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1. He goes _________(jog) before has breakfast everyday. 2. I’ll wait here until the rain _______ (stop). 3. I'll go on with the work when I ______.

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Presentation on theme: "1. He goes _________(jog) before has breakfast everyday. 2. I’ll wait here until the rain _______ (stop). 3. I'll go on with the work when I ______."— Presentation transcript:




4 1. He goes _________(jog) before has breakfast everyday. 2. I’ll wait here until the rain _______ (stop). 3. I'll go on with the work when I ______ (come) back tomorrow. 一、用所给动词的正确形式填空: jogging stops come

5 4. While he ____________ (read) the letter, he heard a knock at the door. 5. It is nearly two years since I _______ (come) here. 6. Tom will go to play football as soon as he _______ (finish) his homework tomorrow afternoon. was reading came finishes

6 1. 暴风雨停止之后,太阳出来了。 The sun _____________ the storm stopped. 2. 春天到来时,白天变长了。 The days get longer _____ spring ______. 3. 当男孩们踢足球时,下雨了。 _______ the boys ______________ football, it rained. 二、翻译: came out after when comes While were playing

7 4. 他们从小学起一直是好朋友。 They have been friends ________ they _______ in primary school. 5. 直到完成作业我才上床睡觉。 I did not go to bed _______ I ________ my homework. 6. 我一到加拿大,就给你打电话。 ___________ I arrive in Canada, I __________ you up. since were untilfinished As soon as will ring

8 World War II broke out in Europe in 1939 and ended in 1945. 爆发

9 It is a symbol of the victory of World War II. n. 象征 n. 胜利

10 The Harm of Would War II


12 安妮 · 弗兰克 , (1929 年 6 月 12 日~ 1945 年 3 月 9 日 ) ,生于德国法兰克福的犹太人女孩,二战犹 太人大屠杀中最著名的受害者之一,享年 15 岁。 安妮用 13 岁生日礼物日记本记录下了从 1942 年 6 月 12 日到 1944 年 8 月 1 日安妮亲历二战的《安 妮日记》,成为了第二次世界大战期间纳粹德 国灭绝犹太人的著名见证,安妮一家被捕后, 日记被梅普 · 吉斯发现并保存下来,二战之后的 1952 年再次出版为《安妮日记》,成为全世界 发行量最大的图书之一 ,有多国语言的翻译版 本,很多戏剧和电影都是以此为基础。

13 A1 Millie is listening to a radio programme about a book and World War II. Listen to the first part of the programme and help Millie fill in the missing words.

14 World War II broke out in Europe in 1939 and ended in 1945. Life changed for everybody, including women and (1)____________ because of the war. About (2)_____________ people lost their lives during the war. children 72 million

15 The Diary of a Young Girl was written by a girl named Anne Frank. It was first published in (3)_______ and has been translated into (4)_____ languages since then. The diary has been read by people all over the world. It was a record of that time, and it has also become a symbol of the victory of the human spirit. 1947 67

16 1.Who wrote the book The Diary of a Young Girl? 2. When was the book first published? 3. How many languages has the book been translated into? Anne Frank. In 1947. Answer the questions according to A1. 67.

17 4. Why is the book so important? It was a record of that time, and it has also become a symbol of the victory of the human spirit.

18 A2 Listen to the second part of the programme and help Millie complete the timeline about Anne Frank.

19 Anne Frank Jun. 1929: born in (1) __________, a Jew Jul. 1942: they went into hiding in her father’s (2)____________ Aug. 1944: they were caught and sent to a Nazi camp Jan. 1945: her (3) _________ died Mar. 1945: Anne and her elder (4) _______ died of illness 1947: her (5) ________ had her diary published Germany office mother sister father

20 A3 Millie wants to tell her classmates about the programme. Help her complete the article with the information. The Diary of a Young Girl was written by a girl named Anne Frank. Anne Frank was born in (1)__________ in 1929. She was a Jew. Germany

21 Because the German Nazis hated the (2) _____ and wanted to kill them, her family were forced to move to another country. In (3)_________, they went into hiding in a secret place in her father’s (4) _______. During that difficult time. Anne kept writing in her diary until they were discovered by the Nazis in (5) __________. They were caught and sent to a Nazi camp. Jews July 1942 office August 1944

22 Her (6)________ died a few months later. She and her elder sister died of (7) _______ in 1945, before the war ended. After the war, her father collected her diary and had it published in (8) ______. It has been translated into (9) _____ languages since then. Her diary was a record of that time. In her diary, Anne wrote down her thoughts, her feelings, her hopes and her dreams for the future. mother illness 1974 67

23 1. World War II broke out in Europe in 1939 and ended in 1945. break out 意为 “ 突然发生;爆发 ” ,常指 战争、灾难、疾病或者争吵等事件的 发生。 e.g. The big fire broke out during the night. 那场大火晚上发生的。

24 break 的短语: break the rule 违反规则; break off 突然中止;中断; break down 停止运转;出故障 break up 打碎,分裂 break into 闯入,破门而入

25 2. It has also become a symbol of the victory of the human spirit. symbol n. 象征 become a symbol of the victory 成为胜利的标志

26 3. She and her elder sister died of illness in 1945. die of / from… 死于 …… e.g. More and more people die of/ from cancer. 越来越多的人死于癌症。 die 的短语: die out 灭绝;逐渐消失 die off 相继死亡

27 4. After the war, her father collected her diary and had it published in 1947. have sth. done 使 / 让某事被完成 e.g. I had my hair cut last Saturday. 我上周六理了发。 I will have my bicycle repaired tomorrow. 明天我想请人把自行车修一下。


29 We hope war never happens again. But to some country, only war can stop war!

30 Millie and Simon are talking about World War II. Work in groups and discuss what you know about it.

31 1.What book has Simon read? 2. Is A Small Free Kiss in the Dark also about children in the war? 3. The children couldn’t enjoy a happy life, could they? 4. Do all children in the world live a happy life now? I Am David. Yes, it is. No, they couldn’t. No.

32 1. How old was the boy in the book I Am David? 2. What is the story about? Read the conversation and answer the questions. He was 12 years old. It is about the boy’s journey to Copenhagen after he got away from a Nazi Camp.

33 3. What is the story A Small Free Kiss in the Dark talk about? 4. What does Simon admire? 5. What does Millie hope? It is about a young homeless boy and how he survived the war with his friends. He admires those children for their courage. She hopes war never happens again.

34 Make the conversation to talk about the war. Here are some useful words and expressions. treasure destroy awful scary lose disabled society horrible terrible orphan rob of go backwards no development

35 What happened to …? Do you know anything about the war? How did …feel? What was it like at that time? It was lucky / unlucky for …to… …was lucky / unlucky to… How …it was / the life was! What a …life! I just can’t imagine that…

36 1. … his journey to Copenhagen after he got away from a Nazi camp. get away from … 逃离 …… e.g. The thieves got away from the shop with all our money. 小偷拿走了我们所有的钱逃离了 商店。

37 2. … how he survived the war with his friends. survive v. 幸存,生存 e.g. The baby survived the earthquake because of his mother’s protection. 那个婴儿由于他母亲的保护在地震 中存活了下来。

38 3. I admire these children for their courage. admire vt. 钦佩;羡慕 admire sb. for sth. 因某事钦佩某人 e.g. I admire them for their hard- working spirit. 我非常钦佩他们的苦干精神。

39 courage n. 勇气 e.g. It takes courage to do that. 做那件事需要勇气。

40 Homework Remember the new words and expression in this lesson and preview the next lesson.

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