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第 六 课.

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1 第 六 课

2 A little bit of revision

3 Vocabulary 东 – east 西 – west 南 – south 北 – north 中 -- middle 上 ﹣up ⬆️
下﹣down ⬇️ 左﹣left ⬅️ 右﹣right → 东 – east 西 – west 南 – south 北 – north 中 -- middle

4 Directions běi 西北 东北 西 zhōng dōng nán 东南 西南

5 Direction dōng nán xī běi zhōng bù 东 南 西 北 中 部
东 南 西 北 中 部 East South West North Middle part dōng bù nán bù xī bù běi bù zhōng bù 东 部 南 部 西 部 北 部 中 部 East part South part West part North part Middle part wǒ lái zì dōng bù / nán bù / xī bù / běi bù / zhōng bù 我 来 自 Melbourne 东 部 / 南 部 / 西 部 / 北 部 / 中 部 Lit. I from Melbourne East part/ South part/ West part/ North part/ Middle part.

6 Sentence 请问我该怎么去这个地方? (Please tell me, how can I go to this place?)
左转 / 右转 (Turn left / Turn right) 直走 (go straight)

7 麻将 – Mahjong

8 Test! 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十

9 你好 --hello 再见 – see you 没关系 – it is fine 谢谢 –thanks 不用客气 – you are welcome 对不起 – sorry 这个地方怎么走? -- how can I get this place? 我要去这个地方 – I want to go to this place

10 more simple words to learn
酒店 ———— hotel 吃 -eat 喝- drink 水 – water 喝水 (drink water) 可乐 – cola 筷子 - chopsticks 刀 – knife 叉子 – forl 勺子 – spoon 碗 – bowl 盘子 – plate 米饭 - rice (炒饭 -fried rice) 面条 - noodles (炒面 – fried noodles) 多少 钱? -- how much ?(money) 车 – car 【出租车 – taxi】 飞机 - plane

11 The story about 六 (6) 六六大顺
1、但是六六大順裡面“雙六”的觀念還是來自擲骰子的遊戲。兩個骰 子同時出現六的機會是很小的(1/36)。所以如果能擲出兩個六,就 很特別,以致於被認為是極好運,而日後必然大順 翻成英文是:Double six, great future, 或是 Double six breaks the Jinx. 2、源自《左传》:“君义,臣行,父慈,子孝,兄爱,弟敬,此数 者累谓六顺也。”多祝福中年人士家庭幸福,工作顺利,事业有成 身体健康。

12 成语 idiom (set phrase) 1、There’s no use crying over spilt milk.
覆水难收(“Spilt water is hard to recover.”) 2、The early bird gets the worm. 捷足先登 (“A fast foot is first to climb.”) 3、Misery loves company. 同病相怜(“Patients with similar conditions empathise with each other.”) 4、We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it. 船到桥头自然直 (“The ship will reach the end of the bridge in due course.”) 5、What goes around, comes around. 善有善报,恶有恶报 (“Kind deedspay rich dividends, evil is repaid with evil.”) 种瓜得瓜 (“As you sow amelon, so you shall reap one.”) 种豆得豆(“As you sow a bean,so you shall reap one.”) 6、Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧 (“Experience cangive way to skill.”)

13 a bit more 十一、十二、十三、十四、十五 … 二十 三十 四十 … 一百,千,万,十万,百万,千万,亿
A famous chinese TV show about food !

14 Time Hour-Minute-Second

15 Revision nián yuè rì xīng qī 年 月 日 星 期 Year Month Day Week

16 Hour Minute Second Half Quarter
时 / 点 分 秒 半 刻 shí / diǎn fēn miǎo bàn kè Hour Minute Second Half Quarter

17 Pronunciation

18 Jobs and occupations wǒ shì yì míng wǒ xiǎng dāng 我 是一 名…… 我 想 当……
我 想 当…… I want to be a … wǒ shì yì míng 我 是一 名…… I am a … lǜ shī 律师lawyer fǎ guān 法官judge gōng chéng shī 工程师engineer yī shēng 医生doctor lǎo shī 老师teacher qǐ yè jiā 企业家entrepreneur zuò jiā 作家writer mì shū 秘书secretary

19 b similar to 'b' in 'boat' - softened to approach a 'p' sound p similar to 'p' in 'top' - with more aspiration m same as 'm' in 'mat' f same as 'f' in 'fat' d similar to 'd' in 'down' - softened to approach a 't' sound t similar to 't' in 'top' - with more aspiration n similar to 'n' in 'name' l similar to 'l' in 'look' g similar to 'g' in 'go' - softened to approach a 'k' sound k similar to 'k' in 'kiss' - with more aspiration h similar to 'h' in 'hope' - with a slight rasp as in 'loch' z same as 'ds' in 'woods' c similar to 'ts' in 'bits' s similar to 's' in 'see'

20 zh similar to 'j' in 'jam' ch similar to 'ch' in 'cheap' sh similar to 'sh' in 'ship' j similar to 'j' in 'jeep' - tongue is positioned below lower teeth q similar to 'j' - tongue is positioned below lower teeth, more airflow x similar to 'sh' in 'sheep' - tongue is positioned below lower teeth r say /er/ and then make upper teeth and lower teeth against each other y similar to 'y' in 'yes'

21 a similar to 'ah' in the English 'Ah-hah!'
(w)o /wu/ + 'or' in the English 'bore' e similar to 'er' in the English 'hers' (y)i similar to 'ee' in the English 'bee' (w)u similar to 'oo' in the English 'room' ü say /i/ and round the lips ai similar to the English 'eye' ei similar to 'ei' in the English 'weigh' ui /wu/ + /yi/ ao similar to 'au' in the English 'sauerkraut' ou similar to 'ou' in the English 'dough' iu similar to 'you' ie similar to the English 'Yay!' an similar to 'an' in the English 'fan' en similar to 'un' in the English 'under' ang /a/ + /ng/, sounds like in the English 'sang' eng /e/ + /ng/, sounds like in the English 'sing' ing /yi/ + /ng/ ong similar to /wu/ + /ng/

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