Emerald(爱墨瑞得) 经济管理学数据库 ——research you can use

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1 Emerald(爱墨瑞得) 经济管理学数据库 ——research you can use
李秋实 北京代表处 emeraldinsight.com.cn

2 讲座流程 管理学点滴 Emerald出版社及部分期刊介绍 Emerald数据库平台内容以及使用简介 Emerald国际期刊投稿指南

3 Subject Importance “Developing world countries need more and better managers in order to grow – not more economists; not even more engineers.” 发展中国家的持续发展需要更多的更好的管理人员 而不是经济学家或工程师 -Alfredo Paster, Prof. of Economics, IESE Barcelona Around 70% world GDP increasing came from the business model revolution

4 管理学是世界上学位授予最大的学科 在主要经济体国家均达到15%-40%以上 中国开设的10大专业中占有4席的位置 中国有1400多所学校都开设有管理类专业

5 About Emerald 成立于1967年,来自百强之一Bradford University Management Center 独立主编模式:期刊主编一般为学术个体 总部英国,主编全球,内容国际

6 Emerald 期刊 ——管理学期刊 专业出版经济管理学同行专家评审期刊200多种,其中很多期刊被ISI收录,是出版经济管理学最多的单一出版机构。涵盖管理学的各个学科领域: 会计金融和法律 经济与社会政策 工业管理 国际商务 管理科学与研究 人力资源管理 质量管理 市场营销 组织发展与变化管理 物流管理 不动产管理 教育培训管理 健康护理管理 信息和知识管理 图书馆管理与研究

7 Key titles at your finger tips…
European Journal of Marketing Journal of Services Marketing Management Decision Journal of Product & Brand Management International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management International Journal of Operations & Production Management Personnel Review Leadership & Organization Development Journal The TQM Journal Marketing Intelligence & Planning International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management Journal of Consumer Marketing Managerial Auditing Journal Journal of Management Development Journal of Knowledge Management Managing Service Quality British Food Journal Industrial Management & Data Systems International Marketing Review

8 人力资源管理领域推荐: Personnel Review 《人事评论》
卷次:37 期次:6 世界各地的学者都在探索组织应该如何利用他们的人力资源从而获得竞争优势,《人事评论》涵盖并发展了人力资源管理的各个方面。在迅速变化和发展的今天,对《人事评论》这种资源的需求比以前更加迫切。这本备受好评的期刊提供最新的研究和发展信息,对人力资源的各方面进行纵览的同时,还包容其它事项。学术严谨是这本期刊的特点之一。《人事评论》建立在成熟的研究之上,出版至少经过两位专家的双盲评审文章,为那些在人力资源管理领域从事工作、实习、教学、学习和研究的人士提供指导。 ISI收录 选题范围包括: •雇员关系 •劳资关系 •劳动力市场 •管理发展 •招聘和保持 •战略人力资源管理 •培训和发展 ……

9 管理科学领域推荐: Management Decision 《管理决策》
卷次:46 期次:10 《管理决策》刊载与商业和商业研究有关的对其理论、实践、技巧和决策的研究和思考。它的高端稿源——来自著名的管理学领域的哲学家、企业家,以一种清晰的格式为读者提取大量有价值的信息,使它成为一种无价的资源。 ISI收录 全文浏览量最多的期刊:平均每月高达36,000的下载量 出版时间最长的期刊,诞生于1963年。也被认为是通用管理领域中的基准刊物。 在Cranfiedld商学院最近的期刊排名中,这本期刊的排名在MIT Sloan Management Review之上,与Academy of Management Executive和California Management Review持平。 选题范围包括: • 重大问题的深入研究 •战略与决策问题 • 扭转公司危机的策略 • 运作管理 • 财务管理 • 激励 • 企业家精神 • 问题解决与进取性 • 重大的管理争论

