On Irritability 英译汉.

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1 On Irritability 英译汉

2 Translation Theory Analysis of Para.13 Analysis of Para.14 Analysis of Para.15

3 Nida’s three-stage system of translation
Analysis  source language Transfer  from source language to receptor language Restructure  receptor language Nida’s three-stage system of translation

4 Formal Equivalence 形式对等
Foreginization 异化 Domestication 归化 Formal Equivalence 形式对等 Dynamic Equivalence 动态对等 Functional Equivalence 功能对等 Domestication is the strategy of making text closely conform to the culture of the language being translated to, which may involve the loss of information from the source text. Foreignization is the strategy of retaining information from the source text, and involves deliberately breaking the conventions of the target language to preserve its meaning. 奈达理论的核心概念是“功能对等”。所谓“功能对等”,就是说翻译时不求文字表面的死板对应,而要在两种语言间达成功能上的对等。当代翻译理论之父。

5 Analysis of Para.13 Analysis of Para.14 Analysis of Para.15

6 A last point. It may just be sleep or food: when a baby is irritable, we rarely feel the need to preach about self- control and a proper sense of proportion. Preach Vt.宣扬; 说教; 布道,讲道; [例句] At High Mass the priest preached a sermon on the devil. Proportion n.比,比率; [数学]比例(法)面积; 相称,平衡;

7 A last point. It may just be sleep or food: when a baby is irritable, we rarely feel the need to preach about self-control and a proper sense of proportion. 翻译策略:增译 归化 功能对等 最后一点,引起易怒的原因可能只是睡觉或吃饭: 当一个婴儿烦躁不安时,我们几乎不会认为需要对 其进行说教/我们觉得没什么必要去教训婴儿:请 自控,或者是请掌握分寸。

8 这不单单是我们担心婴儿的智力可能还没高到这个 程度,而是因为我们能够更好地解释这是怎么回事。 (异化)
It’s not simply that we fear the infant’s intellect might not quite be up to it, but because we have a much better explanation of what is going on. Intellect n. 智力;理解力 知识分子;思维逻辑领悟力;智商高的人 这不单单是我们担心婴儿的智力可能还没高到这个 程度,而是因为我们能够更好地解释这是怎么回事。 (异化) 不仅因为我们知道婴儿的理解水平尚且无法领会我 们的说教,而是因为我们更清楚地明白婴儿为什么 会这样。(归化)

9 We know that they’re acting this way—and getting bothered by any little thing—because they are tired, hungry, too hot or having some challenging digestive episode. digestive adj. 消化的;助消化的 episode n.插曲;  一集;  片段;  一段经历 [例句] The new drug lessens the severity of pneumonia episodes. 新药减轻了肺炎发作时的痛苦。

10 We know that they’re acting this way—and getting bothered by any little thing—because they are tired, hungry, too hot or having some challenging digestive episode. 翻译策略:domestication 我们知道婴儿就是这样子的——而且容易被任何 小事惹得不高兴——因为他们感到累了、饿了、 太热或者(正在)消化不良。 注意:标点符号的翻译

11 Analysis of Para.14 Analysis of Para.15

12 The fact is, though, that the same physiological causes get to us all our lives. When we are tired, we get upset more easily; when we feel very hungry, it takes less to bother us. Physiological adj.生理的;  生理学的 翻译策略:异化 功能对等 不过事实上,同样的生理诱因也会出现于我们的人生中。当 我们疲劳不堪时,我们更容易心烦意乱;当我们饥肠辘辘时, 我们更容易烦躁不安。

13 But it is immensely difficult to transfer the lesson in generosity (and accuracy) that we gain around to children and apply it to someone with a degree in business administration or a pilot’s license, or to whom we have been married for three-and-a-half years. 但是我们很难把向孩子学来的慷慨(并且正确的)功课, 运用到那些有商务管理学位的人,或者是有飞行执照的人, 再或者是和我们已经结婚三年半的人身上。(异化) 然而,把对待孩子的宽容与无误投放于其他人身上,却是 难于上青天。比如对待那些持有商务管理学位或是飞行员 执照的人,亦或是与我们一同迈入婚姻殿堂三年有余的爱 人。(归化)

14 Analysis of Para.15

15 We should try to see irritability for what it actually is: a confused, inarticulate, often shameful attempt to get us to understand how much someone is suffering and how urgently they need our help. 我们应该努力理解易怒的原因,这种令人费解的、说不清 的、不体面的倾向\尝试,让我们知道易怒者正在忍受多 大的煎熬,他们多么急切地需要我们的帮助。(异化) confused adj.糊涂的; 迷乱的; 混杂的; 不清楚的 inarticulate adj.不善辞令的; 笨口拙舌; 嘴笨 shameful adj.可耻的; 丢脸的; 不体面的; 猥亵的

16 We should—when we can manage it—attempt to help them out.
vt.经营;  使用;  完成(困难的事);  明智地使用(金钱、 时间、信息等) vt.& vi. 办理,设法对付 vi.能解决(问题);  应付(困难局面等);  凑合着活下 去;  支撑 在我们有能力设法对付/处理这些问题的时候,我们应 该试着去帮助他们走出易怒。

17 The End Thanks for your attention!

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