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清晰簡明的介面 藥品資訊整合 臨床相關檢索結果.

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Presentation on theme: "清晰簡明的介面 藥品資訊整合 臨床相關檢索結果."— Presentation transcript:

1 清晰簡明的介面 藥品資訊整合 臨床相關檢索結果

2 Micromedex提供綜合完善的臨床內容 但在查找資訊上,對多數使用者是有困難的
針對客戶的建議… 值得信賴的資料內容 Micromedex提供綜合完善的臨床內容 但在查找資訊上,對多數使用者是有困難的 簡單的操作方式 所有使用者都可輕易上手 友善的介面 直覺式的檢索介面,如同一般常見的網路軟體 快速獲取解答 更快速更直接的獲取解答,節省時間成本 值得信賴的資料內容 簡單的操作方式 友善的介面 快速尋求解答

3 All Databases Drug Information Disease Information DRUGDEX® System
DRUG-REAX® System MARTINDALE Physicians' Desk Reference®(PDR®) P & T QUIK® Reports IV INDEX® System MSDS Index Nominum IDENTIDEX® System REPRORISK® System KINETIDEX® System DISEASEDEXTM General Medicine DISEASEDEXTM Emergency Med. Lab adviserTM Patient Education AltCareDex® Alternative Medicine Education CareNotesTM System Toxicology Information POISINDEX® System TOMES® System Alternative Medicine Free Resources AltMedDex® System AltMedDex® Protocols Herbal Medicines Calculators mobileMICROMEDEX™ System More than twenty databases, which are classify into different fields

4 簡單的檢索欄位設計– 使用你習慣的字詞找到相關度最高的資訊

5 直接進行跨庫檢索-藥品,疾病, 實驗檢測,另類醫療 直接跨庫檢索

6 例如 “cause of” , “treatment for”使得檢索結果更精準
檢索建議 運用專業術語進行附和詞檢索, 例如 “cause of” , “treatment for”使得檢索結果更精準 運用專業術語進行附和詞檢索,並提供檢索建議

7 直覺式介面更快速,更簡單尋求所需的解答 Fast Answers
Direct links are included in each search result, providing users with fast and convenient short cuts. When the user clicks on the short cut link, the next thing he or she will see is the topic for that item opened to the section specified in the query. Within the monographs, one can click to expand or collapse a section of content – eliminating the need to scroll through long sections to get to the specific information desired. And results are presented in a familiar format, placing the most relevant results at the top of the list. [advance slide] Get direct links to summary data, drug consults, detailed drug monographs, side-by-side comparisons, IV compatibility, and more Use intuitive navigation menus that collapse and expand. Find answers quickly among results ranked by relevance Get quick access to all content related to any search term

8 OVERVIEW 結果依據相關度排列 另外,可直接連結“treatment‘快速找到治療相關的解答
As you can see, this list of results is displayed in that familiar format. The first result in the list is the Disease document for “Esophageal Perforation”, including a link that will take you directly to the Treatment section of that monograph. These built in short-cuts take you directly to the information you need to answer your question and get you back to taking care of your patients more quickly. [advance slide]

9 1.可展開或隱藏主題內容 2.次主題大綱模式 藥品專題論文
In this case, the short cut link was “Treatment”, so Micromedex 2.0 displayed the Treatment section for Esophageal Perforation. As you can see, Micromedex not only recommends drug and procedural treatment for the specific condition in question, it also presents ancillary treatment recommendations – those treatments that will most likely be needed for a patient with this primary condition. At this point, after reviewing the clinical evidence presented by this query, the user has numerous options if more information is still required. Clicking on any of the sections or subsections displaying in the left-hand navigation bar opens that content for review. The orange colored “Other Sources” arrow at the top opens a pop-up window that contains additional links to other Micromedex locations where this content or related content can be found. Optionally, the user could click on a drug name to view the drug monograph and its contents if more than standard dosing information is needed. Finally, the “View detailed information in DISEASEDEX” link provides direct access to even more in-depth content when needed. Again, all these short cuts and links help you navigate through the information more quickly to get you the answer you need. [advance slide] 藥品專題論文

10 OVERVIEW 使用者實證醫學依據 : 效用 證據強度 建議等級 The scope of Micromedex content remains one of its greatest assets. When clinicians need access to very detailed information on a topic, the in-depth Micromedex monographs are the preferred source. In this example, after clicking “View Detailed Document” on the dashboard screen, the full in-depth drug monograph displays. At the beginning of every DrugDex monograph, you’ll find an Overview section that provides detailed information on our unique Efficacy Ratings as well as ratings for Strength of Evidence and Strength of Recommendation. This informs the user as to the effectiveness of this drug for this purpose, including the volume and quality of medical evidence supporting that use. The ratings are based on the literature and help clinicians better understand and evaluate the recommendation. [advance slide] Need even more detail? Micromedex 2.0 delivers the amount of information you need and the time you need it.

