The story of Disney -------徐琪琛、郑一敏、吕婷、陈诗桦 2017/3/7.

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1 The story of Disney 徐琪琛、郑一敏、吕婷、陈诗桦 2017/3/7

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3 Copyright©2009 Creative Education
Creative Education is an imprint of The Creative Company P.O.Box 227, Mankato, MN 56002 Disney® and the products discussed in this book are either trademarks or registered trademarks of The Walt Disney Company. Trademarks associated with products of other companies mentioned are the trademarks of their respective oweners. This is not an official publication of The Walt Disney Company, and the views set out herein are solely those of the auther. 版权归创新教育所属(2009版) 创意教育归属于创意公司 邮政信箱227号,曼凯托,MN56002 书中提及的迪士尼及迪士尼相关作品的商标及注册商标权都归华特迪士尼公司所有。其他商品商标权归属其各自公司所有。本书非华特迪士尼公司官方出版发行,书中观点纯属作者个人观点。 2017/3/7

LIBRARY OF CONGRESS CATALOGING-IN-PUBLICATION DATA Bodden, Valerie The story of Disney/ by Valerie Bodden. for success) Include index ISBN-13: (pbk.) 1.Disney Company--History Ⅰ, Title. PN1999.W27B 384' dc CG08/24/10 PO002276 987654 美国国会图书馆公布数据 博登,瓦莱丽 迪士尼故事 作者博登瓦莱丽成功建立 包括引索 国际标准图书编号-13: (pbk.) 迪士尼公司--历史 标题 序列1999.W27B dc CG08/24/10 PO00276 987654 2017/3/7

5 Today, that company does business around the world, earning morn than $34 billion a year.From its hummble beginnings, it has expanded to encompass film studios, theme parks, a cruise line,television and radio networks, record labels, publishing houses, and retail stores. Yet, despite its incredible growth, the Walt Disney Company is perhaps still most famous for the animated character who got it all started: Mickey Mouse 目前,这家公司经营的项目遍及全世界,年产值高达340亿美元。虽然他们的起步比较艰难,现扩展到电影制片,主题乐园,一个邮轮流水线,广播电视网络,唱片公司,出版社及零售商店。但不管这个公司如何大力发展其他项目,迪士尼公司最著名的仍然是最初的卡通形象:米老鼠。 2017/3/7

6 The story of Disney 迪士尼轶事 When brothers Roy and Walt Disney opened the Disney Brothers Studio in Hollywood in 1923,their goal was modest: to make animated films.They began with a couple thousand dollars (most of it borrowed), a second-hand camera, and little else.What they end up with was an entertainment empire now known as the Walt Disney Company. 1923年,罗伊和华特兄弟在好莱坞建立了迪士尼兄弟工作室,他们最初的目标很谦虚:制作动画片。他们白手起家,仅凭借了2000美元(大部分是借来的),一个二手摄影机,以及少量的其他东西。然而他们成就的,确是一个娱乐帝国,也就是如今大名鼎鼎的迪士尼公司。 2017/3/7

7 In Search of Success 探索成功的秘密 When 21-year-old Walt Disney decided to move from Kansas City, Missouri, to Hollywood,California, he hadn't yet even dreamed of Mickey Mouse. He had created other cartoon characters for Laugh-O-Gram Films, the Kansas City company he co-owned with a friend, but after the company went bankrupt, Walt found himself discouraged with animation. 21岁的华特.迪士尼决定从密苏里州的堪萨斯城搬到加利福尼亚州的好莱坞时,他甚至都没有想到米老鼠。他又为欢笑电影公司创造了其他的动画形象,欢笑动画公司是华特和朋友合办的公司,但是当公司破产后,华特发现自己对动画很沮丧。 2017/3/7

8 Yet, unable to find a job after he arrived in Hollywood, he once again turned to cartoon drawing and soon convinced his older brother Roy, who was recovering from tuberculosis in a Los Angeles hospital, to join him in opening their own studio. 在好莱坞未能找到工作的华特迫于生计,重拾画笔进行卡通创作。当时,他哥哥罗伊因肺结核就医于洛杉矶医院,尚处于康复阶段。华特成功说服罗伊,决定合伙创办属于自己的工作室。 肺结核 补充

9 两兄弟很快在一个无窗的办公室里建立了迪士尼兄弟工作室,并着手制作爱丽丝梦游仙境系列电影,塑造了一个活灵活现的童话女孩形象。
The two brothers quickly established the Disney Brothers Studio in a small, windowless office and began work on Alice’s Wonderland, a series of films that featured a real girl in a cartoon world. 两兄弟很快在一个无窗的办公室里建立了迪士尼兄弟工作室,并着手制作爱丽丝梦游仙境系列电影,塑造了一个活灵活现的童话女孩形象。

