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1 本月推荐产品

2 By USANA Health Sciences*
Visionex™ 视力宝 * This presentation has been through a rigorous regulatory review. Please do not make any changes to this presentation. Any changes requires the removal of the USANA logo and a clear note indicating that these are no longer corporate materials. Introduce yourself and explain that you are not a health professional, if relevant. Leave questions to the end, if you can. *该文件经过了监管部门的严格审查。请勿擅自修改。若该文件中的USANA商标和备注有任何删除更改,该文件将不再作为公司材料。 自我介绍。如果您不是健康专业人士,尽可能在演讲后期解释清楚。  By USANA Health Sciences*

3 Introduction 介绍 Visionex ™ is USANA’s product for the Eyes. It contains a unique and comprehensive formulation People wanting to maintain healthy eyes and vision will benefit from taking Visionex USANA has science-based cellular nutrition products considered best in the world 视力宝是USANA的眼保健品,配方全面,成分独特 希望维持视力健康之人,可通过食用视力宝受益 USANA拥有以细胞营养科学为基础的世界一流产品

4 Training Outline 培训纲要 Managing Eye Health
How to prevent damage to your eyes Age Related Damage Ageing and Macular Degeneration Nutrition & Visionex™ Potent antioxidants 维持眼睛健康 如何防止眼睛伤害 与年龄有关的眼睛伤害 老龄与黄斑变性 营养和视力宝 强效抗氧化剂 Tell the audience what you are going to be touching on today. 告诉听众今天所讲的内容。

5 1. Managing Eye Health: Objectives 维护眼睛健康:目标
To highlight the causes of degeneration of vision and eye health To share precautionary measures for protecting the eyes 强调视力退化的原因和眼睛健康 分享保护眼睛的预防措施 Tip: Add your own speaker notes here. 在此加入自己的讲稿

6 Eye Structure 眼睛的结构 Add text here.
正常的眼睛 Add text here. To add a picture, chart, or other content in the right column, click the appropriate icon. To add a slide, click the Slides tab, then click the New Slide gallery. 角膜 视网膜 瞳孔 Eye Structure When you look at something, what you see are the patterns of light that strike the retina, a light-sensitive layer of cells at the back of your eye. The macula is an area in the centre of the retina and this is the area where the light rays are most highly focussed and visual sharpness is greatest. The central portion of the retina contains a yellow pigment called the macula pigment. This pigment helps protect the sensitive cells from the harmful effects of blue light in sunlight. See also the cornea, pupil, iris, lens and optic nerve. 眼睛的结构 当你看物体时,你所看到的是该物体落在视网膜上的光模式。视网膜位于眼睛后部的光敏感的细胞层。黄斑位于视网膜后极部,是光线高度集中,视觉最清晰的部位。视网膜中心含有一 种黄色色素,称为黄斑色素。该色素有助于保护敏感的细胞抵御阳光中的蓝光的伤害。 从该结构图上,您还可以看到角膜、瞳孔、虹膜、晶状体和视神经。 视神经 虹膜 晶状体

7 Protecting your Eyes 保护眼睛
Shield with shades! 遮光! Screen time and downtime 调整看视频的时间 Shield with shades! Whatever time of year, whenever it’s sunny, protect your eyes from intense sunlight. Too much sun exposure damages the delicate tissues and has also been linked with development of cataracts (clouding of the lens which affects vision). Choose good quality sunglasses which filter blue light and have 100 per cent UV protection. Screen time and downtime If you spend long hours working in front of a computer screen (or if leisure time means screen time) be sure to take regular breaks. Even focusing on an object in the distance can help to reduce eye strain. 遮光! 一年四季,无论是天晴还是天阴,都该保护眼睛,以抵抗强烈阳光对眼睛的侵蚀。过多的阳光照射会伤害娇嫩的眼睛组织,而且与患白内障有关(晶状体混浊会影响视力)。选择优质,可过滤蓝色光,并可100%抵挡紫外线的墨镜。 调整看视频的时间 如果您长时间在电脑前工作(或在闲暇时观视频),请定时休息,看看远处,可帮助缓轻眼睛疲劳。