11 Because it’s the “hub” of all content related to a given drug or condition, this “360 degree view Dashboard” screen automatically displays first when one selects a specific drug name from the search dropdown list – such as Ranitidine Hydrochloride in this example. The goal of Micromedex 2.0 is to provide fast, easy access to all of the clinical content contained in all of the content sets. This dashboard view gives the user exactly that. On this one screen a user can see (and access) all content contained within that monograph by section as identified by the orange rectangle drawn around Drug Summary Information. Other sections (also highlighted here), such as drug images and links to all related Consults, links to tools like side-by-side drug comparisons, plus expandable sections containing all of the related information found in other content sets - in this case, related Disease and Lab Test information make it easy to access the specific information of interest about that drug. The last section (lower left) displays all of the search query results for all related content. [advance slide]

12 參考案例 感謝基隆署立醫院吳芝瑩藥師提供

13 情境案例一 Question: 醫生來電詢問,一位未曾接受過B肝預防疫苗接種的病患疑似被B肝帶原患者用過之針頭扎到,現要以B肝免疫球蛋白製劑(Hepatitis B immune globulin) 做事後的補救及預防;想問該如何投藥?建議劑量? Physicians Pharmacists

14 Step 1. 關鍵字輸入 Dosing hepatities b immune globulin 輸入欲搜尋之字串

15 Step 2. 搜尋結果顯示

16 Step 3. 詳細資料讀取 Hepatitis B, Post-exposure; Prophylaxis: percutaneous or permucosal exposure, HBsAg-positive source in unvaccinated individual; 0.06 mL/kg IM one time immediately after exposure and initiate hepatitis B vaccine series

17 計算機功能--Calculators

18 計算機功能--Calculators 腎功能(肌酐酸清除率)計算

19 常用資料庫推薦—Calculators 腎功能(肌酐酸清除率)計算 輸入體重、年齡、性別、血液肌酐酸數值等相關資料

20 常用資料庫推薦—Calculators 腎功能(肌酐酸清除率)計算 計算結果

21 情境案例二 Question: 65歲男性病患,體重45公斤,因患有巴金森氏症而長期於神經內科門診求診,此次門診結果醫師評估須加入Amantadine作為輔助治療藥物;在開藥的同時醫師亦注意到此病患的生化檢驗值Scr=3.0mg/dl顯示其腎臟功能不良,此情況下須如何調整病患在使 用Amantadine時的劑量? 德國麥斯大藥廠研究發展部門所研製而成的硫酸阿曼他丁(Amantadine Sulfate) 對於帕金森氏症、腦意識反應受損及濾過性病毒之感染效果極為顯著 Physicians Pharmacists

22 Step 1. 擅用calculator功能 算出病患的腎功能指數(即肌酐酸清除率)

23 Step 1. 擅用calculator功能 算出病患的腎功能指數(即肌酐酸清除率)



26 Step 2. 老生常談 以amantadine作為關鍵字搜尋藥品相關資料吧~~

27 劑量調整參考資料 renal impairment: CrCl mL/min, 200 mg on first day then 100 mg/day; CrCl mL/min, 200 mg on first day then 100 mg every other day; CrCl less than 15 mL/min, 200 mg every 7 days

28 Step 2. 老生常談 以amantadine作為關鍵字搜尋藥品相關資料吧~~

29 劑量調整參考資料


31 情境案例三 Question: 常用升壓藥物dopamine與dobutamine 兩者在適應症上的差異? Pharmacists

32 Step 1. 關鍵字輸入 1.輸入欲比較的藥物名稱並選取 2.加入至右側的清單


34 Step 2. 比較結果顯示

35 Step 3. 賓果~賓果~找到答案啦

36 情境案例四 Question: 內分泌醫師來電藥物諮詢室詢問,胰島素製劑這類的藥物中Lantus® (含insulin glargine)及Novomix® (含Insulin aspart)兩者相比哪一個的懷孕分級顯示比較適合孕婦使用? Physicians Pharmacists

37 Step 1. 藥品分類選擇 1.輸入欲比較的藥物名稱並選取 2.加入至右側的清單


39 情境案例五 Question: 醫師來電藥物諮詢室詢問,病人欲自xx醫院轉來本院求診,但希望能拿到跟xx醫院開立一樣成分劑量的藥品處方.請問現行病人服藥清單中一個名叫Kerlone® 的藥物,本院有一樣成分的藥物嗎?商品名為? Physicians Pharmacists

40 開始查詢啦! 輸入已知藥物的商品名(學名) 40


42 〝Kerlone〞的有效成分 查看所有的商品名

43 從所有搜尋結果中找出本院有的藥物

44 情境案例六 Question: 病房護士來電詢問,心律不整藥物amiodarone可否與抗凝血藥物heparin混合於同一大瓶點滴給藥?
Pharmacists Nurses

45 Step 1. 關鍵字輸入 輸入所有欲比對的品項清單

46 Step 2. 比較結果顯示 多重藥物查詢檢索結果預設為Y-site相容性。其他資訊包含Admixture, Syringe相容性亦可點選查看。


48 Step 3. 選擇符合需求的答案 無資料顯示


50 案例探討-E Drug-Drug Interaction
Date : Name : 李 xx Sex : Female Age : 78Y Diagnosis : 心絞痛,節律不整 Drug-Drug Interactions : Digoxin + Amiodarone



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