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句式的选择 —信息的主次与传递 练习:第二次练习 时间:2008年10月10日 小组: Group 4(刘军 NO.11 郭伟兴NO.29

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Presentation on theme: "句式的选择 —信息的主次与传递 练习:第二次练习 时间:2008年10月10日 小组: Group 4(刘军 NO.11 郭伟兴NO.29"— Presentation transcript:

1 句式的选择 —信息的主次与传递 练习:第二次练习 时间:2008年10月10日 小组: Group 4(刘军 NO.11 郭伟兴NO.29
4. Presenter: 郭伟兴

2 资料来源: 参考资料: 《翻译新概念英汉互译实用教程》 PPT制作时间: 7 小时
Group 1 (林立青、王超、姚小清、黄丽丹)第二次翻译作业 参考资料: 《翻译新概念英汉互译实用教程》 主编:宋天赐 《汉英比较翻译教程》 主编:魏志成 《汉译英基础教程》 主编:马秉义 PPT制作时间: 7 小时

3 选题动机 (汉英翻译)确立英语的主干或信息重心 译出地道的英语而避免“中国式英语”

4 Contents 一、概念解读与实例分析 二、原因探索 三、解决方法

5 一、概念解读与实例分析 1.信息主次: 2.英汉语句子信息的主次之分 信息的重心,即作者的强调意图和信息的传递重点
英语句子很注重信息的主次之分,往往把主要信息放在突出的和重要的位置,而把次要信息作为辅助性的描写或叙述手段。汉语的信息重心在许多情况下都不表现在外形上,而是体现在内在的逻辑关系中。 所以汉译英时,应该善于把汉语的隐藏性很强的主次关系挖掘出来,而后译成英语的主次表达方式。如体现不出这种主次关系,译文可能平铺直叙,把信息重心掩埋于散句之中,既违背了原文的意思,又不符合英语的习惯表达。

6 例一 More than people were evacuated form China’s southeastern coastal areas on Monday as typhoon Haitang headed for them after causing havoc on Taiwan.(《21世纪报》2005.第614期) 译文:台风海棠在袭击台湾后已经转向中国东南沿海地区。本周一,85万人从这些地区撤离。 英语先说结果“More than people were evacuated form China’s southeastern coastal areas”,后说原因“as typhoon Haitang headed for them after causing havoc on Taiwan”汉语则是按照先发生的事先说来叙述,即先因后果。

7 例二 同学从高中进入大学,应该尽快地适应大学的生活。
(《汉译英基础教程》 马秉义P45) (中式思维):One student comes to college from high school,he should adapt himself to the college life as fast as possible. 这两个句子是主从关系,不是并列关系 (英式思维):When a student comes to college from high school ,he should adapt himself to the college life as fast as possible .

8 例三 首先,外国的影视作品与国情不符,应该统统禁掉。
(同学的译文)First of all,foreign movies are discordant with Chinese condition, which should be prohibited. (参考译文) First of all, foreign films and television programs are simply not appropriate to conditions in China; they should all be prohibited without exception. (Suggested translation) First of all, foreign films and television programs should all be prohibited, for they are simply not good for us.

9 例四 我的小说内容健康,但让我逐行说明每一句都是良好的信息,我也做不好。(《汉英比较翻译教程》魏志成)
同学翻译:My novel content is healthy. But to explain each sentence bringing good messages line by line is also difficult to do for me. 参考翻译:There may be no unhealthy content in my novels, but if you ask me to go through them line-by-line and demonstrate that it’s all good-equality information; then I wouldn’t be up to it. 上述例子中,作者先对自己的小说内容健康性加以肯定,才说出了自己真正想要说的话,阐述了自己的观点——逐行说明自己小说内容的健康性是不可能的。如果是西方人来表达这么个意思,他们会这么说: I can’t go through my novel line-by-line and demonstrate that it’s good-equality information, although there may be no unhealthy content in my novels.

10 例五 我们爱读书,还有不识字的人呢,他们准赞成禁书。
(《汉英比较翻译教程》魏志成) 同学翻译:We like reading; while those who are illiterate must agree with the prohibition of books. 参考翻译: We may like to read, but there are also plenty of illiterates, and they would certainly have no objection to banning all books. (西方思维):People who are illiterates would certainly have no objection to banning all books, though we may like to read.

11 例六 国内的影视从业人员良莠不齐,做出的作品也多有不好的。 (《汉英比较翻译教程》魏志成)
同学翻译:Second, more works in movies and TV are not very good, regarding(关于) the different levels of our domestic professionals(专业人员或职业人员) in TV and movie making. 参考译文:Secondly, moviemakers and television producers in China are not always the finest individuals, and there is a lot of junk that gets produced. 原文“良莠不齐”强调"莠", 可译为"mediocre", 上下文背景是在谈论影视作品,producers 一词即可概括movie makers and TV producers. (Suggested translation) Secondly,there is a lot of junk getting produced by mediocre producers in China.