8 Protecting your Eyes 保护眼睛
Minimise your exposure to smoke and other pollutants 减少接触烟雾和 其它污染 Don’t smoke The noxious mix of chemicals in cigarette smoke increases free radicals and robs the blood vessels of oxygen. Cigarette smoke appears to interfere with the absorption of lutein (pronounced loo-teen), a plant pigment which protects the retina from damage caused by ultraviolet light. If you smoke, you are more likely to have low levels of lutein and this may increase your risk of age-related macular degeneration (AMD). The macula is the central point of the retina that is responsible for focused vision. Plus, the heavy metals in tobacco smoke can accumulate in the lens with direct toxic effects that may contribute to cataract formation. JM Seddon et al. Association between C-reactive protein and age-related macular degeneration. JAMA : Accessed 10 February Available from: Feeling good. Looking great. A guide to how a healthy lifestyle can help prevent sight loss. Royal National Institute for the Blind. Accessed 10 February Available from: 不吸烟 香烟烟雾中的混合有毒化学物质会增加自由基,并且会与血管争夺氧气。香烟烟雾似乎会干扰叶黄素的吸收,叶黄素是一种植物色素,可保护视网膜,以抵御紫外线的侵蚀。如果你吸烟,您的叶黄素水平很可能会偏低,并且可能会增加患与年龄相关的黄斑变性(AMD)的风险。黄斑位于视网膜负中心,负责集中视力。此外,烟草烟雾中的重金属会积聚在晶状体上,有直接的毒性,可能会导致患白内障。 参考资料: JM Seddon et al. Association between C-reactive protein and age-related macular degeneration. JAMA : Accessed 10 February Available from:

9 Managing Eye Health: Wrap-up 维护眼睛健康:总结
The eyes are a delicate system with an intricate micro-circulation Some eye damage is preventable so take good care of your eyes 眼睛是一个微妙的系统,拥有错综复杂的微循环 有些眼睛伤害是可避免的,呵护您的眼睛吧

10 2. Age Related Damage to the Eyes: objectives 与年龄有关的眼睛损伤:目的
To show the correlation between ageing and eye damage To highlight the major causes of blindness To demonstrate the role of antioxidants in eye health 表明老龄与眼睛损伤的相关性 突出失明的主要原因 证明抗氧化剂对眼睛健康的作用 Tip: Add your own speaker notes here. 在此加入自己的讲稿

11 Ageing of the Eye 眼睛老化过程
Ageing causes changes to the eye Cataract and macular degeneration - the biggest causes of blindness in over 65s Oxidative stress and poor circulation a possible cause 老龄导致视力变化 白内障和黄斑变性 - 65岁以上人士失明的主要原因 其它可能原因:氧化应激 和循环不良 Ageing Ageing causes many body changes including changes to the eye. After cataracts, age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the second biggest cause of vision loss in the over 65s in Australasia. Macular degeneration is painless; the affected person sees dark or blurry areas in the centre of vision while peripheral vision (sight around the outside) may remain clear. Central vision is essential for daily living tasks such as driving, reading and recognition so AMD can result in some major lifestyle challenges. AMD can be treated but currently, there is no cure. Australian Government. Final report – risk factors for eye disease and injury. Visual impairment and blindness in Australia. Last modified 1 December Accessed 10 February Available from: 老龄 老龄会导致许多身体变化,包括眼睛。 在大洋洲的65岁以上的人群中,老年性黄斑变性(AMD)是导致失明的第二大原因,仅次于白内障。黄斑变性是没有疼痛的疾病,患者的中心视觉黑暗或模糊,而周边视觉(外周围的视线)可能会仍保清晰。 中心视觉是日常生活中必不可少的一部分,如驾驶、阅读和识别等等,因此AMD会给患者生活带来一些挑战。AMD可以治疗,但目前不能痊愈。 参考资料: Australian Government. Final report – risk factors for eye disease and injury. Visual impairment and blindness in Australia. Last modified 1 December Accessed 10 February Available from:

12 Oxidative Stress 氧化应激 Free radicals are normal
But are also introduced by toxins like alcohol, pollution and pesticides They can cause harmful chemical reactions and damage cells They make your body and face age quicker 自由基是人体的正常产物 同时也是酒精、污染和农药引进的产物 可能会导致有害的化学反应并损伤细胞 加速人体和面容的老化进程 What are free radicals? The Free radicals are highly reactive unstable atoms generated in our body that can damage cells then organs and tissues leading to a number of diseases and ageing. Free radicals are produced as a by product of normal body processeses for example when the body turns food into energy. They can also be introduced by toxins such as pesticides, cigarette smoking, alcohol, pollution and others. Free radical damage in the body is called oxidative stress. Oxidative stress can be accelerated by stress, excessive exercise and sunburn, and other factors. 什么是自由基? 自由基是人体内产生的高度活跃的不稳定原子,会破坏细胞,从而导致一些疾病,并器官和组织的衰老。 自由基是人体将食物转换成能量过程中的一种产物。农药,香烟,酒精,污染等毒素也会令身体产生自由基。 自由基在身体内的破坏被称为氧化应激。压力、过度锻炼和晒伤等因素都会加速氧化应激。

13 Antioxidants 抗氧化剂 抗氧化剂可清除自由基 帮助保持眼睛健康,以预防眼睛伤害和眼疾病 抗氧化剂存在于水果、素菜和天然食物中
Mop up free radicals Help support the eyes and prevent damage that may lead to disease Found in fruits, vegetables and other natural foods 抗氧化剂可清除自由基 帮助保持眼睛健康,以预防眼睛伤害和眼疾病 抗氧化剂存在于水果、素菜和天然食物中 What are antioxidants? Antioxidants scavenge molecules in the body known as free radicals, which damage cell membranes, tamper with DNA, and even cause cell death. Antioxidants can fight free radicals and may reduce or even help prevent some of the damage they cause. The body can cope with some free radicals,However, an overload of them has been linked to certain diseases, including heart disease, liver disease and some cancers. Are found in a natural, healthy diet. 什么是抗氧化剂? 自由基是与人体内的抗氧化剂作对的分子,会破坏细胞膜,更改DNA,甚至导致细胞死亡。抗氧化剂可以对抗自由基并且可以减少,甚至抵御自由基对人体的侵蚀。 人体本身可以有效地应付一些自由基,然而,超量的自由基与某些疾病有相关联系,包括心脏疾病,肝脏疾病和某些癌症。 抗氧化剂存在于天然,健康饮食中。

14 Age Related Damage to the Eyes : Wrap-up 与年龄相关的眼睛伤害:总结
A healthy diet may help slow down the affects of ageing on the eyes Age related eye health, particularly macular health could benefit from a formulation specific for the eyes 健康饮食可能有助于减缓眼睛老化 与年龄相关的眼睛健康问题,尤其是眼睛黄斑可能会受益于补充护眼保健品

15 3. Nutrition & Visionex™: Objectives 营养和视力宝:目的
To learn how to be proactive with regard to eye health To show how food and nutrition can help maintain eye health To highlight USANA’s eye product - Visionex ™ 学会积极注重眼保健 如何通过食物和营养,帮助维持眼睛健康 重点介绍USANA的眼保健品 – 视力宝 Tip: Add your own speaker notes here. 在此加入自己的讲稿

