three used assays was significantly(P < 0.001) higher in vitamin E, ascorbic acid, curcumin, gallic acid, ellagic acid, -carotene and ursolic acid than other. Hence, these should be regarded as a potential source of natural antioxidants and could be effectively employed as an ingredient in functional food[1]. 维生素E,抗坏血酸,姜黄素,没食子酸、鞣花酸、胡萝卜素和乌索酸等功能因子都可以被视为一个潜在来源的天然抗氧化剂,可以有效地用作功能性食品的成分[1]。

4 植物功能性食品的分类 果蔬来源的功能食品 油料作物来源的功能食品 香辛料来源的功能食品 茶类来源的功能食品 其他植物来源功能食品

5 果蔬来源的 功能食品 果蔬中含有多种植物化学功能因子,如番茄红素,槲皮素,抗坏血酸等等。

6 研究者发现在葡萄皮、葡萄肉和葡萄籽中含有大量的酚类化合物,主要以原花青素为代表,其中75%的葡萄多酚物质存在于葡萄皮和葡萄籽中。

7 以葡萄为例: The procyanidin-rich extract from grape seeds and skins (GSSE) has antioxidant properties which may have cardioprotective effects[3]. Black grapes contain a large amount of phenolic compounds in their skin, pulp and seeds. These compounds—among which are anthocyanidins, proanthocyanidins, stilbenes (resveratrol) and phenolic acids—are associated with the prevention of diseases caused by oxidative stress and they possess antioxidant, anticancer, anti-inflammation, antiaging and antibacterial activities. They maintain the endothelial function, which increases the antioxidant capacity and protection against LDL oxidation, and block cellular events predisposing to atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease, so they are considered to be cardioprotective agents.[3,4] 研究者[3,4]从葡萄籽和葡萄皮提取出富含原花青素的物质,原花青素具有抗氧化、抗癌、抗炎症、抗衰老和抗菌的生物活性。同时,原花青素能维持内皮细胞功能,提高抗氧化能力的同时还能防止低密度脂蛋白氧化,防止动脉硬化和冠心病的发生。因而原花青素被认为具有积极的心脑血管功效。

8 以葡萄为例: [3] Lluis, L., Munoz, M., & Nogues, M. R., et al.(2011)Toxicology evaluation of a procyanidin-rich extract from grape skins and seeds[J]. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 49, 1450–1454. [4] Rockenbach, I. I., Gonzaga, L. V., & Rizelio, V. M., et al.(2011) Phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity of seed and skin extracts of red grape (Vitis vinifera and Vitis labrusca) pomace from Brazilian winemaking[J]. Food Research International, 44, 897–901.

9 以番茄为例: It is also reported that lycopene lowers the incidence of ischemic heart disease [6]. 番茄红素主要存在于茄科植物西红柿的成熟果实中。近年来越来越多的研究者[5,6]从番茄残留物主要指番茄果渣中提取番茄红素,开始重视番茄红素的应用。番茄红素能有效地预防心脏病,降低缺血性的发病率[7]。 [5] G. Perretti, A. Troilo, & E. Bravi, et al.(2013) Production of a lycopene-enriched fraction from tomato pomace using supercritical carbon dioxide[J]. J. of Supercritical Fluids, 82, 177–182. [6] Silva, A. F., Marcelo, M. R., & Silva C. M. (2014) Supercritical solvent selection (CO2 versus ethane) and optimization of operating conditions of the extraction of lycopene from tomato residues: Innovative analysis of extraction curves by a response surface methodology and cost of manufacturing hybrid approach[J]. J. of Supercritical Fluids, 95, 618–627. [7] Zuorro, A., Fidaleo, M., Lavecchia, R..(2011) Enzyme-assisted extraction of lycopene from tomato processing waste. Enzyme Microb. Technol, 49,

10 油料作物来源 功能食品 植物功能食品中常见的功能因子
The level of the antioxidant activity by all three used assays was significantly(P < 0.001) higher in vitamin E, ascorbic acid, curcumin, gallic acid, ellagic acid, -carotene and ursolic acid than other. Hence, these should be regarded as a potential source of natural antioxidants and could be effectively employed as an ingredient in functional food[1]. 维生素E,抗坏血酸,姜黄素,没食子酸、鞣花酸、胡萝卜素和乌索酸等功能因子都可以被视为一个潜在来源的天然抗氧化剂,可以有效地用作功能性食品的成分[1]。 油料作物主要有大豆、芝麻,花生等传统油料作物,现今许多坚果类果仁也逐渐开辟发展为新的油料来源。油料作物中含有维生素E、槲皮素、豆甾醇、大豆皂苷、芝麻木酚素等功能因子。