10 市场营销领域推荐: European Journal of Marketing 《欧洲营销杂志》
卷次:42 期次:12 旨在在全球背景下推动信息在研究者之间的传播,使他们能够跟上欧洲及欧洲营销的发展。这本期刊包含先进的营销理论,出版来自全球顶尖营销专家撰写的建立在实践基础之上的研究性文章。经该刊发表的每一篇文章都需经由双盲评审以确保他的质量和实践相关性,并覆盖了广泛的主题。 ISI收录,被公认为是欧洲营销期刊中的权威期刊。在管理学领域该刊是在文献被引用最多的期刊位列第5名,在营销领域这本期刊的被引用率排在第2位。在Emerald,此期刊下载量排在第1位。 选题范围: •比较研究 •客户政策和服务 •境内和境外法律的影响 •营销文摘 •营销经验 •发展中国家的营销 •服务营销 •营销策划 •产品开发 •社会、文化和经济影响

11 Emerald统计数据 7600多所商学类院校有3000多所在使用Emerald 98%以上的世界百强商学院用户
58%以上的全球500强企业用户 40,000名以上来自世界各地的庞大专家作者群 80:47 VS 80:20 西班牙加泰罗尼亚州和Emerald自身统计

12 Emerald数据库 Emerald Management Xtra150—《Emerald管理学全集150》
包含内容: 各个管理学领域期刊近9万篇全文文章 《Emerald管理学评论》—针对世界400多种顶尖期刊中的每篇文章进行独立评论,超过25万篇管理学文章的归纳总结。 实践性辅助资源,如案例集、访谈录、管理学书评等

13 Emerald Management Review-管理学评论
对300多种世界顶尖管理学期刊所做的结构性文摘数据库。 由国际著名的管理学者和从业人士组成的评议委员会将负责保证 惟有高品质的文章才被收录到“Emerald管理学评论”中来。 有学科专业知识的专家随后对期刊中的每一篇文章进行论述和评价。 British Journal of Management 《英国管理杂志》 Academy of Management Journal 《管理学会杂志》 Harvard Business Review 《哈佛商业评论》 Ivey Business Journal 《Ivey商业期刊》 Journal of Finance 《金融杂志》 Journal of Marketing 《市场营销杂志》 Long Range Planning 《长远规划》 MIS Quarterly 《管理信息系统季刊》 Omega 《欧米茄》 Sloan Management Review 《斯隆商学院管理学评论》 Strategic Management Journal 《战略管理期刊》

14 Emerald数据库平台首页 www.emeraldinsight.com
Your University Name 可在主页直接 进行快速检索, 选择不同类型资源 可在主页直接浏览 期刊、电子系列丛书

15 短语检索,检索的多个单词连在一起才符合检索条件
Emerald快速检索 Emerald每个检索页面都有帮助信息 短语检索,检索的多个单词连在一起才符合检索条件 可以选择检索结果的类型: ● All content 全部内容 ● Journals Emerald全文期刊内容 ● Books Emerald系列丛书 ● Bibliographic Databases Emerald书目数据库,包括 Emerald Review管理学评论 Emerald Abstract文摘库 ● Site Pages Emerald网站上其他符合检索条件的内容,如书评、访谈、编者评论和新闻等内容 为确保浏览结果都能下载全文, 请选择“My Subscribed contents” 未正式出版 文章的网络版 回溯库中的文章

16 Emerald高级检索 对多个检索条件限定 不同的检索范围 All fields (excluding full text)
Abstract Publication title Content item title Author ISSN ISBN 书号 Reference number 参考文献号 Volume Issue Page 起始页 Keywords 除了正文以外 的所有内容 限定文献年份范围