12 例七 许多贫农,则因为生产资料不足仍然处于贫困地位,有些人欠了债,有些人出卖土地,或者出租土地。 (《翻译新概念英汉互译实用教程》宋天赐)
同学们怎样译? Means of production get into debt 分析 :许多贫农 仍然处于贫困地位 明显是信息重心, 有些人欠了债,是举例说明,支持中心句,所以译为带with 的独立主格充当状语,以表示此信息的次要地位。 (参考译文):On the other hand, many poor peasants are still living in poverty for shortage of the means of production, with some getting into debt and others selling or renting out their land.

13 例八 她50岁时退休了,多年的劳累把她的身体搞垮了。(《翻译新概念英汉互译实用教程》宋天赐) 同学们怎样译?
When she was fifty she retired, her health having been impaired by years of overwork. 分析 第二句汉语是提前退休的原因,因此译为独立结构作状语。

14 二、原因探索 究其主要原因:主要是汉英语族的思维习惯不同—— 中方长于形象思维(意合paratactic ),西方善于逻辑思维(形合hypotactic ) 汉语句子从时间顺序、逻辑文理顺序层层推进,逐层展开 ,往往先因后果,先假设后推论,先叙事后表态,先说以前发生的事,再说最近发生的事,空间上,一般是从上到下,从大到小,由远及近,从大范围到小范围。谈问题由重要意义到次要意义,由程度强者到程度弱者,由一般到具体的顺序排列。而英语句法主要通过连词、关系词、分词、动名词以及不定式等连接来构成句子,以表示其结构关系。他们的思维方式是“线形”的,往往以直线推进的方式,进行严密的推理分析,在语言表达上表现为先表明看法或观点、点明主题,然后再依次说明背景、条件、原因、方式等。

15 一、汉语先叙述某件事情,再表达自己的感觉。而英语通常先说出感觉再叙事。
   玛俐没有被邀请,所以很失望。      汉:Because she was not invited ,Mary was disappointed.      英:Mary was disappointed that she was not invited.

16 二、汉语句式描述在前总结在后,而翻译成英语后变成总结在前,描述在后。      居然还有学生在考试之前踢足球,这似乎令人难以置信。      汉:There were some students still playing football before exam. This seemed incredible. 英: It seemed incredible that some students still played football before exam.

17 三、解决方法 汉译英首先必须分清主次,然后按照逻辑关系和时间顺序,充分利用英语的分词或介词短语以及主从句,对句子重新组合,以准确地表达原意。

18 (一)比较简短的汉语偏正句的翻译 在翻译中,先从逻辑上分清主次,而后按照英语的表达习惯适当加以处理。一般来说,为主的分句称为正句,通常表示结果(结论)、本质、推论等,可译为英语的谓语部分或主句;而从属的分句是偏句,通常表示时间、地点、原因、条件、方法、状态、说明、否定、非本质等,可译为英语的非谓语动词短语或介词短语及从句或独立主格结构等。例如: 持续下了几天雨,郊区的道路境况极坏。 The roads in the suburbs are very bad,owing to the continual rainy days.

19 附近没有旁人,我得自己干了。(《翻译新概念英汉互译实用教程》宋天赐)
分析 汉语是两个并列的句子,实际上前一句内含原因,后一句是信息的重心。所以译者把后一句作为主句,而把前一句译为独立结构。 There being nobody else at hand, I have to do it by myself. 春天来了,树都绿了。(《翻译新概念英汉互译实用教程》宋天赐) 分析 后一句明显是信息重心,春天来了只是伴随情况,因此译成了状语结构,译文比较符合英语的表达习惯。 Spring coming on, the tress turned green.

20 (二)汉语流水句的翻译 流水句是一种无关联词的复句,其特点是“在非终句段出现句终语调,语义联系比较松散,句段之间难以补上关联词”(《中译英技巧文集》第282页)。这些句子有的着重动词,即多个动词连用,有的着重名词,即以名词为重点。例如: 紫鹃答应着,忙出来换了一个痰盆儿,将手里的这个盆儿放在桌子上,开了套间门出来,仍旧带上门,放下撒花软帘,出来叫醒雪雁。(《红楼梦》) 这是比较典型的流水句,事情逐一交代,层层铺开,如何英译呢?请比较下述两种译文: 译文I:Zijuan was answering and hurried out to change a spittoon and put the spittoon in her hand on the table and opened the door of inner room to go out,still closed it,let down the flowered portiere and went to wake Xueyan. 译文Ⅱ:Zijuan,assenting,hurried out to fetch a clean spittoon,placing the used one on the table in the outer room.Having closed the door behind her,she let down the soft flower portiere before going to wake Xueyan.(摘自杨自俭“小议汉语几类句子的英译”)

21 (三)多重复句的翻译 翻译时,首先分清复句的层次关系和意义关系,然后将主要层次译为句子的主干,将次要层次译为辅助成分或主干中某一分句的辅助成分。例如: 小男孩被他妈妈带走时,身上的小铃丁当作响,但他却没作声,尽管当时他并未做什么错事,而且因受到如此对待而感到十分委屈。 此句为转折复句,转折分句中又有转折复句(含有让步意味)和递进复句,继而递进复句本身又是个因果关系句。 The little bell jingled as the boy was led off by his mother,but he said nothing, though he had done nothing wrong and even was very unhappy at being treated so.

22 资料由PPT中国( Thank you!

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