11 大豆(soybean): 研究者早在1993年就开始从大豆中提取大豆皂苷,2007年中国一研究者采用连续热加压液体提取法提取大豆皂苷[8]。经大量研究证实,大豆皂苷具有丰富的生物活性,它能参与机体的防御和保护机制,如抗菌、抗病毒、抗虫等作用,同时还具有抗癌效果、免疫调节、降低血清胆固醇、心脑血管预防等多个生理功效[9]。 Soyasaponins benefit from saponin production through their participation in mechanisms of defense and protection as well as in environmental interactions, such as antibacterial, antiviral, anti-insect, and allelopathic activities. Anticancer effects, immunoregulation, serum cholesterol reduction,cardiovascular prevention,hepatoprotective, weightloss, and other multiple physiological effects were also reported[9].

12 大豆(soybean): [8] Li-Hsun Chang, Chieh-Ming J. Chang.(2007) Continuous hot pressurized fluids extraction of isoflavones and soyasaponins from defatted soybean flakes[J]. Journal of the Chinese Institute of Chemical Engineers,38, 313–319. [9] HUANG Shan-shan, HAN Ying-peng, LI Chang-suo, TIAN Jun1, LIWen-bin1 and WANG Ji-an. Identification of QTLs Associated with Total Soyasaponin Content in Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) Journal of Integrative Agriculture 2012, 11(12):

13 植物功能食品中常见的功能因子 芝麻: The level of the antioxidant activity by all three used assays was significantly(P < 0.001) higher in vitamin E, ascorbic acid, curcumin, gallic acid, ellagic acid, -carotene and ursolic acid than other. Hence, these should be regarded as a potential source of natural antioxidants and could be effectively employed as an ingredient in functional food[1]. 维生素E,抗坏血酸,姜黄素,没食子酸、鞣花酸、胡萝卜素和乌索酸等功能因子都可以被视为一个潜在来源的天然抗氧化剂,可以有效地用作功能性食品的成分[1]。 芝麻中含有的芝麻素和芝麻酚林是临床上重要的抗氧化剂木酚素,木酚素目前已知的作用具有降血压、降低胆固醇和血糖水平,同时也具有抗癌功效[10]。 [10] Dar, A.,A., Arumugam,N.(2013).Lignans of sesame: Purification methods, biological activities and biosynthesis – A review[J]. Bioorganic Chemistry,50, 1–10.

14 香辛料来源的功能食品 常见具有功能特性的香辛料主要有大蒜、生姜、姜黄、丁香等。
大蒜素是大蒜鳞茎提取中的一种有机硫化物,也存在于洋葱和其他葱属植物中,如今研究者多采用超临界 CO2 技术从蒜片中提取大蒜素。大蒜素是一种天然的抗氧化物,其具有清除自由基的能力,具有提高抗氧化剂能力和降低血脂水平的功效,对心血管疾病有很大的作用。同时,大蒜素具有 抗菌消炎的作用,降低血糖、预防糖尿病,保护肝脏、防治 脂肪肝,同时具有抗癌作用,尤其是对胃 癌的预防[11,12,13]。

15 香辛料来源的功能食品 [11] José M. del Valle, Verónica Glatzel, José L. Martínez.(2012).Supercritical CO2 extraction of allicin from garlic flakes: Screening and kinetic studies[J]. Food Research International,45, 216–224. [12] Wang Gong-chen, Han Lu-lu, Wang Jing, Lang Wan-nan, Pan Chuan-yi, and Li Yan-fei. Effects of Allicin on Lipid Metabolism and Antioxidant Activity in Chickens[J]. Journal of Northeast Agricultural University (English Edition), 2014,21(3), [13] Lulu Zhang, Huanjie Zhang, Yutian Miao, Sijia Wu, Haiqing Ye, Yuan Yuan(2012).Protective effect of allicin against acrylamide-induced hepatocyte damage in vitro and in vivo[J]. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 50, 3306–3312.