16 Nourish Yourself 滋养自己 Healthy eating can protect your eyes
Eating oily fish and eggs is beneficial Eat at least 2 fruit and 5 veg daily Nourish Yourself On the plus side, healthy eating can help to protect your eyes as well as your general health. Eating fish high in omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon, fresh tuna, and sardines has also been shown to benefit eye health. One Australian study of nearly 3,000 people aged 49 or older found that those who ate at least one serve of oily fish each week were 40 per cent less likely to develop early-stage AMD compared with people who ate it less often or not at all. People who ate fish at least three times weekly were also less likely to have late-stage AMD. Eggs are also a good choice – they contain a highly bio-available from of lutein. Opt for plenty of fruit and vegetables which are rich in many antioxidant vitamins, minerals and plant pigments that can help to combat the effects of free radical damage and help to keep your eyes healthy. Chua, B. et, al. (2006). Dietary Fatty Acids and the 5-Year Incidence of Age-Related Maculopathy. Archives of Ophthalmology; Vol. 124: pp Accessed 13 February Available from: Where Do Eggs Fit in a Heart-Healthy Diet?: Egg Carotenoids and Eye Health? Am J Lifestyle Med. 2009;3(4): Accessed 13 February Available from: 滋养自 己 健康饮食不仅有助保护眼睛,同时还有益于整体健康。有证明显示,食用鲑鱼、新鲜金枪鱼、沙丁鱼等奥米加-3脂肪酸丰富的鱼有益眼睛健康。澳大利亚对将近3000名49岁以上的人群进行了一项调查,结果显示,占40%的人每周至少都食用一份高脂肪鱼,他们患早期AMD的风险低于那些少吃或不吃高脂肪鱼的人。每周至少都食用三次鱼的人患晚期AMD的可能性较低。鸡蛋也是一个良好的选择,鸡蛋含丰富的高生物利用度的叶黄素。 选择食用大量的水 果和蔬菜,这些食物含丰富的抗氧化剂、维生素,矿物质和植物色素, 可以帮助抵御自由基的侵蚀,并有助保持眼睛健康。 参考资料: Chua, B. et, al. (2006). Dietary Fatty Acids and the 5-Year Incidence of Age-Related Maculopathy. Archives of Ophthalmology; Vol. 124: pp Accessed 13 February Available from: 健康的饮食可保护眼睛 食用高脂肪鱼和鸡蛋对健康有益 每天至少食用两份水果和五份蔬菜

17 Antioxidants for Eye Health 呵护眼睛的抗氧化剂
Lutein and zeaxanthin for eye health 叶黄素和玉米黄质 – 呵护眼睛 Antioxidants for Eyes As well as the antioxidant vitamins and minerals, many studies are examining the potentially protective factors of two plant chemicals, lutein and zeaxanthin (pronounced zay-a-zan-thin). Some experts believe they play a major role in eye health. 用抗氧化剂保护眼睛 与抗氧化剂、维生素和矿物质一样。叶黄素和玉米黄质,这两种具有潜在保护因素的植物的功效也得到了多项研究的验证。有些专家认为,它们在眼睛健康中具有重要作用。

18 Lutein and Zeaxanthin : The Power Pigments 叶黄素和玉米黄质: 强大的色素
Concentrated in the eyes Filters damaging blue light Both found in orange, red and green fruit and vegetables More about lutein and zeaxanthin Both lutein and zeaxanthin are concentrated in your eyes. Here, they absorb potentially-damaging blue light and mop up (neutralise) free radicals relieving oxidative stress (this is damage that occurs when free radicals challenge the ability of the body’s natural antioxidant defence systems to neutralise free radicals before they cause damage). Lutein is a carotenoid (orange-coloured pigment). It protects by filtering high energy blue light and its antioxidant activities allow it to scavenge and neutralise light-induced free radicals. Zeaxanthin is a yellow carotenoid and it is a modified form of lutein. You’ll find both lutein and zeaxanthin in fruit and vegetables. Yellow and orange capsicums, leafy vegetables like kale, cabbage and spinach, mango, blueberries and citrus fruits like oranges. In addition, these foods also contain the antioxidant vitamins A, C and E so fruits and veggies are a powerhouse of protection! 更多了解叶黄素和玉米黄质 叶黄素和玉米黄质都高度集中在眼部。在此,它们吸收含有潜在破坏作用的蓝光并清除(中和)自由基,舒缓氧化应激(这是自由基向人体的抗氧化防御系统发出挑战时给人体造成的伤害,叶黄素和玉米黄质可在自由基造成损害之前瓦解它们)。 叶黄素是一种类胡萝卜素(橙色色素)。它通过过滤高能量的蓝光保护眼睛。叶黄素具有抗氧化活性,可以清除和中和自由基。玉米黄质为一种黄色的类胡萝卜素,是另一形态的叶黄素。 叶黄素和玉米黄质存在于水果和蔬菜中。黄色和橙色的柿子椒,叶状蔬菜如甘蓝、白菜、菠菜,芒果,蓝 莓,橙子等柑橘类水果都含叶黄素和玉米黄质。此外,这些食物还含有抗氧化剂、维生素A,C和E,因此具有强大的保护力! 集中在眼部 过滤蓝光,抵御伤害 两种营养素皆存在于橙子,红色和绿色的水果与蔬菜中