17 Emerald高级检索 支持布尔逻辑符 短语检索和完全匹配检索 词干检索 权重检索
可以选择检索框下面的选项,进行短语检索和完全匹配检索。也可以,在检索框中使用“”将检索词锁定。 注意:如选择完全匹配Exact Match检索,则只返回与检索词完全相同的检索结果,例如,检索marketing, 并选择journal title字段和完全匹配,则检索结果只返回期刊名称为marketing的期刊,而不包括期刊名称为 The European Journal of Marketing 或Marketing Intelligence and Planning 等刊名包含marketing 的期刊。 使用权重符号^,如检索“work^4 management”,则检索结果中work的权重是management 的4 倍。 词干检索 使用通配符*和?,通配符只能出现在检索词的中间和末尾,不能出现在检索词开头。 权重检索 直接在检索框中输入布尔逻辑运算符,AND, OR 和NOT,需要注意的是布尔逻辑符必须大写。

18 一次检索,即可获得4种不同类型的结果,点击进行切换
Emerald检索结果显示 一次检索,即可获得4种不同类型的结果,点击进行切换 修改检索条件 二次检索 保存检索条件 可显示每篇文章的文摘 没有权限阅读和下载全文 回溯库中的文章 未正式出版文章的网络版 加入收藏夹 保存喜爱的文章

19 Emerald文章信息 结构性文摘: 目的 设计方法 发现 研究局限性 应用性 原创性 可选择HTML格式: 速度快、可直接链接
可选择PDF格式: 方便保存、排版格式与纸本一样

20 除了对期刊、系列丛书进行浏览,还可以选择对评论集/文摘进行按学科的浏览
Emerald浏览功能 按照期刊名首字母字顺浏览; 按照学科进行浏览 除了对期刊、系列丛书进行浏览,还可以选择对评论集/文摘进行按学科的浏览

21 点击进入期刊主页

22 Emerald个性化功能 个性化服务内容: a. 保存检索条件,并每周获得最新的检索结果 b. 保存自己喜爱的文章并收藏
c. 定期获得关注期刊的最新目录 d. 获得Emerald 时事通讯信息 e.查看或修改自己的相关信息

23 Mind Map

24 Ti-Mandi window

25 Emerald专栏分类之学习园地 管理技巧 管理思想 学习技能 文献评论集 播客 MP3格式管理学资源

26 Emerald专栏分类之教师园地 教学指南 案例集 书评 访谈集 目录页


28 Emerald专栏分类之学者园地 获取资助 研究基金 学者联系:寻找同行?合作者?…… 指南 会议中心

29 research awards:了解Emerald资助研究信息

30 旨在促进对社会有益的知识在中国大陆地区的传播
Emerald 学术支持 Emerald发展与管理学研究息息相关 每年针对中国提供多项学术研究基金 管理学研究基金:£3000~£4000 图书馆学研究基金: £2000~ 优秀博士论文奖: ¤1500~ 旨在促进对社会有益的知识在中国大陆地区的传播 了解详情


32 Emerald专栏分类之作者专栏 成为Emerald作者 主编访谈 编辑服务 学者网络 作者工作室 指南

33 选择Emerald? 征稿 作者宪章 原创性指南 文章记录表 问答

34 从Literati Network获取更多信息
每个领域的优秀文章 优秀特刊 杰出主编 …….