16 香辛料来源的功能食品 姜黄中含有的主要功能因子姜黄素,从姜黄中提取姜黄素常见的提取工艺[14,15]主要采用高效液相提取法、超临界CO2萃取法、微波辅助提取法、超声波辅助提取法等. 姜黄素的功效: 姜黄素具有降血脂、抗肿瘤、抗炎、利胆、抗氧化等作用。研究证实,姜黄中提取的姜黄素具有强大的生物活性,如抗菌、抗抑郁药、治疗糖尿病药、抗肿瘤药等的应用[16]。此外,姜黄素已经成功的使用治疗阿尔兹海默症[17]和心脏疾病[18]. 另外,生姜中含有的黄酮类物质也是其中重要的一种功能因子,是抗氧化等或是具有一些抗发炎反应功效,也被认为有抵抗或是减缓肿瘤的形成。

17 香辛料来源的功能食品 [14] Pei-Yin Zhan, Xue-Hua Zeng, He-Ming Zhang, Hai-Hang Li(2011).High-efficient column chromatographic extraction of curcumin from Curcuma longa[J].Food Chemistry,129,700–703. [15]P.S.Wakte, B.S.Sachin, A.A. Patil, D.M. Mohato, T.H. Band, D.B. Shinde(2011) .Optimization of microwave, ultra-sonic and supercritical carbon dioxide assisted extraction techniques for curcumin from Curcuma longa[J]. Separation and Purification Technology ,79, 50–55. [16] Viviane P. Paulucci, Renê O. Couto, Cristiane C. C. Teixeira,Luis Alexandre P. Freitas(2013).Optimization of the extraction of curcumin from Curcuma longa rhizomes[J]. Revista Brasileira de Farmacognosia Brazilian Journal of Pharmacognosy, 23(1), [17] Ahmed T, Enam SA, Gilani AH (2010). Curcuminoids enhance memory in an amyloid-infused rat model of Alzheimer’s Disease. Neuroscience 169: [18] Morimoto T, Sunagawa Y, Fujita M, Hasegawa K (2010). Novel Heart Failure Therapy Targeting Transcriptional Pathway in Cardiomyocytes by a Natural Compound, Curcumin. Circ J 74:

18 茶类来源的功能食品[19,20] 茶类中含有的主要功能因子是茶多酚,目前市场上也出现了很多茶多酚功能食品。茶多酚是来源于茶叶中的一种多酚类化合物,如:普洱茶、绿茶,提取绿茶中的茶多酚除了使用传统提取法外,研究者还通过动力学建模,压力辅助溶剂萃取茶多酚。 茶多酚的功效:抗心律失常作用、预防感染、解毒抑菌作用、抗癌作用、抗过敏作用、抗衰老作用、降血糖、抗动脉粥样硬化等作用。 [19] Jun Xi, Lang He, Lianggong Yan(2015). Kinetic modeling of pressure-assisted solvent extraction of polyphenols from green tea in comparison with the conventional extraction[J]. Food Chemistry, 166, 287–291. [20] A.V.S. Perumalla, Navam. S. Hettiarachchy(2011). Green tea and grape seed extracts — Potential applications in food safety and quality[J]. Food Research International,44(20), 827–839.

19 其他植物来源功能食品 植物性功能食品种类繁多,仅仅以上几种不足以概括所有的植物性功能食品,除了上述之外,人参、灵芝、菌类、苦荞麦、大麦茶、桑叶等等也可以作为植物性功能食品的来源。 以苦荞麦为例: 苦荞麦:又称“鞑靼荞麦”。苦荞麦中含有的主要功能因子主要是黄酮类物质,除此之外还有苦荞多酮、甾醇等。主要生理功效:调节血糖、血脂,强化血管物质(PMP),阻碍白血病细胞增殖,防止大脑老化及老年痴呆症,抑制黑色素、美容养颜等[21,22]。

20 其他植物来源功能食品 [21] Maria Magdalena Coman, Maria Cristina Verdenelli, & Cinzia Cecchini,et al.(2013) Effect of buckwheat flour and oat bran on growth and cell viability of the probiotic strains Lactobacillus rhamnosus IMC 501, Lactobacillus paracasei IMC 502and their combination SYNBIO, in synbiotic fermented milk[J]. International Journal of Food Microbiology,167, 261–268. [22] Xu-Dan Guo, Chun-Sen Wu, & Yu-Jie Ma, et al.(2012) Comparison of milling fractions of tartary buckwheat for their phenolics and antioxidant properties[J]. Food Research International, 49, 53–59.

21 其他植物来源功能食品 目前市场上已出现了苦荞麦功能产品,如苦荞面条、苦荞保健茶等,尤其是苦荞保健茶,受到很多消费者的喜爱。

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