19 Lutein: are you getting enough? 叶黄素:您摄取的是否足够?
Lutein-zeaxanthin containing vegetables and fruit* Kale Collard greens Spinach Celery Onions (raw) Broccoli (raw) Leaf lettuce Green peas Pumpkin Brussels sprouts Sweet corn Yellow pepper (raw) Squash Green beans Green Capsicum Cucumber pickle Green olives Prunes Raisins Blueberries Lutein: Are you getting enough Experts agree that if you eat a healthy, mixed diet that contains plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, you should be able to get sufficient lutein and zeaxanthin. But according to the UK not-for-profit organisation Sight Support, ‘We need 6-10mg (lutein) a day. It is estimated that the average western diet contains only 2-3mg per day, which means most of us lack lutein in our food.’ Do you eat the recommended two and five daily serves of fruit and veggies daily? Check your intake by logging onto: Another study showed that lutein supplementation of 15mg every three days significantly improved visual sharpness and glare sensitivity in older people. Plus, patients given lutein had improved macular function. Sight Support. Preventing sight loss. Accessed 10 February Available from: Table courtesy of the Macular Disease Society 叶黄素:您摄取的是否足够? 专家们公认,如果健康饮食,并食用大量新鲜水果和蔬菜,您应该能够得到足够的叶黄素和玉米黄质。 然而,据英国的一个非营利组织Sight Support报道,“我们每天需要6-10毫克(叶黄素)。据估计,西方饮食中平均每天仅含2 - 3毫克,这意味着我们大多数人的食物中都缺乏叶黄素。”您是否按照建议,每天食用2-5份水果和蔬菜呢?登录 abouthowtake,查看您的建议摄入量吧。 另一项研究表明,每三天摄入15毫克叶黄素补充品可显著改善老年人视觉清晰度和眩光敏感度。此外,补充叶黄素的患者,其黄斑功能也都得到了改善。 Sight Support. Preventing sight loss. Accessed 10 February Available from: ‘We need 6-10mg (lutein) a day. It is estimated that the average western diet contains only 2-3mg per day, which means most of us lack lutein in our food.’

20 Nutritional Supplements 营养补充品
“If your diet is deficient in fresh fruit and vegetables, a lutein supplement should be considered” Macular Degeneration Society “如果您的饮食中缺乏新鲜水果和蔬菜,应考虑补充叶黄素。” 黄斑变性协会 Although supplements aren’t an alternative to a healthy diet, they may be a good idea for people who don't eat a healthy mixed diet. The Australian organisation, the Macular Degeneration Foundation Australia says, ‘Lutein has been shown to be protective of MD. If your diet is deficient in fresh fruit and vegetables, a lutein supplement should be considered.’ Background and for more information: Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists. Macular Denegation Foundation. Macular Degeneration Foundation. Frequently asked questions. Accessed 10 February Available from: 尽管营养补充品不可替代健康的饮食,但却为没有全面健康饮食的人们提供了一个最佳选择。澳大利亚的黄斑变性基金会说,“经证明叶黄素可以保护MD。如果您的饮食中缺乏新鲜水果和蔬菜,您应该考虑补充叶黄素。” 资料信息:

21 Visionex™ 视力宝 每粒视力宝含5克叶黄素,1克玉米黄质 有助长期维持眼睛健康 提供抗氧化剂,以抵御自由基对视网膜的侵蚀
Contains 5mg lutein and 1mg zeaxanthin per tablet Aids long term eye health Provides antioxidants to defend against free radical damage to the retina 每粒视力宝含5克叶黄素,1克玉米黄质 有助长期维持眼睛健康 提供抗氧化剂,以抵御自由基对视网膜的侵蚀 USANA's VisionexTM is a comprehensive formula designed to promote healthy eyes and acute vision. It contains two of the most powerful free-radical fighting antioxidants; lutein and zeaxanthin. It contains a unique and comprehensive formulation of ingredients. VisionexTM is formulated to support long-term eye health especially when taken in combination with preventive measures against exposure to the eyes to harmful environmental influence. VisionexTM Supports healthy eye function and acute vision Aids long-term eye health Helps in the maintenance of macular health Provides antioxidants to defend against free radical damage to the retina Guaranteed levels of lutein and zeaxanthin Vitamin C, bilberry extract and zinc for additional support in the maintenance of healthy eyes. USANA视力宝是专门为维护健康的眼睛和敏锐的视力而设计的全面配方,它含有两种强大抗氧化剂叶黄素和玉米黄质,以抵御自由基,其配方全面,成分独特。 视力宝配方有助长期维护眼睛健康,结合其他预防措施,可有效地抵御强烈阳光和不良环境对眼睛的伤害。 视力宝 支持健康的眼睛功能和明锐的视力 有助长期维护眼睛健康 有助于保持黄斑健康 为视网膜提供抗氧化剂,以抵御自由基的侵蚀 保证叶黄素和玉米黄质含量 含维生素C、越橘精华和锌,对眼睛健康提供额外的保护

