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英汉语言对比 和 翻译技巧.

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1 英汉语言对比 和 翻译技巧

2 一、词汇对比 词义 搭配 词序

3 1. 词义完全对应 the U.S. State Department 美国国务院
anthropological linguistics 人类语言学 the Atlantic Ocean 大西洋 tuberculosis 结核病 helicopter 直升飞机 minibus 面包车 A, B

4 2. 词义部分对应 marry 嫁,娶 gun 枪,炮 brother 兄,弟 aunt 姑,姨,婶,伯母,舅母 morning 早晨,上午

5 3. 新词新义,缺乏对应词 advertorial bad hair day big science chattering class

6 4. 一词多义 soft1: 无坚固保护的,可攻破的 a soft aboveground launching site
无坚固掩体的地面发射基地 The record has been considered soft ever since it was set last May. 自从五月份创造了这个记录以来,人们一直认为它是很容易被打破的。

7 soft2: 低速飞行 The landing must be super-soft, made at a velocity of 18 miles or so an hour. 这次着陆一定是超级的软着陆,即着陆时的飞行速度在每小时18英里(约29公里)左右。

8 soft3: (毒品)毒性较轻的 Marijuana is usually regarded as a soft drug.

9 soft4: (情报)不太可靠的 At this stage there is only soft intelligence about the enemy intention. We should not shoot him from the hip. 目前关于敌人的意图还只有不太充分的情报,我们不能鲁莽行事。

10 5. 词的搭配 He wore dark glasses, and thick jersey. 他戴黑眼镜,穿厚毛衣。
Some Americans pop across the border simply to fuel up on flavorful Mexican food and beer. 一些美国人越过国境线,只是为了吃点儿可口的墨西哥饭菜,喝点儿墨西哥啤酒。

11 But his attack was always repulsed by a kick or a blow from a stick.

12 6. 词序:定语位置 a research-oriented university 研究型大学 something important
重要的事情 the banker’s little garden 银行老板的小花园 the ancient Chinese alchemists 中国古代的炼金术士

13 a building project of high-rise apartment houses
一个高层公寓大楼的建设项目 a candidate with little chance of success 一个当选希望极微的候选人 particles moving round their atomic nucleus 围绕原子核运动的粒子

14 7. 词序:状语位置 Modern science and technology are developing rapidly.
现代科学技术正在迅速发展。 The molecules of a gas are moving about extremely fast in all directions. 气体的分子非常迅速地向四面八方运动着。

15 He is running fast enough.
他跑得够快的了。 Then with a bag of toys and books we walked across the garden in the gray light of the dawn. 我们提着一口袋玩具和书籍,在晨曦中穿过了花园。

16 A jeep, full, sped fast, drenching me in spray.
一辆坐满人的吉普车疾驶而过,溅了我一身水。 He was quick to use self-deprecating humor to throw anyone off the scent. 为了迷惑别人,他机灵地说些自我挖苦的笑话。

17 He was born in Melbourne on May 27, 1968.
他是1968年5月27日在墨尔本出生的。 他于1968年5月27日出生在墨尔本。

18 二、句子对比 句子结构 句子顺序

19 1. 简单句→复合句 This attitude has been described as anything from a “merciful loss of memory” to “escapist therapy”. 人们对这种态度有各种的议论,有的说是“好心的遗忘”,有的则说是“逃避疗法”。

20 2. 复合句→简单句 That he will come to the discussion is certain. 他肯定会来参加讨论的。
He doesn’t know what life means to him. 他不知道人生的意义。 The question is whether we can finish our work by tomorrow evening. 问题在于我们能不能在明晚以前完成这项工作。

21 3. 被动句→主动句 In class we were encouraged to speak out what we thought.

22 4. 句序:时间顺序 晚饭后我出去散步。 After dinner I went out for a walk.
I went out for a walk after dinner. Nothing has happened since we parted. 我们分别之后,一直没有发生什么事情。

23 5. 句序:逻辑顺序 As the weather was good, we decided to climb the mountain.
由于天气很好,我们决定去爬山。 He had to stay at home yesterday because he was ill. 因为他病了,所以昨天只好呆在家里。

24 6. 句序:因果顺序 Suppose we can’t get the necessary equipment, what shall we do? 假定我们弄不到必要的设备,那怎么办? He would be a rash man if he should venture to forecast the results of this event. 如果有人敢于预言此事的结果,那他一定是个鲁莽之徒。

25 三、翻译技巧 选词 增词 减词(省略) 转类 重复 正反、反正

26 1. 选词:以last为例 He was the last one to come. 他是最后来的。
He is the last man to do it. 他决不会干那种事。 He is the last person for the job. 他最不配干这个工作。 He should be the last to blame. 说什么也不能怪到他身上。

27 He is the last man to consult.
根本不能找他商量。 This is the last place where I expected to meet you. 我做梦也没想到会在这个地方见到你。

28 选词:引伸义 Every life has its roses and thorns. 每个人的生活都有甜有苦。
There is a mixture of the tiger and the ape in his character. 他的性格既残暴,又狡猾。