35 研究 期刊供应链和管理结构 读者 用户 作者 编辑 责任编辑 生产 获取方式 图书馆 纸本 数据库 第三方 高质量的文章 编委会和评审专家
征稿 评审 向同行推广期刊 参加会议 提出新研究领域 编辑和出版社的桥梁 帮助编辑履行职责 创建一流期刊 对期刊负全面责任 推广和营销 参加会议 处理生产问题 QA—修改、校对 为在线数据库转换为SGML 纸本制作 分销 价值增加 SLIDE 4 (supply chain) Now, the editorial supply chain. This is probably obvious, but is perhaps worth looking at, just to ensure that you know what happens to your paper once it has left your desktop. These are the people who take your paper from your PC to the finished journal and make it available on a library shelf or database. The first stage of the chain is, of course, the authors who submit their work to the journal. The Editor who is responsible for: sourcing new papers and working with the authors; liaising with the EAB to ensure an effective vetting of the papers; attending conferences; and networking and promoting the journal to his or her peers. The publisher, employed by the publishing company, is the direct link between the publishing company and the Editor. Their aim is to help the Editor succeed in turning their title into an internationally recognised journal. At Emerald they work with the Editor to create long-term development plans for each journal and also attend conferences with a view to raising the profile of the journals. They also liaise closely with the sales and marketing departments in order to identify opportunities for promotion. Day-to-day, publishers are responsible for ensuring that journal issues come in from the Editor and are passed to the production department in time to meet the schedule deadlines. From the publisher an issue of a journal will pass through a Quality Assurance process before being converted into SGML/XML formats for the databases and into hard copy for despatch. As with the peer-review process, this is another area where a publisher will add value to your work. Each article is tagged, which makes it searchable within databases and the QA department will correct typographical errors, and inconsistencies within your article. Finally, we come to the users who access Emerald papers in different ways. This could be through a printed copy of the journal, via a database on the internet, or as part of a third-party service (such as Proquest) which has an arrangement with us to host our content. Although your article will be published in a specific journal, it will usually be found and read via a search across a database. All of this then comes back full-circle to you, our authors who, more often than not, are also our users and readers. Ultimately the articles that Emerald publishes feed directly back into the body of research and assist in furthering other researchers, authors and faculty members.

36 期刊稿件录用流程

37 为达成目标,我们需要…… “许多论文被拒绝仅仅因为这些文章不符合刊物的基本要求。 甚至有些文章还没进入评审阶段就被退稿了。”
结合实际,选出准备投稿的目标期刊,并至少阅读一期。 阅读作者指南,包括选题范围、文章类型、长度、参考文献格式等关于投稿的要求和注意事项。 明确论文的提交方式,以邮件的方式或是纸本的方式或者是MC。 SLIDE 6 (being published) I now move on to the part of the workshop in which I expect you are most interested – the things you need to consider for publishing success. Before I do though, I have to stress that nothing I am about to say will come as a surprise. It is all very simple and really just common sense. However, just because it’s all so simple may mean that you overlook something that then causes your paper to be rejected. I hope that you will be able to take away at least one or two new ideas that will help you improve your writing and submissions for publication. But why go through a publisher in the first place? What does it mean to be published? Your material is permanent, once published - and will have a place within the “body of knowledge”. It will always be there for future research. This is particularly important when you bear in mind the fact that many of the articles that are downloaded from the Emerald Fulltext database are not from current volumes, but from previous ones. In fact, our most downloaded article was published in 1994 [a marketing paper by Christian Grönroos] and that has been downloaded over 20,000 times (From Marketing Mix to Relationship Marketing: Towards a Paradigm Marketing Shift, Christian Grönroos, Management Decision, Vol 32, No 2, 1994) Emerald is also part of the LOCKSS programme (Lots Of Copy Keep Stuff Safe). Even if we go bust tomorrow, or all our own databases and back-ups fail completely, all our content will still be available to libraries worldwide via LOCKSS. Your paper is improved through the interventions of the reviewers, especially if revision is required, and the careful checking and corrections by the sub-editors and proof-readers. And, finally, your paper is promoted through the journal’s name and the databases to a much wider audience. Being published means that your material is trustworthy – someone apart from you thinks that it is good. Other influential people, such as the editor and the reviewers in your field, think that it is worthy of publication. Reviewers are subject specialists, with whom you normally may not have the opportunity to share your research and findings. Their comments should be viewed not as criticism but as constructive feedback on how to improve and refine your work, and so contribute more effectively to the body of knowledge.