22 Visionex™ 视力宝 Lutein Zeaxanthin Vitamin C Zinc Bilberry 叶黄素 玉米黄质 维生素C
越橘 VisionexTM : Contains: Lutein & Zeaxanthin which we’ve already discussed Vitamin C for additional antioxidant protection especially to the lens of the eye, where the concentration of Vit C in the lens is 20 times that found in the blood Zinc – appears to provide an additive effect to the antioxidants in promoting good visual acuity Bilberry - The bilberry fruit is rich in antioxidants and has been show to help maintain healthy capillaries including those in the eye* *Colantuoni, A et al. Effects of Vaccinium myrtullus anthocyanosides on arterial vasomtion. Arzneinmittelforschung. 41: 视力宝含: 叶黄素和玉米黄质(我们已经讨论过了) 维生素C对眼睛提供额外的抗氧化保护,对眼睛的晶状体更为有效,晶状体中的维生素C含量是血液中含量的20倍 锌 – 似乎可辅助抗氧化剂,促进良好的视力 越橘 – 越橘果含丰富的抗氧化剂,经证明,可助维持健康的毛细血管,包括眼部的毛细血管* 参考资料

23 Also found in… 以下产品也叶黄素
Lutein and Bilberry are also found in the Essentials. Lutein is also found in BodyRox. 基本营养素也含有叶黄素和越橘 青少年营养素也含有叶黄素

24 Nutrition & Visionex™: Wrap Up 营养和视力宝:总结
Be Wise! Get your eyes checked, eat well and add nutrients for the eyes to your dietary intake Take Visionex™ twice a day for healthy eyes 明智行动!定期检查眼睛,健康饮食并在饮食中为眼睛添加营养素 每天两次食用视力宝,呵护眼睛

25 Summary of Training 培训总结
Be proactive and take care of your eyes for good vision Improve and protect your vision with healthy food choices and with Visionex™ For more information: USANAtoday,USANA.com, USANA Product Information Booklet 积极呵护眼睛,保持视力健康 用健康食品和视力宝,改善和保护视力 更多信息途径:USANAtoday,USANA.com, USANA产品说明

26 References 参考文献 JM Seddon et al. Association between C-reactive protein and age-related macular degeneration. JAMA : Accessed 10 February Available from: Feeling good. Looking great. A guide to how a healthy lifestyle can help prevent sight loss. Royal National Institute for the Blind. Accessed 10 February Available from: Australian Government. Final report – risk factors for eye disease and injury. Visual impairment and blindness in Australia. Last modified 1 December Accessed 10 February Available from: Macular Degeneration Foundation Australia. Frequently Asked Questions. Accessed 10 February Available from:

27 References continued… 参考文献续…
B Olmedilla et al. Lutein, but not alpha-tocopherol, supplementation improves visual function in patients with age-related cataracts: a 2-y double-blind placebo controlled pilot study. Nutrition : Accessed 10 February Available from: Chua, B. et, al. (2006). Dietary Fatty Acids and the 5-Year Incidence of Age-Related Maculopathy. Archives of Ophthalmology; Vol. 124: pp Accessed 13 February Available from: Where Do Eggs Fit in a Heart-Healthy Diet?: Egg Carotenoids and Eye Health? Am J Lifestyle Med. 2009;3(4): Accessed 13 February Available from: The Macular Disease Society. Nutrition and the Eye. Accessed 10 February Available from: Sight Support. Preventing sight loss. Accessed 10 February Available from: Macular Degeneration Foundation. Frequently asked questions. Accessed 10 February Available from:

28 Thank you 感谢您

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