29 选词:褒贬义 He is a man of high renown. 他是位很有名望的人。
His notoriety as a rake did not come until his death. 他作为流氓的恶名是他死后才传开来的。 We were shocked by his coarse manners. 我们对他的粗暴态度感到震惊。

30 He was polite and always gave advice willingly.
他彬彬有礼,总是诲人不倦。 He was a man of integrity, but unfortunately he had a certain reputation. I believe the reputation was not deserved. 他是个正直诚实的人,但不幸有某种坏名声,而我相信他这个坏名声是不该有的。

31 2. 增词 I just hate everybody. No, not you, Phyl, but everybody else.
我就是恨所有的人。不,没有你,菲儿。我恨其他所有的人。 Day after day he came to his work--sweeping, scrubbing, cleaning. 他每天来干活——扫地,擦地板,打扫房间。

32 3. 减词(省略) Now we have solved the problem and have arrived at the same conclusion as they arrived at. 现在我们已经解决了这个问题,并且得出了和他们相同的结论。 You can never tell. 很难说。

33 4. 转类 Rockets have found application for the exploration of the universe. 火箭已经用来探索宇宙。(N→V) As he ran out, he forgot to have his shoes on. 他跑出去时忘了穿鞋子。(Adv→V) They made a quick decision. 他们很快做出了决定。(Adj→Adv)

34 5. 重复 I had experienced oxygen and/or engine trouble.
我曾碰到过,不是氧气设备出故障,就是飞机引擎出故障,有时候两者都出故障。 John is your friend as much as he is mine. 约翰是你的朋友,也是我的朋友。

35 重复:强调 Prominent among the most prominent upon the most prominent shelf were series of splendidly bound volumes entitled “Skinner’s Works”. 在那个最显眼的书架上最显眼的书籍中,一眼就能看到那套显眼的精装《斯金纳全集》。

36 重复:重迭 With his tardiness, carelessness and appalling good humor, we were sore perplexed. 他老是磨磨蹭蹭,马马虎虎,脾气又好得惊人,我们都对他毫无办法。

37 6. 正反、反正 “Don’t stop working,” he said. 他说,“继续干活吧”。
He knew he was mortally ill. 他知道自己得的是不治之症。 Without reasoning one is apt to be beyond control. 没有理智容易变成不受约束。

38 正反、反正 Such a chance was denied me. 我没有得到这个机会。 We may safely say so.
我们这样说万无一失。 The explanation is pretty thin. 这个解释是相当站不住脚的。

39 正反、反正 Instead of going to Shanghai, I went to London. 我没去上海,倒是去了伦敦。

40 This failure was the making of him.
这次不成功是他成功的基础。 When Philip missed the last bus, he was at a loss to know what to do. 菲利普错过了最后一班车,茫然不知所措。

41 四、同化和异化 同化:domestication 异化:foreignization/alienation

42 If you’ll believe me, he went through with flying colors on examination days! He went through on that purely superficial “cram”, and got compliments too, while others, who knew a thousand times more than he, got plucked. 你信也罢,不信也罢,考试那天他可是出足了风头。他靠一知半解的临时抱佛脚居然考及格了,还收到了表扬。好多人比他强一千倍,反而没及格。

43 红楼梦中人: The Story of the Stone, tr. David Hawkes, is an example of domestication. A Dream of Red Mansions, tr. Yang Hsien-yi (杨宪益) and Gladys Yang (戴乃迭), is one of foreignization.

44 我对这个消息半信半疑。 I took the news with a grain of salt. 他每天要处理许多棘手的问题。 He has many hot potatoes to handle every day.

45 妻子骂骂咧咧地闯了进来,这个得了“气管炎”的男人一下子手足无措。
This hen-pecked man became on tenterhooks when his wife scolded her way into the room.

46 士隐那禁得贫病交攻,渐渐的露出了那下世的光景来。
Aging and a prey to poverty and ill health, he began to look like a man with one foot in the grave.

47 谨慎“滥用语”(cliché) 在英语中,用滥了的习语或成语叫cliché,就是本来是很好的或是很有意思的用法,由于在某一段时间使用过多而被放弃,是为“滥用语”。


49 许多我们认为很生动的英语习语实际上已经成了滥用语,如all of a sudden, anything goes, strictly speaking, there’s no smoke without fire, don’t count your chickens, dead as a doornail, quick as a flash, avoid like the plague, the name of the game, the bottom line, in this day and age, the calm before the storm等。

50 哪些英语习语是滥用语,哪些不是,作为外国人我们很难甄别。从古典小说里学来的“好词儿”往往已经过时,而滥用语我们用起来,要么引人发笑,要么外国人根本听不懂。因此,对于习语要慎用,除非你听到别人说起过。
或者是查阅一本dictionary of clichés,以便确认。

51 五、直译和意译 F: Your wife is very beautiful. I: 你的太太真漂亮! C: 哪里,哪里!
I: Where, where! F: From head to toe. I: 从头到脚。 C: 不见得,不见得。 I: Not to be seen, not to be seen.