10 尽管兄弟俩第一年并没什么盈利,但他们信心十足。天性乐观的华特告诉他的父亲,终有一日他会让迪士尼这个名字名扬四海。
Although the brothers made little money that first year, they were confident, and with his typical optimism, Walt told his father that he would "make the name Disney famous around the world.” 尽管兄弟俩第一年并没什么盈利,但他们信心十足。天性乐观的华特告诉他的父亲,终有一日他会让迪士尼这个名字名扬四海。 典型的,特有的乐观品质

11 Although he at first produced much of the company’s animation, Walt soon realized that there were other artists more talented than he and turned instead to directing the animators the studio hired. 初期,迪士尼的动画片全都是华特亲自创作的,但他很快意识到有许多比他更有天赋、才华的艺术家。于是他聘请其他卡通绘制者进行创作,自己则转作工作室的指导,负责公司创作部分。

12 与此同时,罗伊处理公司运营的财务问题,确保几乎不关心财物问题的华特能不超出预算。
As Walt focused on the creative side of the company, Roy dealt with the financial aspects of running a business, trying to keep Walt- who rarely worried about money- to a budget. 与此同时,罗伊处理公司运营的财务问题,确保几乎不关心财物问题的华特能不超出预算。 控制在预算内

13 In 1926, Walt and Roy decided to rename their company Walt Disney Productions (which later became the Walt Disney Company), as they believed it would help business if people thought a single individual had created their films. 1926年,华特和罗伊决定将公司重命名为华特迪士尼制片厂(之后更改为华特迪士尼公司),他们认为单个名字比兄弟更有吸引力,因为人们会认为是一个人创建了这个公司。

14 Even with the new name, the company at first struggled to sell enough films to pay its few employees. Then, in 1927, the Disneys created Oswald the Lucky Rabbit, who became an instant success. 尽管更换了名字,初期公司出售影片的收入也只能勉强支付几个员工的工资。1927年,迪士尼制作推出了《幸运兔子奥斯华》,大获成功。全国人民潮水般得涌入影院观看奥斯华最新影片——从赛车飞机到非洲大冒险——印着奥斯华毛茸茸大耳朵照片的商品充满了货架。 旗开得胜 大获成功

15 全国人民都涌入电影院观看奥斯华的最新滑稽桥段,有追着飞机的,有在非洲猎捕巨型猎物的;人们也热爱商店货架上摆满着的印有奥斯卡耷拉耳朵的商品。
People around the country flooded theaters to watch Oswald’s latest antics-from racing airplanes to hunting big game in Africa-and items with Oswald’s floppy-eared picture on them filled store shelves. 耷拉着耳朵的 Big game: 大猎物 全国人民都涌入电影院观看奥斯华的最新滑稽桥段,有追着飞机的,有在非洲猎捕巨型猎物的;人们也热爱商店货架上摆满着的印有奥斯卡耷拉耳朵的商品。

16 Confident that the company had at last gotten its big break, Walt and his wife Lilly headed to New York to negotiate a new contract with their distributor, fully expecting to get more money for the little rabbit. Instead, Walt was offered less money and was told that all but one of the company’s animators had been hired away. What was worse, the distributor, Universal Pictures-not Walt Disney Productions-owned the rights to Oswald. Right: 版权 沃尔特和他的妻子莉莉相信他们的公司终于取得了大突破,于是决定前往纽约和他们的经销商洽谈一份新的合约,满心希望可以为他们的小兔子筹得更多得资金。然而,出人意料的是沃尔特往后只能得到更少的资金,除一人以外,公司的其他卡通片绘制者统统被别的公司挖角。更糟糕的是,奥斯华的版权也将归环球影业所有,不再属于华特迪斯尼电影公司。

17 In May 1928, the first Mickey Mouse cartoon, a six-minute film called Plane Crazy,was previewed in Hollywood, and a second short, Gallopin’ Gaucho, soon followed. Although the films were received with some enthusiasm by the Hollywood crowd, on one was willing to distribute them. The Disney knew they had to do something special to get Mickey Mouse noticed. Plane Crazy 《飞机狂》 Gallopin’ Gaucho 《飞奔的牧羊人》 1982年5月,第一部米奇系列卡通片—六分钟长的《飞机狂》--在好莱坞试映。很快,《飞奔的牧羊人》也问世了。虽然这些影片得到好莱坞人们的狂如追捧,但仍旧没有人愿意投资这些卡通影片。迪斯尼的员工们明白他们必须做点什么让米奇老鼠得到更多的关注。