38 可能的合作 可以与导师合作,或同来自于不同机构、不同部门的人合作 优势: 显示研究的权威性与严谨性 对跨学科研究有特殊作用 激发每个人的潜能
需要注意的问题: 确保文章观点的一致 确认作者的顺序,以及其中的联络人

39 写作注意事项 可读性:表述是否清晰?论证过程是否简洁、符合逻辑? 原创性:为什么写这篇文章?有何新意?
可信度:结论是否正确?采用的方法论是否有说服力?是否经得起推敲?是否诚实?不要试图掩盖研究的局限! 适用性:结论能否在实践中得以应用?是否能够推动未来的研究发展? 国际化:是否具有国际化、全球化的视野? SLIDE 10 (What do editors and their reviewers look for) I think perhaps this is the most important slide I’ve prepared for today. I have listed 8 points on this slide – many of which can make or break your chances of having your paper accepted. Editors will supply their reviewers with clear instructions as to what to look out for in any paper they are asked to review. These criteria will normally comprise some or all of these factors. Usually a reviewer will complete a document ticking off the requirements and listing the missing factors or problems for the editor. Your paper should have something new to say. It should refer to and relate to what has gone before, correctly citing and acknowledging others’ work. If a research paper, the methodology should be clear so that any conclusions can be assessed and validated. The paper has to communicate well – employ a clear structure, use sensible headings to break up the text, avoid undue repetition, use short rather than long involved sentences, spell out acronyms in the first instance and don’t include illustrations and appendices, etc. unless they are essential for meaning. A reviewer’s time is given freely and is precious – they don’t want to waste time trying to understand what someone is nearly but not quite saying. They also don’t want to read something that is twice as long as it need be. You don’t get extra brownie points for spinning it out!! Everyone already has too much to read. Be logical in your discussion. Let it be clear how you are building up your case. Try to include the “so what” factors. For example, what might your work mean to the systems engineer? What are the implications for future research? References should be complete, accurate, recent and relevant. You need to demonstrate that you have taken on board all the recent work in the field. And last but by no means least (and repeating what I have already said) you must be absolutely sure your paper fits within the journal’s editorial scope and objectives.

40 自我评审 仔细检查文章,不要有拼写错误和不完整的参考文献。没有万无一失的拼写检查工具。
让其他人来阅读你的文章——将你的文稿送给一个或几个朋友、同事或其他人,征求他们对文章的意见、建议和批评。 SLIDE 11 (essentials of a research paper) We categorise papers by type. For example we talk about case studies, research papers, view points, theoretical or discursive papers, etc. but today I am concentrating on research papers – those that arise from original research. To ensure that a research paper meets most of the editors’ and reviewers’ requirements listed in the last slide it’s important that all this information is clearly spelled out: tell them why you wrote the paper, what is new about it. Tell them what you set out to do. Outline the methodology used for collecting the data – why you chose that method and how it worked. Include questionnaires, detailed data collection, etc. as Appendices so that it’s there if needed but isn’t part of the main text. It’s important to identify any research limitations. The fact that something didn’t work out quite as expected, didn’t give the anticipated result or was based on a limited sample is very important. Double check that you have read all the pertinent literature and have referred to it correctly. Be careful not to use someone else’s words as your own. Plagiarism is a growing concern for both academia and the publishing industry. We all use, or are considering using, plagiarism detection software now (in fact Emerald was the first international publisher to make all its content freely available to an anti-Plagiarism company – i-Thenticate, who run turnitin.com in the UK). Take great pains with your referencing – ensure you have provided all the detail so that a source can be located, use a recognized style and do include all of them. The findings and discussion should clearly lead to sound conclusions.