52 “It’s an order from President Bush
“It’s an order from President Bush.” “I don’t care if it is from bush, tree, or grass.” “这是布什总统的命令。” “我不在意它来自灌木、树,还是草。” “这是布什总统的命令。” “我才不在乎它来自布什、树木,还是草呢。” “这是布什总统的命令。” “管它什么布什、布头,还是布片呢,与我无关。”

53 六、误译(望文生义) He is easily the best student in the class. 他很容易地成了班上最好的学生。
The stranger robbed his wife. 那个陌生人抢了他的妻子。 I can’t agree more. 我不能同意更多的了。

54 She sighed for her mother.
她为她母亲叹了一口气。 Her mother died of difficult labor. 她母亲劳累而死。 I won’t do it to save my life. 为了救自己的命,我不会干。 I have no opinion of him. 我对他没有看法。

55 练习(p.20) She is in love with him. 她爱上了他。 此处严禁小便。 I can’t help it.
她恋着他。 此处严禁小便。 此处严禁倒垃圾。 I can’t help it. 我也没辙 / 没有办法 / 无能为力。 我控制不住。

56 I found myself at the foot of a hill.
(不知不觉中 / 没想到这么快 )我就来到了小山跟前。 People want to buy more birds than I have. 人们要买很多鸟,可是我没有那么多。

57 岂有此理。 How can you/he/they say that? / It’s (simply) absurd! 不要嫁祸于人。 Don’t (you) try to shift the blame on others/somebody else.

58 趣味横生。 That’s extraordinarily interesting/ fascinating/amusing. / There is so much fun. / It is full of fun. 他这个人从来不管什么三七二十一。 He never cares for any possible consequences.

59 七、可译性和不可译性 What’s the relation between the door-mat and the door?
A step father.

60 “Call me a taxi,” said the fat man.
“Okay,” said the doorman. “You’re a taxi, but you look more like a truck to me.” Why is a room full of married people very empty? Because there isn’t a single person in it.

61 What can I do for you, Mr. Smith?
Well, doctor, my nose runs and my feet smell. Hmmm, that’s awkward. You’re built upside down.

62 歇后语 外甥打灯笼——照旧。 擀面杖吹火——一窍不通。 孔夫子搬家——少不了输。

63 文字游戏 米的妈妈是谁? 是花,因为花生米。 米的爸爸是谁? 是蝶,因为蝶恋花。 米的姥姥是谁? 是爆米花,因为既抱过米又抱过花。

64 Who’s rice’s mother? It’s flower, because flower gives birth to rice.
Who’s rice’s father? It’s butterfly, because butterfly loves flower. Who’s rice’s grandma? It’s popcorn, because popcorn had brought up both rice and flower.

65 练习(p.24) We beat our rival in the contest. We won the game / match.
The teacher allowed her to have / agreed to give her three days’ leave. He wants a refrigerator, but he can’t afford one at present.

66 If they are in poor health, youth can hardly shoulder this task.
When anyone of the people breaks the law, they too should be punished, imprisoned, or even sentenced to death. She went away satisfied / with satisfaction. The story made him sad.

67 1. 这是工会组织的罢工。 2. 他显得年轻 / 保养得好。 3. 我们想忘也忘不了。 4. 她好不容易才缓过劲来能开口说话。 5. 醉翁之意不在酒。 6. 我有点不舒服。 7. 我穿什么衣服去? 8. 照片比她本人好看。 9. 什么用也没有 / 白搭。

68 10. 考虑到历史就会明白这个说法没有道理。 (in the wake of: following directly on; in the aftermath of, as a consequence of.) 11. 他是一个无可挑剔的教师。 12. 要么不娶, 要娶就要娶个好妻子。 13. 关于伦敦,有一点可以断言,即那里天气多变 / 说变就变。 14. 好像记得谁说过“对隐私不感兴趣”这话 / 听上去耳熟。 15. 英国的房子外表往往不显眼。

69 练习(p.33) 1. This American expert has a good command of Chinese / speaks fluent Chinese. 2. We must do better / do a better job in reform and opening up. We must step up our efforts to reform and open up. We should open the country wider and strive for fuller implementation of the reform and opening up.

70 3. She was speechless for several minutes.
Several minutes passed before she found her tongue again. 4. They put the service of the customer as the first thing. They did everything to satisfy the customers’ needs. 5. It’s outrageous! 6. In emergency dial 110 (to report to the police).

71 7. The spirit of plain living and hard struggle must be promoted / fostered.
8. I would die before I tell anybody. 9. The discussion involved several hot issues. 10. We must improve / intensify the legalization of the protection of persons under legal age.

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