18 涂鸦 Disappointed but never one to give up, Walt boarded the train back to California and began to doodle. Soon, a mouse with large, round ears had “popped put of (his) mind and (onto)a drawing pad.” Walt asked his wife if she liked the name“Mortimer Mouse.” She suggested that he name the character “Mickey Mouse” instead, and, in that instant, one of the most famous cartoon characters of all time was born. 虽然很失望,但是沃尔特并不打算就此放弃,他坐火车回到了加利福尼亚从事涂鸦工作。很快,一只有着又大又圆耳朵的老鼠闪现在沃尔特脑中,他将这只老鼠画在便签簿上拿给他的妻子莉莉看,问她是否喜欢“莫蒂默老鼠”这个名字。莉莉建议为这只老鼠取名为“米奇老鼠”,瞬间,一只享誉全球的老鼠就这样诞生了。

19 First-ever:前所未有的 Only a few months before, the first-ever motion picture with sound had been introduced, and now Walt proposed to make a Mickey Mouse cartoon with sound. The result was Steamboat Willie, the world’s first cartoon with sound. Mickey Mouse’s voice, provided by Walt himself, soon became one of the most recognizable voices in the United States, and “Mickey Mouse Clubs”-at which children sang Mickey Mouse songs, traded souvenirs, and watched the latest cartoons-sprang up around the country. 在米奇问世的几个月前,第一部有声电影被引进。因此,沃尔特也决定制作一部有声的米奇老鼠卡通片。就这样,有了第一部有声卡通片《汽船威利号》。沃尔特还亲自为米奇配音,他的嗓音很快就成为了美国辨认度最高的声音。“米奇俱乐部”大量涌现,孩子们在俱乐部中唱着米奇的音乐,交换纪念品,观看最新的动画片。

20 不久之后,梳子、睡衣、闹钟和玩具 店都出现了米奇老鼠的身影。虽然米 奇老鼠风靡全世界,但是华特并不满 足退居幕后去享受公司这样的成功.
Soon, Mickey Mouse could be seen on everything from hairbrushes to pajamas, alarm clocks to doll houses. Even with the widespread popularity of Mickey Mouse, Wlat wasn’t content to just sit back and enjoy the company’s success. 不久之后,梳子、睡衣、闹钟和玩具 店都出现了米奇老鼠的身影。虽然米 奇老鼠风靡全世界,但是华特并不满 足退居幕后去享受公司这样的成功.

21 Another film industry innovation had caught his eye: color
Another film industry innovation had caught his eye: color. In 1932, Wlat Disney Productions created its first color cartoon, called Flowers and Trees, which won an Academy Award 另一种电影工业的创新:色彩引起了华 特的注意。华特迪士尼公司于1932年创 造、生产了它的第一部彩色卡通:花与 树,并获得了学术奖。

22 But Walt still wasn’t satisfied
But Walt still wasn’t satisfied. So far, all of the studio’s cartoons had been shorts, designed to be shown before a live-action feature film. 但是华特还是不满现状。到目前 为止,工作室的所有卡通片都要 经过缩减和设计后才能成为实景 电影

23 Now, Walt wanted to create an animated feature film, 20 times the length of a short. In 1934, the studio began work on Snow Whit and the Seven Dwarfs, despite the fact that people in the film industry said that no one would sit still for an hour and a half of cartoons and took to calling the movie “Disney Folly.” 如今,华特打算生产比动画短片长20倍的 动画电影。在1934年里,华特开展了白雪 公主与七个小矮人的制作,尽管电影圈里 的人都表示没人会花一个半小时去看卡通 电影,并称这些电影为"迪斯尼的傻劲"

24 After three years—and $1
After three years—and $1.5million—Snow White opened at a theater in :Los Angeles. Major movie stars of the day, including Charlie Chaplin, Shirley Temple, and George Burns, were on hand for the premiere of the world’s first full-length animated movie. 经过了3年的时间和150万的制作,白雪公主在 洛杉矶的一家电影院上映。当年当红的电影明 星,包括秀查理卓别林,兰邓波耳儿,乔治伯 恩斯都出席了世界首部动画电影的首映礼。

25 Although critics had warned that people would never believe that a cartoon boy and girl could fall in love, audience members were in tears when they thought Snow White had died. 虽然评论家曾提醒到人们是不会相信 卡通人物可以相爱的,但是当观众知 道白雪公主将会死去的时候都潸然泪 下。

26 After its granted premiere, Snow whit went on to earn $8 million, as well as an Academy Award– or rather, eight Academy Awards: one along with seven little ones for each of the dwarfs. Walt and Roy Disney had arrived. 首映礼之后,白雪公主继续赢得80亿的票 房和获得了一项学术奖,或许说是8项学术 奖:一个大奖杯和7个分别给小矮人们的小 奖杯。迪斯尼的时代到来了。

27 “ You won’t find anyone who can really explain the magic of Wlat… He was a common man who was endowed with a touch of magic. “你不会找到一个可以真正解释华特迪斯 尼奇迹的人。华特是一个普普通通,拥有 魔术天赋的人。

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