41 如何修改你的文章 联系编辑,明确修改的期限 如果对评审意见有疑问,要同编辑确认你的理解是否正确
征求同事或合作者的意见,对要求修改的部分进行完善 保证在规定时间内完成修改 在修改稿前附一封信,逐条说明修改结果,如果没有修改也要说明理由 SLIDE 14 (your peer review) Another useful step prior to publication is to conduct your own peer review. Let others see your work or give it to someone who is not a subject expert and see how it reads. Ask for honest criticism and try to accept what is said, even if it is not what you want to hear. After all, the end result will be a far superior paper. We are always TOO close to our own work to see its failings. Our sub-editors and proof-readers NEVER receive a perfect paper. You will look at your paper over and over again but there will be an error that will elude you. Yet the guy in the next desk will spot it straight away. Check your figures – do they add up, include a note if you have rounded them up. Read and re-read your paper for typos – at the very least run your paper through a computer spell-checker but don’t rely on it. Shamefacedly, I admit that we published a book review a few years ago which contained the author’s affiliation as “Leads Metropolitan University”. The author used a spell checker and so do we!

42 tips 了解期刊运作流程 了解文章发表流程:出版周期:3个月至1年 了解目标期刊和格式要求:从期刊主页获得详细信息: 多和主编沟通
被拒绝后不气馁,改投 请勿重复投稿,投稿时找到联系人 避免中式思维,要注意方法论、论据对论点的支持等 Title:具体化,一眼看出文章主旨 摘要要求:结构性摘要:(目的、方法论、结论、研究局限性、实践应用性、原创性) 文章归类:案例型、研究型、观点型、技术型、概念型、文献综述 、一般评论 撰写正文前,可先向主编提交大纲或摘要,节省双方时间 修改时要附说明:逐条说明修改结果 ……

43 文章格式要求——摘要 • 4—6个标题: 1. Purpose 2. Design/methodology/approach 3. Findings 4. Research limitations/implications (如果适用的话) 5. Practical implications(如果适用的话) 6.originality/value • 简洁清晰,不超过250单词 • 最多不超过6 个关键词 • 文章归类: 1.Research Paper View Point 3.Technical Paper 4.Conceptual Paper 5. Case Study 6.Literature Review 7.General Review

44 文章格式要求 ——图形、图像、表格格式 在电子格式和原稿中,所有的图形(图表、图解和线图)和图像(摄影图像)都要单独提交,用阿拉伯数字进行编号,要有简短的标题。 图形格式:MS Word, MS PowerPoint,MS,Excel, .pdf, .ai, .wmf, .eps, 插图或者手绘 如果图像(摄影图像)不能以上述格式提供,那么要确保它们 是:.tif,.jpeg,.bmp。分辨率dpi至少为300,宽度至少要10厘米。 数码相机应尽可能的设定最高分辨率或最高的图像质量。 表格应该是写入的,是文稿的一部分,不应该作为图表提交。表格应该用独立的罗马数字进行编号,要有简短的标题。

45 参考文献格式要求——哈佛格式 • 文中引用: • 专著:名,姓的首字母缩写,(年份),书名,出版社,出版地。如:
• 文中引用: 一位作者,如:(Adams, 2006) 两位作者,如:(Adams and Brown, 2006) 三位以上,如:(Adams et al., 2006) • 专著:名,姓的首字母缩写,(年份),书名,出版社,出版地。如: Harrow, R. (2005), No Place to Hide, Simon & Schuster, New York, NY. • 书中的章节:作者名,姓的首字母缩写,(年份),“章节名”,编者名,姓首字母缩写, 书名,出版社,出版地,页码。如:Calabrese, F.A. (2005), "The early pathways: theory to practice –a continuum", in Stankosky, M. (Ed.), Creating the Discipline of Knowledge Management, Elsevier, New York, NY, pp • 期刊文章:名,姓的首字母缩写,(年份),“文章名”,期刊全名,卷次,期次,页码。 如:Capizzi, M.T. and Ferguson, R. (2005), "Loyalty trends for the twenty-first century", Journal of Consumer Marketing, Vol. 22 No. 2, pp • 电子资源:如果在线可用,在参考文献的最后应该列出全部有效URL地址,如: Neuman, B.C.(1995), "Security, payment, and privacy for network commerce", IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Vol. 13 No.8, October, pp Available (IEEE SEPTEMBER)

46 Imagery… Special collection you worth to have…

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